
Fear Of Rejection Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"I'm so afraid of rejection that I haven't taken a risk to be with you."
"I am so afraid of rejection that I haven't taken a risk to be with you."
"Fear of rejection tends to be correlated with a lack of confidence. The confident person can handle rejection better."
"I was so scared you would reject the real me and leave me, so I put on a mask and felt I could never take it off again."
"The fear of rejection and the intense pain of not feeling good enough are what they're trying to get away from."
"A lot of guys who aren't successful with women could easily be more successful if they just weren't so afraid of rejection."
"It's the fear of rejection that really cripples us."
"I was so scared that you would reject the real me and leave me, so I put on my mask and felt like I could never take it off again."
"Our greatest fear is to be rejected, but the truth is you cannot be rejected unless you give someone else permission to do so."
"I was hiding how I was really feeling about you because I was afraid that you would reject me."
"People experience trauma, I would just erase that. Things happen, it is what it is. Things happen, you can boil all of this down to fear of rejection. People are okay with failing, they're just not okay with other people seeing them fail."
"The power of the ask and getting over the fear of rejection."
"It's important to not let the fear of rejection stop you from trying anything."
"Fear of rejection is the biggest inhibitor to living the best life that you can."
"The truth of their feelings is unspoken because they have this fear of rejection, maybe they're frightened of ruining the friendship, maybe they're frightened that it's gonna make things awkward."
"Being thought of as boring is particularly scary because it means that even though there's really nothing like offensive or wrong about you, you're just a void of excitement that people don't want to be around."
"The worst that can happen is you get rejected."
"Someone here is saying, 'I love you but I'm afraid to reach out and have you reject me for some reason I heard the person who did the rejecting potentially in the past is now the one who is afraid of rejection.'"
"Notice how I didn't say join engagement groups... They're going to waste your time, confuse the algorithm, actually hold you back from seeing growth."
"I never wanted to be rejected. I really was holding that. It wasn't worth it to me."
"The fear of rejection is one of those things that truly keeps us from doing amazing things."
"They're worried that you guys are going to completely shut down on them."
"They're afraid you've moved on and they're afraid to reject you."
"Feeling unwanted because then you can go your whole life not knowing if they really want you or not."
"If you're afraid of rejection, get over it—success awaits."
"Be fearless. Don't be afraid of the fear of rejection. If you like something, let it be known."
"I'm not afraid of rejection really, not at all really."
"Someone here is in denial about their feelings, reluctant to spoil the connection."
"Honestly, fear of rejection. Yeah, I think people tend to reject themselves so that way they don't have to deal with the feeling of rejection."
"We fear being rejected by those we love, especially for Jinx, who finds it hard to be vulnerable."
"Some people stay in situations because they're not built to get that answer that they don't want to hear."
"Never be scared of rejection, never. Embrace it all."
"You mean the world to this person, their ego could come in and feel resistant because of those fears, fears basically of abandonment and rejection."
"Rejection will kill me, but it can't kill me."
"Don't be scared of rejection, trigger no trigger. Come on, man, yeah, man."
"I'm scared. Is it worth the risk? What if I put my heart on the line and she rejects me?"
"But then if I haven't had anything to drink necessarily, I'm not feeling that confident, the fear of rejection is so high I'm never going over it. It's really difficult but I think this has taught us all a lesson like just go for it."
"You're scared of being rejected... you will waste your time not being yourself around people where you should be yourself."
"I'm afraid that if you know the real me, you won't like it and I lose you forever."
"Do it. It's easier said than done because we don't like the whole rejection thing."
"Our fear of rejection is so consuming now that instead of standing on our square and working our way through uncomfortable conversations and interactions, we just avoid it all together."
"Every person fears rejection more than anything else."
"I'm sorry for hiding my feelings; I was just so scared of rejection."
"I'm sorry for hiding my feelings, I was so scared of rejection."
"Perfectionism is what you do in order to protect yourself from rejection."