
Obstruction Quotes

There are 250 quotes

"The episode metaphorically captures the deliberate obstruction faced by the clean energy movement."
"The most important thing is we have to get these cases to trial. Trump sees that that's important as well, which is why he's doing everything he can to not allow that to happen."
"Beau Dukes was also arrested on charges of concealing of death, evidence tampering, and hindering the apprehension of a criminal."
"What each person wills is obstructed by everyone else, and what emerges is something that no one willed."
"Presidents from both sides of the aisle have been making an effort to simplify tax filing, why has it failed? The one-word answer is TurboTax."
"The mens rea in obstruction cases is always going to be intentional."
"Mueller found evidence of obstruction of justice and abuses of power by the president."
"President Trump went to great lengths to obstruct the special counsel's investigation."
"Collusion and conspiracy were over, and the observations of obstructions by the Democratic majority."
"I'm dealing with the murderer you're gonna have to move Jeep see him not blocking the way."
"Ossoff and Warnock hammered COVID relief throughout the campaign, especially at the end when McConnell blocked the $2,000 checks."
"Dude that's so good, this is so perfect, dude this is a perfect demonstration of Republican obstructionist policies in display."
"I'm literally just standing in this guy's way of course this guy with the shades on of course he's running it all right you're all loaded bro."
"What really matters is partisanship. They don't actually care what the bill is. They're just going to say no."
"If you're not supporting someone being successful, you shouldn't be trying to stop the success."
"Nixon didn't get indicted... but we know that he obstructed justice."
"The FBI's refusal to produce a single document is obstructionist."
"It's just to make it harder for people to vote."
"I think that they have done everything possible to make it harder than we can possibly imagine to find how this virus got out."
"It's like that says that uh you guys were well aware that they wanted those documents back and we're stonewalling them the entire way."
"Republicans, they are standing in the way of progress in particular for black people."
"Maybe he didn't know what he was trying to cover up, maybe he didn't know what he was trying to obstruct but he did and that's bad enough and that's bad for the country."
"The difference here is what Trump did to try and cover up what he did in the first place I said so often the case it's not the underlying crime it's the interference it's the cover-up that gets folks in trouble."
"There is no collusion and no obstruction. I should be given apology!"
"Captain Kate's Powers allow her to phase through whoever or whatever is in her way."
"Cheerleading Dragon: The air will block out the Sun!"
"God is able and oftentimes I actually get in the way."
"This report evidences obstruction of justice by the President, that is an impeachment offense as a matter of law."
"This is about a reset of everything... the United States of America is in the way right now of all of it."
"And it suggests that they're trying to block the mouth."
"Diane Feinstein should have stepped aside for the younger generation two decades ago instead she pathetically clanged to power and obstructed progress."
"There's somebody holding it all back and ain't nothing going to happen until he stepped out the way."
"The Department of Justice said tonight that classified documents were likely concealed and removed from Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate as part of an effort to obstruct the federal investigation."
"It's ludicrous... we can't get any help, so we got to do this ourselves."
"It's just frustrating when it's hard to look for answers when there's a weird cover-up going on."
"There's actually a lot we can do at the local level particularly when at the national level in particular things feel a bit blocked."
"Yeah, we fired him for the Russia thing, to stop the Russia thing, to bring the Russia thing to an end. What are you going to do about it?"
"When a subject of an investigation obstructs that investigation or lies to investigators, it strikes at the core of their government's effort to find the truth and hold wrongdoers accountable."
"They are wasting your time on purpose, that is fundamentally what the problem is."
"He's been denied a goal scoring opportunity by being floored by a defender who did not get the ball."
"It's actually being held back by the scarlet witch."
"Somebody's envious of you and they keep trying to do spell work to obstruct."
"Trying to block you from getting married or ruining your situation, your milestones."
"It's legally impossible for a former president to obstruct investigations into non-crimes." - Mike Davis
"I don't know, but I find it kind of weird how we tried to go to the library. That's when those two try to stop us."
"Good changes are coming, somebody was trying to delay a new start for someone, that's not going to work."
"People are in the way of us progressing, sabotaging our progress."
"They threw up that stop sign right when you got there."
"People knew your potential, which is why they tried everything to block your person from seeing it."
"I don't think David Miscavige of Scientology can be held responsible at this point for anything that Danny Masterson did to these women, except for the obstruction of justice."
"He's literally just in the way, he's not even playing football, he's just obstructing me."
"We've been pushed back and a lot of the protesters were blocking us out of this area."
"Choke points are geographic areas that have to be passed in order to reach a destination."
"Bureaucracy kills, bureaucracy drives out good people, drives out innovation."
"Pisces, don't go. See what I mean? It's like you're very deliberately being blocked by the High Priestess in your progress forward."
"He's trying to hold you back from entering your new world."
"They were trying to block your originality."
"You know that someone could be trying to thwart your efforts."
"You're trying to stop us going upstairs."
"If you stand in the way of progress and in the path of the future..."
"The gatekeepers gotta get out the way."
"The train's moving. Let's not get in the way of the train."
"There's no mountains in the way, barely any telephone poles!"
"Rivers flow unobstructed when there's nothing there, and there's power in that."
"Any kind of obstruction in your vision or perception has been completely obliterated."
"You can't see anything directly in front."
"The island itself is still probably there but it's probably blocked off."
"The operatives were blocking the stairs standing there idiotically."
"The first thing I'm getting is how he's blocked things, how the Trump years blocked things, and sort of tarnished our nation, tarnished the idealism of our nation, kind of blocked that."
"...the stage blocked a shitload of seats."
"When we then get into the pre-chorus and the chorus we are so straight that it feels like now you're moving forward unobstructed."
"Let's take someone with some freaking vision and let them create their vision and get out of the way."
"I can't see my beautiful cabin there's too much ice in the way."
"You're standing between me and private aviation."
"You're standing in your own way by trying to control everything."
"The drone won't go any further this way."
"It cannot block the door though, huh?"
"Turnover is okay; defending an old status quo is getting in everybody's way."
"These interruptions had kept her from entering."
"People will just stand in the middle of aisle ways and block [ __ ] up."
"It's up there and it's stuck there."
"Based on the evidence, the court finds it more likely than not that President Trump corruptly attempted to obstruct the joint session of Congress."
"We could not see 50 feet in front of us."
"Somebody was trying to block your intuition."
"To impede an artist of his tenor would be a bigger crime."
"In an ideal world, the blockage wouldn't have been there."
"The Pharisees became stumbling blocks to those seeking the truth."
"They're trying to hinder your forward movement."
"Someone wants to stop you from fully healing."
"So many tiny trees here all just clustered together rarely even giving you lanes through."
"Karma playing out, a Journey's blocked."
"The enemy plugs the wells of water with the soil of life."
"The question is, who exactly is Obstruction?"
"If the victim cannot make any sound or breathe, then we're obviously dealing with a severe airway obstruction."
"I feel like I'm just being so negative and like ripping everything to shreds but I mean I guess this is a good example of a season that the riggery is really what gets in the way of its own success."
"Stealing our lives or the very least... obstructing our political growth."
"Why should you have your spiritual growth and life put on hold because they are deciding to be obstructive and play you?"
"They couldn't just let him get out and that was going to be that."
"They wanted to cause some type of mental blockage or some type of ending."
"He's off to jail for obstruction of a police officer."
"the exhaust gets in the way of my heel"
"We have obstructive sleep apnea which is characterized by upper airway obstruction, and we're all aware of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome."
"It felt like there was a wedge to really make progress."
"The amount that a flow is stuck depends on what two factors?"
"We should get rid of the filibuster because there's very little that we can do, even if we have the majority."
"It felt like there was a thick blanket over his thoughts, suffocating them."
"The fact is is that going through all this work and whatnot and then getting let go because you’re getting too close to something else that was trying to be swept under the carpet was a little annoying."
"According to the indictment, he not only refused to return the documents for many months but he also obstructed Justice by enlisting others to destroy evidence and then to lie about it."
"So you can see that Gap there and that Gap there now that Gap means that no terminals can flow."
"Let your light shine - someone's trying to stop that from happening or trying to gain access to it."
"...help charging that the seal task force was being delayed by every possible means."
"Trying to keep you stuck and stagnant."
"Sometime who you sit next to can clog up what God is trying to send in your direction."
"Is it possible to blow your own sail?"
"Sometimes the very thing that God is removing from your situation is the very thing that's keeping you from seeing God."
"You won't be able to see this at all."
"A veil stops you from seeing, that is the point of a veil. A veil is supposed to blind you."
"It just won't get out of its own way."
"Not only are they far away from the religion but they block others from coming to the religion."
"It is what it is. Sometimes people can get in their own way."
"This way neither of us can stop Bellows."
"Ratzenberger is definitely holding them up."
"They win by not many people voting and they try to make it impossible for the votes to be counted."
"As one pursues this world and turns away from God, God is seen as someone who stands in the way of their pursuit."
"Witnesses always recanted or disappeared, evidence vanished."
"Debris on the track in turn three."
"Can you imagine trying to drive with that looting body on the back?"
"For someone to be doing that and like really stopping people's success and really trying to gatekeep this entire genre like it's, it's, it's ridiculous, it, it, it really is."
"Someone really wanted us out of the way."
"Communications going in and out are being jammed, so don’t expect the cavalry rolling in at the last minute to save the day."
"He had a future with good trees, but they don't want you to see the whole forest."
"Kids are professional block blockers."
"Fear all too often blocks rational deliberation, poisons hope, and impedes constructive cooperation for a better future."
"Jesus got angry when religion got in the way."
"The rock is not visible, it is foggy."
"It's not that you lack motivation, it's that your motivation is actually blocked by something else."
"A tyrant is the enemy of learning any high thing; that's the worst thing about them."
"The main thing which blocks us from Awakening is the sleep of solidity, of reassurance, of density, of gravitational pull of hanging on to how things are."
"A kidney stone will cause pain when it blocks the flow of urine from the kidney."
"Evil is the blockage of light, not the presence of darkness."
"When you're faced with a strange problem, those abstractions are usually blocking your sight of the root cause."
"A case of severe antegrade obstruction in a young child."
"Truth flows like a river, but then these barriers block that river."
"What is blocking this amazing communication? It is called inflammation."
"We can't realistically alter the lymphatic damage... but if a vein is obstructed, we do have technology to deal with that."
"Racism is whenever individuals or institutions stop other people from living a normal life."
"An idol is anything that gets in between you and God."
"Ideology is an unbelievable impediment of seeing the truth."
"...this is a reflection of the drug war and what politics has done to medicine and how it's prevented us from developing new therapies for all kinds of disorders."
"We want to make sure they are obstructing him to make sure that looks nice and realistic."
"Anything lesser than 70% will be an obstructive disease."
"We're all homeless, not really, but with government standing in the way, we are homeless."
"Help us to get out of our own way so that we can produce."
"If you're not with the program, you're in the way."
"Even if there's maybe a low-grade obstruction, it doesn't matter because the kidney is not being harmed by that."
"Please, letting others' inability to see the big picture get in the way of doing what's right."
"The moment man blocks or obstructs the processes of the universe, he is sick."
"Do not allow the narrow ego to obstruct your attainment of an infinite goal."
"A perfectionism that actually ends up interfering with finishing the task on your list."
"Capitalism in the U.S. government is blocking people's ability to evolve."
"If you can stop your opponent's plans, you're on your way to winning."
"The concern here is not with blocking but rather excessive blocking and blocking chains."
"Self-sabotaging is then finding ourselves following behaviors that then obstruct the very thing that we're trying to do."
"If it does annoy you, if it's physically or emotionally in your way, it's clutter."
"The greatest sin ever is standing in the way of a person's enlightenment."
"Don't get in the way of your own happiness."
"...declaring his intent to vanquish anyone obstructing his path with the prowess of his spear."
"You crossed my path on the 4th of January, said he. On the 23rd, you incommoded me; by the middle of February, I was seriously inconvenienced by you."
"Southern California steelhead have been blocked from over 90 percent of their historic habitat."
"Your attitude holds within it the power to stop your destiny and to sabotage your blessing."
"This whole thing is a journey of learning how to get the [expletive] out of your own way."
"Someone wants to block someone's joy, their opportunity for joy and love."
"The misery that comes along with creativity actually blocks it."
"He dams up the streams so that they do not trickle, and the thing that is hidden he brings out to light."
"It's one of the best examples of not getting in the way of yourself."
"We can notice the dynamic left-hand to clear out front at obstruction caused by a combination of the septal bulge."
"I find that seeking perfection is something that obfuscates my goal of just having fun, and it gets in the way."
"Your report did not exonerate the president. Instead, it provided substantial evidence of obstruction of justice."
"Anything to stop Sonic from running."
"The moral judgments that get in the way of people's ability to see that this is going to be a real problem is to the detriment of everyone."
"Because you're stupid, and I like you, and you'll be in the way."
"Moonlight trying to get through the window was broken into a thousand little shiny pieces."
"Leaders of religion in every age have hindered their people from attaining the shores of eternal salvation."
"This thing can basically blot out the sun now."
"Family can love you but at the same time they can love you in a way that blocks what God has intended for you."
"Conflict takes many forms, but it can be defined as anything that gets in the way of a character’s happiness or prevents them from achieving their goals."
"I've been so close to seeing the location, and something stopped me. No, not something... a dragon."
"You can't see 'cause I'm in the way, but we won it, we won it, we won it!"
"It's like I was looking out of a window, and somebody pulled the drapes closed on both sides."
"Addiction is anathema to the individuation process, rendering it improbable if not impossible."
"They saw where God is going to take you, and they wanted to ensure that it doesn't happen."
"I cannot put this feeling into words; it was as if there was some sort of force preventing me from opening that door."
"You're steady blocking your own shine."
"My first thought is, has she eaten something, and now she's got a gut obstruction?"
"Clutter starts to interfere with living your life the way you imagine it."
"You're prolonging it if you're blocking your own blessings by not accepting."
"He's standing in the way of it becoming truly successful."
"Any curve that goes around this circle, any way I try and move this curve and shrink it down to a point, this circle is going to get in the way."
"We are blocking you from this, we want to end this nightmare, we need you all to help us."