
Personal Worth Quotes

There are 423 quotes

"Character, not currency, determines the true value of a man."
"You have nothing to feel bad about, ashamed for. You are a divine human being."
"You are brighter than you give yourself credit for."
"The only person that needs to believe you're special is you."
"Now I don't try to be accepted or loved. I realize I am a worthy person just because I am."
"My worth was not based on what happened to me, it's how I dealt with it."
"I wouldn't say she's rich, I'd say like you said, rich in other ways."
"If the resurrection is true, then God knows your name and he loves you."
"Society doesn't care about you unless you prove your value."
"Remember, nobody can love you more than you love yourself."
"Your presence is so much more valuable than your money."
"You do what my two photographers did; you create a business that turns over $400 a week because that and your mentality is what you think you're worth."
"You are already perfect. You are already beautiful. You are already worth it."
"Understanding and embracing their identity and worth."
"Believe in yourself and know that you are worthy of success."
"A broke [ __ ] ain't worth anything to anybody."
"Being a man or a woman is not good enough. Be someone worth dating."
"Like Spider-Man, our worth comes not from whatever gifts we may possess, but from our humanity."
"Every single one of you has something good deep down inside. I know you do."
"You can be dumb as hell but still a good person."
"You have such a kind heart and soul and deserve the best."
"Make things happen for yourself because you are worth it."
"Your self-worth is just as worthy as amazing things in this life."
"What am I worth? When you look at what you're worth, you always need to go back to really what's your time worth."
"You look good for a seven-figure fighter, an eight-figure fighter. I'm a nine-figure fighter."
"A rich man is not the prize. Even an independent woman securing the bag is not the prize. You are the prize. I am the prize."
"Imagine if you could sell every year of your life. What price would you put on a year of your life?"
"If you're in the triples, alright, so girl has she's a 10 but she's slept with 20 people what is she, what's a two bag twenty twenties, oh she's in it."
"You're more than enough, I'm already loved, I'm already chosen."
"Your worth has nothing to do with what you look like, the person you are is special and wonderful to this world."
"They don't want my love, they just want my potential."
"You're so much more than the color of your skin."
"I'm the prize, right? Do you want to be a part of this? Well, show me you're worthy."
"Even if I'm not flawless, I'm flawless in your eyes."
"What is that worth to you? The folio that I just made for Jen is worth $2,300 to me."
"Celebrate yourself just cuz because you deserve it."
"The heart wants what the heart wants. You really do deserve love. You bring a lot to the table."
"You are not what you did, you don't have to rewrite the Bible and change the truth to fit your situation, He may not love what you did but He loves who you are."
"I think that's worth more than anything material."
"No matter what is said or done, do not doubt your worth."
"The path I would take for that regardless of those circumstances, obviously, weigh the worth of the relationship. Is it really a bad thing that he's saying? You're so lucky to even have me."
"One of Mackesy's goals is to remind unbelievers they are seen and they are loved."
"You are powerful, you are capable, you are lovable, and you are ready."
"The money should not be the drive at all... It's not worth it."
"Ultimately, you're going to get what you believe you deserve."
"Ultimately, I think this says way more about their character than it does about yours because you're amazing."
"The question is not are you worthy to reach your goals. The question is are your goals worthy enough of you."
"That girl deserves to be happy. She truly does."
"The reason he was with you in the first place is because he saw something good in you."
"A gold medal is a wonderful thing, but if you're not enough without it, you'll never be enough with it."
"Don't ever let anyone tell you that you are not perfect."
"We've got to stop thinking that as a man, the value of myself, anybody, anyone, any man can do something sexual. What you do sexually does not determine the type of man you are. Your commitments do, your sacrifice does."
"A rise in your own sense of self and your own worthiness."
"It's what's on the inside that counts, not the outside."
"With the new Mavic 3, it has quite a few features that I specifically care about when it comes to image quality."
"He knows what's worth more than a rook - you."
"Be good to yourself, and you guys deserve it, okay?"
"Trust that people will love you, accept you, and see you for all of the beautiful things that you see yourself for as well."
"The parts of you that you don't even like about yourself are still worthy of love."
"You are amazing is not just a phrase. It's the unspoken reality of your existence."
"You need to love yourself. You need to honor yourself. You absolutely do. You are worth it."
"I feel like you guys are just really respected and you know people really like you."
"She has to be chasing you bro when a g is into you she she is annoying bro"
"Your value is ultimately decided on an open market."
"You are enough. What if you were actually perfect?"
"You're enough. What if you were actually perfect?"
"My value is not based on what I look like but for who I am and what I do."
"Money is just simply the byproduct of how much value you deliver in the world."
"It's not easy to ruin someone's life once you find out how wonderful they are."
"When a man is worthy of you, he will prove to be a servant to you."
"If you don't support me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best."
"You have to give yourself permission to have something to say. Hello, you have to give yourself permission to be worthy of being heard."
"They really see your value, like some of the most valuable things in the world are pieces of art."
"They told me that if they weren't worth my time, I wasn't worth theirs either, and they left the restaurant together."
"You are important to me by virtue of your being on this planet."
"Your reflection is divine and that is what is being reflected at you."
"This person sees you as somebody so valuable."
"I'm worth a small fortune, good reason wonders the technology."
"Your time is worth far more than what your bank account states."
"You're learning about your true self-worth and your place in this world."
"You know, every woman deserves who she can pull. If a woman can pull him, she deserves him. That's my theory."
"Whoever is upstairs is looking down on me and thinking that girl there she deserves a picnic bag."
"I wasn't worth a plug nickel when I got to uh Baltimore."
"It actually makes me feel seen, seen. Yes, you mean it gives you a sense of worth?"
"There's more to a person than just their salary or their job title."
"Every time a woman says that they need a man in the top 15 top 10 top 5 percent of earners they are telling the rest of me you're not good enough."
"We can offer that gift of belovedness only insofar as we have claimed it for ourselves."
"You are saying... no price could be put on how much is worth."
"No person on this earth is even worth being a stan for."
"Just because a man can afford you doesn't mean he can value you, but the man that can value you will always make your life better."
"You deserve better. You deserve to be safe and happy and loved and supported and cherished."
"I am worthy and the worth that I am flows through me."
"You will never be too radiant, too brilliant, too much for the right person."
"Let me speak for myself, I need to see that you're worth that side to me, then I can be your baby girl."
"You don't want to be a lottery ticket to a man, you don't want to be a meal ticket to a man."
"People ain't asking for to pay them for their damn autograph if they wasn't good."
"Remember you are so chosen, you're so set apart, you're so loved by God."
"Even if you were the only person on Earth, God would still have died for just you."
"They want you more than anything and anyone they've ever known."
"You deserve someone who's gonna love you at the level that you love them."
"Don't worry so much about being high earning as you do high value."
"It's about what's on the inside that matters."
"You can't be out here flipping patties and think that you are a person of value because you get paid in proportion to the value that you provide."
"Remember the things you remember, experiences you have in your life worth more than everything else."
"Cancers love themselves when they commit to self-worth, to loving what they are worth."
"I think you're beautiful and I don't think you're worthless."
"Anybody who genuinely feels and comes in any situation with 'you're not worth my time,' stressful."
"A good woman when you're a good woman everybody don't appreciate a good woman."
"Someone loves you and sees you as victorious."
"You are the big prize. You are the investment."
"The real power move is in learning how to validate yourself, to see your own worth, and to have your own back regardless of what the people in the room or that you're in relationship with think or say or feel."
"If you're not enough without it you will never be enough with it."
"Money is the measure of the value that you're contributing to the world."
"Somebody else isn't better than me because of their skin color either. It's a totally unimportant thing."
"Don't let anyone dull your shine, you deserve recognition and reward."
"The truth will set them free, not acceptance, not compliments, but man, God loves you. But man, you can't find your worth in your body. There's a longing deep in your soul that only Jesus can satisfy." - Logan Dorn
"You're always valuable no matter where the market's at if you're valuable to someone else then you'll never go broke."
"You can't determine a person's value by their surroundings."
"No matter if she wakes up at home or on a bench, she still wakes up a perfect 10."
"You're a living, breathing human and you have so much worth and acceptance and full confidence in who you are."
"If someone can't love you the way you deserve, it's up to you to love yourself."
"Just because your grandpa was a great man doesn't mean that you're one."
"A man's value can't only come from his finances."
"If they didn't love you for who you are, they didn't love you from the jump."
"Now that God knows you have a heart and you are a giver and you are a lover and you are valuable and everybody else has witnessed that, now God can place the restrictions on you."
"When you love unconditionally like that it's because you can love yourself first. Always know your worth, always know your value."
"You totally deserve this wonderful new love."
"I see the flame of potential in you. Let me give you a tea, I'm worthy of your skill."
"Everyone has value. Wow, that is such a powerful message."
"I feel like I was worth more than what I got."
"The Empress is someone who knows their worth and knows their value."
"You're only as good as your last showing. You're only as good as you actually are."
"Sometimes the person that you want doesn't deserve you."
"You deserve so much better. If you take him back, you will do so knowing that you'll be the minority partner in a threesome."
"Our worth is so much more than that, and it's okay to respect yourself."
"It's about self-love, know your value, know your worth."
"You should never marry a person that does not make you number one."
"Man's friendships are one of the best measures of his worth in mind." - Charles Darwin
"I am a man with Down syndrome and my life is worth living."
"What does it mean to be valued in a relationship?"
"Discovering your personal gift is how you fit into the kingdom of God, how important are you, what is your worth, what is your value."
"Trust that you deserve more, spirit is working with you here."
"You are God's special possession... held in particular esteem."
"The real worth is knowing that we can look on ourselves on the inside and understanding what's in there."
"You don't need to be that hard on yourself; people love you for you being you."
"You are already enough. You just have to be yourself."
"Faith-based religions keep you chained to the idea that you are subservient to a God and that you are worthless and dirty."
"Never doubt that you are deserving of Kingdom connections."
"Numbers aren't enough to define an entire person."
"If they don't like you, then that's the way it is. It doesn't mean you're not good enough."
"You deserve a chick who wants and desires you, not a hoe who plays mind games."
"No one is worth paying that price for. Absolutely no one in the world is worth the damage they cause when that damage is abusing you."
"This is someone that authentically wants to give you what you deserve."
"People are curious because you hot [ __ ] bro, you hot [ __ ]."
"The memories people have with these plushies are their true worth."
"I earned this, and then for them to act like I'm a lesser man because I didn't accidentally reproduce right out of high school to me that was both laughable and pathetic."
"You're enough as you are, even if you're in debt, you're enough as you are."
"You don't need to change a damn thing about yourself. You don't need to get down about yourself because other people don't understand who you are and what your purpose is."
"You hit the jackpot when you found your self love and your self worth."
"We're all God's favorites, every single one of you."
"God made you special, and he loves you very much."
"You want somebody sweet to you, man, and this girl is not sweet. She's truly a foul person. I would not waste my time. You deserve better."
"But I do think with this energy more of us are going to get closer to our understanding of our inherent worthiness and the unique beauty that we are here to bring as individuals."
"Believing that you're enough just as you are now."
"You're God's greatest investment. He has to protect you, all right? You're ready for Divine Headquarters."
"You are loved and accepted just the way you are."
"That for me is, it's worth its weight in gold isn't it?"
"Momonosuke's longer character arc really becomes something similar to the realization that Momonosuke can be himself and still be worthy."
"You can be an accomplished man but are you valuable outside of yourself?"
"All that we come to see is that our roles... were never really true love, it was never our real worth."
"If you don't listen to me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best."
"Nobody as a person is poor, they have value, they have gifting, they have talent."
"You deserve to be loved for who you are as a person."
"The respect they give you is equivalent to what you believe you deserve."
"It doesn’t care about what you have but instead about what you produce."
"You are lovable and you deserve to be loved no matter how much you might feel the other way sometimes."
"I deserve to be at the table and not just to say like, 'Oh, this is how it benefits Phil Heath'."
"Stand up for what you believe, even if it means speaking the truth and facing opposition. You are a masterpiece and you matter. God is sending you to make a difference in the world."
"True love, unconditional love, that's coming in. The divine is bringing you this because you deserve it."
"You deserve somebody who knows what they have when they have you, who doesn't have to lose you in order to see your worth."
"It's like nothing because like you deserve it, you know?"
"You're worth so much more than whatever you're getting paid."
"Self-love is the understanding that I don't have to be perfect in order to be lovable, acceptable, and worthy of love right now by myself and others."
"Society bases a man's value on his earning potential and a woman's on her ability to achieve conventional attractiveness."
"I want you to look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are amazing and that you deserve to be happy just as much as anybody else does."
"The only person who truly is worth it is your twin flame."
"What is your number if 100 million dollars isn't your number?"
"There's no room for self-doubt and victim mentality. We're all worthy of whatever we choose to be worthy of."
"You're just another person in this world to me that deserves to be happy and deserves to live a normal life."
"Self-worth independent of others' attention."
"I have a good heart and soul. So what do you have, if you don't have seven million dollars worth of [ __ ]? Then what do you have?"
"There is nothing shameful about being different, that I am not less."
"Show yourself and prove to yourself that you are important and that you are worthy."
"I think just bottom line is if something's not working... then that person is not even worth your time."
"If you're comfortable then that's obviously all that matters and if you're not I think that the first step to feeling comfortable is recognizing your own self-worth."
"You have something real to offer the world. You matter. You have value, believe me."
"Seriously, like you deserve it. You deserve Elon Musk."
"I think knowing your worth is everything. It is so valuable."
"The real sin is for a girl to deny herself life and joy, especially if she's as lovely as you." - Lamora
"The virtuous woman does an internal self-assessment of her own worth."