
Self-governance Quotes

There are 354 quotes

"It's more difficult to rule yourself than to rule the city."
"Part of the autonomy is one's own right to self-governance, free of external coercion or compulsion."
"Until you make the subconscious conscious, it will rule your life and you will call it fate."
"There will always be that failure of individual accountability, but I would still rather...choose self-governance and individual responsibility as our way."
"The American people know best how to run their own lives; they don't need Washington bureaucrats controlling their every move and micromanaging their every decision."
"The only way to keep a free republic is with a well-educated moral citizenry that can self-govern."
"The idea of citizenship's pretty recent in the long history of civilization. It appeared somewhere around 700 BC in rural Greece... for the first time, citizens were self-governing."
"We must begin without delay to educate ourselves and our children for freedom and self-government."
"We govern ourselves here. We have the power to kind of maintain our own government and our own means of doing that."
"The American ideals are kind of extreme actually. Free speech, self-governance... For most of human history, it was done the other way."
"The position of the Prime Minister is that the Palestinians should have all of the rights and powers to govern themselves and none of the powers to threaten us."
"Maybe we don't need kings. Maybe we don't need priests to tell us what it means to be good or bad. Maybe people could essentially rule themselves all of a sudden."
"We want to govern ourselves. For the people, by the people."
"We just want the ability to govern ourselves the way that we want to be governed."
"We want control over our own lives, our own communities, and the nation itself."
"If we had real democracy, we wouldn't have to protest. We want more control of our own destinies."
"A society that's controlling itself in a democratized way."
"Democracy is self-government but you can only have self-government if the self is worthy of governing."
"The Taiwanese understand all too well that the political, social, economic and democratic measures they have taken over the years on the island have created a great divide between it and mainland China."
"The thing that people tend to overlook is just how successful a self-governing community of homeless people can actually be."
"And I'm confident that as long as we are true to that system of self-government, that our futures will be bright."
"The American experiment is the American experiment in self-governance."
"You become a territory without government, therefore you gotta rule yourself and create your own laws, your own logic, your own philosophies."
"We're still a very young country. We're still a grand experiment in liberty and self-governance."
"Anarchism... requires and demands a kind of responsibility... you can't really be an anarchist and blame everything on everybody else."
"The most successful countries... allow people to experiment, prosper, and run their own lives."
"Autonomy or self-government is to govern yourself."
"We need to be able to vote with our feet and live as self-governing people as we choose."
"They could rule themselves, they could chart their own destiny, and then together, they could light up the entire world."
"Romney showed a level of moral courage that validated the founders' faith in self-governance."
"What free people ever willingly give up the right to govern themselves? No one ever does."
"You're the ultimate arbiter of what you do and don't have to do."
"Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American Revolution."
"Sovereignty is a choice. It's not something that's given to you."
"It was home to an incredible people, foreign idea that they could rule themselves, that they could chart the destiny, they could light up the entire world."
"Americans don't wish and never have wished to be ruled; they wish to rule themselves."
"A government of our own is our natural right 'tis time to part!"
"Taiwan proves Chinese people can rule themselves and they can survive with dignity."
"It depends upon having a virtuous citizenry that is willing to shoulder the burdens of maintaining a self-governmental structure."
"I believe the best people to govern Britain are the British people themselves."
"Equality and self-government are my two key words."
"You cannot have self-government unless you can govern yourself."
"In an ideal liberal political philosophy government is supposed to be a representation of our Collective power it's supposed to be the mechanism through which we all govern ourselves."
"Accept the responsibility to govern your life accordingly."
"Homeland free of all those colonizers you will fight against your government and get all those sellouts out and then you would run your nation."
"If you don't want someone else to have a cause to abuse you, you have to govern yourself. You have to be your own Lord."
"I believe Taiwan has a right to autonomy and self-governance."
"In order to have freedom, you must have self-governance. But in order to have self-governance, you have to have faith and sacred honor."
"Authority in my life is the most freeing thing that i can imagine."
"This movement is deeper and more insidious than any 'normal violence' or 'normal politics'... because the use of violence as a tool of force in the political sphere towards the ends of undoing self-governance is a unique threat."
"Turning the worst into the best, never allowing external circumstances to govern your inner state."
"Christiania: a self-governing society where each individual holds themselves responsible over the well-being of the entire community."
"You're still in charge of what goes on in your head and you're still in charge of the relationships with the people you love. That is what you're in charge of."
"What we're trying to do is build institutions within community that are controlled by community."
"I'm an adult... there's no one in charge of me."
"If you are a virtuous person, you will then govern yourself in a virtuous way."
"Self-accountability is the only way you can ever be happy."
"It's not just sex. It's making love. It's a very deep soulful connection."
"A new queendom is coming when we reign over our own lives."
"We should exercise some agency over our decisions."
"Most people think it would be nice to live in a free society where people simply govern themselves and there wasn't a systematic structure of coercion regulating you all the time."
"You are the power, you are the one who is in charge of your own life."
"Don't be a slave to anyone, be your own person and rule yourself."
"We have to advance the time when more and more people will be able to civilize themselves by outgrowing religion."
"The principle at heart here is the ability of people in Scotland... to choose their own future."
"This change makes you a monarch, a ruler of your existence, of your power, of your grace, of your passion."
"Invoke the natural law rights over your own property."
"It's more difficult to rule yourself than to rule a city."
"That they could rule themselves, that they could chart their own destiny, and then together they could light up the entire world."
"Adults don't point a loaded gun at the heart of legitimate self-government."
"You have a choice: either you're going to choose to serve God because you claim that he was your lord or you're going to choose to serve yourself that you are now taken as Lord."
"Believing in yourself as citizens, you're the sovereign."
"If a people will not restrain itself, it will be restrained by outside force."
"It sucks to have to operate in this poorly defined gray area but NASCAR in this instance absolutely has to let the drivers officiate themselves within some level of reason." - Eric
"This referendum... was about do we become an independent self-governing nation?"
"Once you lose that, you can't have self-government."
"Young people have to take some level of self-responsibility in the world that we're talking about."
"Power is now restored to the people to navigate this issue for themselves."
"Libertarianism isn't really about government, it's about self-government."
"We can make the concept of self-government really work, maybe for the first time."
"To be an American means treasuring freedom and embracing the vitality of self-government."
"You have to be responsible for your own world."
"At the end of the day, you need to elect yourself as the president of your own life."
"An anarchist society would be so much better because in an anarchist society, everyone governs themselves."
"Life is not governed by miracles, life is governed by principles."
"I've really come to believe the elemental fight to preserve people's ability to govern themselves."
"I am my own authority. I make my own decisions. I choose not to let these people take advantage of me. I make my own boundaries."
"Collectively we can own the bank, collectively we can own our government and govern ourselves."
"We need our own politicians so we can have propositions and our own agenda."
"There can be no self-government without equality."
"It's the first time in any of our lives where we took that back we gave it back to ourselves and said you know we're going to re-evaluate and decide how money ought to work how voting out of work how our assets out of work."
"My overall intention if you follow my material long enough, is for people to really own their own free will and to learn to govern themselves."
"They live in their own little world and they get to run their own show."
"Knowledge will forever govern ignorance, and the people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power that knowledge gives." - James Madison
"You are only the king of you; you can only rule one person, and that is yourself."
"Nothing can stop someone who recognizes they hold dominion over their mindset, perceptions, and destiny."
"It is your nature to be your own authority."
"You are the highest authority in your life."
"If the HOA is real, I would rally the neighbors to elect like-minded neighbors and try to dissolve the HOA."
"I strongly believe that Africans are capable of managing their own affairs."
"Each tribe should have as much autonomy as it wants."
"The anger that still simmers under the ashes of the guttered grenfold tower is fueling a new Civic movement of solidarity and self-governance that may one day be the Cornerstone of a new community."
"Each one of these areas, if you fail in your metron to govern it and cultivate it, the consequences spread."
"Autonomy self-governing Freedom was understood as self-governance."
"We've staked the future of all our political institutions upon the capacity of each of ourselves to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves based on the 10 commandments of God."
"It's a democracy inside of the head."
"...these peoples have the potential to be self-governing to be flourishing to have a written language history arts and culture."
"If we will not govern ourselves, we will be governed by tyrants."
"Teach them correct principles, let them govern themselves."
"If I've really taught them correct principles, that's the beauty. They'll know how to govern themselves."
"You had to govern yourself accordingly because those family members were watching out for you."
"Freedom is the liberty or right to dominate, govern, and rule your environment."
"Legitimate government is when each, while uniting himself with all, may nevertheless obey only himself."
"I have authority over my life, over this Kingdom."
"...if someone is going to start putting those expectations on you it... you are your own autonomous person."
"Third party enforcement is not always needed. Small communities have known that for a long time."
"I think that you create a structure of rules for yourself if nobody gave you one."
"You've got to take some responsibility."
"You should follow your own rules."
"The person who turns out to be free is the person who's able in some ways to be self-governing."
"The language of liberty... what it meant was the capacity to develop the disciplines or virtues of being a self-governing human being or a self-governing society."
"If you take responsibility for yourself and you govern yourself and do all things in love and peace, you would be amazed at how your life becomes redefined."
"Do I want to live my life where the most important things that I believe in are externally governed or an internal discovery?"
"You have to be accountable for your life."
"I assume the responsibility for my own actions."
"The I am presence in you is the only governing force in your universe."
"The people would rule themselves, not a bunch of aristocrats or noblemen or kings."
"They're born to be the president of their life, of their calling, the chief, the president, the ruler, the leader, the administrator, the governor."
"We are all responsible for our own actions."
"How do you govern a large people? I teach them correct principles and let them govern themselves."
"You are the emperor, you are the god of your own universe."
"For all their attempts to impose their rule on each other, they only succeeded in losing their ability to rule themselves."
"It's about who we are as free agents in a self-governing society."
"Accountability is a very powerful thing when one can fully be accountable for themselves."
"The power to govern is in our own hands, and we want to transfer as little of that power as possible to the government."
"Each family must be a law unto itself."
"You're taking authority over your life."
"Democracy... it's probably the greatest gift we've ever bequeathed ourselves."
"American democracy is built by the people, for the people; it is our attempt at Americans pursuing self-governance."
"Freedom is when I accept full responsibility for all of my own actions."
"Blacks are people, therefore they certainly can govern themselves."
"Imagine that your internal self, your internal world, is a kingdom... and all of us have rulers, the ruler is ourself with a big capital S."
"It is the birthright of the Irish people to legislate for themselves."
"If you ever want a great empire, rule over yourself."
"Self-government is being able to determine the cause and effect of any given situation and possessing knowledge of your own behaviors so that you can control them."
"We need freedom, the type of freedom that comes from self-government."
"Your freedom is your responsibility."
"The real issue is about personal responsibility."
"The only way that you're going to be able to be free to be able to rule yourself is to be able to rule your own desires according to reason."
"Autonomy is made up of two Greek terms: autos and nomas, self-law."
"Those who mean to be their own Governors must arm themselves with the power that knowledge gives."
"Always remember in life, rule your own world."
"Self-management is so much more powerful than hierarchy."
"Self-discipline is this agreement about which of them should rule, a natural harmony of worse and better, both in the city and in each individual."
"Self-interest rightly understood is the combination of freedom and self-governance."
"Americans created the concept known as self-interest rightly understood."
"Spiritual sovereignty is naturally a state of consciousness where we are our own inner authority."
"The mind has General commander-in-chief of the body, is controlling a complete miniature Empire which we call the human being."
"If you realize there's no authority above you, how would you operate under that system? What would be your goals? What would you want?"
"The only authority in your life is you."
"Freedom of the individual to rule himself, to make his laws, to have his sane counsel, to set his course and follow his star."
"I love to be quiet, and the people themselves find justice."
"I make my own decisions. I run my own life."
"Each individual can only be the master of themselves."
"...the people of the District of Columbia want statehood; they want voting representation in Congress; they want to govern themselves like everybody else in this country."
"We have voted to run our own country, for better or worse, richer or poorer, till death us do part."
"You make your own laws, you run your own country, you are the masters of your own destiny."
"The only one you can control is yourself, not others."
"In order to learn how to govern yourself, you have to learn creation because it's from creation that you can extract the absolute laws of nature and the absolute laws of creation in order to pattern your social universe after."
"The only laws we can really be following have to be laws that we impose upon ourselves."
"It was home to an incredible people with a revolutionary idea that they could rule themselves."
"Taking responsibility is one of the greatest freedoms you'll ever have."
"A decree is a law of your own being."
"People voted for change; what we want is a self-governing country where we rule ourselves."
"The rest we live, law to ourselves; our reason is our law."
"Making decisions for oneself is crucial."
"You're in charge of your own life and your responsibility."
"No one is in control of your life except yourself."
"The only things truly under your control are your own opinions, judgments, and decisions to act."
"You're unique because as a rational being, you can give laws to yourself."
"There is no authority but yourself."
"The real revolution... starts with the overthrow of the government of your mind."
"They're going to govern themselves."
"Autonomy really just means free from external influence over independent decision-making."
"You're the boss of yourself, nobody can tell you what to do, your brain lets you do it."
"Who would not want to govern themselves?"
"You have to take responsibility for your life."
"We don't need a king; we can rule ourselves with laws of our own making."
"The sovereignty of 60 millions of free people is the working out of the divine right of man to govern himself, a manifestation of God's plan concerning the human race."
"Out in the frontier, there is no law... the law is what the men would make amongst themselves for each other."
"By allowing these regions to vote... you can allow people to move to the country where they would like to live, increasing their quality of life."
"You will never have a greater or lesser dominion than that over yourself."
"The desire of people to have autonomy and to have self-rule."
"We have a right to rule ourselves."
"We prefer self-government with danger to servitude in tranquility."
"You are actually free and you get to make the rules of your own reality."
"You're responsible for your own actions, and that's it."
"Autonomy of the will is the property of the will through which it is a law to itself."
"The only person that you're in control of is yourself and your boundaries."
"There is no maturity until the best in us governs the rest of us."