
Success Principles Quotes

There are 363 quotes

"Confidence is everything, opportunity is everything."
"Success leaves clues. Look at the people who've changed the world, and you'll see they worked hard, very hard."
"Consistency is absolutely fundamental in high-level sport."
"Shamgar had what I call the three success secrets... He started where he was, he used what he got, and he did what he could."
"The way you become successful is by adding value, not adding effort."
"The only way you can guarantee failure is by quitting. If you never quit, you will never fail. Keep going."
"The average person is like, if I had your money, I'd just buy a few houses around the world and just go on holiday and sit on the beach...all you're basically doing is telling me why you'll never have my money."
"If you're oriented toward the future, delay gratification, hard work, rugged individualism, a belief in data and science, like these are the preconditions to success in a free country."
"These principles didn't just keep me alive; they are the reason for my success."
"The pursuit of financial abundance and personal fulfillment is a universal human desire, and the principles of success are truly timeless."
"Your amount of money or amount of wealth equals how much work you put it in."
"You have to be able to work hard, and if you want to achieve real success, you have to be willing to do what the majority of people are not willing to do."
"If you want to really achieve success, work hard, work smart, and work in the right direction."
"Respect for sovereignty of nations...is a secret and central to our success."
"The most important thing to even get anywhere you need a system with Edge...You can have the best risk management in the world, but if you're playing a system with negative expected value, you have a zero percent chance of winning in the long run."
"Treat this as a real business and you'll have real results."
"You have to be willing to risk something in order to gain something."
"If you want to do big things in life, you have to follow this thing I call the Law of 33 percent."
"If you don't quit, if you don't screw people over, if you add more value, if you keep showing up, you can do anything you want."
"If you want to truly have success in your life, the only way to do it is by focusing on the long term."
"You need to have three things: motivation, determination, and organization."
"If you follow the steps, then you'll succeed. If you skip steps, you'll fail. It's as simple as that."
"Everything worth doing has risk associated with it, which means it has failure associated with it. If you're trying to never fail, that will be your greatest failure."
"The work that needs to be done for someone to succeed remains unchanged."
"There isn't a formula to success. There's just your formula to success."
"Success is not a secret, success is not an accident, success is not something that you stumble across. Success is an action."
"You just need to focus on the basics and do them well consistently."
"The pattern to success is service, and if you don't learn service, you will never be successful."
"You have to be willing to do the things that unsuccessful people aren't willing to do."
"There are no secrets, no shortcuts, no gimmicks, and luck is not a factor."
"You cannot hack your way around hard work, no matter what you're doing."
"The secret of consistency is the secret of manifestation."
"Manifesting and working hard really do go hand in hand."
"You're gonna have to bleed for what you want in this life. You're gonna have to do the things that other people are unwilling to do."
"Success is predictable. Simply look at successful people, look at what they do and do what they do."
"You can be 100% authentic and still be successful."
"Success is not a surprise to anybody who's successful. It's, in fact, it's surprising when you don't get it."
"If you look at anyone that's happy or successful in life, it's because they know how to keep fear in check."
"Success is about consistency, not just results."
"Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution."
"Success is where preparation and opportunity meet."
"Execution separates you from 99% of the people."
"In this country you can accomplish that if you work hard you got your mind in the right place and you're committed and you just do the right thing and that's how you succeed."
"Nobody ever got anywhere spectacular by playing it safe."
"Success is often about doing the right thing but also doing that thing for a long period of time."
"Once you find the way of being successful, you can do it again and again."
"Your success is determined by long-term consistent effort."
"If you believe in something and you put the work in, you can have whatever you want."
"Right thought and a right attitude are the basis of success and prosperity."
"Be ready to be selfless. Put everybody in front of you and make their interests ahead of yours and you'll be successful."
"Whoever provides the most value, always wins."
"Prosperity consciousness: positive thinking, positive feeling, positive action, positive results."
"Make sure to hit like if you enjoyed this video."
"If we cared about our own lives as much as we cared about others, then I feel like we would all be much more successful and happy."
"I knew I was going to be successful because I trained hard."
"You'll never be successful if you quit. Don't jump ship, stay in the process."
"Success is a relative thing. So, you don't get success without failure."
"If you can do those three things, you can be successful."
"No success without being disciplined and consistent."
"That's how greatness is achieved: not taking yourself too seriously, being humble, putting in the work."
"What successful people get is they embrace the process."
"Your success is not determined by what you say, but by what you do."
"You gotta have the passion and you gotta, you gotta like outwork people. You know, you gotta love it because if you don't love it, it's too hard to do."
"I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took any excuse."
"If you want to succeed, you gotta put the hard work and effort in."
"Success requires you to get through that messy middle to then start to make progress."
"No king builds an empire with a work ethic of a jester."
"The secret of success is always found in the daily routine."
"When you're winning Super Bowls, you don't fire the coach."
"You gotta put in the hours. That's the key to success."
"Originality and consistency are keys to success."
"A good foundation does not guarantee a mansion, but no mansion is built without a foundation." - Mimo
"All of your successes in life will come from avoiding being stupid rather than trying to be super super smart."
"In order to be successful... graduate from high school, don't have a kid before you're 20 and get married before you have a kid."
"It's impossible for you to be on time, work your ass off, be honest, have a good handshake, turn up, listen, learn, not be an arrogant [__], and dedicate yourself to something and still fail."
"In life there ain't no shortcuts, okay? It's hard work and dedication."
"Success requires intention and failure only requires neglect."
"Success simply comes down to who can be uncomfortable longer and how bad you want it."
"Success is impartial to who steps up and does the work it's just that simple."
"Everybody wants the results, but you gotta put in the work."
"Success is about consistent effort and building relationships."
"It's just consistency, that's how you make something good."
"Destiny is mine. Success starts with putting the right things into your mind."
"To be successful, you have to do those difficult things of repeating and improving the same things over and over again."
"He showed us that you do not have to sell out what you believe in, your beliefs, in order to be successful at what it is you're trying to do."
"There's no magic to it, you gotta work and you gotta work hard."
"The point of success is to do the things that make you successful."
"Be as free and independent as a person as you can be, that's how you win."
"Greatness is built on a good foundation. It doesn't matter what's visible at the top, all architectural Marvels are held up by a strong Foundation."
"The best things that happen to you in your life happened because you went at it right."
"Incredible success is something you attract not something you pursue."
"Nobody's building a million-dollar business on some trick or shortcut."
"you gotta work and you have to do the work people don't want to do the work"
"That's what success is all about, not just fishing success, that's life success."
"If you don't put in the work, you will never win."
"Patience passion and perseverance equals success."
"A goal without a plan is just a wish... If you come up with a plan and stick with it, you are even more likely."
"Success is a process of eliminating what does not work, learning what does work, and improving what is already working to work even better."
"If you want something in life, whether it's good hair or a clean house, you have to put effort into that. If you don't, you're not going to succeed."
"Success is the sum of small actions repeated daily for extended periods of time the sooner you can begin taking the small steps that will bring you right to where you need to go disciplined people get things done no matter how they feel about it."
"Hard work and dedication can get you places."
"Humility is a first step to success, Peter. If you want money and you want to reach some way in life, it is humility and hard work."
"Hard work and perseverance are required to succeed in life."
"Success therefore is built into creation; success is actually automatic. The only difficulty is you have to know its laws."
"Focus and consistency are key to achieving your financial goals."
"Persistence is complemented by a relentless work ethic."
"People who've succeeded will tell you there aren't really these secrets. You just have to do the work and put in the time."
"Because they had a belief and a faith in their vision, in their outcome, they believed in themselves."
"If you follow through on it, you will be successful in life."
"The more you do this, trust me I promise you mark my words, the more successful you'll be."
"Success is the result of small daily actions repeated over extended periods of time."
"Patience, consistency, and discipline - these are the keys to success."
"The biggest mistake people think make is thinking that just by wishing for it, it might come or that it's serendipity, that it's just kind of good luck. And that's not true. You've got to do the work."
"Success comes from systems. Don't leave it up to chance."
"The code is more important than even success."
"Know your value, don't take any shortcuts. Believe in yourself. Irrational belief, irrational persistence, irrational attention to detail is what it takes to be successful. There is no other version of that."
"Humility and teachability always precede success."
"Coming to the top is easy, staying there is even harder."
"Motivation, dedication, hard work. That's what it's all about."
"Nobody who did anything significant and monumental did it by hoping that everything worked itself out."
"Every successful person in life has one thing in common: they don't listen to dream killers, and neither should you."
"The definition of success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm."
"The winners win because of the activities that drive the result."
"Failure is part of life. The difference for me though is I look at failure as a stepping stone to success. It's a speed bump. I know I'm gonna fail, but it's not failure if you learn something."
"In the end HARD WORK always wins! In the end HEART wins! COURAGE wins!"
"The secret to success is always grinding anybody tells you the secret of success they don't know what they're talking about most of the time."
"Success comes after focusing on health and wealth first."
"Success begins with definiteness of purpose."
"Success is the sum of small positive actions repeated daily."
"It's not about how you start, it's how you finish."
"Winning always involves a clear path and a process."
"Success is all the small efforts of every single day."
"Persistence: If you're persistent, you'll get it, if you're consistent, you'll keep it, and if you're grateful, you'll attract more of it."
"Hard work, dedication, and discipline are very, very important."
"If we stay true to those things we'll do just fine."
"Every day lived toward the pursuit of success requires dedication, discipline, and resiliency."
"You gotta fail to succeed, pick the most efficient path."
"Success comes from hard work, not piggyback."
"Time plus effort equals success, that's really what it is."
"Use the law and it will take you from success to success."
"I've never seen somebody I've never talked to anybody that succeeded that didn't put themselves with their back up against the wall in that sort of position..."
"Winning without a plan is not winning at all."
"The real secret to success is working hard, taking risks, learning, and keep getting back up."
"Winning is an intentional act. If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time."
"The person with the biggest reasons wins in life."
"If you want to succeed and be successful with whatever you do, it's gonna take trial and tribulation, a lot of perseverance."
"Success comes down to two things showing up 50% of is just showing up but the other half is playing full out so make sure you take notes that you really focus and be present here because what you're about to learn will absolutely change your life."
"This is the part that seems boring, this is the part that gets the most complaints from those individuals that will never ever do well or succeed in this."
"Anything you want in life requires focus, sacrifice, and hard work."
"Quitting is automatic failure. There is no success for a quitter."
"Faith without works is dead, you have all the faith in the world that you gonna make it or do this or do that, but if you don't put the work in behind it, you're not going nowhere buddy."
"Teach you to observe everything that the Lord says, that you may Prosper and have good success."
"Consistency always wins. Overnight success doesn't always hit. Consistency always wins."
"Successful people did the work and not wallow in self-pity."
"When a man believes in the value of the advice given him and applies it, he establishes within himself the reality of success."
"Without rules, there is no game; without a game, there is no winning."
"The way to live your life and have a successful life is to work for it it's to graft."
"Most people don't succeed because they don't pay attention."
"If you only complete the things that you know will be better than the last it'll be things that have worked in the past by taking risks you can't guarantee your success right but if you never take risks you're guaranteed to fail."
"Structure your life so that you succeed where others fail."
"Success breeds success, quite an obvious thing to say but the more successful you are the more opportunities come your way."
"Success is on a stable pathway towards success if you proceed with integrity and honesty."
"Wherever your attention goes, that is where Prosperity flows."
"Quality, value, consistency, authenticity. These are the pillars of success."
"You should always have a why, a strategy, a plan. Name any successful anything, anybody that never had a plan and they just walked into success - you got a lot of winners that didn't have a plan."
"The key to happiness, the key to success: be yourself."
"Wisdom is the ability to use biblical principles to become successful."
"There's no magic formula for success, it's hard work, dedication, prayer."
"Consistency is the biggest thing. Even when you don't want to."
"The secret to success in anything is applied truth."
"Everything good in life, everything done right in life, everything I was going to be successful takes time."
"The only way for you to be successful is for you to face your fear and take action."
"Whatever you put hours in, you'll be the best at. Put 10,000 hours in, and you'll succeed."
"Doing and not doing is the difference between success and failure."
"Success comes from absolute desire and loving and trusting yourself."
"Success is not by accident, it's by Design. You have to re-earn it every day."
"When you change your thinking, that's when you'll become successful."
"You will become successful when you let others motivate you."
"When you put cool first, you're always gonna be successful."
"If you can invest all of that into you and what's in front of you, there's no way you fail."
"Consistency and continuous improvement is really what it's all about."
"Do not listen to other people. Stay with what you know and you'll be successful."
"Success leaves clues, I'm obsessed with passing the word on."
"You need to deserve success, wealth, and health by vibrating at a higher level."
"Success comes through a perfectly scientific mental process."
"If you want to be successful, then take 100% responsibility for yourself."
"Persistence and determination alone will win the day."
"Follow the seven habits and you're on the right path to success."
"If you're willing to work hard it doesn't matter who you are or where you come from."
"Covenant faithfulness over time breeds success, covenant disobedience over time breeds failure."
"If you bust loose and grind, grind, grind, grind, and let the juice out, you're gonna get the juice."
"If you take the right steps, success is inevitable."
"It's about the doing five hundred or a thousand little things right."
"Consistency is the best way; consistency is the value."
"Enthusiasm is one of the most powerful engines of success."
"If you want to be successful you can't be like everybody else. You got to put in the time. You got to go through the ups and the downs."
"Certain efforts lead to exponentially bigger results."
"I think all the people that are grinding, you know, like killing it, they're doing both. They're working really, really hard and they're working smart."
"You cannot name a single successful human being in the history of mankind who didn't build a team."
"Champions are built in the dark. Hard work will never betray you."