
Positive Relationships Quotes

There are 207 quotes

"Choose to surround yourself with genuine, caring, and loving people."
"It's been a beautiful day. I really appreciate you."
"Always surround yourself with people who value your worth."
"Our mom's awesome, guys. She really is. How could you not be awesome? We turned out lit."
"The more you elevate your consciousness and purify your consciousness, the more you draw good things into your life and good people into your orbit."
"Life is short. Don’t fill it with people who don’t contribute positively to your growth and happiness."
"Take care of yourself, be kind to yourself, and surround yourself with people that are kind to you."
"Surround yourself with people who make you feel good, who make you feel seen."
"Thank you so much for being a wonderful person."
"This person is going to treat you right, they're going to cherish you, they're going to respect you."
"Having lovely people around you allow you to see, sometimes even take you by the hand."
"He wants to be happy and doesn't want anyone to ruin that joy."
"I've never had a bad relationship with my dad."
"Tangle is a wonderful friendship between two completely different personalities; instead of butting heads, these two help balance the other out."
"We all need an Evie in our lives, don't you think?"
"Surround yourself with people that lift you up, encourage you, and applaud your success."
"Every time you're around them, good stuff happens, they give you positive vibes, good energy."
"Surround yourself with good people, people that build you up."
"Focus on self-love, self-care, and the people who want to be in your life."
"Surround yourself with the people who hype you up."
"They sound like the power couple - like they're holding hands and high-fiving."
"Surround yourself with people that are going to uplift you and cheer you on."
"You cannot get rid of an addiction by yourself... you cure it by forming positive relationships with other people."
"Joy, love, and serenity will most certainly be found throughout this period."
"It's someone who challenges you in the right way, in the positive way. You raise each other up."
"I just want to let you know we're cool, not mad at you. Stay blessed."
"Stay close to people who make you feel like sunlight."
"When you lead your life and chase your own goals, passions, and desires, you'll never be disappointed at the outcome."
"You're better off with connections that truly love you."
"They want to bring good things to you, like they want to be a blessing in your life."
"There's some really great partnership energy coming through so I'm excited to see how that pans out for all of you."
"Surround yourself with people who uplift you."
"Take pleasure in your children's company. If you enjoy them, they will enjoy your company."
"Be yourself, be good to yourself, be good to good people."
"He made me laugh every day that is not hyperbole that is a fact every day he made me smile."
"It feels really good to be taken in instead of being pushed away."
"There was a lot of consent and talking, which helps, whatever the opposite of Weinstein is."
"More of the story is that if you're surrounding yourself with a good group of people, that good group of people will actually help you go up and up in life."
"You make them feel happy, loved, and appreciated."
"I do feel like being Adelaine's roommate is really good for me."
"Reject the negative stereotype of being an antagonist parent-in-law; be a source of blessing to your family."
"Hugs are a great source of love, and let's face it, we could use more love in our lives."
"It's always about leading with passion, believing in myself, staying true to myself, and surrounding myself with those who truly care about me and want me to win." - Alison Hagendorf
"The dynamic of the main four here in my opinion is absolutely absurd in a big positive."
"Thank you so much for taking the time to listen to my story to watch this whole video I love you so much and I appreciate you and I want the best for you."
"If you treat people with respect, they will give you respect back."
"There is no time for people that make you feel less than."
"Appreciation goes a long way - saying thank you, using gratitude whenever possible."
"Bless them, bless your exes, bless your adversaries, bless everyone."
"Surround yourself with people that uplift your energy."
"Surround yourself with people that edify your marriage, building your union, pointing out all the lovely things about them."
"Success they do not feel intimidated by. They're just happy to see you doing well."
"People want to give back to you because you're such a giving person."
"A heart of gold, you never gain weight while you date her"
"Two people who build each other up not tear each other down."
"Embrace clarity and positive communication. Serenity and honesty pave the way for long-lasting happiness."
"Surround yourself with people who uplift and respect you."
"This person isn't going to try to douse your flames."
"When you're giving away love, you're ultimately giving happiness."
"Get around people where you see them and you're like, 'I can't wait to get back around you.'"
"Nurture connections that make you feel productive, positive, hopeful."
"Express gratitude to your loved ones—it's a win-win."
"Somebody is coming towards you with a lot of love."
"This person is gonna put a giant smile on your face."
"Be careful who you tell about the good things that happen to you. Limit that to people who wish you well and really want good for you."
"I want to celebrate people's gain right. I don't lead with the jealousy or the Envy."
"Keep being grateful for the positive relationships in your life."
"Surround yourself by the kind of people who are going to lift you higher instead of keep you firmly stuck in place."
"I'm lucky to be with you. I'm kind, fun, loving, and motivating."
"Remember to always thank people that make you feel like a stud."
"Winners build you up, always have a kind word, and rejoice in your success."
"Let's strive to surround ourselves with people who contribute to our tranquility."
"You are their happiness, you are their successful outcome."
"You are enough this person is going to make you feel so amazing about yourself i feel like this person is going to make you feel so loved so safe like you are completely enough on your own."
"Ladies, we have got to stop overthinking. There are good guys out there and they will treat us right."
"She's one of the best human beings I've ever met in my entire life."
"You exist and you're pretty damn amazing so why can't they be pretty damn amazing?"
"Garrett knew it. He knew that friendship was magic and let the friendship be."
"You'll start to manifest people who love you for where you are."
"Once you've found a healthy level of confidence, that's also going to bring in people that also have a healthy attitude towards you, towards love, and towards relationships."
"I appreciate with people like Lala and Carrie is that we all want the other to succeed and that's really rare."
"Surround yourself with people that help to elevate you."
"They find your company so enriching, so nourishing."
"God damn, this is how you make a song about drugs."
"Build bridges instead of burning them and treat yourself and your neighbor with love and respect."
"Skating is really rad because no one's there's not really like too many like enemies you know everyone's kind of tied and everyone likes each other."
"You're gaining stability in your finances...a flow of money, career, and good relationships."
"Surround yourself with people that lift you up, not bring you down."
"Having a supportive group of people is always good."
"This relationship is bringing you to see the best in yourself and the best in other people."
"That's a good group of friends, that's a good dude I love you."
"One of the nicest human beings I've ever met."
"You deserve someone who shines as brightly as you do."
"One of the nicest people I've ever met is Kyle."
"You really do try to put your best foot forward into connections."
"The themes of fatherhood and Brotherhood... exploring the goodness that comes out of family bonds."
"Honestly, the first time I ever met Reeve was on Pro Clubs. He passed me the ball every time. I was like, this man is so sick, I love him."
"The people that you need to worry about are the ones that are rooting for you."
"A healthy soul tie is when bonds become beneficial mentally and emotionally."
"We went to counseling not for anything negative but these are the things that just worked for us."
"I genuinely believe people should want that for each other."
"Thank your angels for the lessons because they're showing you things for a reason."
"I love everybody in Tennessee. It's not one person in that office or in the stadium that could say they had a problem with me."
"Good company can keep us on the right path. We need friends who will sharpen us, challenge us, and encourage us to grow in our relationship with God."
"They want to uplift you and just see you succeed."
"I'm glad Denki might have found someone. He deserves it."
"You are the gift, always bearing gifts in any connection you get into."
"Love, lust, or loss for Aries: they want more."
"It's easy to receive because we know it's genuine."
"Your life is going to be greatly enhanced by this person."
"You have a beautiful connection coming in here."
"They want an honest relationship, they want to be able to be honest with you which is definitely a good thing."
"I'm here to love you, no matter what you do."
"This is gonna be a life-changing connection that will improve both your lives for the better."
"Love can draw you to people who will see in you what you do not see in yourself and bring out the best in you."
"Candace like puts her arm around Phineas like we've done a good thing."
"Life is too short to spend it with negative, jealous, critical people. You need some eagles."
"Surround yourself with positive people who love and support you."
"Surround yourself with people who lift you up."
"Stick closer to people who are going to bring you up."
"Trust yourself and know that the good choices you're making will attract good relationships and opportunities."
"We should never feel isolated and we should never isolate somebody we should always be actively pursuing the other."
"They're coming towards you, they're not going to repeat mistakes of the past."
"Surround yourself with people that love you and that want you to be your best self."
"These are the friends that you always feel good around... not the ones that suck the life out of you."
"Empowerment through community, love, support, friendship."
"Especially when he's nice, he's the best guy on the world."
"You're attracting love into your life in all its forms. Not just love, but also love from people, just happiness, good from anyone, not just a lover."
"Make sure you're spending with people that are positive."
"Wendy was just one of those people that you couldn't help but enjoy your time around them."
"Self-caring people always surround themselves with people who appreciate their worth."
"Make friends with those people who want the best for you."
"Make sure that your relationships are prosocial and proactive and promoting you towards your rich and meaningful life."
"When you're able to develop positive relationships with coworkers and clients, lead others, and communicate in a meaningful way, it leads to overall improvements in your work performance and wellbeing."
"I just want to have positive relationships positive experiences with customers and the jobs are always better for that everybody including the customer enjoys that process."
"I was glad to know my co-workers and customers have my back, but I still think I'll take a couple of days off. Ultimately, just feeling grateful that I'm finally in a place where the good people in my life far outnumber the bad."
"He had an incredible relation with children."
"Gratitude and love, something about the way they look at the situation that happened with you, they have nothing but love for you."
"Ideally, engagements with those who are closest to us should leave us feeling like we're better people for having been with them."
"You inspire a lot of people that you're in good terms with."
"Surround yourself with people who charge your energy, not drain it." - Henry Cloud
"It's just something positive for her and shows how much he loves, respects, and cares about her."
"I've met a lot of people in my time doing YouTube, and a lot of them have disappointed me, but this group... it's just fantastic."
"People who are desirable... take accountability, accept your feelings, are apologetic, address the problem, adjust their behavior, anticipate future results, and appreciate you bringing it to them."
"Being with the right woman will actually do wonders for you."
"Take care of yourselves and never a cross word."
"Just like genuinely good people, no, they're fun, they're fantastic."
"Good friends are people that are strong encouragers as opposed to just being judgmental and critics."
"Recognizing the happiness that is associated with this connection rather than the toxicity."
"Be around people who make you love life."
"People lifting you up and not tearing you down."
"It's really great to see that, and I'm sure that's why those guys get along so well."
"We shouldn't be tearing one another down, we should be lifting each other up."
"Surround yourself with good people; that's important."
"I'm only kicking it with people that lift me up."
"You have to find those people who really influence your life in a positive way."
"I'm glad you finally made a good friend."
"I'm just going to continue living my life the way I want to and surround myself with good people."
"Everyone genuinely gets along; it's the best feeling."
"Learning to radiate happiness towards people, to share happiness with people, is a sure sign of love."
"Let's stop tearing each other down."
"Friendship is not discouragement, friendship is encouragement."
"They're all really really cool, really really sweet. Just like good people."
"The Chosen person gets into relationships with good intentions."
"Love one another; and in the game of life, goodwill takes every trick."
"It's really important to surround yourself with friends that are positive."
"Thank you guys for being so amazing and so supportive and loving."
"Make friends with winners... cultivating supportive relationships based on Buddhist principles of kindness, compassion, and interconnectedness."
"Be around people that are good for you, healthy for you, not toxic."
"I always keep good people in my life."
"You are only focusing on people who are sharing the love with you."
"That's the kind of relationship I like, and I'm happy for."
"When we build a sense of community in our classrooms, when the relationships are positive and respectful, people can learn."
"I'm only dealing with people that are a positive influence on my life."
"Be around people that love you and enjoy your company and bring positive spirits and energy to you."
"There has to be more incentives to show the positive sides of marriage and healthy marriages and relationships."
"I'm real proud of her, she's a really interesting, fun, sweet person."
"Green flags are when you're having fun, you guys are talking, they are interested in you, they ask you questions."
"I really needed a change; I needed new people in my life, good people."
"I'm glad that it's not due to conflicts within themselves, you know, like they don't hate each other."
"Hope, positivity, and optimism; sanity, clarity, and reason; health, wealth, and positive relationships - that's how I operate."
"Stay with people that uplift you, stay away from people that bring you down."
"No fighting, lots of happiness, good relationships for everybody."
"Focus on those that are giving to you and doing for you."
"Seeking out soul family, surrounding yourself with positive people, nurturing the bonds of friendship."
"Love should multiply, not divide."
"I feel really blessed with people that I've sort of surrounded myself with good people and kind people."
"As you care about yourself, you naturally attract the people that lift you up."
"If somebody's nice to you, and somebody treats you really well... they uplift you and they make you feel inspired, those things work."
"Surround yourself with people who are going to uplift you."
"Keep pushing forward, keep loving yourself, and love that matches your vibration will find you."
"You're attracting positive people in your life."
"Life is just too short to be around people who don't celebrate you."