
Delivery Quotes

There are 1528 quotes

"His content is very good; he churns it out very well. His delivery is amazing."
"Will there be a day when you click to buy a product on Amazon and the whole delivery chain is run by robots, from artificial intelligence predicting what you want to buy to self-driving planes that deliver the goods?"
"With the current state of the world in mind, I select no contact delivery so I don't have to interact with any human."
"Communication includes grammar and vocab but also content and delivery."
"That's a huge one, highly experienced. Good delivery, pitch on line, kept going."
"It's really all on the writing and delivery as far as, you know, content like this goes."
"Ultimately this team's got to deliver on the pitch."
"Seeking to deliver the most that I can to you guys while also being true and honorable to myself."
"The end result is not good, it’s more or less exactly what you would expect, but it exists and was delivered on time, and that alone is something of a miracle."
"If you want to stand out, deliver books, deliver physical products, deliver prints."
"The steel delivery is in, I think they're heading over."
"It's delivering on something RPG fans have craved since 2015."
"It delivers on what it promised and then some."
"A handheld that truly innovated this year is the play date and even though they are having some issues shipping to their customers in time it's a delightful fun handheld that has innovated in a way that no other handheld has done before."
"That's what President Trump has promised older Americans and that's what he's delivered."
"I don't even know if it's the speech that like the ideas themselves but just like the way that they're always delivered."
"That's what you've came here for and that's what we're giving you."
"They under promise and over deliver. That's the Rockstar way."
"When we hand it over personally, it impacts us a lot."
"Billie Eilish performed. She's done nothing but deliver."
"That bike does deliver it in a very, very nice way"
"When Elon Musk promises something, he's going to deliver."
"Every line he delivers with just such... he just savors it."
"Speaking it into existence and then deliver."
"It's weak, it's pathetic, and they can't even deliver it well."
"Chicken and chip shops, please change your policy—include chili and garlic in every delivery."
"Whoever wins this is going to be coming home but actually technically it's going to come to your home."
"It was absolutely masterful: the idea, the content, the delivery, the performance."
"Runners utilize parkour to evade capture during their deliveries."
"It was crazy how fast this was delivered. I ordered it on Thursday and it came by Monday."
"Only sell products or services that you can deliver an end result."
"My staff or my girlfriend needs anything I know it'll be there in two hours... and I'll take free convenience any day."
"So we did we got we heard back on on the following Tuesday and they made arrangements to deliver today and now you saw what happened they show up he walks in the door and all of a sudden he's like whoa I wonder if it's going to fit."
"They have done an unbelievable job in delivering."
"Especially because maybe the best part of this all is that Helix delivers to your front door for free."
"We're almost there, we've gotta deliver the van to the warehouse."
"Every time we make a film, it is with the expectation of delivering on a promise."
"No joke, I can show you the confirmation it was delivered today."
"It's all about what you can deliver, what's in your head, what's in your ears."
"It delivers incredibly well, one of the most loving tributes to all of its inspirations."
"I just got this amazing delivery from Freddy's flowers and I love Freddy's flowers."
"We now expect deliveries of 1.4 million and 1.7 million in 2022/2023."
"Under promise, over deliver, that's the way to go."
"Without the Brexit Party, there will be no Brexit, and I promise you we are going to deliver Brexit. Thank you."
"He's a goalscorer... but hasn't really delivered at the top level."
"They celebrate with pizza on the ISS. Domino's delivers."
"Door Dash left you something in the alleyway."
"It delivered something I still liked even if it wasn't the promise."
"Sonic Mania was the game this year that was sort of you going in expecting it to be great and it delivers."
"Pepsi cola became the first company introduced motorized vehicle delivery for soda."
"The big one's coming up... boy oh boy did they deliver."
"The proof is absolutely everywhere, it's impossible to miss, and if you've been following what CDPR have been promising from this update, well, you won't be disappointed because they absolutely deliver."
"We have delivered the prescriptions; here's the receipts and your caps."
"I think that um you know he sometimes presents a a different Viewpoint that is logical but maybe he doesn't have the best delivery."
"From concept to reality, the Rivian Amazon van sets a new standard for delivery vehicles."
"Oh what a surprise, no wonder they shipped it in like an hour cardboard box."
"Brandon Sanderson is doing the opposite, he is explaining, you know, but yet then he delivers."
"It's like great penetrating enhancer... it's going to carry the active ingredient... to where your skin care ingredient needs to work."
"I'm a Milky Milky man, bringing milk is just one small part of my plan. Milk, yup."
"So far they've only delivered about 10 million ounces."
"Professional and delivered straight to your door for free."
"Season seven delivers on most of captaincy's promises."
"Delivery dates might be so far out that you might not take delivery for nine months or longer."
"We're delivering something that you want that you couldn't get anywhere else."
"The first season of House of the Dragon has just ended and it delivered on so many great things."
"Burndown charts show what is pending to be delivered, indicating the team's progress through the user stories."
"Thank you for sending those out tonight."
"Now this is a legendary FedEx delivery worker."
"I hope it delivers and brings things that you've been waiting for."
"I think this might be one of my favorite deliveries of the week ever because I now know that my dinners are sorted for the next few days."
"Whatever you are promising as a whole for your series, you have to deliver it to the best of your ability in the first three episodes."
"We delivered, we actually delivered."
"I'm one of those people who prefers how the line is said versus the line itself."
"I generally think it's a better practice to under promise and overd deliver."
"Try to sneak in under the radar and deliver a nice product."
"Harry's is committed to delivering high quality, inexpensive razors straight to your door."
"We'll pro build the whole bike for you, we'll deliver it in one of our vans, and so you just get it in that absolutely great dialed-in pro working order. It's just a really great service."
"I kind of liked the delivery and the very dry wit of that."
"Make expectations low for us, and then overdeliver."
"Personally, what you just delivered was beautiful."
"I am so impressed with how quickly these have arrived."
"It's one of those days today where I can't go out of the house because I have deliveries throughout the day."
"If you give somebody the gospel in a garbage bag and not on a dignifying platter, they didn't reject the truth, they just rejected the way you gave it to them."
"It's a little bit dirty because the chap who delivered it to us had to drive it here."
"Better over promise and under deliver."
"The organizational model for delivery of care is the core issue."
"You've got to be good first, you've got to be able to deliver first."
"The core issue in health care is actually the way we organise the delivery of care."
"It was a really nice surprise, well not even a surprise, it was really nice they delivered."
"I'm getting good quality meat delivered right to my door."
"They don't have to create a movie that is head and shoulders the greatest Halloween film you've ever seen; they just have to deliver a good film."
"Remember, it's not what you're saying, it's how you're saying it."
"He has bars and can deliver them so uniquely."
"The power lies in the message, not the messenger."
"The fun part is still get to put something on a trailer and take it to somebody that's waiting on it."
"You gotta deal, you got to nail one line."
"As I get down towards delivery position, I'm holding my knuckles back, and that is the position I want to be in."
"But Amazon can go kiss itself; your drones are years away, and my eggs are on the way right now."
"It's time for egg delivery. What? Can you deliver 60 eggs?"
"As long as we produce great stuff and deliver what we promised, it will continue."
"I can't believe that they were able to deliver this car with such an amazing Driving Experience at only 110 Grand plus options."
"The devil is in the detail and the delivery."
"It's all about trying to deliver something, some feeling to the audience in which they, in return, give something back."
"It just didn't deliver in terms of any of its performance characteristics."
"Delivering Christmas presents to the entire world isn't easy. The less population, the more likely I can make everyone's Christmas dreams come true."
"With such masterpieces at their backs as 'Batman: Mask of the Phantasm' or the 'World's Finest' Batman/Superman crossover, Timm and company knew they needed to deliver something big."
"It is a lot easier to deliver output than it is to deliver outcomes."
"He's got the mentality of always delivering when it matters you know he's his levels are never ever anything short of 100%."
"It's always better to under promise and over deliver."
"It's all about finding that perfect balance in your presentation."
"I think that you can do it, you can do it, you can do it. And then if you then don't deliver, you're cheating. I totally agree with that. But if you can, and if you have a monster or a thing that looks pretty good, show it. Show it."
"And Paul does deliver the birdie."
"If you want some meat you can trust right now, a slab of it, slap you in a face with it, delivered right to your door, Omaha Steaks."
"The writing was there and then how she delivered it vocally was there and then the production was there."
"She didn't really have to put it all into the writing."
"Vince McMahon may be coming off a private playing with a box filled with seven kittens and a puppy but the listeners can get a box of awesome delivered right to their front door."
"What a heck of an answer by Jordan Travis... he's starting to deliver."
"Let's give them what they want, what they've invested in for the past couple of years now."
"...matches such as the rock version, the Hulk Hogan Sean Michaels versus Kurt Angle and even Edge versus Seth Rollins all delivered and will no doubt stand the testing."
"The mirror and the table have both sold immediately. They've both gone to the same person and they're both winging their way to California."
"UPS is by far the most useful solution."
"This whole feeling you get when there's a line delivery and you go uh."
"...where you are going to be able to deliver your email and within parameters expect that it will actually reach the inbox."
"Agile processes focus on customer satisfaction through early and quick delivery of the product."
"Deliver them the fastest time to Value."
"Look at that that £29 56 in just over an hour could never do that with food delivery."
"I just I love delivering for goer honestly it's so much more enjoyable than delivering food."
"As we took their packages that we touched and handled and took all of the time and took them back to the porch, I would say this is concluded."
"As much work as it is to go through the labor and delivery, might as well get it done, buy one get one free."
"The idea behind that is you can, in principle, affect the whole body by that combination of two kind of tiers of delivery."
"I offer free pickup and delivery."
"that means that there's more orders to go around it means deliverer can't cut their earning uh the fees because they need people to do the deliveries"
"Agile promotes early delivery and focuses on adapting to changing requirements as you obtain customer feedback during every single iteration."
"Domino's new slogan should be we can deliver faster than you can deliver an ad."
"The strange man arrives at the door with a half-eaten breakfast and tells Vermio that the village chief had sent it for her."
"Definitely delivered as the wave of his purification magic blasted from him."
"It's my responsibility to give you stuff that's good."
"Anybody hands me a package in a barber chair, I'm like, 'No, this is not where this delivered.'"
"It is not about what you say. It is about how you say it."
"You have to concentrate on the greatness of what you are delivering because at times it is great."
"This line delivery is especially spectacular and really stuck with me."
"I'm confident in the MCU's ability to deliver the goods."
"I think that's about it for this delivery."
"It breaks every day down by activities and things you're going to go see including maps on how to get there."
"We made some decent cash back there. $250 each and $100 for Doc. Hey, on the bright side, no car means snowboard deliveries for the rest of the day."
"This little bugger is the Cleveland one, a platform-based robot carrier designed for the efficient and safe delivery of goods."
"What's more important: getting you to buy a ticket or delivering once the ticket's already been bought?"
"Only 906 page text is difficult to deliver in a 45-minute talk and I'm not going to try to do that. You'll be relieved that I won't try to do that."
"And I think as you work through this, I don't want to be a proponent of killing niceness entirely. I think it's actually really important to put niceness in the delivery of your feedback."
"When Domino's pizza delivers. Quality comes first."
"So if you're someone who hates to go shopping just thinking about going shopping totally wears you out, this would be good for you because all you have to do is put in your request and wait for it to show up at your door."
"What are digital products? Well simply put these are products that can be sold and delivered digitally."
"I don't like the idea of delivering packages to them at all. I do not want to be anywhere near Tommy."
"When we spend 60 million, you must deliver."
"This is what I like about this battle with Bridge versus Verb. Yes, Bridge dropped jewels in there. I mean, he doesn't even like... I don't think he's like conscious enough that like he sets his he sets it up with the punch line and then performs some amazing stuff afterwards."
"The Rock delivered on his promise."
"They delivered in every way possible. No show is ever perfect, but they delivered in every way possible."
"In Theo We Trust, they said, and he delivered."
"He's talking to you from a 'I'm up here, you down there' perspective. When you were rapping, it wasn't every part, not going to say it was every part of your delivery, but it was a lot of Rapid Fire. He was more poised."
"Had a pallet of lime flower turn up today."
"Every pregnant woman shall deliver what she carries."
"Getting packages is like my number one source of Serotonin at this point."
"...Leo along with Muhammad Paji delivered the undergarments to the shop for sale."
"The way he was delivering the lyrics here was just fantastic with the beat."
"Every Helix mattress comes shipped rolled up in a box right to your door with free shipping in the US."
"Tight delivery, one thing I will say, when I heard the instrumental like right off the start of the song, I'm not sure I was expecting the slightly more aggressive subject matter and delivery."
"It's a master class of comedic delivery."
"I've also got another car being delivered here in a little bit."
"However, the Goon that escaped delivers the baby to Ianda despite being utterly disgusted at what she is about to do."
"You under promise, you over deliver. That's what WWE did last night."
"Make sure your car is marked as delivered only when you are satisfied with everything on this list."
"All of these movies have been able to deliver at least on that front."
"Every single line delivery he says is just so funny."
"Software is available early to the customer."
"Frequent delivery of software ensures early and frequent feedback."
"How you deliver content is not the key part. Rubbish content delivered beautifully is still rubbish."
"When a fight card needed to deliver, I don't know if we've ever seen one like this."
"If you buy here and don't have enough space in your bag, they can even send it for you."
"I feel like there's always at least one order on Amazon of things that you're like, 'Crap.' We have also been known to order something from Amazon and just get it delivered to the Disney hotel, which is something you can."
"Watching those people open the door and they're like 'Yay, microgreens are here!' That's exciting for us to know that our product is making somebody's life."
"Yo people wait yo if you gonna give news though you gotta do it and be funny with it you know I'm sayin."
"Most things can be delivered within a couple of days from Amazon or you can go out to the store and get if you absolutely need it before then."
"you deliver, you talk about it with such peace and calmness"
"Understanding these benefits and concepts will help you ensure you deliver a project that meets your stakeholders' expectations."
"I started shopping on like July 20th and now it is August 1st, so yeah, everything came in about two weeks or a week and a half."
"We've got everything loaded up, ready to get shipped right to your doorstep."
"But you know what, it's how you deliver it though. Yes, it's how you deliver it. It's big, big delivery."
"The amount of value that we're going to be delivering is huge."
"There's free same day delivery and you can order again and again with no delivery fees."
"I love living in the era where you can find weird stuff and have it delivered to your house."
"Truth does that, I don't have to be ugly and mean about it, I just have to deliver the truth."
"The water is like the grace, but you don't say, 'Oh, what a wonderful hose, it quenched my thirst.' No, it was the water that quenched your thirst. The hose just delivered it to you."
"These Turtles deliver justice and pizzas on time, guaranteed."
"You can have a phenomenal project and not make it to ISF because of how your delivery is."
"Liverpool certainly have options with Hoopia right up alongside Ian Walker and McAllister to deliver."
"Even in a book that Wilbur didn't necessarily want to make, he still delivered in fine style."
"Every time that box shows up on my doorstep, I just feel happier."
"All my packages from Amazon finally arrived, so I'm ready to decorate my car."
"The end goal of any organization is delivery."
"All you have to do is make sure that your item gets to the buyer safe and sound."