
Community Resilience Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"We stand up as Houstonians... we go through tragic moments, but we're going to stand up... like we always do."
"MICHIGANDERS have shown great resolve in adhering to guidelines and it is working."
"The real measure of a community is how it handles its darkest moments."
"Building community resilience is critical to weathering crises. A group of people working together is much stronger than a bunch of isolated strangers."
"The more control communities have over resources and the points of production, the more resilient they are in the face of climate change."
"We saw it after 9/11, we saw it in the blackout of 2003, we're seeing it tonight."
"The game's been around for a long time, and while most can agree that it's past its golden years and on the decline, the community is still going pretty strong and creating cool things to this day."
"We're all living in extraordinary times right now, and making the best of it."
"We will get through this and we'll get through it together. That's what we do as Kentuckians."
"There's also a culture up there of people who are into being prepared and self-sufficient so you don't have to worry as much about them just coming in trying to rob you."
"The status of the Muslim ummah in the eyes of Allah should be the optimism of Muslims even within their Darkest Hours."
"The stage is being set... you can't make this stuff up."
"The people here are super resilient and only have love to share with others."
"Despite the odds, there were some Central Africans in Bangui trying to stop their city from tearing itself apart."
"The resilience of this community has been remarkable."
"The people of Hungerford refused to be defined by a day that caused so much pain and suffering in such a short space of time."
"We saw the worst possible events... but then we saw the best that is the British cop."
"It is a real credit to the people of both states and the leadership."
"We're going to grieve together, we're going to dig out and clean up together, and we will rebuild and move forward together."
"The whole neighborhood does the same thing, then all of a sudden you have a resilient community."
"Every time you come on TV, you just try to strike fear. But you would think, you know by now, that the apes will stay here 'cause we all know about the dark pool."
"If everything went down tomorrow, do you believe that black people have the ability to feed and take care of ourselves?"
"An entire community banning together to deny the Armada an easy win and rebuild their city, that's Power Rangers through and through."
"A faith-based society is going to be a lot more robust and healthy."
"There's going to be bumps in the road and peaks and valleys, but when the community is airtight, you get through the tough times and enjoy the good times."
"We are New York tough. We are smart. We are disciplined. We are unified, and we are loving."
"We are New York tough, which means tough, smart, united, disciplined, and loving."
"El Paso is a resilient city, this will not define us, and we will move ahead." - Chief Allen
"It's a really, really difficult time right now. You wake up in the morning hoping that more and more people were pulled out." - Governor Ron DeSantis
"People can work together and we can all get through it."
"We are very close-knit, we will come together, and we will survive."
"The MMO genre isn't dying, no matter who may say otherwise."
"Community microgrids have the potential to both help us reach long term sustainability goals and build resilience in the face of storms, wildfires, droughts and other calamities that threaten the macro grid."
"Our community will rise again stronger than before."
"This was pure evil, by one individual, and I know that this community is going to come together, stronger than ever."
"Floridians are so resilient; you guys just rebuild better."
"We will survive the re-appearance of the Daevite Empire. Regardless of what happens on March 20th, normalcy will be protected."
"Be prepared to witness the most manly thing you've ever seen in your lives."
"Stay strong, stay informed, stay alert – only together will we get through this."
"The community was able to push back, the community was able to protect themselves."
"Our goal is to ensure a recovery that positions Hawaii as an example of resilience, strength, and resolve."
"Traditional skills like building and farming are crucial for thriving communities."
"The church grows when the church is persecuted."
"Recovery in Maui is going to take many years."
"You're loved and you're valuable, and that'll help to get us all through whatever difficulties we may face."
"An entire town of people who struggled, suffered, and fought to keep their home intact."
"Part of that repair also has to be remembrance, right? So as I'm reading... what people don't know, we talk Black Wall Street Tulsa, Oklahoma, but there were a lot of Black thriving communities why? Because Black people built the country."
"There were problems, but the community rallied and proved that they would not be disheartened by a couple of hours locked out of a video game."
"Thank you, we will be back from Horseshoe Beach later in the broadcast with the devastation here but also the resolve to rebuild."
"Despite the darkness of this tragedy, the strength and the unity of the community offer a glimmer of hope and resilience in the face of adversity."
"The key to the mystery of the origin of life was actually information, it was code."
"I think it's just showing that people can thrive in a place that's been hit by de-industrialization, job loss, economic breakdown, then austerity, and that's true working-class spirit in a way."
"There's still a lot of goodness happening in the space, despite all the bad stuff."
"Each step we take to become better prepared makes a real difference."
"In the face of adversity, the strength of our community shines through."
"We will come together around Baltimore and we will rebuild."
"In Israel, deep political division doesn't erode the sense of community."
"We need to rebuild, and that is exactly what we're doing right now."
"For the most part, people who have been directly affected have been incredibly patient, incredibly resilient, and they have suffered a lot."
"A voice can be destroyed, but a movement is much harder to stop."
"Toontown Rewritten is a solid counterexample for both of these issues."
"Another winter survived and this time I think we actually got through a whole winter without anyone dying."
"Let's talk about the resiliency of our great City. We worship together, we cry together, but we rebuild together."
"Rest assured in this city, we're going to stand strong and we're going to move forward."
"As a global human community, we've been through some [ __ ] y'all."
"Vaccination is our way out of all of this. Count me among the many who continue to marvel." - Adam Aaron
"Despite the common perception, Fallout 76 is surviving and now perhaps later than expected genuinely thriving."
"I've seen today, I feel like it's hope. We're gonna stick together. We're gonna rise."
"From feeding cranes to hosting fairs, communities in the Thar find ways to thrive."
"My main takeaway was you could just feel the determination of President Zelensky and as a result of the Ukrainian people that they will win this."
"A startling feeling to be amid people who show that kind of defiance... courage... refusal to buckle under mounting Russian pressures."
"The amazing thing about Parkland -- which I know, because Florida is a special place that I know very well -- this is probably the last place in this country where you'd think a thing like this could happen."
"The church built in 1846 remained standing tall untouched by the flames as a sign of hope for the people of Maui."
"Food, water, energy security, community, and shelter, these are all critical."
"Our community is full of great examples on how to survive a disaster."
"Whenever black people build up a community that's independent... it gets burned down."
"The people of the hills are very much doubling down on it to my knowledge."
"There's never been this many people restored so quickly."
"Pike County is a resilient Community very small I know it's been tough to be known as the place where people were murdered but we are much much more than that."
"The stronger these small communities are, the less they're going to need FEMA and the feds if things really fall apart."
"We're all going through this at the moment, but we will defeat it if we all follow these measures."
"People need fundamentally to understand that and to be taking steps immediately to secure their own nutritional sovereignty for their families and growing outwards for their communities."
"Black Americans, we are in this thing on our own. Everybody's looking to us."
"Jodes: A Compact of Survival, forging unity from the ashes of ecological disaster."
"All these people... ain't worried about no beef, just trying to get back to the money and the family."
"How to regenerate the earth and really establish resilient community."
"Most people won't be able to make it, most people won't be able to ride this out, but the real ones in our community, we are continuing to stack these positions while they give us an opportunity."
"It’s their lifestyle and strong sense of community that has allowed the Amish to remain a cultural enclave."
"If we face the climate emergency, you want people resilient."
"I recently completed the original trilogy and loved it to death. It means so much to me."
"Many towns would consider giving up, but not Paradise."
"It was hard to forget the resilience of the 119 people on Angle Inlet who face a daunting task standing up to an entire country."
"We recognize the heroic efforts of local councils and emergency responders everywhere who have been working tirelessly in affected areas."
"It demonstrated that even in the darkest hours, communities could rise above fear and uncertainty, reconstructing their foundations stronger than ever."
"The greatest strength in the city, I believe, are those who have stayed through the struggle and have kept the faith."
"The greedy principles that once defined this city were abandoned on that day when its people banded together and refused to die."
"By shining light on community resilience, I will try to provide some insight into the foreseeable future of McDow County."
"It's about food and nutrition, mitigating risks from flooding and droughts, and building a spirit of community resilience."
"Ultimately, it's a powerful testament to the ability of small African villages to come together and triumph in the face of unimaginable terror."
"Berlin was saved because the airlift kept the fires burning, the wheels turning, the ovens baking."
"The whole South Island will feel the impacts of the earthquake, and we may not be the first ones that get help."
"Food sovereignty and food security was so important."
"Community development is the capacity of local populations to respond collectively to events and issues that affect them."
"Life in Raven Cove is hard at the best of times; we are a resilient people."