
WWII Quotes

There are 669 quotes

"Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped, even if Russia had not entered the war, and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated."
"Stalin's son was a soldier in World War II, and after being captured by German forces, the Germans thought they had won on the bus."
"By 1945, Japan had been at war with the United States of America for four and a half years, But the might of the U.S. military proved overwhelming."
"On August 6th, 1945, America Dropped the first atomic bomb on Japan in the city of Hiroshima, destroying over two-thirds of the city."
"December 7th, 1941, a date which will live in infamy, the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan."
"General MacArthur will accept Japan's formal surrender on the 2nd of September 1945 on board USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay."
"Yamato's 18.1-inch gun is the single best surface-to-surface anti-ship weapon of the Second World War, with its spectacular armor-piercing capability and the heaviest shell."
"Allied war factories are outproducing the Nazis and they are fast reducing Germany to rubble."
"War factories produce 120,000 planes. Allied war factories produce 600,000."
"The war that the Nazis started would not be won by Aryan bravery, or by the military skill of German generals... This mechanized war was to be a war of the factories. A war the National Socialists were always going to lose."
"Withdrawal was the sensible option, but Hitler would not hear of it."
"The capture of the city was necessary not just for operational but for psychological reasons, to show the world the strength of German arms and to boost the morale of the Axis allies."
"Fear of loss of face had taken over from military reasoning."
"Hitler's all too public statements in the sports palace and then to his Gauleiter had meant that taking Stalingrad had become a matter of prestige."
"The invasion of Europe kicked off an offensive that wouldn't end until Hitler's 1,000-year Reich lay in ruins."
"General Dwight D. Eisenhower was in command of the whole operation."
"The story takes place during the Second World War as you're playing as OSS operative Jimmy Patterson, carrying out various solo missions behind enemy lines across Europe."
"World War II was won in part thanks to the empowerment of women."
"The Hell Hawks were famous for stopping the Nazis at Normandy."
"The blitz was seen as actually drawing the British people together and uniting them in defiance."
"The superiority of German engineering will secure an Aryan victory."
"The man given the task is Field Marshal Erhard Milch."
"There was a moment on this beach in Dunkirk, France when Hitler's dream of a conquered Europe was within his grasp."
"Kristallnacht... presaged events from September 1939 onwards."
"Schindler's famed list... would ultimately save approximately 1,200 Jews."
"Hitler's flight to New York is escorted by supersonic jets and greeted with German victory celebrations like those in occupied France."
"Entire world now learns of the unspeakable horror of concentration camps."
"The Nazis reached unprecedented heights of scientific advancement."
"Without this significant amount of aid, even vast Soviet industrial might would not be able to stand against Germany's onslaught for long."
"The core Call of Duty experience like the conflict of World War 2 really puts an emphasis now on awarding gun skill and strategy."
"It has been a true privilege to... share with the world the small role that we've gotten to play in bringing this game to fans and a whole new generation to understand World War two."
"Churchill's leadership saved Britain, Europe, and the world from Nazism."
"Internment camps for Japanese in World War II were evil."
"His death would spark a war of the world even more horrific than the war to end all wars that had rocketed 20 years earlier - the Second World War."
"As for all the forced laborers in German factories, they now do everything they can to disrupt production."
"World War Two is a war of factories. It is determined in the end by the vastly greater industrial output of the Western powers."
"Though the concept of 'Seek, Strike, and Destroy' didn't fully succeed as a doctrine, tank destroyers themselves created their own success where it counted most: on the most decisive battlefields of World War 2."
"The successes of the RAF against the German bombers will sow the seeds of conflict within the Luftwaffe."
"The Battle of Stalingrad...turned the tide of the war...if Stalingrad falls quickly to the Germans, we might see a different outcome in the war."
"In all the catalogue of ineffectual leadership, nothing is quite so public, puzzling as the virtual absence of any deterrent action during the last precious hours of daylight before the Japanese attacked."
"The Western allies were perfectly happy to let millions of Soviets die on the Eastern Front while they bided their time."
"It was the psychological turning point of the war."
"D-Day, on the other hand, signaled unity between England and France against Hitler's empire-building tactics as the Allied forces pushed through France over the Rhine and into the heartland of the Third Reich."
"The campaign and story holds no reservations, and has the balls to depict World War II in the most brutally, honest way it can."
"The failure of the 20 July Plot ensured that Berlin would have to endure a bloody siege by the Allies."
"In the end, Hitler committed suicide in the Reich Chancellery Bunker on the 30th of April 1945."
"Hitler wasn't always the madman the German generals painted him out to be."
"The German Army cut through weak defenses, pouring into northern France and surrounding the bulk of the Allied armies."
"By June 1941, the invasion of the Soviet Union had been initiated and Hitler was effectively locked away from all party officials, leaving Bormann alone as the unchecked representative of the Fuhrer."
"Bormann's monopoly over access to Hitler had rendered lay impotent and demonstrated to all in government that he was the sole political voice of the Fuhrer."
"Ribbentrop's diplomatic coup with the Soviets was the background against which Germany launched the Second World War."
"The war started because the United States was isolationist and let aggression go."
"The victory in World War II is the source of legitimation of Putin's regime."
"Hitler and his nazi hierarchy were incandescent with rage at heydrich's assassination and ordered severe and brutal reprisals to be carried out as revenge for his death."
"We don't want it to be glamorous, but at the same time, we don't want to turn World War II into something that looks like a glorified camping trip."
"London had barely survived World War II the empire had just lost India in an orgy of ethnic cleansing known as partition."
"In reality, Market Garden was a high risk but high reward operation."
"Nobody has ever seen anything like it. What they were able to do during World War II."
"From out of the sunlight, a new poor appeared and dove straight into the German formation. It was Chapman."
"Dowding orchestrated the air defence of Great Britain."
"The British integrated air defense system was a wonder of applied technology... It laid the foundation for modern command and control."
"In the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few."
"He was tasked with hunting high-ranking Nazis after the war."
"The opening bombardment of Omaha Beach caught German Shore batteries in the middle of preparing."
"The road to Berlin lay open, lacking the supplies to keep on fighting, German morale now visibly began to collapse."
"With inevitable defeat looming on the horizon, many of the defenders began to lay down their arms."
"In the summer of 1940, a small group of young men and their aircraft were all that seemed to stand between the British people and invasion by the Nazi war machine."
"The reality of air combat was the swooping ambush, the bounce, hitting sudden, hard, and fast."
"Lieutenant Dick Bong had become a fighter ace."
"The DC-3: a key factor in winning the Second World War."
"The Supermarine Spitfire was undoubtedly the only truly immortal warplane to emerge from the Second World War."
"The Supermarine Spitfire was probably the only fighter of the Second World War to achieve a truly legendary status."
"The Mosquito, conceived as a bomber, became one of the war's most potent fighters."
"The Hurricane shouldered the lion's share of Britain's defense during the Battle of Britain."
"The Mustang also established itself as the principal Allied strategic fighter."
"The North American P-51 Mustang was an inspired design evolved almost by accident."
"Welcome to Kondomari, site of one of the bloodiest and most brutal massacres that took place on Crete during the German occupation."
"His aggressive foreign policies would drag the world into a second tragic global conflict."
"Not everybody who voted for the Nazis was an extremist that wanted to murder all the Jews."
"Reinhard Heydrich - The death of Reinhard Heydrich showed the world one important thing - as protected as Hitler’s inner circle was, they were not invincible."
"There are those who doubt that a Nazi flying saucer program ever existed."
"American factories were producing an airplane every five minutes and a ship every day."
"World War II ended the depression and transformed America’s economy."
"World War II became a war that was about freedom, but was also about what Gunnar Myrdal called the American Creed."
"Delivering a World War two experience that no one's ever seen before."
"Witness the Second World War through the eyes of the men and women that changed the world."
"Mirror the immense arsenal of the Second World War."
"Operation Mincemeat: successful wartime deception."
"But why was Hitler turning his back on the invasion of Great Britain?"
"The Panther marked the high point of German tank development in the Second World War."
"Hitler was pleased that the tractor factory had fallen."
"It is widely accepted that it was the Soviet Union and its people that crushed Nazi Germany and won World War II in Europe."
"Imagine being encircled and listening to this and going okay so he wants us all to die you know that's our leader and the German public they're not buying it."
"Stalingrad is the beginning of the end for Adolf."
"It's clear to all the top bras around him that it's Hitler's fault this did not need to happen."
"The irony is, by the end of the war, virtually every Enigma code was being read as fast as the Germans themselves."
"The end of the war against Germany approached... attention would inevitably begin to focus on Japan."
"I think the biggest thing Operation Torch did was it gave the Americans and the British a way to forge a working relationship."
"D-Day is all about Operation Torch and what they learned."
"It laid the groundwork for the rest of the war."
"During WWII, Iran was a vital oil resource for the Allies."
"It's like the Soviets sticking their kind of hammer and sickle flag on the Reichstag in 1945. What an amazing moment."
"We held on and then the Germans attacked again and again."
"Americans are incredibly fortunate that McAuliffe is defending Bastone."
"Through it all no one doubted for an instance that we would hold."
"Despite the heavy American losses, it's regarded as the American military's greatest wartime battle."
"The invasion of Poland is underway, and for Hermann Goring, head of the luftwaffe and the most powerful man within Hitler's Inner Circle, everything is going to plan."
"Behind our first military offensive against the Nazis stood American industrial production now geared to full wartime output."
"During 1942, the war workers of the United States produced 48,000 military planes of all types, more than the total production of planes by Germany, Italy, and Japan combined for that year."
"World War Heroes is one of the best WWII shooters available for mobile- now go shoot some Nazis."
"The Battle of the Bulge... the German forces achieved complete surprise on the outnumbered American troops."
"If Malta had fallen, Rommel would have had unfettered access to supply."
"Operation Husky was born: a large-scale amphibious invasion from North Africa to the island of Sicily."
"By the end of Roosevelt's time in office, nearly 15 million Americans will have fought in this World War."
"Thanks to Turing, more than a million enemy transmissions are intercepted, laying bare the position of Germany's Wolf Packs, around which over 1.2 million tons of shipping are rerouted."
"Germans would have been better off in World War II if they had not built a Navy at all and devoted those resources to the Army and Luftwaffe."
"The sacrifice of VT-8 is not about dragging the zeros down to deck level; it's about taking time off the clock."
"I'm convinced that if she hadn't been subsequently followed up by the submarines, she could have been saved at that point."
"Poor old Admiral Crutchley because he just hauled him back away from these cruisers for a conference."
"Auchinleck had become the first British general to defeat a German General in the Second World War."
"If the Eighth Army was defeated, the Second World War was lost."
"El Alamein would be the place where they would make their stand."
"Churchill rallied the populace with some of the most famous speeches ever broadcast."
"Churchill's rallying of the British population was crucial as the country was now alone against Nazi Germany."
"The SS actively recruited volunteers and conscripts from occupied Allied satellite and even neutral countries."
"As someone who covers many World War II topics, I love how the game immersed me into the dramatic reality of such legendary times."
"Hitler knows that he will have to break us in this island or lose the war." - Winston Churchill
"Radar gave the RAF 20 minutes warning of a German attack... it allowed Fighter Command to send the right amount of aircraft to the right place at the right time."
"After two months of fighting, the RAF was even stronger than before."
"Operation Dervish was the first of the Arctic convoys, full of ships carrying supplies from the Western Allies."
"The Arctic convoys were vast logistical operations involving huge amounts of international cooperation."
"Churchill issued a note to Stalin expressing genuine admiration for the tenacity of the Soviet Union."
"An era of collaboration between Britain and the Soviet Union."
"The convoy system was remarkably successful."
"Over the course of the war, nearly four million tons of supplies were delivered via the Arctic route."
"Too often forgotten are the stories of the men who had to take it there, the men who had to go on what Winston Churchill described as the worst journey in the world."
"The very positive side of it was camaraderie."
"All of these war materials that were delivered to the Soviet Union went to arm and equip millions of young Soviets."
"Invading Russia was a critical mistake made by Hitler."
"The US provided critical aid to the Soviet Union in its most desperate hour."
"It wasn't Stalin that overcame Hitler; it was the Russian peasant, the Russian soldier who overcame Hitler."
"Russia helped win World War II, folks. Do you know that Russia was our Ally in World War II? They helped defeat Hitler."
"If we did not have that generation of World War II heroes, the world would be a very different place."
"Heroes like World War II veterans sacrificed so much for our country."
"The US closely guarded dual-stage technology during the '30s and up until the very early parts of World War II."
"Good communication alone would never defeat the Nazis."
"The Spitfire was a real match for the Messerschmitt 109s."
"In terms of technology, were the Axis superior compared to, let's say Britain and America? Quite clearly without Germany, they are not superior in any way."
"By 1945, the United States had 14.9 million personnel in uniform."
"Hitler's gift to Roosevelt was a godsend to Churchill."
"In just six months, the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy would be in possession of one-sixth of the earth's surface."
"Rewrite World War II history." - an enticing proposition for gamers interested in altering historical outcomes.
"FRONTLINE GUARD, a WWII Shooter that’s as satisfying as the PING from an empty mag through an M1 Rifle."
"The subordinates of Hitler all followed orders willingly, enthusiastically, and effectively."
"If that's what the Americans can Mass produce then the war is already lost."
"Pratt and Whitney built almost half of all the Allied engines used in World War II."
"The Allies developed radar sets that were small enough to be mounted on board aircraft."
"Historians recently uncovered a list of 17 British soldiers hidden in a bunker at the Auschwitz concentration camp."
"For eight decades, a southern Mississippi family has pondered the mystery of what happened to Private Andrew Ladner."
"Finally, we know who these guys were. These six men completed their training in April 1944."
"The entire war had changed for the Allies, for the whole world, and for the future of mankind." - Unknown
"As much as the daring double envelopment of Lei is the most remarkable element of Operation Postern, perhaps the most impressive part of the battle was the performance of the third division around Salamawa."
"The Americans of the 41st Division had shown themselves to be fine soldiers, men who were more than up to the task that was demanded of them."
"As 1943 turned to 1944, the final chapter in the Pacific War was about to begin, and the defeat of the Japanese Empire would be almost within reach."
"Stalingrad marked the end of Hitler's blitzkrieg."
"The Soviet Union won the Second World War. It was an incredibly hard-won victory, but it was a victory."
"Stalin wanted God off to strike with overwhelming force against the Germans."
"The Battle of Stalingrad turned the tide of the war on the Eastern Front."
"The French Resistance played a vital role in frustrating German plans during World War II."
"The tank destroyer force in World War II must rate as one of the most successful failures in American military history."
"The M18 was the fastest armored fighting vehicle of the war."
"Tank destroyers were credited with 500 kills during the Battle of the Bulge."
"Tank destroyer battalions played that dangerous role when necessary."
"The subway was London's lifeline during the Blitz."
"Elizabeth McIntosh's strategy was a key factor in the Allied victory in World War II."
"The most important reason why Germany lost the war... Germany needed to take the Caucasus in 1942."
"The Vatican profited from the Holocaust by laundering gold, art, and property stolen by the Nazis."
"At the end of the Second World War, the extraterrestrials ensured that the technology was returned from Earth back to these cities."
"December 7, 1941: a date that will live in infamy."
"The Doolittle Raid signaled the death knell of Yamamoto's dream of a negotiated peace."
"The Marianas operation involved a massive force of 127,571 troops and 535 warships."
"The hunt for the Nazi doctor moves into high gear."
"Ghost fleet of truck Lagoon: Japanese World War II wrecks in the Caroline Islands."
"General Dietrich von Choltitz refused Hitler's order, saving the Eiffel Tower from destruction."
"London: The aftermath of Hitler's Air Force."
"If it's been a while since you've seen a good World War II movie, I would start with this one."
"On June 8th, he met with Army Commander in Chief Weygand who was about to announce the French surrender."
"The Red Army went from a state of near anarchy at the start of the conflict to inflicting the overwhelming majority of German casualties."
"At their peak, these trucks were supplying 28 allied divisions with 12 and a half thousand tons of food, fuel, and equipment a day."
"The focal point of the German invasion of Soviet Russia, also called Operation Barbarossa, was the Battle of Stalingrad."
"The Spitfire has played a crucial role in the battle for freedom of the skies over Britain."
"The Spitfire, in all its power and beauty, has come to represent the spirit that saved the country in those desperate days when Britain stood alone."
"The Spitfire will be recognized as responsible for contributing to the victory greater than any aircraft in the history of combat."
"Enterprise, the most revered and decorated ship in World War II." - Narrator
"Danzig is just the excuse Hitler needed to expand."
"The shift to strategic defense came far too late, only from 1943 onwards."
"Japan was occupied by Allied forces led by General Douglas MacArthur."
"Soviet assault on Berlin marked the end of World War II in Europe."
"There were almost no Axis units between the Romanian First Armored Division and the Romanian Eighth Cavalry Division."
"The battle you have just seen was one of the decisive battles of the second world war."