
Cultural Exchange Quotes

There are 1236 quotes

"A place where writers, artists, and scientists met to debate and to pioneer thought."
"It changed me as well... you get into someone else's culture, you start to see the world through their eyes, and it changes you as a researcher."
"A diverse state can offer you many things, many opportunities, experiences, different food, people, cultures, music, and very colorful parades in some cases."
"Chat with native speakers to understand different pronunciations and be more consistent in your own."
"If you don't know Studio Ghibli, then you should look up some of their films. They're basically like the Disney of Japan, but they make incredible films."
"The Belt and Road Initiative embodies our aspiration for inter-civilization exchanges and will promote mutual learning and add splendor to human civilization."
"For years, they went back and forth from Eastern Europe to North Korea, and they just kept making movies; they didn't even make movies for Kim; they did it for the North Korean people."
"For the first time, instead of a popular piece of media moving from America to Japan, it was the other way around."
"When music crosses borders with that intensity, it is for a reason. You have to look into it; you have to question yourself why."
"Design styles from different areas and different cultures and time periods overlap with each other and draw inspiration from each other."
"And even today -- over 2000 years since silk first appeared in Rome -- exploring the Silk Roads can tell us a lot about how worldviews and other ideas spread along those trade routes and eventually influenced the beliefs of billions of people through time and space."
"Language exchanges provide opportunities to engage in authentic conversations with native speakers."
"Cultural appropriation is the greatest thing that has ever happened to planet earth."
"There might even have been intermarriages between the North Africans and the Native Americans."
"Through English, [we aim] to provide people worldwide with the possibility to dialogue, exchange ideas and opinions, and hopefully break down mistrust between cultures."
"Hunter Hunter is a unique and in-depth look at what can happen when two people from entirely different walks of life begin to emulate each other through mutual respect and friendship."
"Being back in the United States, I have been able to have just so many conversations with people... most Americans are very open to learning about China."
"Shamate were some of the first people that brought me in and actually said, 'Come, sit at our table.' And they weren't trying to impress me; they weren't trying to be like, 'Oh, the foreigner's here, let's do all this fancy stuff.' They were just some factory workers, and we all had a great time together."
"The point of the show was watching a black guy go to like Scotland to be like, 'Man, y'all are crazy.'"
"I love meeting people and learning their language and their culture."
"You can be the bridge... Greek Orthodox Christians would be happy with your Muslim students like a new breath."
"Let us recognize that shared motifs, cultural cross-pollination, and the universal truths that emerge from these diverse narratives."
"The mamuna tribe hasn't had the advantage of cross-cultural pollination seen in Western societies and therefore they haven't benefited from the economical advantages. The best thing we can do as travelers is to respect their traditions and learn from them by applying their values to our daily lives."
"International students are a valuable asset to this country; they are bright young individuals that enrich our communities and bring significant social, cultural, and economic benefits."
"I'm really happy when I can share my culture with other people who are or are not Japanese."
"Globalization has transformed how we produce, trade, and interact, creating a more interconnected world."
"Hello, servos, and welcome back to my YouTube channel. My name is Feli. I'm originally from Munich, Germany, but I've been living in Cincinnati, Ohio, on and off since 2016."
"Assalamu alaikum. For those people now, I wish you peace, you wish it back upon me."
"For many people, you are the bridge between Western culture and Japanese culture."
"Migration has a ton of positive ones as well. We see economic growth as more immigrants come in, they bring ideas, jobs, they are entrepreneurs, they bring new cultural things we've never experienced before."
"Sharing cultures, especially the art and food of those cultures, that's how we break down racism."
"One of my favorite things about doing this is just that, to go around the world... to meet so many people from all different backgrounds and everyone, you know, so much love."
"From Poland, we are going to get Catholicism, an encounter with Catholicism, with Roman Catholicism. We're also going to get the emergence of something called Greek Catholicism, which still exists in Ukraine today."
"Hindu practices such as hatha yoga and meditation are now common in Europe and the Americas."
"The whole point of the that mutual enrichment was to say this has been a part of our tradition, the central uh liturgy in our western church and as Pope Benedict intended that there was this mutual enrichment that was going on."
"I like showing to other people that, you know, there's... other types of music."
"Ethnicity can sometimes be a touchy subject online, but now with social media, it's way easier to discover and share cultures with each other."
"Chatting with native speakers is an important part of learning a language."
"A very positive story... the very first Cuban participation in the Little League World Series."
"That's why people from all over the world came here, I've spoken to people from Japan, from Europe, from the U.S., they're super excited."
"Language is interesting because... Language is not, so it's not the same thing, like when languages move, it's not necessarily because people have moved."
"As incoming Western culture integrated itself into Japan, this new Japanese culture was itself being exported to the West."
"The whole point of traveling was to go to a country and connect with the people."
"Cultural exchanges and student exchanges are a very important tool to try to bring people together and avoid wars."
"Believe cultural exchanges and student exchanges are a very important tool to try to bring people together and avoid Wars."
"The success of Gumball in Europe has led to its airing in the US and eventually other locations."
"Always an honor and always a pleasure, guys. Thanks for introducing us to new stuff."
"100%, we could be the biggest enemies but we sit down and we have a plate of food or I introduce you to who I am through my food there's no way we won't make small connections."
"Experiencing the unknown and meeting new people enriched the lives of the pilgrims and through their many stories, they would influence the lives of the people around them."
"Your engagement does more than just support this channel, it fuels a larger conversation, a global dialogue that transcends boundaries, cultures, and creeds."
"It was beautiful to see two different worlds coming together...having a beautiful conversation about so many aspects of life."
"Whether you're a Christian or a Muslim, tonight may be a great time for us listening and learning from each other, asking some questions, hopefully learning something new, and I also hope making some new friends."
"Aviation brings people together and this is my mission that's why I go to places such as Iran Israel Afghanistan to show you a different perspective of traveling to those countries."
"In an ethnic home, he shared happiness and life stories with local folks."
"The vast Islamic domains offered many opportunities for trade, intellectual, and cultural interchanges."
"Because these are real-life activities they are based on, and sometimes just sometimes it can do something truly magical, getting a weeb interested in sports."
"Great Zimbabwe was part of a global trading network."
"Nobody owns culture. You are not appropriating culture."
"Greetings people of the future, tell me of your strange and mysterious ways whilst I shall tell you of the strange and mysterious past."
"For Mansa Musa, the Hajj would also serve as a sort of cross-cultural debut for the Mali Empire."
"If it wasn't for Islamic contact with you Europe would be in Dark Ages."
"Trade is the lifeblood of humanity, it’s how we’ve exchanged ideas and even bloodlines for untold centuries."
"Quite often the best way into a culture is through good food, a dinner table, and the right people."
"What's really important is that we embrace other ideas and other cultures, not that we assume or force people to go ahead and take on what's already there."
"A lot of people in the world are very excited to meet black people because they don't have black people in their country." - Jessica Nabongo
"I never met nicer people. Everybody that I met was super kind, super hospitable. It was a really cool experience."
"I want to see an entire movie where Peter Parker goes and he's an exchange student in Europe."
"Having sort of a portal just around the corner in Germany that leads you to the US is something special." - Dominic
"It seems that when a number of Japanese people came over to Hawaii they brought minina over with them... it seems that the woman who saw her was so freaked out."
"Upon hearing of this wider world, many Maori wished to travel with Cook away from their Islands to see these wonders for themselves."
"Dispatching the Iwakura Mission to America and Europe must be cited as the most important event that built the foundation of our state."
"George Harrison fascinated by the music of Ravi Shankar embarked on the culture and traditions of India."
"Ideas would spread much faster across the Atlantic... Atlantean civilization would survive on Atlantis."
"I would love to travel more and more, you know, I love traveling and if I have the opportunity, I would love to visit your countries and meet you guys. We can hang out together, that is my plan."
"Appropriation is only negative if you're financially exploitative or doing it in bad... everybody should be encouraging everybody to do that's awesome."
"You're famously tough on terrorists... Welcome to Scotland."
"K-pop's rise isn't just about music; it's about embracing something new, something different."
"This channel started because I have a passion for fostering a better relationship between my home country of the United States and the country of China."
"Here's some European euros for the European talk, hope this doesn't make it so I can't watch you guys anymore."
"We gotta have the kids all the way up to the 60 year olds. It's funny, because when I first went to Japan, it was intergenerational."
"The survivors of Atlantis, when they arrived in America, they taught their wares to the locals, they didn't kill and plunder them."
"Venice definitely had a leg up because being the only state to trade with any Muslim power, they had a lot of access to Eastern architectural styles and Moorish designs."
"If the model could work in China then why not in the west and thus in some sense everywhere."
"This might come as a surprise: the ancient Greeks and Romans were closely linked to ancient India in science, trade, art, religion, and beyond."
"It took what Monster Hunter was in Japan and brought it here to America."
"Diversity means all kinds of different people can serve you all kinds of amazing dishes."
"It's not always about counting countries or scratching countries off of a map, it's about experiencing other people's ways of life to increase your own knowledge of the world, your empathy, and gratitude."
"So, in some way, the pursuit of black pepper, and the organic chemical piperine, changed the world."
"In China, they're welcome, they're treated as friends."
"Get to know some traditional priests outside your circles."
"Symbolic of the different cultures and civilizations that passed through the city."
"So what I would really love for you guys to do right now is leave me a comment below and tell me a little bit about your culture or your ethnicity or nationality literally anything you want."
"Everybody that comes up to us says Salam alayum. It's so nice."
"It's always fun to try to flirt in another language."
"I want to bring Filipino talent to the world stage."
"Art is a great barrier breaker, it's a great icebreaker."
"It's like whenever people go to other countries... it's just a recipe for Success."
"Australia is always a great place to look at what's coming over to us next."
"The Argo will be modified with the Wave Motion Engine and the mission to save Earth will begin. And just in time. Earth only has 365 days, well, 364 now, until the radiation kills all remaining life on the planet."
"Star Blazers didn't start life as Star Blazers. Its roots go back a few more years and a previous attempt to bring it to America. Star Blazers is the adaptation of a Japanese series called Uchu Senkan Yamato or Space Battleship Yamato."
"The two reportedly drank so frequently at one pub in London that the landlord renamed it to the 'Czar of Muscovy.'"
"The first and only African man who became a samurai during Japan's most iconic age."
"Thank you so much we will be sending Carolyn and Regina a box of British candy back to enjoy."
"He studied martial arts from masters in different countries, borrowing moves and tactics from each discipline, becoming a truly dangerous fighter."
"This is a classic example of a crossover between different franchises, genres of film, cultures, and languages."
"To foster growth and development on the continent, we dream of bringing Africa to the world."
"It offers opportunities to learn new things, experience new cultures, and meet interesting new people."
"Imagine how many more conversations you open up with the more languages that you know."
"Food is the widest door into any culture. It brings people together and has so many connective dots."
"I really think the best way to get close to another culture is through food."
"She's the representative icon of 50 years Indonesia Korea diplomatic relations."
"The Alvão writing is the exact same thing. It came from the west and went eastwards and back eventually."
"Dances with Wolves unfolded a historical drama where he portrayed an officer embraced by an Indian tribe."
"The Samjhauta Express: a testament to the importance both India and Pakistan attach to it."
"For Indian Sikhs, it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to visit Pakistan."
"Rick: I have many friends in America that are curious about Iran, what can you tell them? What message would you give to my friends? Girls: We love them... okay, we love the people in America."
"Bessie Wallis Warfield is largely credited with bringing the caesar salad to Europe."
"Love from India, love from Seattle. Thank you for taking the time to be here."
"Why is the Union Jack on a U.S state flag? Look it up if you want, the story is actually that the UK and the US kind of half owned Hawaii for a bit."
"There's never been a more crucial time for us to learn from one another and build new bridges."
"Having these events and sharing our culture in Saudi Arabia is the first step for us to really be able to understand each other."
"Our aim is to touch the whole world, to have a global audience."
"We would love to share the beauty of this culture and language with people outside the native Chinese-speaking regions."
"You're handing back the talking stick to that Elder who has stories to tell."
"Let's see the world, let's Infuse culture into the veins of our kids."
"Chinese people will always be very enthusiastic if they feel that you are learning Chinese and you are curious about their culture."
"Thoughtfully designed role-playing games have a really, really wonderful way of sharing culture."
"Let's go find them around the world. Take away with me before I leave just having a good time enjoying ourselves man. This is all about travel exploring learning from one another I feel alive."
"Cultural appropriation is really good. Who invented pasta? Speaking of the Italians, was it the Italians? We actually don't know."
"But by then, Europeans had acquired an appetite for goods and merchandise of the Orient."
"If we all should start opening up our minds to different perspectives and ideas the world would be a better place."
"I think there are things that the rest of Europe can learn from that."
"Japan's JET Program promotes cross-cultural understanding."
"I finally get country music that's all it takes and a couple of them have comparison but then I got a message before so they they flew back to the UK when I flew here um and Carl who's my best mate in our lead producer he put the second they"
"Humanity's complex past: a narrative of hybridization and cultural exchange beyond the linear Out of Africa theory."
"To share a part of our culture through food... every bite that you have tells a part of Jamaican story."
"What makes it very fun and interesting because you get to learn from their culture and also the entire drag race fashion because it's not the same in everywhere so it was super fun."
"The Kisuke wished for Wano to open up its doors and embrace the world."
"We're broadcasting across the United States, into the continent of Africa, throughout the diaspora, and everywhere else in the world."
"We're gonna have some fun, I've got a bunch of friends from Jordan visiting which is nice, haven't seen those guys in a while."
"Immigration is necessary for cultures to avoid isolation and stagnation."
"I have a very good friend of mine who's Thai that manages this for me."
"BTS paved the way for K-pop to have some visibility in every country of the world."
"At the end of the day, America, you can freaking keep her. We don't want her back."
"Malaysia, I love Ramly burgers, please give them to the rest of the world. Don't keep them for yourselves, they're so good."
"I'm sort of a big proponent of right to repair."
"Going new places and experiencing new cultures are the keys to having empathy and becoming a more well-rounded person."
"As a Canadian, I'm fascinated with America, and I wanted to offer American thought leaders an opportunity to share their thoughts in a deep dive format where we can explore their ideas together."
"If in this people led to Mesopotamia we can find them if Mesopotamian people came to the Indus we can find them."
"Cultures always rub off on one another when they have contact."
"Already Europe would find itself significantly enriched by the state's existence."
"What if you were offered the opportunity to visit another planet? Experience the culture of an alien race, explore a new world with technology 5,000 years ahead of ours. Would you do it?"
"Big Boy Chang like bro humble literally made me feel like I was at home when I pulled up to Manila. He made me feel like a king, you know what I mean?"
"I grew up in America having pancakes a lot and then I was introduced to this and it's like the best."
"One theory is that this next game may end with thor kidnapping loki."
"Here's the cool thing about translate. Here's the cool thing that happens with K-pop bands that go abroad. They bring translators in the show and hype men as well."
"Art as a tool for communication and bridging language barriers."
"Do in-person or online language exchanges, learn by talking with somebody."
"Having a pen pal, a digital exchange or snail mail, it's like an ERA you know."
"I love that you came here looking for something and now you're going back to Latin America with the gospel."
"I probably was the first student ever to enter Al-Azhar University and then to leave Al-Azhar to come to study in Pakistan. This is the wisest decision I've ever taken in my life."
"The premise of the '90 Day Fiance' is that an American citizen falls in love with someone from another country."
"Just wanted to say I love your channel so much, my girlfriend is from the Philippines and hasn't seen hardly any Western films."
"The most exciting thing about moving to the U.S. is the food."
"It's always good to expand your horizons a little bit and meet people who are leading very different lifestyles to the one that you got going on."
"I believe archaeoastronomy is what links together many advanced civilizations and is what links some of them to America. I believe there was contact between ancient cultures."
"Lawrence found the Bedouins... to be about as close as he could come in the modern world to his dream of living with fighting with working with medieval knights."
"The community on the west coast USA was so nice to me as an Aussie. Walking with these people through a Fallout world was so much fun."
"Perhaps when aliens are fully known and we have accepted their existence, our own culture will become one of many whom other races will wonder if we are visiting."
"It's very important that more Malaysians learn Chinese... China is the most important country for the future of Malaysia." - Prof
"People generally want to connect with each other and they want to see people from other worlds enjoy what they love."
"Another French one... that person is speaking a second language..."
"Rock ain't nothing but a white version of rhythm and blues mf'er you know I met Paul McCartney when he was 21."
"Anything transfer over homophobic it is uh possible jail time and a 25 000 fine in Canada yeah yeah I hope that's not true some of my Canadians uh tap in let me know what's going on it was good that sounds crazy"
"Hip-hop has been a gateway for a lot of people to break through and gain an understanding and acceptance of an outside culture."
"A song of Union, of breaking down barriers," the Bard sings.
"It's a race to be the first Brits in the 51st state!"
"It's Brits Abroad, have you heard of that? Yeah, so good, I just think it could be the next generation of John and Leah."
"A man who connected the East and the West during his lifetime continues doing so even more than 2000 years after his death through the stories that people share."
"Travel is so important. Being around people that ain't where you're from gave me perspective."
"Living in a different place... is such a great way to learn about another culture and see from another perspective."
"Classical musicians react season 5 will be starting up in about a month, and we'll be starting with BTS's 'On'."
"I think it's important that Irenaeus, having journeyed literally from east to west, is in a way a certain injection of eastern thinking into the western context, and that's all to the good."
"You are teaching me and inviting me into a world I knew nothing about."
"We realized that through basketball, we managed to bridge the divide between our countries, open a dialog, and make a connection with real people, if only for a moment."
"If Central C becomes the first UK rapper to hit the mainstream in America, it's a good thing because he is a good artist."
"Giving more exposure to that scene will introduce tons of really talented artists to the Americans."
"China has more to teach us than we have to teach them."
"For 500 years the American Indians have been blamed for giving Europe syphilis."
"Learning Russian opens up new opportunities to speak to people from many different countries."
"Once you get to Rhodes Island, I'll bring a few pots—I hear you have quite a few operators there who appreciate a fine drink."
"The bridge between languages and cultures." - Tribute to Edith Grossman.
"Lost grottos of Maijishan: A center of cross-cultural pollination, where East meets West."
"Good man. Hey man, that's tight. You got a CD player. Here, let me gift you with this album of mine."
"The most exciting part isn't seeing necessarily the city and sightseeing, it's really meeting the people and understanding the culture."
"Rice was introduced into Europe by the Moors in the 10th century."
"Indian merchants, scholars, and priests all played a role in transmitting Indian culture to Southeast Asia."
"Can you imagine showing highlights to this alien life form and they say wow this sport looks amazing we want to play?"
"To anybody who can, go overseas for any length of time and live somewhere and try to understand others."
"Knowledge itself became so highly prized that the acquisition of ancient texts even came to be considered a valuable wartime plunder."