
Arts Quotes

There are 793 quotes

"The arts industry is so dominated by people who have entered via nepotism that it's just wildly unfair, it's very elitist, it's very classist."
"I truly believe this could be the pinnacle of Araki's work."
"We raised over $350,000 for Inner-City Arts."
"The arts of sorcery would never have come this far without his contributions."
"The entire purpose of the arts is to remind people of the complexity of the human experience."
"There isn't anything that's more closely aligned with the combination of beauty and truth than the arts."
"The task of the arts is to give expression to the full range of the human condition."
"The vast amount of humanistic inquiry of art and music and literature and architecture, throughout virtually every humanistic domain, are not only accessible to but are made for the enjoyment and illumination of human beings everywhere and anywhere."
"The city of Kalamazoo is often celebrated for its dedication to the arts."
"The arts have unfortunately too much become business, where the investment is to get money back, rather than to produce something that is so necessary and beautiful that it actually contributes to society at large."
"I miss the concept of patronage, and I would love to bring something like that back."
"Dr. Dre donated $10 million to Compton High School for the school's new Performing Arts Center."
"The arts, I think, are our way out if they are sustained because they satisfy that human need to understand ourselves and to explore ourselves and to interrogate our existence."
"I care about Shakespeare, Beethoven, and Mozart going on. It would be very sad if all trace of the beauty of what we've created disappeared."
"Live a little bit, Judah. Live, experience the Arts, talk about them, it's okay."
"The arts had become sort of my saving grace."
"Artists have attributed their inspiration, at least in part, to the Muses, goddesses of the arts."
"Good morning from Epcot! We are here today for the very first day of the International Festival of the Arts, which is a celebration of performing arts, visual arts, and culinary arts."
"The Epcot International Festival of the Arts runs from today, January 14th, through February 21st. It is a shorter festival, but one of our favorite ones because the visuals are amazing, the food is always amazing."
"Hip-hop culture has become a major force across music, dance, art, fashion, and a whole lot more."
"The Olympics actually did used to give out medals for art."
"This is an accessible way of communicating important points about how capitalism ruins things, especially art."
"The pleasure is not the scene... the pleasure was the acting."
"I had always had an ambition to be part of the voice that creates the arts that I participated in." - Ben Affleck
"Michael's work will live on and it will continue to impact and educate people."
"My dad wrote a musical version, the music and lyrics for the Scarlet Pimpernel."
"It's a really, really good piece of work, it's an amazing piece of work actually."
"We will adapt to changing circumstances and pursue the most unique and talented artists in the industry."
"My truth... like to be true to myself unto others I guess like arts."
"Do not discount the importance of the fine arts in maintaining social cohesion within your community."
"The renewal of culture, particularly through the renewal of the Arts, would awaken a renewal of beauty."
"Living in harmony with your values makes you a person of integrity, bringing meaning and joy into your life."
"The act of learning how to see applies to way more than just art."
"We need much more diversity when it comes to the artists that are creating art that we consume and art that is meaningful to us."
"Storytelling is the highest form of escapism."
"We're in a great point for creativity and overall variety in our art forms."
"His genius extended beyond music, to wordplay and visual arts."
"Our little film has received very positive critical and fan acclaim."
"Representation in the arts is crucial for how kids imagine themselves."
"Stopping programs of the Arts in public schools or making it so only people who can afford it can get them is like child abuse."
"Art and education are markers of a civilized society."
"Passionate about design and the visual arts." - India
"He was really interconnected across all of the scenes, he was really integral to a lot of things."
"His enduring presence and contributions to the arts have solidified his status as a respected and beloved figure in entertainment."
"Camp is a rebuke to the cultural Mandarin, some people who are trying to spread culture."
"When you break down all boundaries and then you suggest that the only boundaries are the ones that you get to establish top down you've created a system for chaos and effectively in the arts a system of decimation of quality overall."
"Be who the [ __ ] you want to be. Tap into the mythology of you."
"Utilize the arts and the sciences. Immortalize oneself."
"I personally cannot sing this figure's praises high enough. I think that this is an absolute amazing piece."
"Retain the artsy side of being a creator with the data-driven aspect of being an entrepreneur."
"This is the story of how a physics student turned starving artist and a computer sciences student working as a delivery driver teamed up to change the face of the arts industry forever."
"The most concrete and effective way of doing that is through the artists, through the stories we tell."
"So whether it's musicians or comedians or filmmakers. If that's the only thing that we have in terms of our our careers, our artistic careers, we have to train ourselves to go, 'In spite of it. I'm going to do the next one.'"
"Music is a vocation, painting is liberation."
"It adds another element of experiencing the work of art that movies, paintings, any other medium doesn't yet."
"Literature, art, culinary, music, religion, and philosophy seem to thrive in Italy."
"The Turner Prize is recognized as one of the most prestigious visual art awards in Europe."
"It's just so incredible when you see the performances."
"We're going to experience the descent of truth on the arts and sciences."
"Music and comedy are very similar when it comes to the subjectivity of its enjoyment."
"In the arts, avoiding bias is not necessarily a commendable goal, and when the use of emotions and intuition are the preferred ways of knowing."
"I love how the many many years ago the art used to dictate the industry and now I think it's turning around."
"To see the depth and ugliness of life and yet find beauty in it is part of what the Arts give you."
"It's really hard to overstate how much piano book and spitfire are a force in the creative world."
"What does it feel like to hear David Sally saying about your work? It's an honor."
"Expression is a through line, and the freedom of expression is integral."
"Music and the arts bring out the best of humanity." - Deborah Dugan
"When you start out on a career in the arts, you have no idea what you're doing. This is great."
"This award is not just a celebration of what we made, it is fuel to keep going and to keep telling stories that are deeply our believing they will keep resonating with all of you." - Creative director Phil Krio
"The various arts are the lifeblood of a culture; we can't live without it. It's a counterpart to the truism that man does not live by bread alone."
"Franklin's Legacy in the arts and his political activism make him a notable figure in British cultural history."
"Some girls get really into, like, art. I've just always been curious. I love having conversations with people and I love finding out stuff that's true."
"Each filled with their traditions, arts, music, and customs."
"A performance that truly matters. See it at least once in your lifetime."
"YT M&D stimulated the creative energy of a generation."
"Heroism is not just to be found on the battlefield heroism is also to be found in the poet the prophet the man of letters."
"His talent will be seriously missed."
"Read as much film history and art history and read as much literature and storytelling."
"Arts and cinema can reflect life and push boundaries in ways that moving money around to make more of it will simply never be able to."
"If the arts had not found me at that crucial time in my life, I don't think I'd be here. The way art saved my life for me, the only way for me to say thank you is by making sure I pass the torch."
"Sometimes you just end up coming across a creator who will reignite your passion for the medium by doing something new and different and engaging."
"Our mission is to provide exceptional training to artists around the world at an affordable price."
"The glory of a nation is in its literature, its sculpture, its painting, its architecture, its gardening, and not in its warfare or its geopolitical position." - Thomas Jefferson
"Arts is something which surprises you and opens your mind."
"All I've ever done was push the culture forward from day one."
"This is fabulous for those of you involved in the creative arts."
"He's a collector of many things, arts and artifacts."
"Congratulations on winning the giveaway and thank you for sending over some awesome artwork and for the thank you letter."
"This annual festival celebrates Armenian arts and traditional crafts."
"One of its binding threads is ballet excitingly linked to the visual arts in a number of prestigious commissions." - Fran Lebowitz
"Playing Beat Saber makes me stronger, faster, and works out my whole body."
"It truly feels like it doesn't fit in any particular genre. I also appreciate how for as predictable as it feels in the middle, you really don't expect this to unfold the way it does in the end."
"Prasoon Joshi's work has helped establish a connection with a new generation."
"Thank you to all the innovators who have dedicated their lives and their art to creating shifts."
"Musical theater has been with me since I was very, very young."
"Creating a performing arts school for all, regardless of background or income, is my dream."
"Acting has given me such an incredible life."
"One of the best performances I've ever seen."
"I always find the theater is the best way to clarify things."
"With a little bit of putting a border around things, this can be really good for poets, writers, even songwriters."
"All we're asking for is recognition, appreciation for our humanity. We're not these dancing machines."
"She's so into the arts, her story would seem like a book brought to life."
"There's just so much here that's absolutely worth loving."
"The sounds of the community blasted through the theater in a beautiful collage."
"It's time to get women on stage... it just changed the game."
"There's culture and there's history and philosophy and music and art."
"Support every single artist who supports me because it's such an important thing that artists get recognized for."
"I think what we have here in Hollywood is high Arts it's [Applause] [Music]."
"Jodorowsky is one of the most prolific artists I've ever covered."
"I'm already getting an artsy feel from the intro. Interested to see how exactly time travel works."
"You come a long way from forgetting your name on stage... you've developed into this leader and this pioneer."
"Support trans art, support trans artists, support trans thinkers."
"Children need extracurricular activities, right, and so arts and culture is just crucial to any young person."
"The arts have also been a crucial part of the restoration process in Asbury Park."
"I'd say my best friends would say that I am very artsy, creative, and very outspoken."
"It's about making sure that in your art making... you're uplifting folks who are marginalized in the art that you are making and consuming."
"The number one way to support a lot of artists right now is to buy merch."
"We can figure stuff out right we figured out quantum mechanics right we can create these wonderful works from Beethoven's Ninth Symphony to Mac Beth right to the Mona Lisa right we can figure out the workings of life."
"I was raised as a young kid in theater programs and music programs by drag queens and they are wonderful for communities."
"You're still making impactful work whether it's through music or film."
"Gandalf's Legacy continues to be celebrated through his unforgettable performances and contributions to the Arts."
"You know what dude say other people's lines dude he performed at the Kimo theater."
"Unlock your creative side with dance, music, art, or writing; express yourself."
"The nation of Ireland is famous for many things, the country has produced some of the greatest artists, musicians, and Poets the world has ever known."
"Hatshepsut has been remembered predominantly for her influence on the arts. Her reigns saw a cultural renaissance that was to have a lingering effect on Egyptian art and architecture for a millennium."
"I am so tired of being the black sheep just because I like the Arts more than maths and Science."
"I think that it's such a unique human thing that we can do to have arts; it distinguishes us from the other species."
"We also have a complete foundational liberal arts education."
"Being very curious, I've always been very sensitive, and so the Arts made a lot of sense to me from a young age."
"You know, there's so many of us in the field right now that are living because of theater."
"Life Path number three is all about the arts, all about entertaining."
"Philosophy has a new relationship with the Arts of Movement."
"Finding something else in the Arts that gave me an opportunity to grow."
"Schopenhauer placed the arts higher in the scheme of things than any other important philosopher."
"Schopenhauer argued that the arts provided us with a special way of knowing things."
"Books are an amazing patchwork of all different types of arts."
"By the 1980s, he was seen as a legend. People had forgotten his friendship with Nixon, and he was revered for the work he had done in the Arts."
"The arts were valued in the Roman homes, so much so that they chose to depict scenes of the theater and of the arts on their wall."
"We enjoy being a patron of the arts."
"Supporting the arts... let yourself be a fan of it."
"Because there is a lot of wealth for those at the top, but in reality most actors and writers barely make a living and need second jobs."
"I play my parts within my own field and I know how influential arts and culture is in winning over the hearts and minds of people."
"Anybody that I know that has ever succeeded in the Arts have quit and focused on it 100%."
"Men are dominant in the arts, as writers, composers, actors--almost everything."
"While Seville is the home of flamenco, Madrid draws Spain's top artists."
"The Medici dynasty's impact went beyond arts and finance, venturing into the realm of politics and nobility."
"I told my mom that show business, and the arts in general, it's kind of like having a friend with a terrible drinking problem."
"Arts and crafts that involve cutting and gluing not only develop their blossoming imaginations when creating something new but helps tremendously with those very important fine motor skills."
"Napoleon's empire also experienced a flourishing of culture and the arts, as the Emperor sought to promote French culture and values across his territories."
"Number three, make time for the arts."
"This is a great arts and crafts moment for us."
"Arts, academics, and athletics all being of equal importance and they should all be given equal attention in school."
"We'll be able to talk about uh Festival of the Arts, oh yeah, because that starts this week."
"This is what makes the world turn around in terms of arts and culture."
"You may be working on creative projects that pertain to poetry, creative writing, acting, music, and filmography."
"That's what the arts can do for young people: a sense of accomplishment."
"It just woke up my passion for the arts, period, all over again. It just reassured that I want to do this."
"It's the Hoboken Arts Music Festival, which is my favorite Festival."
"When we can create schools where arts and kids' passions are at the center, when young people can feel that school is about making a difference in the community, we can have truly great schools."
"The arts provide another language, another way of experiencing relationships, and I have witnessed repeatedly how the arts can positively transform students' lives."
"Bisbee, it's got kind of a hip and funky artist culture there."
"First of all, the arts, like when their value, when people like them, they pay for them."
"...a place where you would experience the Arts as you walk into the building."
"You need delusion for any form of the arts."
"Every kid who loves the arts needs that kind of place."
"Jackie Kennedy saw her role as establishing the White House as a beacon for arts and culture."
"Yes, it's appropriate for the federal government to play a role in funding the arts."
"The arts community is really understanding because to be very honest they're not they don't limit you to your gender."
"So all the money you're giving right now is letting the arts survive after everything ends, absolutely."
"The arts can cultivate sympathy and concern through engagement with different works of literature, music, fine art, and dance."
"Founder of the orphan wisdom school where he teaches something of the mandatory Arts of living deeply and dying well."
"The newly-opened Riley Center, home to the Ocala Symphony Orchestra, has a diversified range of events planned."
"I'm passionate about the arts and I'm passionate about people, but community arts, community I think arts at the trance there's a transformative. I think it's important I think it brings us all together."
"Alpha brothers participated in the Harlem Renaissance, contributing to African-American artistic achievement."
"Highly sensitive people are deeply moved by the arts or music. What an exceptional quality to have as a human being."
"Nothing has been produced in the last thirty years in any of the arts as emotionally compelling and significant as the finale of Revenge of the Sith."
"I love that story because people think that the arts don't really create social change."
"But when they change the narrative, they change what people perceive as valuable or high status."
"The Arts are an approach to an understanding of reality without which you can't have wisdom."
"We must win the Arts and entertainment mountain and we're going to win it."
"We need Reformation in the Arts and entertainment industry."
"Remember that it's basically anybody in the arts that's struggling which by the way is 98% of the people."
"If you try to suppress the arts, then I think you're suppressing the deepest dreams and aspirations of a people."
"The arts can be a way of being in relationship. They are a way of bringing people into relationship with each other."
"The arts have the power to transform the way we understand aging."
"Sometimes the only medicine that we have, the best medicine that we have, is the arts."
"The arts reflect where we are as a society."
"What an incredible opportunity it must be to work on campus and advocate for the arts in a political setting."
"A testament to his dedication and passion for the Arts."
"Are you associated with any of the arts?" "Yeah."
"Popke is always bringing the now-and-then together through creative arts."
"Plano's historic downtown Arts District is a charming and vibrant area."
"I've struggled to think of anybody who's been prominent in politics or the arts or industry in my lifetime that is anything like a normal human being."
"Buenos Aires became the center of radio, television, cinema, theater, and all forms of art within Argentina."
"I began developing a curriculum that would help ninth graders in their transition to high school. So based on the arts, I would meet with all the high school's freshman students weekly."
"The arts can provide a sense of transcendence and glory which awakens the appetite to that which the gospel fulfills."
"Invest in arts, you can do the crypto, you can do the stocks, but man, don't overlook."
"My mother took me to the doctor and the doctor said, 'Well, your daughter has interests that most of these local children don't have. She wants to be a dancer, she's interested in the arts and blah blah blah.'"
"The arts are not meant to ruin science, they're actually meant to reinvigorate and allow us to re-experience science."
"The Actors Fund isn't just for actors or Broadway. It's for people who work in the arts all over the country."