
Totality Quotes

There are 188 quotes

"Remembering that we are more than just our role is what the waking up process is. It's remembering that we are the whole of totality, the whole of reality incarnated in each moment."
"Life is a totality. Part of the experience of life is pain."
"If you're not ever entering into relationships with the totality of you, than you're not really being fully there in relationships. Are you?"
"God is asking you to truly love Him with all of your heart, mind, soul, and strength."
"We are all connected. We really must take into account the totality."
"Trust in the Lord God with all of your spirit, your mind, and your emotion."
"A horoscope is always seen in totality."
"The Omniverse is everything, and everything matters."
"This is about seeing the totality, the power of the Divine."
"Our main assumption is that this program A is total and it correctly finishes on all of its inputs."
"Such a powerful total program like A could not have existed."
"Reality is fundamentally a singular unified totality."
"Millions are within the path of totality, so whether you'll be beneath the moon's shadow or experiencing this remarkable event with us at CBC, we've got you covered."
"All stands for the totality of our experience."
"There's a totality of the Gospels that you need to read them together and not just take out little pleasing parts."
"Most people, nearly all of the time, perceive the world and their existence not as concepts or abstractions, but as totalities."
"The totality as it appears in the head, as a totality of thoughts, is a product of a thinking head which appropriates the world in a way different from the artistic, religious, practical, and mental appropriation of this world."
"The task of economics and economic theory is to capture the totality and the nature of the relations between these different moments."
"Unity as a concept or as a numerative principle, added to any deficient thing, creates totality. Therefore, unity becomes a kind of negative representation."
"Emancipation more than anything else will make the Civil War a war of conquest, a war of near totality, on both sides."
"It's all or none. Don't just give Jesus a part of your life."
"Social change today is of a total character engulfing the entire Society in all its dimensions, including nonmaterial needs and values."
"Love must be total. Love must be a totality. By loving suffering, fear, and death, it literally means living through these moments fully experiencing them until the point you realize that you are them because you love them."
"He is a Giver of Life in every aspect of our total being."
"Considering this as a set in totality is of high quality."
"To love Jesus Christ is not merely feelings; it requires the totality of who you are."
"Christ died for all my sins. If he didn't die for them all, he didn't die for any."
"It's not about just changing your perception, it's about changing everything."
"You are the darkness as well as the light; you're everything."
"Once you've seen that you are the totality of existence, you can't ever go back."
"It is everything and nothing in one."
"It's either the whole kingdom is His, or it's none of His at all."
"If you are within the path of totality and you sit under the shadow, you'll be able to witness the eclipse."
"The Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all."
"This is once in a lifetime because this universe card, this world card, it's literally everything, right? This is your big chance."
"The angles around a point add up to 360 degrees."
"It's an absolute masterpiece, it is definitely a whole piece of work."
"Invite the totality of the being that you are to come into alignment spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally."
"In marriage, the only way it can work is if you say, 'Hey, you've got all of me, the good, bad, and the other.'"
"Love God with all that you are; love God with the totality of your being: your body, mind, heart, soul."
"Conjugal love involves a totality in which all the elements of the person enter."
"You got to accept them for who they are completely."
"Buckle up for this one because it's just everything."
"We may speak much and yet come short; wherefore in sum, He is all."
"The stamp of universal or divine being as totality is present in everything from the greatest to the least throughout space."
"The totality of each is God, and God is the totality of totalities."
"The individual is moving constantly toward totality through every moment and instant of self-forgetfulness."
"Philosophy is the center of the totalization of our epoch."
"It is the category of totality as such that founds the continuity of philosophical discourse."
"This strikingly precise coincidence allows it to just completely cover our Sun during totality, allowing us to see the sun's beautiful, ghostly Corona."
"Holiness is the total being of God."
"When you love someone, you love them fully."
"We are the totality, we are Brahman, that's what we are."
"Once we can let go of attachment to this personality and this mind, this individualized consciousness, then we're free to experience the rest of us, the totality of our being."
"It's not just the last season that they play, it's the entire body of work."
"It's not just about the food anymore, it's not just about the atmosphere, it's the package."
"We never talk of individual stages; we always talk of totality."
"All indigenous African words for the divine means the totality of everything."
"The multiverse is the whole thing; reality as a whole."
"The library is total and that its shelves register all the possible combinations of the twenty-odd orthographical symbols."
"The Second World War was a total war."
"Most lunar eclipses are about six hours or so in totality, start to finish."
"The totality of who you are, I like it. That's the best friend, that's the mentor, that's the person you marry."
"The Guru is not some sort of a person to whom you surrender; Guru is the Buddha, Guru is the Dharma, Guru is the Sangha, Guru is everything."
"When you really truly fall in love with someone, you love everything about them."
"You are that, and there's nothing beyond you are that."
"Violence in its practice is totalizing and national."
"This colossal task which consists of reintroducing man into the world, man in his totality, will be achieved."
"To accept him is to accept him with a revolutionary acceptance; it's to accept him completely, all of you to all of me."
"But victory in a place like this, it's so palpable you can taste it, and it tastes a lot like totality."
"I surrender all, not 90, not 99, but 100 percent."
"Love God with your whole heart and your neighbor as yourself."
"The dawn isn't only the key to everything, but it is everything."
"The term 'self' refers neither to Christ nor to Buddha but to the totality of the figures that are its equivalent, and each of these figures is a symbol of the self."
"Primary purpose is to be here fully and to be total in whatever you do."
"The experience of totality only lasts a few minutes, but it offers a glimpse of the sun's outer atmosphere called the corona."
"Everything, love," replied the youth. "Absolutely everything."
"Angles around the central points here are angle degrees in a circle are going to be 360."
"Surrender all, not just a portion of your life."
"The totality of what exists, expressed by the formula of the heavens and the earth, depends on the one who gives it being."
"If you're going to forgive a person, you need to forgive them all the way."
"Everything is total, deterministic, and free of side effects."
"The sum of the probabilities of all possible events has to be one in a distribution."
"Hiranya Garbha is a sum total of all minds and all capacities."
"The totality of all Devata is Hiranyagarbha."
"For a brief period of totality, it covers the sun entirely, blocking the bright disc sufficiently to temporarily darken the sky around it and reveal the wispy coronal atmosphere to the naked eye."
"When I think of music, I think of music in totality, complete."
"True Christianity was a total 100% consecration spirit, soul, and body."
"The fourth and most important stage is called totality."
"They are not some things; they are everything."
"The time when the Sun is totally covered is called total solar eclipse."
"Christ exemplifies the archetype of the self; he represents a totality of a divine or heavenly kind, a glorified man, a son of God, unspotted by sin."
"The psychological self is a transcendent concept expressing the totality of conscious and unconscious contents."
"Experiencing totality is something that you will never forget, and until you get a chance to experience it, nothing else compares."
"Love is the actual/virtual whole itself of what is happening between them."
"Contact with Brahman, which is the totality, is infinite joy."
"The sum total of all that a man believes constitutes his state of consciousness."
"The path of totality where the sun was completely obscured sliced through various states."
"...if you love someone you love anything about them."
"The overriding aim of my life was to love and be loved in totality."
"We in our true nature are actually the totality."
"Emptiness is a terrible word, actually, it's a really misleading word... as an experience that very nothing is absolutely everything."
"When you're with someone you love, you love all of them."
"You are the totality of creation itself."
"I love you for everything you are."
"You can't pick and choose which parts of life you want or which parts of your parents you want, you either get all of it or nothing."
"It's almost as thought the brain is set up, designed to resonate in that structure of totality, to experience the field of unity as the meditative traditions of the world, and enlightened traditions of the world have emphasized."
"There's only one, and you are all of it."
"You are the moment in which all is."
"Your vibrational frequency is of utmost importance here, not only for yourself but also for the totality."
"It's not like 10 belongs to God and I get the other 90 percent; it's like 100 belongs to God."
"One hundred percent of something means you have all of it."
"God doesn't redeem some things for His glory, He redeems everything."
"At totality, you'll be able to see the fainter planets: Saturn, Mercury, and Mars."
"Every fraction of the universe carries within it potentially the totality."
"One thing you could do is just focus on shooting the totality."
"If you're in the path of totality, you'll also see and be able to photograph the diamond ring effect."
"This is everything, it's everything."
"He is the totality of all there is and can ever be."
"If it's not Lord of all, He's not Lord at all."
"The ultimate goal of life is to embrace it in its totality, pain and joy alike."
"As soon as you leave your individuality, you become the manifest totality."
"Love is knowing and admiring someone else in their totality."
"What do you want from me? I want all of you, like I want everything."
"I need your whole heart, your whole soul, your whole mind."
"What we are charged with in this court is dealing with the entire family, the totality of the family."
"A broad perspective helps to see and feel about the totality of things."
"We have to love God completely, with all our soul, with all our mind, with all our body."
"He's either the lord of everything or he's not the lord of anything."
"It's absolute, it's total, it's complete, it's perfect."
"It pays to trust God with all and to make no reservation."
"To love then is to obey the whole law."
"The word 'universe' literally means 'everything.'"
"I was completely and totally in love."
"It's all of God and it requires all of me, dependent on all of God."
"I'm the totality like all of me, I'm the sum of all those things that happen in my life."
"When you die, die with totality. You are everything, die with it."
"You were my mother, you were my father, you are my friend, you are my companion, you are my world, you are my learning, you are my all in all."
"Glory is the sum total of God's complete attributes."
"If you're in totality, this is going to be awesome."
"If you like a person, you like everything about him: his appearance and his inner world."
"As I do things of a higher vibration, it always includes and positively impacts the totality."
"Spirituality or what you call religion is mainly to understand this: that you don't require anything, that you are a part of the totality or reality."
"The manifest totality from the first moment of daybreak, the light of complete clarity is flooding all around."
"He is everything, the lamb and the lion."
"There's no substitute for what the human eye can see during totality."
"There's no substitute for seeing the corona yourself; this is the best camera, use it during totality."
"The biggest thing that I would recommend is when totality happens, don't miss a second of the event."
"A lot of life blurs together; the moments of totality do not blur together, they stand out in sharp relief to the rest of your life."
"So many moments in life just kind of blur together, but the moment of totality doesn't blur with anything else."
"You need to focus on having a mind that can apprehend the totality."
"You got to get yourself in a path of totality."
"You got to give 100% of yourself, 100%."
"Where there is love, there is nothing else."
"We sit back and look at the totality of your life."
"You have just experienced totality."
"Once it's totally eclipsed, it's safe to take off your glasses if you're in the path of totality, and that's a view to behold."
"The handbag represents they them having the totality of all knowledge."
"At the end of the day, that's all a true connection is: it's 200%."
"It's a lot deeper than just love, it's pretty much everything all together."
"I am all my successes and I am all my failures, and I respect them all."
"The world is a Victorious moment, it's the union of all those polarities, it's everything."
"The greatest is love, for when the whole thing flowers, there is nothing but love."
"Be very present to the moment and completely total on what you do."
"It's to allow for all the flaws, not to just make somebody totally heroic but to look for them in their totality."
"Totality means that functions work on all inputs."
"If this is real, I want the whole package, and if it's not, I want none of it."
"I feel like when you love someone so much, you love everything about them."
"It's like totally encompassing acceptance of self."