
Interactivity Quotes

There are 1179 quotes

"The game constantly evolves and changes as you play, different cards get sealed and unlocked."
"The interactivity of gaming creates conditions for a phenomenon we rarely experience when consuming art: audience agency."
"To create richly interactive experiences that are cinematic, immersive, and make you feel like you're in a movie, but with all the player agency that you expect from a really great game."
"A story in a video game is an interactive thing, and we know that and we're comfortable with that."
"If you're looking for a mini game that's very interactive part of the time, but also a lot of the time you're sitting there building my own thing, doing my own thing, with cool combat, a great upgrade system, massively, I mean, you can't get better artwork than this, just oh, and all, good value for your money, thumbs up, thumbs up, thumbs up from me."
"Joanna's head would even turn automatically in reaction to external stimuli, like explosions within a certain distance of her."
"Storytelling in gaming is really what is the future of interactivity with your movies. That's gaming."
"The controller, in a way, showcases the future of interactive gaming, bringing an unprecedented level of immersion."
"With detailed 3D open worlds, realistic NPC behavior, dynamic action combat, full voice acting, and an emphasis on interactivity and player freedom, Gothic 1 and 2 were ahead of their time in many ways."
"Just as their interactivity makes them a powerful tool for reinforcing male entitlement, so too could that interactivity be harnessed to disrupt antiquated gender dynamics and engage us with game mechanics that explore more equitable interactions between people of all genders."
"No other medium allows its audience to direct the flow of the story like video games do."
"A video game is always unfinished until a player picks it up."
"It's one of the most clever and streamlined interactive games I've ever played."
"The more things you touch and interact with, the more it immerses you into it."
"It's a beautiful set it's a great piece of content you get to interact live with me on these books and really learn about them with me it's really a blast."
"They respect you as a player and want you to use your own agency."
"The rails are gonna be who you tell me you are. So that way you grant this full degree of player agency and give yourself the ability to create rails that were designed by the players, right? Which is really, that's the best of both worlds."
"Fully interactable map at any point in the game."
"Games give us something that other mediums can't, and that's reactivity."
"Just a really cool tool for creating interactive lessons."
"Interactivity enhances emotional investment."
"Instead of simply discussing the problem, MGS 2 made the gamer an active participant in the spreading of misinformation."
"JavaScript can make web pages interactive and responsive."
"You can dynamically change styles and make your user interface interactive."
"JavaScript is used to build interactive websites and applications."
"The coolest part about JavaScript is making stuff happen in your browser."
"I was shooting the monsters with the gun and then stabbing them, this is a fundamental shift then this is not just like a Gamepad, no."
"It's a tense game, you need to open drawers, and if you hold the button for three seconds just to pick something up, it's too long."
"Additionally, Pokemon really should follow you. The Isle of Armor DLC has following Pokemon, but uh, extending the camp feature to be more interactive and unique could really bring out the personalities of the Pokemon even further."
"It's completely interactive. You're actually in the middle of it."
"Being able to make instantaneous decisions within a near photoreal interactive environment is utterly transformative."
"These pages are alive. You don't just read it, it reads you."
"A realistic world is also an interactive one."
"Brilliant is a website and app with over 60 interactive courses in math, science, computer science, logic, and deduction, physics, quantum mechanics, game theory, cryptocurrency, so much more."
"Emergent gameplay... where simple mechanics create complex situations."
"The interactivity feeds into our propensity for parasocial relationships."
"Player movement and collision mechanics are essential for fluid gameplay and immersive experience."
"The quest system works in this game because quests actually branch."
"Your sims can develop preferences from playing the game."
"I know that oftentimes classrooms can be boring and just not interactive, but this teacher, he's my role model."
"Each decision made in the game will also change the course of the story and the world around you."
"My streams are going to be really interactive, I'm going to focus on talking to you guys."
"The levels here are great especially the elevator stage which sees you ascending the castle avoiding enemies on this platform that you control by tilting the controller."
"We want to make it as interactive as possible."
"In many ways, Subnautica is what video games are all about. There's value found in interactivity outside of mastering mechanics and systems. There's value in..."
"There's a dead body you can grab your foot if you want to."
"Interactivity between the viewers and your stream."
"One of the most fascinating things is how the game allows for meaningful player choices."
"Using the interactivity of the medium to draw us into the game and make us think and feel like the character in the story."
"Next steps for combat: focusing on responsiveness and fluidity."
"Your website needs to be informative, interactive, and intuitive."
"It's very interactive and what I like most about it is that I as the viewer am controlling the parallax."
"Getting to write a Telltale game was great because when players get to opt in and shape their own characters and stories, they feel so much ownership."
"Dynamic websites allow users to see different things every time they visit."
"Those core features of an interesting and dynamic spell and combat system."
"Your natural movements and speech translate into a real-time animated character."
"In video games, the player is a participant, not just a spectator."
"Player choice is the only thing that separates a game from an animated movie."
"Gaming isn't like other mediums. It's honestly the most unique."
"Having a world you can interact with is a key part of a good open world experience."
"What makes good combat? Responsiveness, fluidity, accuracy, animations, visceral feel, impacts of actions, sound design, depth."
"You can actually hop into a vehicle and go for a drive."
"Finally, you could go back and go to all these places on the map and you can actually do stuff there."
"All of these characters are created in a way and their artificial intelligence is programmed in a way where they can react to anything."
"It's not like you're on Rails and you're going through this experience."
"Dynamic elements like tornadoes and destructible environments add chaos and unpredictability to the gameplay."
"New cutscenes and storylines will unlock throughout the season according to your decisions and performance."
"Every building you see in this game, at least the interesting ones, are buildings that you're able to go into."
"It's extremely playful in what you can do, the dialogue's very playful."
"Enhancing user experience with dynamic content."
"Guess the number, go and get the value that the user typed inside here stored inside of guess."
"Super tactile... swipe across and think, 'Well, I wonder how that track mixes with another one.'"
"Let the game respond to you rather than the other way around."
"Hands down the most unique feature of these helmets is the fact that they change based on what is going on with the player."
"Interactive components provide a lot of opportunity for prototyping and exploration."
"Encouraging you to playfully explore the interactive possibilities of your interface ideas."
"The world itself is alive and changing even when you're not there."
"I want you to try this quiz out for yourself."
"It should be interactive. That's the way that's actually the healthiest for society."
"Playing the game there's super wacky things happening all the time, like a miniature version of characters, other things coming in stealing your gold, explosions everywhere. To me, that's just the interactions of our systems."
"There's little moments like that sprinkled throughout all of Kainang that make it feel very reactive."
"Even if you don't super need a map, there's something really visceral about moving things around on a grid."
"We're using a checkbox with the class of 'toggler' and that's how we're toggling it."
"It's glorious and it's just next-level interaction."
"Games create an interactive environment, encouraging participation and critical thinking."
"Elements can also be the backbone of immersive sims, where elements interacting with each other makes up most of its 'immersiveness.'"
"More live enemy that throws grenades, shoots you in the face and gives you the big shock."
"Any dynamic object in the game can be controlled automatically."
"Honestly, it's one of those things I love going live because I'm able to answer any questions you might have."
"Absolutely beautiful and fun and just again interactive."
"The honor system here will change the way certain cutscenes go, certain missions go..."
"There's a station inside of the room of requirement that you can conjure... called an identification station where you can actually bring that gear that you're uncertain about and learn what its abilities are."
"This is the most immersive, interactive experience I've ever been a part of."
"Vote vote vote it up! This is such a good idea, I'm happy that we did. Let this live because it makes it so much more interactive and fun to be able to interact with you guys and let you guys vote on what we go with."
"Give players tools and they'll do really awesome things with them."
"Empower your stream with Cloudbot's interactive features - level up your engagement!"
"Every button on the controller had a purpose in Luigi's Mansion."
"Styling with a personal object that begs the viewer to touch it."
"Smart robot is the toy kids go crazy for signing and dancing in response to your actions. It's truly unlike any tour you've seen before."
"I did not tire of the simple act of throwing stuff at people, throwing people at stuff, and throwing people at people."
"Space land is one of if not the most detailed stylish and interactive environments in COD Zombies history."
"The amount of little Easter eggs and interactables in the world make it feel like it's not just a one-dimensional level simulator."
"Being able to manually throw Pokeballs is a game-changer."
"The exploration and the world were also big positives for me, having all these ways that you can interact with the world, all these optional areas to explore, bosses to find, secrets to uncover."
"Whoa, come on nice and what will this button do for us? Make another platform fall of course."
"You can link several different things between objects... for example, materials."
"That is extremely cool, I love how they're adding little interactive procs and elements to the herb system."
"A lunar cycle to the game that's going to come with our update, our base game update."
"Action and perception are the two sides of the same coin."
"Nothing's really purely aesthetic in these tracks. If there's an object, it's likely solid."
"The best set pieces feel like they're not just a bunch of scripted explosions and your input is actually achieving something."
"Games aims to create a living world that's not simply open but deeper, more interactive, and detailed than ever."
"The best hub worlds tend to contribute to a game in a handful of categories: Tutorialization, Story, Style, Exploration, and Secrets."
"Lego Dimensions was a massive crossover game that had players buy figures in real life, then place the real-life minifigures on a game pad which unlocked them in the game."
"That's great but it has these modifier slots you can add in special abilities to your pick."
"It has timed events and you can react to them or not react to them, and that affects the story and the game."
"There's so many cool set pieces and interactable stuff in Halo."
"Interactables are also a huge freaking thing in this game."
"We want to have dynamic interactive programs where kids are actually creating things and getting hands-on."
"Lots of little things that you can interact with."
"We want the world to react to the things you do."
"Enhance reports to derive useful insights and make your reports interactive."
"I could see it right here, I can also tap and talk through this to the nest hub max as well."
"Avoid the cutscene... Let the players have their freedom."
"Interactive programming allows us to investigate how code works by poking it."
"Top-down twin-stick shooters are always a blast, and with this one having Steam Workshop support, it can be even more fun with some of the wacky stuff you can get through the workshop."
"Animating with canvas: bouncing balls and moving characters, the magic of dynamic visuals!"
"I would like to see more interactive widgets."
"Every archive is interactive, an archive exists in time and space but it is constantly shaped and reshaped by the actions taken in and upon it."
"Volcanic eruptions aren't always a Pompeii level disaster I just love games that create little narratives and offer ways to affect the world around you as you play."
"Hit that like button, a sound will play. It's a pretty dope magic trick."
"Streaming is live and it's kind of like a bit more throw away, it's just much more like the moment and interacting."
"Take a screenshot and start writing on the actual screenshot."
"I really liked that they did that. That's just so cool. It really does actually allow us to be our own detectives, you know?"
"There's a ministry in your mouth, touch somebody on your way down, say there's a ministry in your mouth."
"New Snap is just as magical, with far more to do and many more ways in which to do it."
"And you can do more than two options too so you could fill out you know multiple choice and have students writing in and see what they're learning there so I love that what a what a cool free tool."
"The radio actually is reactive to what you do in the game rather than just being a static looping recording."
"You can do a little bit of interactivity with the visibility of the elements."
"Yes, I can pick up items as well. Nice! Alright, just gonna go around to whack people with chairs. Let's do this!" - Grabbed by the Ghoulies, 2003
"This really is like an interactive horror movie."
"The medium is way stronger than the business. It's interactivity mixed with IP and storytelling and escapism. That's not going anywhere."
"JavaScript allows interactivity in our websites... JavaScript controls the behavior or what the web page does beyond just displaying information."
"Video games reintroduce the need for individual interpretation through interactivity."
"The medium of being able to answer questions in real time is enjoyable."
"HTML provides various elements and attributes to create interactive and user-friendly web pages."
"Smart technology aids in the development of cognitive skills through interactive and adaptive learning environments."
"The properties of an intelligent agent are it's autonomous, it's reactive to the environment, it's proactive, goal-directed, and it interacts with other agents via the environment."
"The Stanley Parable is a great game, well, it's not really a game, it's more of an interactive story."
"In this video, I'm going to show you how we can create buttons using HTML."
"This is the Pearl, an interactive art piece; it is alive."
"Using buttons in Power BI lets you create reports that behave like apps and thereby create an engaging environment."
"It's a really nice interactive way for people to be able to pull out exactly the information they want."
"Screenshots and recordings are never going to be able to convey the full scope of a project which is inherently incomplete without the aspect of interactivity."
"The way you need to make your buttons and your UI elements interactive is by utilizing the interactive component feature of Figma."
"Interactive learning has been proven to be 6x more effective than passive learning."
"...a glorified Splash Pad... is much more than that. It is so interactive... it's stunningly beautiful."
"Variables provide finer control, allowing you to create dynamic and interactive experiences in your designs."
"A really neat visual, it allows you to build in animations into your report. It allows you to build more interactive report visuals by using things like this play access visual."
"Interactive widgets are the killer feature of this release."
"This completely Dynamic and interactive dashboard operated by using these two filters or slicers."
"...you want your table to be interactive..."
"We all learn differently but i think we can all agree that the best way to truly learn and retain something is by doing it with brilliant interactive courses."
"The ride is much better than I anticipated. It's so interactive."
"Shadow of the Colossus exemplifies something that I think more games could learn from: the power of interactive narrative isn't just in how much control it can give the player but also in how much control it's able to restrict or even take away."
"As the story makes it increasingly clear, the person playing it is only tangentially involved, people stop paying attention. You don't have any say in what's happening, so what's the point? That's Cutscene Jensen's problem."
"Hey you, stop scrolling! Say happy birthday to Minecraft!"
"Interactive and dynamic web applications without a lot of JavaScript code."
"Trick system adds interactivity and purpose to track layouts."
"Your applications will not just display 3D content; they'll come alive with unparalleled realism and interactivity."
"Interactive Learning is seven times more efficient than simply reading course material."
"You'll see in case you want to move things around, this is all clickable and movable and interactive. So if I just simply click and drag this way now I got science going that way, now I got science going this way."
"Some amazing interactive tricks which you can play along with at home."
"Welcome to our interactive trick of the night."
"There's all these interactive widgets you can use for HTML to add more functionality to your documents."
"JavaScript makes the website interactive."
"JavaScript comes into play when you have things on your website that do things."
"I think this is the reason why you would buy this product because you can have album art, you can have an interactive display."
"I'm just going to check for the spacebar being pressed and we will emit those particles."
"To add keyframes-like behavior, you can pass an array with multiple values to the animate prop."
"It is the fundamental essence of the island's architecture. We have an sea of static content here but we have little islands of interactivity."
"Now anytime you want to add interactivity to a button or an element on your slide, what you're gonna do is you're gonna click on that element."
"Add interactivity to formerly static documents."
"The last step in our process is to make it interactive."
"What about if we make our report interactive?"
"You hit the button and you watch all these things light up... you really are activating the droid and it's pretty neat."
"It's really a great piece of interactive moviemaking."
"Video games through their interactive nature allow us to explore some subjects like agency and interaction in far more potent ways than cinema, books, comics, or television."
"We can use data validation to make out GETPIVOTDATA formula interactive. What we're gonna do is create two dropdown lists, one for the months and another one for the regions."
"...we can create some interactive charts here, which are very powerful and you can start making some dashboards."
"Very engaging, interactive, fun, absurd, and creative."
So much of the game is just saying, "Cool, here's this input," as opposed to these inputs. You can create a really big world that has a lot of cause and effect because you can easily add to it.
"It really does make the entire experience around Junji Ito also interactive."
"This is meant to be an interactive app."
"What if this video is interactive? In the end, your fate will be in your own hands."
"The biggest innovation in Dust 514 is that the outcome of battles directly affects the resource and power controls in Eve online."
"Interactive fiction is a beautiful medium and can do some amazing things."
"Essentially, it's just creating a button for each one and then saying, 'Hey, this is the choice, binding that choice to it so that when we click on that choice, it knows how to continue the story."
"X is the future state of unlimited interactivity centered in audio video messaging, payment/banking, creating a global Marketplace for ideas, Goods, services, and opportunities powered by AI."
"The pros are obviously more details, there's a cool factor included, there's a lot more interactivity in terms of posing figs and moving around the different spaces."