
Scientology Quotes

There are 356 quotes

"Many people, including me, all of us here, believe [Scientology] leads to brainwashing."
"Children even lose contact with their parents, and if you have generations of family in Scientology and you were raised in the church and you decide to leave, that's it. In an instant, you are cut off from your entire family and most, if not all, of your friends."
"The progress of individual Scientologists in Dianetics and Scientology is a path of integrity, it's a path of discovery."
"Success is the best revenge, and I define success as making sure that former Scientologists who have their own stories... can get as big of a reach as possible."
"Scientology's membership has been suffering since the early '90s... but their bank accounts have continued to grow."
"The ideal org program is a Monumental failure in that it has not resulted in any expansion for Scientology unless you're counting square feet of real estate."
"It's an immensely popular grassroots position to want to take a stand on the subject of Scientology tax exempt status."
"You can't do Scientology partway; you're either in it or you're not."
"The world is a better place without Scientology, absolutely."
"Probably Scientology's most toxic policy...requires that any member of the church who wants to stay in good standing with the church has to cut off all ties with someone who's been declared suppressive by Scientology."
"Disconnection has also ripped apart the Miscavige family, the most powerful family in Scientology."
"Ron Miscavige had tapes of these private investigators talking about following him for David."
"Tom Cruise's whole persona is wrapped up in trying to create as good of an impression of Scientology as he can in the world."
"Phil and Willie Jones were successful in actually getting this billboard up, they had lost two children to Scientology's disconnection policy."
"The billboard is so positive. It's just saying, 'Listen, if you're in Scientology, call your mom, call your dad, you know, they still love you.'"
"We are continuing on with the disappearance of Shelley Miscavige, wife of David Miscavige, the dark and charismatic leader of the Church of Scientology."
"Scientology has been accused of a lot of terrible things over the years... it's best if the agency that's responsible for investigating those accusations isn't indebted to the organization."
"Beu Phillips, soon to be ex-wife, seems to be not only leaving Masterson but leaving Scientology."
"Once you believe in this sort of Matrix-like story that Scientology tells its members, there's nothing anyone could say to you to get you to see things differently."
"The charity work they do does not erase their sins nor does it erase the unbelievable Space Opera paraded at the upper levels for whopping amounts of money that's the entire meaning of Scientology."
"Project Chanology was actually very successful in making the general populace more aware about what Scientology is actually about and shifting public opinion more against them."
"Scientology is currently experiencing its largest decline in membership ever."
"Scientology is for an able guy like you, or like me, able to function in life, able to make his own way, does his work and so forth."
"Scientology demands that you put in two and a half hours a day minimum every day."
"Scientology is offering the pathway to happiness, but the organization has a dark side."
"Scientology is occult as long as it enforces familial disconnection and destroys families."
"Scientology considers homes a suppressive person which is an enemy and that is a true statement."
"Nobody joins the cult thinking that's what they're doing, and Scientology is no exception to that rule."
"Scientology is valuable enough that it doesn't require any sales pitch."
"The future of Scientology? It's going to continue to decline and erode."
"Scientology has a long history of recruiting celebrities in order to increase their popularity."
"Many of them had preordered OT9, 10, and 11, and have just lost that money since the church doesn’t really do refunds."
"Scientology is an abusive family-destroying cult."
"Going clear: Scientology and the prison of belief."
"There is not enough people in the media who are fearless about the paper tiger threats that come from Scientology."
"How is the most famous person on the planet Tom Cruise the face of an extreme cult like Scientology?"
"Scientology helped facilitate that oh Ruth was a huge movie star by that point."
"Getting her [Katie Holmes] out of [Scientology] was a truly heroic thing for her to do."
"Scientology is a money making scam that uses religious cloaking."
"Conservative women have bigger balls than liberal men."
"I'd probably rejoin scientology if I thought it could do that."
"Is he actually helping scientology's image at this point or is he hurting it?"
"The purpose of Scientology is to clear the planet."
"So very much Scientology, it is the secretive religion of choice among several well-known celebrities."
"Their contributions to law enforcement activities are Scientology's way of allying themselves."
"A Scientologist actually held accountable for crimes against other Scientologists. Absolutely incredible."
"Scientologists believe that Exchange in abundance is the only true condition of exchange that will guarantee success."
"It is incredible how scientologists call themselves the most ethical beings on the planet and yet show the smallest regard for their fellow human beings, even fellow scientologists."
"There's literally nothing Scientology can do to impact my business."
"The Church of Scientology will not change its ways."
"Project chenology was actually very successful in making the general populace more aware about what scientology is actually about and shifting public opinion more."
"The process of becoming the next Scientology pope because obviously, Miscavige will one day move on and there'll be another Scientology leader."
"Scientology is a meritocracy. There are no glass ceiling limitations based on race, gender, ethnicity, or similar criteria."
"In theory, Scientology offers an individual almost unprecedented freedom among other religions to set their own moral compass."
"Just incredible to me always incredible to me when I see someone in the industry have the balls not just to crack a Scientology joke here and there but actually shine a spotlight on the Scientology abuse."
"But beyond all that the thing that really chaps my ass is the fact that our government has enabled Scientology to grow into the colossus it's now become."
"When Scientology starts to attack you, we should let everybody know."
"Scientology's rules are the reason Tom Cruise disconnected from his daughter."
"These deliberate and directed attacks continue to be carried out against Miss Remini and those within her family as well as against her professional and social network by a multitude of individuals both within or hired by Scientology."
"The sea org members see themselves as the ones who are taking on the burden of simply having been the earliest ones, the first people on this planet to be unplugged."
"Thinking that when you get sick it's because you've done something wrong is ingrained in you in Scientology."
"Anonymous vs. Church of Scientology protests."
"That's why some don't come forward. I mean just look at Scientology and what they do to the victims."
"What Scientology does is they look for your weakness and when they find that weakness they don't use it necessarily to Blackmail but they find your weakness so that they can solve your problem and give you strength in that area."
"It's mind-blowing... L. Ron Hubbard's approach."
"It's incredible to think that somebody who is either OT7 or OT8 and married to Nancy Cartwright jumped off of a bridge to their death."
"Scientology is such an insane rabbit hole. Parody is my favorite form of commentary."
"Only people who've never been in Scientology can really pull off what William is doing."
"Success being the best revenge, helping other people succeed in exposing Scientology abuses makes the revenge even sweeter."
"Scientology is hiding all their lies. The TikTokers got it right."
"That's how we win and Scientology loses. That's how we continue to show them, 'No no no, you can't scare us anymore.'"
"Could Miscavige dip into the reserves and pay for all those things? Yes, but he wants to do it with new money."
"It's crazy... it's also the reason why it's so important to get Scientology's tax-exempt status revoked."
"Leah Remini's lawsuit is not about her being made whole. It's about preventing Scientology from fair gaming anyone ever again."
"Scientologists believe that before El Ron Hubbard died, he completed OT9 through 15 and those are in David Miscavige's locked away secret vault."
"That's what Scientology is, it is a prison of belief."
"Scientology's rules are not even internally coherent internally consistent what is a lot an internally coherent logic anyway sorry guys I grew up in a cult."
"Any school that is using Applied Scholastics is either a Scientology school or they are being duped."
"Scientologists are not allowed to find in Valerie's favor as a matter of Scientology policy."
"The judge said whatever Scientology says are the rules are the rules."
"Scientology David Miscavige and all the people wrapped up in that criminal enterprise have done messed up in a very major way, guys."
"David Seagraves, you messed up, sir. You have messed up in a major way. You might single-handedly bring down all of Scientology."
"Something needs to be done about it somebody needs to investigate Scientology's involvement with law enforcement."
"The aftermath Foundation can help anyone leave Scientology in any City in any country at any time."
"Show as much love as possible to Ridge and just wait for Scientology to try to send Ridge a bunch of hate mail."
"Scientology will maybe be 5-10% of what it is today in 20 years."
"The more I do, the more I am helping people understand what a destructive cult Scientology is."
"Nobody cares what Scientology thinks." - "Nobody cares what Scientology thinks."
"If the media says anything negative, it's just more fake news churned out by big psych and big Pharma." - "Scientologists process criticism the same way, dismissing it as fake news."
"The actual damage inflicted to Scientology is massive."
"They still try... I busted some Scientology PIs who've been surveilling my house and my street for months."
"The RPF is the single most abusive thing in Scientology."
"It's almost like Scientology. Yeah, I'll get it."
"Scientology has a pretty strong culture where they protect and keep their celebrities safe."
"David Miscavige has very carefully manipulated himself into a complete position of ultimate power."
"Disconnection is complete... you will not have any contact with any person still in Scientology."
"Leah Remini, former celebrity Scientologist turned activist seeking to expose the church, is suing the Church of Scientology and David Miscavige, which is oh so brave."
"I sort of pinned this to my future to-do list to talk about, and then I thought with Leah Remini suing the church and David Miscavige, I thought this would be a good opportunity to dive into Scientology."
"So yes the first 30 years of my life I was born into raised in Scientology ended up joining signing a billion year contract at the age of 16..."
"Scientologists truly believe this: the definition of clear is..."
"Scientology addresses you as a spiritual being. It is not just, uh, it doesn't just, oh, this is Scientology and that's it. You're talking about life."
"Why isn't Scientology doing the things it promised it would do to improve downtown Clearwater?"
"Justice is very capricious in Scientology, and it's sort of at the whim of what any executive is a horrible temper."
"Scientology's manipulation level is so high, they don't actually need to use physical threat and violence."
"A new Nigeria is possible... considering the rising unemployment, inflation, poverty, inequality, and other key socioeconomic variables."
"Scientology destroying families is my biggest button."
"The best way for Miscavige to make sure Shelley Miscavige does not escape from Scientology is to make sure she has no reason to want to."
"The most offensive thing is Scientology's complete disregard for and destruction of the family unit."
"Scientology destroys families, no exception, full stop."
"Scientology is a destructive evil despicable criminal organization that needs to be shut down."
"Danny Masterson has more than connections to Scientology."
"Scientology is a system of belief that enforces mental and spiritual control under the guise of giving its members total spiritual freedom."
"Despite everything I've just said, I still do believe that we will see Scientology convicted of federal felonies."
"Scientology presents itself as a religious philosophy where the basic core belief is that you, me, everybody are spiritual beings, spiritual entities that are called Thetans."
"This week Australia senate is expected to vote on whether to launch an inquiry into the alleged abuses against Australians that have taken place within Scientology's organization."
"All it requires is flashy shiny objects and slickly produced AV materials to convince Scientologists."
"The entire sense since 1954, L. Ron Hubbard has been saying that Scientology auditing can give people the power to causatively knowingly exteriorize at will with full perceptions."
"Scientology didn't do this to me, my parents put the Forty thousand dollars there."
"Scientology trying to use anti-sap to derail Le remedy's lawsuit."
"It isn't cute or something to do for lack of something better. The whole agonized future of this planet depends on what you do here and now with and in Scientology."
"I see Scientology itself as really being a faith-based thing."
"David Miscavige managed to get himself into the position where he was the filter point between L. Ron Hubbard and everyone else in Scientology."
"Why wouldn't Scientology do that? If they really truly feel like they're the underdog and they feel that people are misunderstanding them, coming up with these rumors, the public relations answer would be to prove otherwise."
"Scientology kids are put in the position of not only receiving these interrogations but giving them."
"We got to document the unprecedented planetary expansion, we got to document the new civilization being created in Northern California, we got to spread the good word and show what's really happening in Scientology."
"Scientology founder Ron Hubbard was deeply involved in magic, defending Crowley's practices."
"Scientology claims to liberate you but actually controls you, contradicting its own principles."
"People's lives have improved after leaving Scientology"
"Marty Rathbun was at one point the number-two guy in the whole church."
"Clearing the planet means getting rid of all those engrams, getting rid of your reactive mind, becoming like a free spirit."
"Larry's story perfectly illustrates how the Church of Scientology traffics children."
"Larry's story is how trafficking occurs in Scientology."
"If you're in Scientology, you know how to falsify credit card applications."
"Scientology is an elaborate system of mind control and thought reform."
"Three divorces, controversial interviews, and allegations of slave labor can all be traced back to one thing: Scientology."
"There are so many more people who are victims of Scientology that carry around this shame that they fell for it."
"To me, combating Scientology includes making it as easy as possible for people to leave Scientology."
"I love the research that he did and shares about Scientology and about the raids by the FBI back in the day and he really shares how Scientology's original plan to take over clear water which is still in play people it's still in play."
"The whole purpose of Scientology is to get you out of your body, to get you out of your head, to get you out of your mind."
"One of the things that Scientology promises is that you've lived before, you'll live again. This is good news."
"You're done messed up. You never should have taken Scientology's dirty money."
"Being a Scientologist, you look at someone and you know absolutely that you can help them."
"John ATAC: Scientology The Cult of Greed audiobook"
"Adventure Club is a very obvious stand-in for scientologists."
"If you sit down and do a hate video for Scientology, that video is not going to be tucked away on some website that nobody sees. We're going to make you internet famous."
"You better watch out Scientology otherwise Xenu is going to open up another volcano for you."
"Scientologists aren't allowed to fail, especially not a 26-time Grammy Award-winning artist like Chick Korea."
"Soon people from all walks of life now knew what Scientology was all about, and a vast majority thought it was absolutely ridiculous."
"It was finally time to show the world the monstrous things that Scientology has done."
"It's good for the roots, I'm telling you man. You go to a Scientology church and your hair just starts to scalp softens."
"I was just totally fresh-faced and thinking that what I was doing in the Church of Scientology was helping others helping myself and was the greatest thing for Humanity."
"I wanted to share some of the stories and some of the tricks that Scientology would use and the manipulation tactics to get me to join staff."
"But basically, the point was how they try to use you to get onto staff and then you join staff and it's not all that it's cracked up to be."
"Rosemary brought Scientology to its knees with just a letter."
"Please accept this as my formal peaceful resignation from the Church of Scientology."
"Scientology done messed up and if they think this is going to keep people from showing up they are dead wrong."
"I wanted lrh Tech to be applied correctly because if you apply it correctly that's how you clear the planet and save everyone and that's the answer right."
"...you can have the best of intentions and you can apply Scientology exactly how they tell you like thinking that it's gonna work and it's not going to work"
"When it comes to Scientology versus the internet, the internet will win every single time."
"Scientology is absolutely a child trafficking, human trafficking cult."
"Everybody's a body to Scientology."
"...Tom Cruise is the closest thing to a living deity in Scientology."
"...the scarier cult she's involved in is crossfit, I mean that's just just Scientology with jumping jacks."
"No one outside of a jihadist terrorist is more committed to a cause than a Scientologist is committed to Scientology."
"...I think Miscavige still believes in the core tenets of Scientology."
"...I actually do believe that Miscavige still believes in the core tenets of Scientology."
"People say the internet destroyed Scientology. But for the longest time, I always thought what that meant was the secret about Xenu and the body of things got out. Nobody was stupid enough or interested in joining Scientology."
"The entire organization is in David Miscavige's valence. Everyone has to pretend that he's the one fixing everything when he's really the one [ __ ] everything up."
"Scientology is essentially being taken down by writers, and he was a writer."
"Scientology is a religion that offers a precise path leading to a complete and certain understanding of one's true spiritual nature."
"You're here with me right now, let's justify the Scientology geek."
"'Scientology is broken. They're not thinking. They're just following orders.'"
"This is the worst kind of brainwashing that we were told it is, because you're basically self-brainwashing by studying Scientology in the way that they demand, and you completely lose yourself."
"There's really no limit to how much Scientologists will believe if you tell them it came from L. Ron Hubbard."
"He literally could just release OT 9 and 10 and make it auditing other people's body thetans."
"Miscavige's hold and control over this organization really does hinge on this fact of people believing in the bridge to total freedom."
"Because his personal statistic as in charge of Scientology is what's called 'sea reserves' and sea reserves is money, money in, right? So whatever happens, he's focusing on getting money in."
"In order to regain your true nature as an immortal, you need to get Scientology auditing."
"Scientology was brought to court numerous times by the city and the IRS for this. Luckily for the church, they eventually succeeded in having Scientology declared a religion, which granted them tax-exempt status."
"The Church of Scientology has been plagued with controversies through the decades."
"It wasn't by accident or by whim that Kenneth Wayne Thompson became a Scientologist."
"Auditing is one of Scientology's practices which involves regular one-on-one meetings with a counselor to talk through emotional and mental problems."
"When his death was announced, the Church of Scientology issued a statement that declared that Hubbard's body had become an impediment to his work, and that he had decided to drop his body to continue his research on another planet, having learned how to do it without a body."
"One person speaks out against Scientology, they can destroy them. Two thousand people speak out, they don't have enough ammunition to get all of them, and that's kind of where we're coming to."
"She's a business person, like a lot of Scientologists."
"This History of Man's [__] was applicable in Scientology before L. Ron Hubbard started to standardize the bridge to total freedom."
"One of the reasons it's such a hell working in Scientology is because Scientology is shrinking."
"The mission of the SPTV Foundation: to empower people who want to leave Scientology and those who have already left by offering support during their transition into mainstream society."
"I use some of the techniques from Scientology in various coaching I do and in helping world-class athletes and artists and executives when I do my coaching or mental training."
"I think that people who have been in Scientology who have been touched by Scientology should be more in an advisory role."
"Leah's work behind the scenes as an advocate for the victims of Scientology is unparalleled."
"The basis of Dianetics is just something he made up."
"If Scientology didn't work, it would not still be around today. It would have completely fizzled out if it didn't do anything."
"Life as a Scientologist has brought balance to my life."
"There's a lot of good in Scientology that gets overshadowed."
"In Scientology, you discover who you are and how you want your life to be."
"I've always been hesitant before each course, but I always end up getting so much from it."
"Tonight is going to be a little bit about talking about your story before Scientology."
"If you're a bad person, you get in Scientology, you don't necessarily get better. If you're a good person, you get in Scientology, you're still a good person."
"Everyone thinks that. I always get people like comments, they're like, 'I wanna join Scientology just to see about it, I wanna do this just to see if I can get out of it,' and the answer is always no you can't, no you can't."