
Personal Thoughts Quotes

There are 181 quotes

"You're so beautiful. I'm always thinking about you."
"When I believed my thoughts, I suffered, and when I didn't believe my thoughts, I didn't suffer."
"I have been pondering that for a good long while."
"Inside every brain are thoughts in a mother tongue spoken by only one person, and to speak and be heard is to go from one private language into a shared code and then into another private language."
"Every time I think of you, I always catch my breath."
"I wonder what the nine are saying about this, I wonder what Magenta has to say, I wonder what Jen Magenta's feeling that's coming up for the end of the year." - Tara Love Perry
"Thanks for staying with me on this extra long review and thanks for letting me rant. We can finally put season six to rest and move on to bigger and better things."
"There are moments where you just begin to think about the goodness of God."
"No. He’s purchasing a forbidden blank paper book, a journal to write down his true thoughts."
"Why waste my thoughts, my thoughts are rare these days. Very rare that I have thoughts and so if once I have them, why waste them on you when I'm never gonna speak to you again in my entire life, right?"
"Every thought you have, every feeling you have is creating your future."
"The only thing that ever made you unhappy at any moment in your entire life was thoughts. That's it."
"I think about you as I fall asleep and as soon as I wake up."
"Musicals offer a window into what someone is thinking or imagining."
"When you're in love, it's hard to think about anything else."
"There is always a part of my brain that's going to get knocked into thinking about work."
"Take your own thoughts with a grain of salt because they're just thoughts. They're not actually who you are."
"So it's just it's a thought that's in the back of my head I'm sorry Owen I haven't spent another second working on a Christmas album but that doesn't mean I'm not going to I would like to I think it would be fun."
"I have a lot of thoughts about ghosts and stuff..."
"Dreaming about what you are always thinking about is from you."
"Your thoughts are running rough shot over you."
"Legit, some of the best thoughts in my life that I've come up with were in the shower."
"There's a lot on paper that I really, really love... weirdly enough, the modern day... has me feeling optimistic."
"I do think to incorporate the title of my book I do think people start to think they're Untouchable."
"It's hard for me to not think about them and compare myself to other people who also do this for a living."
"I genuinely think about and care about every single one of you that watch my content."
"Ugly thoughts of a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on their face."
"This person's pretty focused on you, they're thinking a lot about you."
"It's shocking, it's actually shocking to me."
"The coronation of Queen Elizabeth II took a mammoth three hours, but by early afternoon, the ceremony was over. She was smiling like anything. She was thinking to herself, 'Well, that's a job well done.'"
"Abel thought to himself that she had something else she wanted to say."
"People spend so much time in their feelings and talking to themselves in their own [__] head that they forget what's going on in reality."
"This is someone that's thinking about you a lot."
"Somebody feels like they're chained to their thoughts about you."
"I am thinking of you at this very moment, your love fills me with light. I love you."
"Your person's late night thoughts towards you."
"I think even in the back of my head I'm like maybe I'd get out on that snow."
"Just as a primer here, I'm gonna give my general thoughts walking out of the movie and and kind of what I thought about it."
"Maybe he'll be quiet this time... Maybe he's sleeping on a plane."
"I feel like all your everything that you think about is manifesting or everything that you think about has the ability to manifest into your reality."
"Let's just be real, guys. Let's just be real."
"Think about that when you go to bed tonight."
"I do have thoughts about it as somebody who really doesn't care what anybody else has."
"Don't even go there, you might think he's just a friend, but believe me when you're alone, you don't know what's going through his head."
"Thinking of you brings calm to my soul, wow that's beautiful."
"Pay attention to the ideas and the thoughts you get in your head, that's like your intuition telling you what to do."
"They've been thinking about you and they're about to open up and share their thoughts and their feelings with you."
"A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts."
"Maybe I just wanted to vent and hear other people's thoughts."
"Somebody out there was thinking about me. Somebody out there was thinking about me."
"I think this is going to be all right, you know."
"Your person is definitely in deep, deep thoughts about you."
"You're thinking about the things you're afraid of." - Sam Harris
"I really hope that I've touched on something that maybe you were thinking."
"Sometimes in the middle of the night, I end up thinking about you all, like, I hope they are okay."
"There's not a day that I don't wake up that I don't think about my own death."
"To retain youth, man must think continually and only of the processes of renewal."
"People out there want to know what you think about something like this."
"As he closely looks at him, she starts thinking of many things about Allan, such as he isn't really a bad guy after all."
"I feel like what I'm saying is bad and I thought it's just because my cat likes to play hide and seek..."
"I've been so anxious, losing sleep, thinking about you like crazy."
"I'm so famous...I thought I could take it off and kind of just go out and think."
"You're the last thing they think about before they fall asleep. Damn, you got you living rent-free in this person's mind."
"No one can take your place, Norm Macdonald. That's what I think."
"I'm all up in the red, travel to the moon but it's always on my head."
"I never had that type of thought, but I never even thought about it either because what people think don't matter at all."
"You're like, 'Because I was like, I'm 15, I guess I shouldn't care about my thoughts.'"
"It's weird to have vaccine guilt." - Michael Jones
"You love this person, whoever this person is that's on your mind, you love them."
"The pain or the darkness or the rumination is overwhelming the real thoughts. You know, they say light overcomes darkness, right?"
"Now I think about it, here we go. So I'm finally done reviewing this game."
"Maybe she had had dreams that after he came home from war, they could work things out, or who knows what was in her mind."
"Just because you think it doesn't mean you have to believe it."
"That made me think about that seeing that paracord there."
"Disillusioned by the noise, thinking you'll still have a choice."
"Reading I think it's really like therapy Dec and you can really just switch off for a bit which is something I don't often do but yeah thank you for watching as always bye for now."
"Pants are the hardest thing in the world. Pants, I mean there are harder things objectively, yeah. But the way I'm feeling right now in this moment is that pants are difficult to find, and that's where I stand."
"Share your thoughts on this stuff if you guys have anything that you ever want to send me."
"The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it." - $1
"We have to be allowed to do comedy, even if that's what I'm thinking."
"Every day is hard and everyone around me poor Emily she's like I know I know what Emily's thinking she's like are you okay."
"They fantasize a lot about you, they think about you a lot."
"I love hearing your actual thoughts."
"Don't keep your personal library of thoughts on the internet if you don't want people to discover it."
"Repeating on Loop in our heads was the line: 'It's a small bus.'"
"Each of us must live off the fruit of his own thoughts in the future."
"Justice is the card of legalities as well, but the King of Swords says someone is thinking about you."
"I'm not giving advice necessarily, so much as just talking about what we do and where the business is headed."
"I always think about my girl Ilana in this situation."
"Sun wealth is for you, this person is thinking about you, you're on their mind."
"How is your person thinking, feeling about your connection? What is going on with your person for pile one, please?"
"I have a lot of thoughts, this is like a really fun like puzzle to piece together."
"Logic, Misha, honestly I'm not sure what's going on in my head."
"Your appearance doesn't determine whether you're happy or not; thoughts do."
"It's okay to have the thoughts; they're your thoughts."
"I think it'd be a really, really cool idea. I don't know, it's just a weird one."
"The voice inside my head is very much this thing."
"That's just something i wanted to share with kind of what's going through my mind i kind of waffle for like 22 minutes guys i hope you guys enjoyed the video anyway but thank you so much for watching and have a wonderful wonderful day and bye bye."
"What are they secretly thinking about? 'I want to move into a beautiful future with you.'"
"They think about you a lot, you may not suspect it but they do."
"Those are my thoughts in the case of Logan Schendelman."
"She said, 'I certainly wasn't thinking about her.'"
"So, yeah, those are my ranty thoughts. Hope that made some sense to you. Comment if there are other frustrations you've had. I'm curious."
"What goes on in my mind is none of my business."
"What's on my mind today? I got a new hobby, a musical talent."
"I guess I just have a lot on my mind, you know?"
"So now it is time for the summary where I share my thoughts and feelings on this project."
"I'm an independent broadcaster who has thoughts that are in his head, that he says them. They are not given to me by anyone."
"I'm going to give you a little bit of insight into my thoughts on it."
"I wonder how much these things played on Paul's mind."
"I was just thinking all to myself, how I still want you, nobody else."
"It's you on my pillow, in all of my dreams."
"What's going on in my head is more interesting than a lot of stuff that's going on out there."
"Every thought that is created inside of you is caused by you."
"Freedom means I don't have to filter my thoughts and decisions through that other person."
"Not everyone has to know everything about us, not everyone has to know our thoughts."
"The things that we think and say to and about ourselves are usually how we form our sense of self-esteem."
"Those people are all individuals with their own unique thoughts and feelings."
"It's what we think, not what other people think, that matters."
"It is a 'still small voice'. It will come through your own thoughts, using your own thought patterns and your own vocabulary, and your own words most of the time, and your own feelings."
"I'm thinking about my family and millions of other families."
"Who is thinking of you, why, and if there's anything they would like to say or any advice here."
"I'm not giving educational speeches that are really well researched; I'm just being myself and sharing my thoughts and my experience."
"I like doing spur-of-the-moment; it just comes out, it's my thoughts, that's whatever I'm thinking at the moment."
"I've always thought about going into politics."
"Every time I think about it, it makes me so happy."
"I like to write everything that is on my mind, everything that I learn."
"What other people think about me is none of my business; I choose to let it go now."
"This is like my vault in my notes app; it's like Pandora's Box."
"I think the world of him, he thinks the world of me too," I think of Russell.
"It was something just made me start recording my thoughts in an audio diary."
"You are bigger than your thoughts."
"That is my thoughts for Orianna from Parfum de Marly."
"I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on this, what was your first time experiencing this film?"
"I need to stop thinking about what other people think and do what's best for me."
"I've never thought of you as a bother, and that won't change."
"I know John would think it absurd, but I must say what I feel and think in some way—it is such a relief!"
"It's not important what other people think about me or do, it's important what I think about me and do."
"You're still a good person, despite your thoughts."
"You're the one who is important, what you think and what you do."
"Your confidence is based on how you see and think and feel about yourself."
"I like to have something with me where I can write down my thoughts."
"All this pain I'll never let show, all my thoughts you'll never know."
"I've been thinking about you, I hope you've all had a really nice start to 2024."
"Tell me, what do you see when you look in my eyes? Got a lot on my mind, hoping I never be going out of my mind."
"When you think of comfort foods, what comes to mind?"
"It's all about the thoughts that you capture, the ideas and the memories that you hold within the pages."
"It's hard for me to communicate the thoughts that I hold, but tonight I'm gonna let you know."
"When she went to bed, her thoughts were of her sudden, sloppy, and exhausted kiss, not Apple Bloom's operation."
"Someone you love is thinking fondly of you at the moment."
"It's not a rule book, it's sort of how I think or what I thought or how this happened, and some of these things are really enlightening."
"I care about what I think because I'm with myself all the time."
"I think I just need some time to think about what I heard tonight."
"I have all these ideas, who knows anyway, thanks for watching this week's video."
"It's only happy thoughts, you know. I feel like this person, just the thought of them makes you happy."
"I never stopped thinking about Rose."
"We've seen a poem by Yeats, a 20th century Irish poet, expressing particular ideas, sharing very personal thoughts, and pointing us towards a vision of what he thinks the future could be like for him and for others."
"These are just my thoughts, feelings, and opinions, and I really do want to hear yours too."
"Most Thursdays you'll find me here, rambling to myself and you all, and I'm looking forward to it."
"Let me have my genuine thoughts about these people."
"I have to tell you what's on my mind because I'm feeling so blessed."
"Write your own ideas or feelings about the experiment as the conclusion."
"Please enjoy my stories or whatever else might be on my mind today."