
Stakes Quotes

There are 1024 quotes

"We got too much at stake, we gotta let it ride."
"This is it, the final spot for Madrid on the line, and it's up to two North American teams to fill that spot."
"If we need people to watch, we should be letting them get closer to the tributes before the games to make the stakes personal. Who will watch the games if they care what happens to the tributes? Everyone. People need someone to root for and someone to root against. We need them to invest."
"It all comes down to this. This is for all the marbles."
"It's the designer's responsibility to make you aware of the stakes."
"We are playing for a million dollars, first place. Legacies on the line, legends will be made."
"Goodness, what a complex job. What a complex, high stakes, high consequence job."
"This is the final test. If I fail this now, everything will have been for nothing."
"Perfection or death, the stakes are very high."
"Like a vegetarian barbecue, there's just no stakes."
"I spent all night working on my next illusion. The stakes were getting higher, and if I didn't pull it off, then Chris would never learn his lesson."
"We are going to continue to spread these messages and make sure that the American people truly understand the stakes of this election."
"We can't give into despair at this point; there's way too much on the line."
"There is always something at stake in a Tarantino scene, whether it be something as simple as a character losing an argument about a foot rub to being discovered as a spy or just being shot."
"The quality of our world, not just the quality of our economies, that is at stake."
"What's at stake is about the future of our country."
"The stakes are staggering as defeat would mean the disruption of countless planets in the whole universe."
"We need to be really serious about the stakes of what's happening here."
"The fight for freedom of thought is really at stake."
"Every game is a playoff game in college football."
"This one like last week between Mike and I this is this is for a lot of marbles if you lose this game Andy sayonara you're out see you later."
"Paul is not that optimistic... the implications... are enormous... the stakes are enormous." - Dr. Duncan
"The whole idea of a Europe whole and free is at stake."
"There's a lot at stake... we just gotta keep working toward it."
"One hit means you're dead. But there's a select group of gamers who can do even better."
"It felt like a world with high stakes for young people."
"There is no other sport in the world like mixed martial arts because when you step into that octagon everything is on the line."
"Let's be absolutely clear about what's at stake."
"This is your new world, your new real estate."
"Everything is on the table now, it's not a game anymore."
"Personal stakes are always higher than these superfluous ones."
"Everything we believe in in this country is on the line in this election."
"It always feels like there's something huge on the line."
"The combination between the more laid-back style along with the high stakes of the deadly games proved to be the winning strategy."
"If I fail, I have to do a massive forfeit. Oh no, I don't want to do this!"
"The safety and sovereignty of our nation is at stake."
"Everything is on the line with this. It's unprecedented, historic, and unrivaled."
"It's also just a scenario where, when I've been gearing up for eight hours, I feel like there's something on the line."
"Seven million dollars gets you seven rounds."
"Consequences are real. The stakes were real. Everything in this world was grounded."
"The final clash trial, the last time hope and despair are on the line."
"In these videos, especially community focused ones, I like to give you context as to why stakes were high, emotions higher, and challenge a true pinnacle."
"That tension is what makes wager matches really fun."
"Having him stay in the dark forest gives him some actual stakes."
"This is the fight of our lives. This is gonna work, Steve. I know it is 'cause I don't know what I'm gonna do if it doesn't."
"Remember this moment and remember the stakes. We will risk ourselves on behalf of everything you care about and everyone you ever knew."
"This is the kind of character moment that I relish from a fight like this where the stakes feel real."
"The fate of the Galaxy could rest on this battle."
"Let the Battle Royale commence and melon whoever loses has to pay the winner 20,000 Robux."
"The stakes are higher than they've ever been."
"Hello and welcome to the inaugural season of hardcore tabletop, a new show here at RoosterTeeth where we take beloved games from your childhood and play them as adults with a twist, ratchet him up, we raise the stakes."
"The very system of government of the United States... is very much at stake."
"A bullet kills people you have to have that rule on a show because otherwise there's no stakes in the scene."
"Our digital lives are really connected through our physical one, so there are some stakes at hand."
"There is something much bigger at stake than just what is being contested in territorial terms in Ukraine."
"Oh boy, we've definitely got a big pot brewing."
"A win for either side will send them through to The Knockout stage ahead of their opponents."
"Most audiences are not going to be properly invested in the story okay and to be invested in the story you need stakes and stakes there needs to be implications cause and effects you feel this is going to happen unless something happens to stop it."
"I hope you lose, otherwise, your dude's going to be bald."
"People's lives are indeed at stake. It is truly a double miracle."
"This would be a fight if I lose that star I lose all hope and Humanity."
"These men, the stakes couldn't be higher if they were fighting for the title in this division. It's 1:1 now."
"There should be no question of hunger given what's at stake."
"It's win or go home from here on out" - [Music]
"The stakes get heightened now that Xbox has bought Activision Blizzard."
"Whoever wins this is on top. It's just that simple."
"I like it. I mean, there's something at stake."
"The stakes are higher than they've ever been, so now is the time to continue taking action."
"The health of the nation is literally at stake."
"It's a great introduction to the Sinnoh era of movies that gives us some high stakes."
"This is for all the marbles, all the balls in your mouth."
"The essence of Hardcore WoW is that death equals delete."
"The stakes that our rival team brings aren't as life or death or world-ending as others but conversely they are way more grounded, more realistic."
"This is high stakes. This is very fine. This is very good stuff."
"There is nothing between the army of the dead and Westeros."
"I was really into SmackDown last week because there was stakes and it was really seemingly important."
"It's an animated movie and it's clearly for kids, but then when it actually had stakes."
"John Ryder is the man that Canelo Alvarez must face or lose his mantle."
"The stakes are as high as they've ever been."
"Certainly hope so. It's the English champions against the Spanish champions."
"Whoever wins this wins the entire challenge."
"Everything's on the line, and now folks watching this have heard about it, thank goodness."
"The emotional stakes that we choose to dwell in really tells us everything that is the truth of who we are."
"I believe now we are playing for higher stakes. I'm at 19 wins to your 21, so you might be fighting for your life out here, buddy."
"Well, buddy, I believe now we are playing for higher stakes. I'm at 19 wins to your 21, so you might be fighting for your life out here, buddy."
"Passion is what fuels warfare; people's lives are at stake."
"If you can beat me, you'll get your job back. If you can't, I never wanna see your face again."
"Super Mario Galaxy immediately feels like it has higher stakes than most of the other games in the series."
"At stake in our present battle is the survival of our nation."
"A more gen-focused story with actual stakes."
"I think the extra Dimension we carry...adds to those Stakes."
"Possibly for the first time in human history, everything is at stake."
"I won the first game, he won the second one. Winner Takes all $200 on the line bro."
"The pressure is very different, there's so much at stake."
"Politics is not a game. We're in a deadly serious moment."
"This is like the one last opportunity they have... if this game sucks, I don't even know where that leaves me."
"Let's make a deal, pink slip. If I win, you go home."
"If I win the 1v1 you must shut down all operations."
"The stakes have never been higher but I think the choice has never been."
"What's at stake are the livelihoods of around 125 million people."
"The battle is intense, the stakes are sky high, and it's the culmination of a beloved saga."
"It's all at stake: character's on the ballot, the character of the country."
"Your soul hangs in the balance, it's your soul that's at stake."
"We're getting crazy, hey she wanted it, no not me whoa definitely got a little skin in the game huh Riders start wondering about some of these decisions they're not just their decisions those are artists we got money."
"Welcome to the grand final, where everything really is on the line."
"A swordfight is nothing without meaningful stakes."
"We've called it born rivals. Legacy, whatever you want to call it, at the end of the day, there's more at stake in this fight than there is in any other fight I've ever been involved with in 20-something years in boxing."
"The payoff is just as challenging and invigorating as the stakes leading up to it."
"For example, Karas would play pool for up to 40 grand a game!"
"If we sneeze, we lose, and that's as simple as that."
"Rappa relishes in a good fight, especially a fight with high stakes such as a fight to the death."
"The violence is extreme, the stakes are extreme."
"This is the next contest. Winner take all. Every single belt you see on that screen right now, every single NXT championship or NXT UK championship is going to one lucky winner."
"Playing in a poker tournament can involve ludicrous sums of money, with the winners being written into the history books."
"Guardians of the Galaxy vol 3: Major consequences, who survives?"
"It's about much, much more if it was just that the stakes would not be this High the fight uh would not be as bitter as it already is and as bitter as it will become."
"This Pro contract is a game changer for me. It's a new level of motivation, a lot's at stake for me, I want to be the best fighter in the world."
"This is a grand finals game right here, for any of you guys wondering what's at stakes here or like who's in the lobby, what's on the line, this is the best of the best right now."
"There are some real stakes and tension here."
"This is what's at stake: Do we want to survive and thrive?"
"The freaking world is at stake here, literally."
"This is a huge fight, there is so much at stake."
"The battles in academia are so vicious because the stakes are so low."
"Whenever you are someone who has a lot of money, the stakes are always so much higher for you."
"If things are going in the direction we think, it's game over for her. I can't overstate it."
"But in reality, there's something much, much bigger at stake here."
"We're finally playing a game with extremely high stakes against a scientist who up to this point hasn't been beaten by anyone."
"If you have anything else distracting our vision we we are a chance that we might miss and I think for an exam which has such high stakes that is very very important."
"At the end of the day at the poker table, there is no friendship. Don and I, we have a standard last longer bet. The amount will not get disclosed now."
"Fail to impress us and you will be packing your bags. Good luck."
"If I win, you disappear forever. But if I lose, we will let you carry out your evil plan. Fair?"
"Higher stakes do improve game experience a lot of times."
"The stakes are high. Anyone against critical thinking cannot be regarded with any credibility at all."
"The stake has never been higher as the fate of the world itself and the future of each faction are to be decided on the battlefield."
"You cringe, you lose, and you are in trouble."
"Winner of this versus sends the loser all those flags."
"Winner take all here, the winner here advances."
"It's like YouTube's getting a little boring, you know? It's like either we win this game or my friend dies. Or I die."
"We need to call them out on it... because there's too much at stake."
"It all seemed too good to be true, and with a reward of three hundred and fifteen thousand euros on offer for information leading to Dr. Death's capture, a lot was at stake."
"We have to win. I mean, it's a matter of life or death."
"This fight is a lot higher stakes than anybody could ever imagine."
"Good doesn't always triumph over evil and we need stakes in line with that."
"It all comes down to this, winner takes all."
"The fate of all of Europe was at stake." - Narrator
"The stakes are high. We are talking about Christine's health, happiness, and really, her life."
"A loss here can be tremendous on both sides."
"Every team knew that the line between success and defeat was finer than ever."
"I do not think we are gonna win if I die, it's over."
"If you (beep) this up, I am gonna kick you in the nuts."
"Nothing less than the future of human freedom on earth is at stake."
"It's kind of beautiful, it raises the stakes, it makes it much more meaningful."
"I told them absolutely nothing about the games that they would be playing, only what the stakes were."
"It's all on the line here. It's you versus these guys."
"This conflict immediately will raise the stakes for everyone."
"If Bungie shows PVP gameplay, I would delete a god roll of your choice."
"There's so much meaning of your game had a bearing on both who's going to win the league and who's going to get into the top four."
"The aura of invincibility, I think that's what's at stake when it comes to Patrick Mahomes here."
"If Survivor Series had some stakes, if it had some stakes and weights behind it then this wouldn't be a problem." - Mr. Davis
"Yeah, it's a mega pint of tears exactly there's 100 million on the line she wouldn't do a line, no she's not going to do that man that's crazy, uh Chuck, wow."
"Things are escalating quickly and the stakes are getting higher and higher."
"And let's be real, it's just more interesting plot wise if there is a real possibility of Deku losing one for all."
"This in the show proves the show has no stakes, there is no risk to any of the main characters."
"If there wasn't something absolutely vital at stake here, there wouldn't have been millions of people watching."
"If I'm trying to get back together with you, all bets are off. Literally."
"Every match felt important, every match had stakes."
"This is not doggy coin... this is for all the marbles."
"If Young Boys win, they're straight back in it; it means a lot for them. If they lose this, they could be out."
"I know there's a lot on the line, but at the end of the day, we're still friends, right?"
"By having some serious stakes and some serious things going on with the characters, it makes the catharsis that is a happy ending or learning or whatever so much more effective."
"Fear does that to people, especially when something you care about is on the line."
"The stakes are so minuscule in comparison, it just feels so much more important, epic, and terrifying in Snyder's version."
"Restoring power after a major blackout is one of the most high stakes operations you can imagine."
"Not everything needs to have high stakes to be a good story."
"For the benefit of our guests, let me remind everyone what's at stake. The future of our world is in your hands."
"The stakes are pretty high today, okay? Guess what, the loser of the 2v2 burger battle... will post their most embarrassing high school photos to the Mythical Kitchen Instagram."
"For all the marbles, for all the marbles. Come on, buddy!"
"The lives of hundreds and possibly thousands of people are at stake."
"It's not funny if it's not real. Farce has to be high stakes and real."
"The stakes are very real, and safety is never guaranteed."
"Too bad," Jean remarked casually, "I had 20 million riding on this match."
"Now we're playing for something other than just an upload."
"A series needs stakes; that's what makes the story good."
"Viewers are often drawn to stakes; the more something is at stake, then the easier it is for the story to grab the audience's attention."
"You have 13 hours in which to solve the Labyrinth, before your baby brother becomes one of us... forever."
"No one wants to be perceived as perhaps being untoward in how they review any kind of litigation, especially with so much at stake."
"They need to figure out how to have someone that's so powerful be relatable and put them in stakes that you actually care about. They have to fight in like outer space I guess."
"If you want to do Raw versus SmackDown, you're going to need to include stakes."
"They're racing for pink slips here."
"If he loses, he will be deprived not only of himself but also the entire Shin family."
"The world ranking of number one also up for grabs as well all to play for for the ferns and the Roses."
"The stakes in Whiplash aren't life or death but for Andrew and the rest of the cast, they may as well be."
"Whatever this goal for the character is, it should be like life or death, always. Yes."
"the weird connection that ET and Elliott have actually pays off since they both start to perish significantly raising the stakes cuz well you don't want want either of them to die"
"Little did I know that I was about to become entangled in a gripping tale of entitled demands and escalating conflicts that would put my home, my family, and my very Freedom at stake."
"The stakes are high and they're about to get steakier because we've got some A1 sauce for this final round."
"Set the stakes high. Give your characters a strong reason to fight, making the battle all the more important and engaging."
"The stakes, man, on another level for this one."
"Watching the most powerful heroes get tormented or eliminated was jarring, this shocking sequence definitely made it clear that the stakes were higher than they'd ever been."