
Underlying Issues Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"It's not the addiction that's the primary problem. It's an attempt to solve a problem."
"If you need alcohol to bond or to form a connection, there's probably something else going on that is unaddressed."
"In addition to addressing symptoms, it's crucial to understand and treat the underlying issues rather than just the manifestations in the present."
"You can have a country that's 'perfect' and has everything very well polished but if there's a problem that's kind of in its soul then it's gonna mess everything up."
"These are all essentially band-aids, hoping to pave over a larger root cause."
"The abortion debate is very important because what underpins it is not the legalese of the thing right whether it's constitutionally legal not who gives a [__] that's not the question being asked."
"Beneath all of this really is a lot of darkness. There's a lot of abuse and control and fear and pain."
"The reason for our divorce wasn't the reason for our divorce."
"Two men who on the outside appear to be respectable members of their community, great family men, great providers, but just under the surface, something a bit more nefarious was bubbling up."
"Lies are oftentimes only the tip of the iceberg."
"Nobody just ups and files for sole custody out of spite for their child's father, there's usually a more sinister situation."
"Substances are not a treatment, they're a short-term band-aid for underlying problems."
"To some extent, though, that's masked by two things..."
"It's about like all of this stuff that's coming underneath and behind the food."
"There's something much bigger that's boiling underneath."
"The addiction, whatever the behavior or substance it is that a person is addicted to, is in fact a symptom, not the original cause of the issue."
"I think clearly there's some kind of underlying mental illness."
"Isn't it an interesting diagnostic tool that tells us that there is something wrong under the depths?"
"It's not the addiction that's the problem, it's the underlying pain."
"It's usually not just one thing, if you pull on the thread usually there are several other things that you can say."
"This isn't about eggs. What is really going on here?"
"Modern gaming may have quite a few wins this year and sales are at an all-time high, but it's the underlying almost simmering problems that this article delves into."
"There's something sinister going on at that football club, and it's political."
"I can assure you that not everything is fine."
"This stressed out behavior is often a sign your dog could be dealing with more serious health issues below the surface."
"The financial conversation is really just the surface of what the hell is really going on here."
"Arguments are never what they're about, and this is totally what's at play here."
"Unless you deal with the underlying dynamics that drive the behavior, you can expect relapse in large numbers."
"As if what we were talking about wasn't enough, there's something that feels even more disturbing underneath."
"Mental health challenges are often the signal, the symptoms that are alerting us to something deeper that's going wrong in our lives."
"Whatever you're shouting about or frustrated about or mad about is never that thing, it's always something behind it."
"It's the veneer of a perfect American Dream Suburban idyllic and underneath just underneath there's this rage brewing in every single person."
"The issue is never the issue, the issue is pain."
"Evan might have a bigger issue going on other than the obvious grief he must feel over his mom."
"The drinking is a symptom of what the actual problem is."
"Every social dilemma is about something else. The trick is to find the something else."
"Man, it's funny on the internet but under the surface, there's some other [__] brewing."
"Rarely is it about the intimacy itself; it's always something deeper."
"The thing is never about the thing. There's always a thing behind the thing."
"There's still something underneath the surface that needs to be addressed."
"Addiction is really just a symptom of deeper problems."
"If we can learn to embrace and learn from our offenses... it's usually because there's a greater issue behind that offense."
"We always need to be aware that there's probably a very serious issue at the heart of all this."
"Substance abuse is rarely ever the root problem; it's often a sign of something deeper."
"Procrastination is not a problem, it's always the symptom to a problem."
"Marriages break up because of two things: sex and money. And I'm like, no, they don't. That's what they're talking about, but underneath it all is attachment injury that's happening."
"...the distractingly angelic sounds of mall soft blanketing over a bigger issue."
"The unique thing about this 2020 economic crisis is that we have deep underlying financial problems."
"Whenever you have a thousand dollar reaction to a fifty problem, there's probably something deeper going on."
"Addiction is often the surface problem."
"It's clearly not just about Thanksgiving, it's about the family dynamics."
"We have been distracted by racism, we have been distracted by the overt acts, the ones that stand on the surface, and we haven't focused enough on what's happening underneath."
"It's a symptom of something greater."
"If we're not taking care of everything underneath the iceberg, attending to the tip of the iceberg really doesn't get us anywhere."
"I can recognize that this was just some form of temporary placation that wasn't actually dealing with an underlying issue."
"It's never really about the issue, it's what's underneath."
"The problem is not the drinking; the problem is the untreated alcoholism."
"It's not about the weed, it's about what's going on underneath it."
"I think behind all that anger, there's pain."