
Universal Values Quotes

There are 198 quotes

"A champion is someone who gets up, even when they can't."
"It seems to me the only way we can get to a world in which we converge on the same kinds of moral, environmental, political, social solutions to global problems -- the only way we can get there is to have some kind of universal framework for talking about right and wrong and good and evil."
"There are many reasons to think that [religion] is not the best source of value talk. But the thing that religious people are right about...they're right to think that we need a universal morality."
"Freedom is universal; it's a universal right and it's not granted by the United States."
"Human rights is such an obvious and easy one to get behind for all humans."
"Religion could have been a source of global cooperation because at least some religions espouse universal values."
"I think this would be one of those rare examples of actual civil discourse."
"Freedom of speech is such a powerful motivator; it's a universal human value."
"We should always stand up for democratic principles, human rights, civil liberties... we believe our values are universal."
"There are universal values that people have, and I think there's an innate goodness to them."
"The founding principles of the United States were universal, not racist."
"The great civil rights leaders recognized that the promises of the Declaration of Independence were universal."
"Privacy and security are for everyone, not just a few."
"What remained constant is the universal desire to experience joy, wonder, and amazement."
"Treat others as you would like to be treated is written into the very fabric of the universe."
"For all their differences, people largely agree on what goes into human well-being: life, health, sustenance, prosperity, peace, freedom, safety, knowledge, leisure, happiness."
"Nothing gets done without energy... the only universal currency in the world we have is energy."
"Freedom for all, peace for all, prosperity for all, justice for all, a peaceful and a safe future for all."
"Everybody deserves to be free in this world, everybody else, you don't even know."
"Love has no boundary based on ethnicity or religion."
"We need a universal conception of human values."
"Happiness is the most important thing on the face of the Earth."
"Implementing changes in your home life to bring sanctuary and solace."
"Intelligence, curiosity, compassion for our fellow man, and hope are something that exists within all of us."
"Kindness wins in the end; the universe rewards a kind heart."
"There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom."
"Every culture has encountered the golden rule."
"I believe in love, kindness, and compassion. Humanity can come together to overcome tremendous challenges."
"Mutual respect is huge, no matter the situation."
"We're just all human beings, we should be full of love and joy."
"The power of love is the highest frequency in the universe. It is the currency we take with us when we leave this planet."
"Just be a good person, love everyone, be empathic, be a human being."
"Find gratitude in all things and all places."
"Pushing rationality and honesty in all realms."
"At the end of the day, everybody kind of has the same values. Everybody kind of cares about well-being and suffering to some extent."
"The most important thing in the world to you and I and every other person on this planet is Humanity."
"We are same human being, we have to live together."
"More important than the color of your skin or your language or your culture or your religion even, is the fact we're all human beings."
"We condemn violence and hatred in all forms."
"Charity is beneficial, helpful, and a universal concept."
"I happen to believe that there are universal ideals..."
"These ideas of loyalty, integrity, compassion... are common universally."
"Your core values of well-being remain universal, they remain the same no matter where you are."
"Compassion for everyone and everything for those who appear to us to be good for those who appear to us to be bad throughout history throughout the globe and into the future."
"More we have in common across humanity than we have differences."
"Human rights are an intrinsic part of all that we do and all that we are."
"Love always wins in the universal scheme of things."
"I think it's a message that's universal to all religions."
"A Palestinian baby has exactly the same moral status as a Ukrainian baby or any other baby."
"A threat to any human rights is a threat to all human rights."
"Rape is bad on its own regardless of what your other political positions are."
"No matter how much of a piece of [ __ ] someone can be, they deserve at the very least the basic human rights that every human being deserves."
"No one should have to fear for their life, period."
"Equal educational opportunity, who can disagree with that?"
"The kindness we have for one person is a measure of the entire universe."
"A truth like that is gorgeous. I mean, anybody can accept that. You don't have to be an atheist, no. Exactly, right? To just accept that you've got to love people and like find curiosity."
"Every religion has a good thing to make our world a beautiful peaceful."
"Truth is one of the greatest principles in the universe and a major virtue in us."
"You are not your country, your race, or your religion."
"We're all human beings first and foremost before we are anything."
"The truth in itself is love, we have to offer somebody... we have to offer the world something better."
"The main beliefs common to every faith system: belief in the goodness of God and the sacred part of ourselves."
"Faith has people land on universal ethics, which is what we need."
"Love you despite the differences. You prove that good people are the same throughout the world."
"Love extends outside just the borders of your nation or your gender or your industry to all people everywhere."
"Everybody equal in this life and you have to love everybody."
"Being able to accept people at their lowest and when they've done things that seem unforgivable, like those are the things that I think regardless of your faith can really help people."
"Human needs are human needs no matter where you go."
"The desire for freedom is universal, adhering in human mind and part of the human soul."
"This man was about love, embracing everybody, forgiveness, enlightenment, and tolerance."
"The most important mantra in the world is, 'Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you.'"
"Every decent human being around the world across the political spectrum agrees that black lives matter because all human lives matter and should be treated with respect and dignity."
"There has to be a transcendent code to which we are all obligated."
"The desire for freedom is universal, it adheres in the human mind and it is part of the human soul."
"Kindness is not limited by age, status, culture, or neighborhood... it can be done anywhere, anytime, by anybody."
"The images are universally abhorrent to anybody who has a conscience and a soul."
"Love is the currency of the universe. That is how we thrive."
"We need universal values... independent of our ability to quote have power."
"Universal language is that of spirit and love."
"Truth matters, regardless of labels or beliefs."
"Truth has no bearing on people's color, gender, etc."
"And I have never met anybody in my entire life who did not want peace; who did not want joy; who didn't want to be happy."
"There are objective standards of health, of sanity, of beauty, of truth, of morality."
"Love is the greatest, most powerful force there is."
"Did anybody ask for this? Is there a single gamer who thinks this is worth risking the game turning permanently unplayable?"
"Every human being is equal, we're all created equal. It's true."
"Freedom is not eastern, not western; it is universal."
"That song embodies something that transcends anything cultural or anything belonging to any particular religion."
"Everybody's gonna have it happen, and everybody should be saying: Where's the accountability?"
"He's a funny guy too." - Humor is a universal language that connects us all.
"Human rights should be protected. If one person is being abused, this is an assault on humanity."
"Kindness is a universal language that transcends appearance and circumstance."
"Is it so hard to just say like and good like like bigotry is bad no matter where it comes from is that like a difficult thing to believe?"
"It doesn't matter the bottom line is cave two people love each other."
"There is no greater strength and power in this universe than love."
"Freedom is not the sole prerogative of a lucky few but the inalienable and universal right of all human beings."
"All these people want is to enjoy the same peace."
"Peace and love are actually the two most powerful energies that we've got on this planet."
"I think murder is bad, okay? It doesn't really matter who's doing it."
"I want to live in a world that's worth living in for all people... there's dignity in human life."
"The only one thing that we all truly share is freedom."
"Love one another. Love is the only thing that can save us."
"Spread freedom to the far reaches of the universe for democracy."
"All people would have empathy for one another."
"And to just know that there's good people everywhere."
"All lives matter equally because we are all human beings."
"We all deserve respect. We all deserve happiness."
"Freedom and individual freedom is universal."
"Islam doesn't care about what nationality you are, what race you are, what gender you are, what age you are. It's a way of life for the whole world universally."
"We all believe basically in the same things, and when we think we don't, it's only because we have looked at each other as stereotypes, not as human beings."
"There's fundamental human values that are universal."
"Maybe treat people with respect, no matter the circumstances."
"Values like love and tolerance for differences stand in and of themselves."
"I think it's been very inspiring to see young Jewish people standing up for Universal values."
"No matter the opposing viewpoints, there is always potential for people to come together over the universal magic of the simple things that bring us joy instead of fear in the material world; things like food, nature, and beauty."
"Monastic values are the same all over. Even if you can't take formal sannyas, you can live like a sannyasin in the world."
"There is a shared Collective universal sensibility that humanity has been given from above by God."
"We as human beings are born to be free, we all of us, not just Americans, are endowed by our creator with the will to be free."
"Spread love for sure spread love love love love love the universal language."
"Universal law: brother sister love, universal peace, individual freedom, and prosperity for everybody."
"If a value is good, if an idea is good, then it's good for everybody."
"Because it's just the right thing to do, it just is, whether there's a God watching you or not is irrelevant."
"These are stories where regardless of your race you should admire these people."
"We're well aware child abuse, racial discrimination, and terrorism are wrong for everybody always."
"The whole point of a republic is that you understand that there are universal principles."
"Let's all agree on equality. We're all equal, we're all the same."
"The message of the good Samaritan is so beautiful and so applicable in any religion or in any culture."
"We all care about the same things. We're all human first and foremost."
"Try and show empathy and be kind, and those are universal traits."
"Love knows no bounds, no separation in love, love has no bounds."
"Reading books is a trait that we should all have."
"Our Fidelity must be to our common Humanity."
"Keep the good wherever you find it. There are good things in the Bible, there are good things in almost any book."
"This wasn't a win for conservatives, this was a win for every American because free speech is for everyone."
"Nothing is more fundamental to our national identity than our belief in the rights and dignity of every single human being."
"If I could give every single person in the entire world... it would be more forgiveness and kindness."
"The desire for freedom is classless, adhering in the human mind and in the human soul."
"Rights are just something you have because you're a human being."
"You cannot pick the time and location where it's okay to be violent. If you have a problem with violence, you have a problem with violence across the board."
"Fundamentally, what's at the core of all our moral rules around the world is the idea of selflessness."
"I believe in advocating those freedoms in Muslim majority lands too for Muslims themselves and for the non-Muslim minorities in those Muslim majority lands."
"Should we say well it's the way they do things in India or should we say no there is a universal value called religious freedom?"
"I believe in freedom of speech fully. I say this both as someone who comes from the Middle East where that's not an enshrined universal value."
"There is a core of morality that's common..."
"Everybody to a man around the planet, regardless of culture, accepts that to save a life is moral, right, and that to unnecessarily harm someone is immoral. Everybody, except everybody gets that."
"Integrity is actually a universal expectation."
"We are all human beings deserving of empathy and dignity."
"People are inherently good, and that doesn't matter what country you're from."
"Education about warm-heartedness, not talking about Buddha, not only about Jesus Christ, not talking about Muhammad, simply using common sense and scientific finding."
"The human values of religion are applicable to everyone, and that's the only way you get forward in life."
"Love is what makes you a neighbor, not your religion, nationality. Love is what makes a neighbor."
"Jesus and Buddha's teaching mean the same thing: kindness, tolerance, brotherhood, and love."
"No matter what religion or walk of life you come from, we all have very similar values when it comes to human comportment and ethics."
"Every human being has the same human rights, and those need to be protected."
"The values which are important to a civilized society are really universal; they're not uniquely Australian."
"Let us explain what are the common universal values."
"Everyone believes in the right to self-defense. This is something that we can all share."
"That he will prosper with praise deeds among every people."
"We're not standing against anyone, but we're simply reaffirming our stands for humanity and for the basic tenets of human rights."
"A man is original when he speaks the truth that has always been known to all good men."
"Universal values such as human rights, freedom, democracy, and the rule of law should be respected by all members."
"They teach all men that they should do good."
"Nature loving, harmony, peace, love, and unity - that's all that we need."
"He just loved and respected everyone."
"There is a universal set of values, which are mandatory to human life, and that's what constitutes 'ritam'."
"Violating children is something that no culture agrees with anywhere in the world."
"The fundamental values around resiliency, courage, free enterprise... these are not in the province of white people, black people, Asian people; they're the province of humanity."
"Respect, love, compassion, work – these are true principles whether you believe in God or not."
"Nobody wants to see kids get hurt, I don't care how evil and twisted you are."
"They are fighting for values that are universal and that we should all... value free societies and a kind of post-war consensus about what the world should look like."
"...the Enlightenment belongs to everyone; it's not a Western thing."
"The fundamental message of all religions essentially would be: Be excellent to each other."
"These freedom of choice, autonomy, marriage, family, community are values that all human beings universally find valuable."
"Pretty much all human beings can agree on a short list of what is bad and can also agree therefore to the extent that there is less of these things in society, it's better."
"It is so important that we as the family unit of the universe stick together."
"All of these movies have in common is humanity."
"But if we are not going to agree there is universal human values, this is very difficult for us to treat each other as equal human beings."