
Greece Quotes

There are 483 quotes

"It reflects the version of Greece that the Greeks thought they inhabited and that's really, really cool."
"The main star of this meal is the fresh lobster caught off the coast of Greece."
"Growing up in Greece, I always wanted to be a basketball player, always. And I worked extremely hard to accomplish that."
"Finding a place to anchor because I'm amazed by how just busy Greece is."
"It started in ancient Greece. The first games that we know of happened in the year 776 BC."
"Archaeologists in Turkey have discovered the lost statue of a Greek goddess."
"Demeter and Persephone being central to what was probably the most famous mystery cult in Greece, the Eleusinian cult."
"The Greeks slowly began to inhabit the southern region of Italy and Sicily."
"Who doesn't like the idea of a Greek monorail system? Come on, that sounds great."
"Greece gave birth to the West, yes, but it was born out of the East."
"Greece's culture: 'A complex Eastern Mediterranean culture that always inhabited both east and west and is defined by that cultural richness and duality.'"
"Athenian civilization and the Greek heritage is an idea as much as a place, and now is the moment to be true to that calling."
"In the wilds of Southern Greece, olive groves crowd on pebble-strewn earth, artifacts and masonry of all ages nestled among the brambles."
"Almost a quarter of all global freight capacity is based in Greece."
"Greece may take a long time to get back to the level of economic prosperity it was enjoying in 2007."
"Free Hellas becomes the first nation-state in history to achieve full and total independence."
"Greece has about 2000 islands, in which only about 220 are inhabited."
"Greece actually, interestingly enough has the lowest suicide rate in the EU."
"There is a very real possibility that we could see some actual military conflict between Turkey and Greece in the Aegean Sea over the next six months or so."
"Greek history is some of the oldest history in the world."
"Greek ruins take you back in time, giving you a larger context of human life on earth."
"You can find islands, beaches, and towns in Greece that are quiet and peaceful."
"Greece is a very affordable place to travel."
"Greece: from prosperity to stagnation, a cautionary tale."
"For it was here, 25 centuries ago, in the rocky hills of this city, that a new idea emerged: Demokratia."
"This fabulous old hearse has been left to die in a field in Greece."
"Athens is full of ancient monuments, temples, ruins, and churches."
"An ancient pyramid was discovered in Greece sparking a shocking debate."
"Meteora in Greece is a rock formation with monasteries on top."
"If you're ever in Greece, make sure you visit this magical place."
"The world travels by boat. The natural advantage, the historical advantages of Greece in this area are to be seized and exploited."
"The Battle of Marathon was a watershed moment in the history of the ancient world."
"The final defeat of the Persians ushered in a new golden age for Greece."
"Oh wow dude this is a freaking Parthenon are we you serious over here dude what the heck?"
"We now stand on the precipice of a new age for Greece, a golden age where stability reigns supreme."
"Welcome to the glorious past of ancient Greece."
"A lot of Greek offerings would have involved animal sacrifice."
"Greece announced its readiness to transfer about 100 BMP-1 units to Ukraine."
"The past is back, baby. A new age of glory for Greece has begun."
"The main objective for this series is to unite the entirety of Greece under a Spartan banner."
"The Greeks themselves never hid... they said they got everything from Egypt."
"Don't be afraid to go out there and truly experience the real Greece."
"People talk a lot about the Roman Empire but people don't talk about what Greece did instead before that point."
"Oh look, the Greeks just had the idea of thinking about stuff."
"In Greece, you can be fined if you let your goat stray onto a beach."
"Greece was one of the greatest civilizations of the ancient world."
"Honestly, I absolutely love Mykonos; it's one of my favorite Greek islands."
"Alexander knew that he was needed in Greece to crush the revolt personally."
"A journey through Greece is a journey through time."
"Imagine descending from the clouds to be greeted by a landscape where the blue of the sea melds with the white of the Grecian architecture."
"The beauty of Greece seen from the sky fills your soul with awe and gratitude."
"Greece is insane. There's so much history here, and it's all like you can see it. It's everywhere."
"The financial repercussions of the games were severe for Greece, a country that would soon find itself at the epicenter of the Eurozone financial crisis."
"Greece is known for its affordability, especially compared to other Mediterranean destinations."
"Persia was invincible. And its appetite for conquest was beginning to frighten an emerging power across the Mediterranean, the city-states of Greece."
"Prince Philip was born on the Greek island of Corfu."
"The water is not necessarily friendly to people outside of Greece."
"Not many people know that there are also pyramids in Greece."
"The Greeks were the most sophisticated democracy in the world."
"I love traveling with them and I absolutely love the country of Greece."
"Assos is a must-visit destination for anyone traveling to Greece."
"Greece: 'The country features an excellent friendly local population that is welcoming to retirees and expats alike.'"
"Nobody gets to see the real Greece, the modern Greece she said in interviews that nobody gets to see."
"Santorini is absolutely stunningly beautiful."
"Isn't Greece so sick specifically because of all the stimulus that made them sick?"
"Welcome to the Greece vlog... this is truly like a dream come true."
"One of the most amazing aspects of Greece is that it has such rich and significant history."
"Hello and welcome to Greece, the land where it's calm in the morning and windy in the afternoon."
"Greece I think it was something very special for me to just be I'm obsessed in the history of that place just looking out at the Aegean and realize that the visual I have that is the same visual that the characters of history that I study would have."
"Other countries may offer you discoveries in manners or law or landscape, but Greece offers you something harder: the discovery of yourself."
"Greece offers you something harder: the discovery of yourself."
"The beauty of Greece, the calmness of Greece, especially outside of the major cities."
"I think at the end of the day, there's a place in Greece for absolutely everyone."
"They love Greece, I think that's very cool."
"Greece was amazing literally so, so good."
"Speaking of the Greeks, European civilization evolved over a few distinct eras."
"Greece to me is the only place that not only strikes every single chord I want played in my heart but it does so more resonantly than any other country I've ever gotten to experience."
"You guys might be the first people from Greece. Say hi to the camera. Alright, Greece in the building!"
"Europe's first great civilization emerged over 4,000 years ago here in Greece."
"How am I supposed to create an investment thesis around something as obscure as the Greece bond yields?"
"The origins of these notions [democracy, oligarchy, Constitution, Republic] are found in Greece."
"A new player had arrived on the scene and began promising to liberate the Greeks from the Spartan yoke: Philip II, Alexander the Great, and Macedon were ready to fight."
"And there it is, the Acropolis back there."
"So this right here is the most famous temple at this site, and pretty much in the whole of Greece."
"It's called Parthenon, dedicated to the Greek goddess Athena."
"So we've now come to a place that's going to be the last stop of our trip around Athens."
"And the next video will be from the Greek island Santorini."
"A lot of videos coming up here from Greece."
"We have come to Greece mainly to visit the islands, the famous beautiful Greek islands."
"Nothing should really stop you from moving to Greece. Everything usually works out and everything is fine."
"Throwing an apple at someone in ancient Greece was done to declare one's love."
"This is why I came to Greece, this is why I said yes when I was invited on this launch."
"In ancient Greece, philosophers made early attempts to understand the universe."
"Greece is kind of like the master of history and the remnant to the ancients, the cradle of western civilization"
"I love Costa Navarino. I love Greece and I love Mythos."
"Greece is one of the world's largest producers of olive oil."
"Greece, the land of Ancient Wonders."
"Greece has a lot more Hidden Treasures than meets the eye."
"Buckle up as we delve into the Lesser known yet utterly fascinating aspects of Greece."
"Number one: Democracy was born in Greece."
"Greece is officially known as The Hellenic Republic."
"80% of Greece is made up of mountains."
"There are 300 sunny days per year in Greece."
"The yo-yo was invented in Greece."
"The color blue is sacred in Greece."
"Spitting is supposed to bring good luck in Greece."
"We're gonna spend a lovely cozy three days and nights together on the Greek Isle of Skiathos."
"Greece is known for its stunning and diverse topography with hundreds of inhabited islands scattered in the Mediterranean Sea."
"The earliest known version of ice cream dates way back to ancient Greece."
"The Olympic Games were held in honor of the gods and originated in which country? The answer is Greece."
"The Greeks were fresh and fighting for their freedom."
"Hello everyone, welcome to the Greece vlog."
"I hope that you guys enjoyed this Greece vlog."
"We found a supplier that is Greek, and our olive oil comes from small farms in the Isle of Crete and comes directly packaged from Greece."
"I love Greece... that means I love you."
"Kos is a beautiful Greek island with goats and sheep running wild."
"I love Greece... Yas, that means I love you."
"Don't go to Greece; they don't show you that in Mamma Mia."
"This was Greece, and what a different place from the hot, sandy Egypt I had left behind me."
"I was young enough and starry-eyed enough to look upon this Grecian escapade as nothing more than a grand adventure."
"The term femicide has been introduced in the Greek media."
"Philosophy began with a group of thinkers who were largely associated with the Greek world."
"We're hosting a group trip to Greece this year, 2024."
"We're planning a group trip to Greece next year in 2024, and we'd love if you would come along."
"I did the Acropolis, the theater at the Acropolis in Greece recently."
"Set your GPS to take you to the historic church, and along the way, you'll pass by beautiful homes covered in bougainvillea and be struck by just how peaceful and quiet the village is."
"I don't know about you, but I love how in Greece they show you the fish to approve of it before they cook it and then serve it tableside."
"In my opinion, the mark of any good Greek restaurant is how they treat their resident cats."
"This is easily my favorite day in Greece. Look where we're hanging out."
"The water is... I've never seen anything so blue. It's insane."
"It's so quiet and peaceful; all you can hear is the wind."
"Fresh seafood, the delicious bread, the olive oil, the wine, everything is phenomenal."
"Did this video inspire you to add Paros to your must-visit list?"
"The Babylonian system of astrology might have been lost forever if Alexander the Great had not taken its study back to Greece after his conquest of Mesopotamia."
"The philosophical systems of Greece... emphasized a reasonable, rational, natural world."
"Greece financially independent person Visa enables foreign retirees a Greek residency without any sort of investment or fees."
"So far, so beautiful as Greece, perfect like in a solid scorching hot business, amazing breeze as we keep it nice and cool."
"I was dreaming since my childhood that one day I'll definitely go to Greece."
"I was finally going to Greece with my girlfriend and her family."
"This reminds me of vacation but not like tropical island vacation, this reminds me of going to Greece and just sailing on the water."
"Greece is known for its history, culture, and beautiful sights of its many stunning Islands."
"All right y'all, we are in Greece."
"Long ago, in the far away land of ancient Greece..."
"In which country did the Olympic Games originate? They actually started in Greece."
"Greece, it's a very small country, but it's the birthplace of democracy."
"It was very important to me to have the wedding in Greece."
"By 700 BC, Greece had emerged as a sophisticated and prosperous civilization."
"The Greek world would go on to produce some of the world's greatest builders, artists, dramatists, and philosophers."
"Greece would stand alone against the awesome might of a tyrannical power bent on conquest: the Persian Empire."
"It became a byword for Greek heroism in the face of insurmountable odds."
"The roots of today's science can be found in Greece in the antiquity."
"It's quite interesting for the people to see that there is not only ancient Greece but also modern Greece as well."
"It's a beautiful area, and the combination of the big blue of the sea and the golden grass and the olive tree is beautiful."
"When you're in Greece, you always have good weather, the light and the sun, and the ideal temperature."
"For the past eight years, I've had a little foster son in Greece."
"We have to go to Greece, so far Greece does not disappoint."
"Art heralds the rise of Greece, treasure troves of gold, and gracefully sculpted gods."
"Two hundred years after the Persian invasion of Greece... Greece faced another invasion from a perhaps surprising foe: the Celts."
"Temples to Asclepius were built all across Greece, and you could basically think of these as ancient hospitals."
"We're going on holiday. I would like to go to Greece, basically Santorini."
"Theater as we know it began in what country? Greece."
"Athena was held in very high regard by the majority of Greece."
"Ancient Greece was all about natural beauty."
"I'm looking forward to getting back to Greece tomorrow."
"I can't believe the day is finally here. I can't believe I'm leaving for Greece today. I have never been so excited for anything in my life."
"After Covid, hanging out on a Greek isle sounds kind of nice."
"It's one of Greece's kind of hidden gems because it's just been so quiet the entire time."
"Greek ferries... make it easy to island hop, especially in the summer."
"You have finally decided to book that trip to the Greek islands."
"Plan in advance if you're coming to Santorini and Mykonos."
"We're finally experiencing one of our ultimate dreams: living in Greece."
"One of the other things we love about Greece is this kind of stuff, I mean all the history of it."
"If you're a history nut or a history buff, you're just gonna love Greece."
"Good morning everyone, today is our final day here on the island of Carpathos in Greece."
"Greece has absolutely incredible history which many of us throughout the world are aware of."
"We live with ancient Greece every day. We live with ancient Greece politically and emotionally. We live with it, as well, architecturally."
"It's like a treasure house of Greek architecture."
"It was inside of Diction Cave where Zeus, the great lord of Olympus and the wielder of thunderbolts, was born."
"I'm so excited, literally so excited. We ended up staying longer in Greece than we were actually planning on."
"Milos is a very traditional, old, authentic Greek island."
"We're heading to the Netherlands first and then we're going to Greece."
"The Griffin Warrior tomb is a fascinating archaeological discovery made in 2015 in the area of Pilos in Southwestern Greece."
"Well hello, good morning from Greece, Athens, my name is Tony."
"The Oracle of Delphi... was said to be the most important shrine in all of Greece."
"It was the Greek historian Herodotus who even claimed to see the Labyrinth with his own eyes."
"Welcome to another video, this is the start to another Greece vlog."
"This right here is honestly one of the things you need to try when you come to Greece."
"I've always wanted to go to Greece, and this itinerary and the trip just sounds incredible."
"We're going to be going on a group trip to Greece, specifically the island of Crete."
"Best place to go on holiday in Europe? I just love Greece."
"The Mycenaeans, an ancient Greek civilization, left an indelible mark on the history and culture of ancient Greece."
"Sparta was one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful state in all Greece."
"Greeks typically did not drink their wine neat; they thought it was barbaric."
"We're going live in Greece right now; we're reaching out to all the Greeks out there."
"A holiday in Greece is, of course, wonderful."
"Excited to go into Greece because we're going to be traveling a bit slower there."
"Hello and welcome to Greece Travel Guide."
"Despite the travel disruptions caused by COVID-19, I was fortunate enough to visit Greece for just under three weeks."
"This video is a summary of my entire trip in more of a vlog or journal style."
"Sifnos has quickly become one of my favorite Greek islands."