
Opinion Formation Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"It's best when you don't agree because then you form an opinion and you get passionate about it."
"I synthesize my opinions from data, not from feelings."
"Making your own opinion on the whole situation is essential after you have all the actual facts."
"I prefer to wait a little until the dust settles and we get a bit more information before stating my own view."
"Critical thinking is how you progress, it's how you form your own opinions and actually live up to those beliefs."
"I don't think an emotive response, a knee-jerk response, is conducive to productive legislation or even productive formation of opinions."
"The way I formed my opinion around these topics doesn't come from religion or politics or societal pressures but from my understanding of science."
"I never allow myself to have an opinion on anything that I don't know the other side's argument better than they do."
"I like to thoroughly think out my opinions before publicizing them."
"Your opinion on complex matters should come to you slowly, over time, within the context of new facts and experiences."
"It's a natural thing to like, build on your political opinions and like learn and mature."
"It's very easy if I show you a person and then you meet that person and then you engage with that person to develop an opinion about that person that resembles where they're at right now."
"When somebody learns a little bit about a thing and they're really confident about it and then you Lear more you kind of C your opinion a little B more careful you know"
"People need to figure out exactly what they think and mean about all this stuff."
"Do your own research and then form an opinion of your own."
"We don't tell you how to think here at Golden State Times. You make up your own minds, you make up your own opinions."
"But to fully get into what I mean here we need to talk briefly about the ways that opinions and narratives are constructed in fan spaces."
"If you're going to voice an opinion, I hope you have weighed each of these questions carefully and are very sure of your answers."
"It's about the American people's right to witness history being made, to form their own opinions based on unfiltered information."
"I like how people are still making up their minds and how not every obvious point has already been said."
"Most people don't hold opinions because they were reasoned into them, they hold them for protective coloration."
"The difference here is that you're skeptical in the proper way. You're not skeptical like immediately assuming you know what's going on. You're like skeptical, well I need to know more then I'll have an opinion."
"People need to listen to both sides before making their own opinion."
"It's up to you to make your own opinions up."
"You'll have to make up your own opinion just like I've done with mine."
"The next time that you're forming an opinion on anything, ask yourself: am I basing this on what I can know and can confirm, or what I've seen and what I've heard about this topic?"
"We like to tell ourselves that we base our opinions on facts but that's rarely actually the case."
"Never let ignorance get in the way of a good opinion."
"Can't just rush out to have a take or an opinion on something. Sometimes you gotta let things sit."
"You have to go out and formulate your own opinions."
"Formulate your own opinions by the end of this video."
"People need to be really Vigilant in forming their opinions about what's going on."
"Group polarization is the enhancement of a group's attitude through discussion within a group."
"It's exactly what I always want to talk about guys, it's about critical thinking, it's about formulating your own opinions and that's what's really important to me."
"If you don't know what it would take to change your mind on any topic, then you're a sheep."
"We don't have to rush to form an unshakable opinion on every question before we go through the evidence."
"Right and then to debate it after the fact..."
"People don't have opinions, they form opinions when asked."
"My purpose as a critic is not to reaffirm what my audience already thinks about a game but rather to substantiate my own opinions as best I can."
"Facts are facts and those facts are the ones you'll use to base your opinion on."
"I want you to form your own opinion using this as a tool."
"Form your own opinions and stay unified."
"Your brain is actually Auto detecting how much power that you have and then deciding what opinion to have based on how much power you have, which then determines the nuances and complexities of your opinions."
"We will not duct the main issues but level with you, present concrete evidence to you to construct your own opinion."
"Opinion should fully explain how the opinion was reached. This is how science works and how science is debated."
"People make up their own opinions real fast unless you tell it like it is."
"It's not for a moment my hope to change your opinion, but merely to examine with you the roots of some of these prejudices which affect our thinking sometimes without us knowing it."
"I think people need to see the film in order to have an opinion about the film."
"Do we all not form our opinions, beliefs?"
"Form your own opinions because in this day and age, people don't know how to form their own opinions."
"People need to be able to form an opinion about something in a vacuum without wondering what everybody else thinks about it."
"People don't understand that they have to earn an opinion."
"Please form your own opinions about that."
"I don't even put a strong opinion on anything unless I know something."
"Everybody watched this trial, everybody formed an opinion."
"I really wanted to make sure that my opinions were very solid."