
Societal Awareness Quotes

There are 327 quotes

"Society hasn't changed; we've always known this."
"People are starting to wake up to the problems in our criminal justice system, and that's great for the long-term health of our public."
"I get it, your warnings seem to go to no avail. You're warning people around you about certain things going on in society, and those warnings seem to be hit with a swift reproach."
"We are entering a phase where it's becoming increasingly obvious to a large number of people that a lot of the [stuff] going on in the world is not okay."
"Everyone says it can't happen here until it happens here."
"We're at this precipice where people are waking up to the power structure of big Finance, big government, Big Industry, big Pharma, and all that, and going, 'Everything they say is a lie.'"
"The political machine has forgotten about the people, and I think the people have forgotten about their power within the political machine."
"I think the much bigger problem in day-to-day life is the consent issues, not the false accusations."
"When you look back 15 years ago, nobody was talking about pain."
"This really shows the fractures in society it's extraordinary and hopefully more people will be aware of them and be keen to try and work to fix them because they're pretty obvious now in a way that they have rarely been uploaded in my life."
"The inability of a civilization to conceive of its own demise is the blind spot of most societies."
"People are becoming more and more alert because of our ability to communicate, because of independent media, because of independent thinkers like you."
"When cnn and fox news and all the media agree with each other we are in deep propaganda."
"Where's the humanity? These are people, real living, breathing people who are beautiful."
"It's shocking that an entire family is wiped out and no one reports the missing."
"This isn't working, and it's time we woke up."
"I'm not for racism, and I know that it exists."
"It gives male victims a voice to at least say I exist."
"You know something definitely is going on that's not being addressed by the mainstream society."
"Red pill isn't the true essence of the matrix which is that once you start realizing how things actually work right then you are a red pills individual."
"We know something is going on. We know we are being lied to."
"The mainstream media is totally ignoring the story and they're protecting the perpetrators."
"The case of Jeffrey Epstein served as a wakeup call exposing the dark underbelly of power, influence, and exploitation."
"Just because it's not in the news cycle it doesn't mean that these things go away."
"It's worthwhile for all of us to break down these propaganda narratives."
"It's a time where at least some people in this country, of all races, are open to looking at our history, however painful it is."
"Black lives matter is simply an affirmation to black people that we matter because we don't see it enough in our community, nobody tells us, not even our parents sometimes, that we matter."
"People are more vigilant than ever right now about stuff like this."
"I struggle with mental stuff too, it's not an easy fight."
"Most black people have figured out that they've been lied to and manipulated."
"We just need to start talking about race. Homegrown hate. The war among us. This is a real wake-up call." - From the documentary event special.
"Sometimes you have to call something exactly what it is to make people realize how bad it is."
"Americans are waking up, they're seeing the truth."
"The reality may be the wealthy people are doing this because they know what is happening."
"As a society, we need to be more cognizant of our decisions and we need to get out of this idea of this victim mentality."
"History is happening right now in your face but you're a frog in a pot as the water is turning up and you don't even realize it."
"People are starting to wake up to the lies and they're realizing just how bad things really were."
"Everyone can sense that something is not right."
"Unless the people wake up, we get the third world war."
"I love the stories of people waking up and getting red pilled."
"Depression is real, okay? Motherhood depression is real and we gotta talk about that."
"It's amazing and very heartening how many people are waking up."
"This is actual journalism finding real stories about things that are happening and telling people about it."
"Native Americans are people, James mentions a few times."
"When we actually do have a serious issue emerging around the world, it seems as though we're immune to it."
"It frustrates me to know that people think the systems that enable this sort of fascist takeover are going to save them from it."
"The illusion is disintegrating before the people," proclaims the Lord. "The veil is pulled back and the darkness underneath is now revealed."
"It's not a bad sign, it's something going on in the society and you're feeling it, or seeing it, or sensing it, or reading it, or you should be."
"As awful as it is, as messed up as it is, you do need to know this stuff because this is what's affecting your children nowadays."
"If you don't think we are sitting on a house of cards, you're living with your head in the sand."
"How do they go about this knowing that there's literally coverage of the guy 24 7 and unless you've been living under a rock the past six years I mean you have to acknowledge this guy in some sort of way."
"We're not taking the time to appreciate why this is happening."
"There's a majority who understand that something is going awry... my book is now a bestseller for five months already in Germany."
"And honestly like I always assumed that uh people like me were just ignored like they didn't know where we were."
"Nothing has changed since the '60s. The racism in the U.S. is more deeply rooted than so many people realized."
"We have a right to know about the world we live in."
"We've got to raise the consciousness of this country to the level really understanding this."
"We know we got the Kaepernick protests out of that because people just started to see like, 'Wow, this [ __ ] goes on like, 'Wow, man, like, this is crazy what's going on.'"
"There's no getting out of here alive unless we really begin to get out of the echo chamber."
"We are living in a time where the reality is being actively distorted and it's very important to counteract that."
"We're in a period of revelations where things aren't getting darker, but we're understanding what has been hidden far stronger now."
"Celebrities are weapons of mass distraction. Anytime the media is telling you about something that a celebrity did, the question you should be asking yourself is: what kind of important news in the world are they trying to cover up?"
"Nothing makes sense. Everybody wants to turn their head to it. Mainstream media is controlled."
"People are waking up. The shift in the past year is significant."
"Emphasize that work on that act on that don't fall into the trap don't fall into the game."
"Focus on yourself but don't disregard the world around you."
"Games can take a big step forward for the industry by being cognizant of the world around us and what these symbols we're drawing on mean."
"Acknowledging that this is the world we live in."
"Our world is falling to crap, and if people don't see that and if people are still asleep watching social media and TikTok, and thinking that everything is okay and nothing's going on, I have very little time for that."
"It is essential in order for us to move forward for us to recognize the truth of what has happened over the last four years."
"Freedom is like air; only when suffocated do people realize its preciousness and cherish it."
"All leaders were united in condemning racism and in agreeing that we must do more to combat it."
"How many have chosen to believe blindly supporting official narratives?"
"There's real people you know I'm saying real people being effective real people dying from this and it's sad."
"The New York Times has now fully embraced its role as the dog in the cartoon surrounded by fire saying this is fine."
"People are waking up to what this ruling class has done to them."
"It's okay to not be okay. Even if you're not comfortable talking to your family or friends, there are resources for you."
"It's important to show because these people are out there and people are paying attention to them."
"How we respond, are we smart enough to see through their lies?"
"The red pill that exposes the media's fakery."
"We move in a certain way because you see what's going on."
"Intersex people are just way more common than anyone would like to even admit."
"Eventually, when everyone pulls the curtain, people will realize."
"People are thinking for themselves and they are awoke enough to know."
"We're moving into a very dangerous society... we've got to wake up."
"Black lives matter emerged because clearly black lives don't matter."
"Just the value of context because it seems to be an endangered concept right now."
"We all knew what Jeffrey Epstein was doing, but we had no one that was no legal aspect that would go after him."
"They just have to keep dribbling it out... more and more people have to be awake."
"These types of stories are the most important stories that have ever happened in our lifetime because these are the stories that expose what's really going on."
"Raise your self-worth, become an awake citizen of your world."
"Most of them went unreported. We have no idea what they are."
"If they're the abusers like let's say 80 percent of the time that still means that they get abused twenty percent of the time that's twenty percent that's [ __ ] huge."
"Even Trevor Noah is waking up to the psychotic behavior that's happening all around us."
"Every day, more and more people are waking up to this reality."
"People are waking up. Be part of the waking up."
"2020 brought awakening of conscious energy, realizing the importance of relationships and community."
"The times we're in now, yes, there's more consciousness."
"We need to be more strategic with what's going on in society and with our money."
"The US media just gave ample coverage to the abuse children found in New Mexico, certainly a tragedy, but again I would ask this, what about the countless Palestinian children being killed?"
"Get the idea of conspiracy theory out of your head; it's all happening."
"The reality of domestic abuse by females—it can and does happen."
"We don't appreciate collectively the damage this is doing to the economy."
"We need to acknowledge our past and how it affects our present."
"We want to expose the basic truth so that people will face reality."
"When do you think people are going to wake up to, 'Oh [__], I'm being made to feel this way intentionally?'"
"If we all acknowledge that we live in a society where we have to say black lives matter because people don't think they do..."
"We all became increasingly aware of the importance of actual authentic representation."
"Forget about the millions of signs with nature and all of these biblical prophecies that are arising and coming true, I'm just talking about politically, physically, everything spiritually, everybody can feel it."
"The last 20 years has been like the awakening of the American people."
"Europeans are really going to have to wake up."
"Never has there been a time when your people have been as instructed as to the way they should go as is now and I pray that your people will wake up because the armies are surrounding Jerusalem at this very moment typically typically speaking."
"This sort of journalism is necessary in a society where we don't know what is happening in our schools."
"Silence is violence; if you aren't reacting to your surroundings, what are you doing?"
"We have to make a conscious effort to end this [ __ ] they don't call it TV programming for anything."
"People are waking up to the madness day by day."
"What we would call queer people now existed in medieval London just as much as they do today."
"They're sort of like the Wizard of Oz, and Dorothy and the Scarecrow, meaning us, we the people, haven't yet pulled the curtain back."
"We have to understand the power of our dollars."
"Every single person that wakes up is a victory."
"It doesn't really take a genius to figure out that there's something like this going on behind the scenes."
"The house is burning down around us, and we've been blind to it. We need a miracle every day."
"He's actually bringing a lot of things to the forefront that people need to pay attention to."
"I think we've reached a tipping point, where everyone's going, 'Holy crap, what is going on?'"
"That language is trivializing of domestic violence."
"Were we so blind to the world teetering on the edge that we never straightened up from what we were doing to consider things more clearly?"
"I think there's probably much more going on than reaches the TV news."
"We are sort of blowing it a little bit by not recognizing that."
"UFOs are real, I mean, this is a wild time to be alive."
"You live in a dystopian hellscape. You forget you live in the hellscape for so long, you look at these dystopian movies, and you're like, 'How do people let it get this way?'"
"The biggest red pill of all will be the price of gas and bread."
"If you believe that the whole thing is a setup, can't you see the signs of the times?"
"The sad part that saddens me the most as an American is that my fellow Americans, majority are oblivious to the truth, to the reality, and I don't get it. I really don't get it."
"We can be so grateful that we live in a world where we see reality and we don't fall prey to these forces."
"We're through the looking glass here, people. This is a very serious time to be alive."
"One of the things that happens when culture is degraded is not only do people not know it, but they actually cheer it on."
"Transparency with the general public is important. We have to tell them, people are not stupid, we're not a bunch of sheep."
"You can't black appropriate our [expletive] and then not respect us."
"A modern day inquisition happening and people are just asleep."
"It's a widely accepted fact that white privilege exists."
"We need to be more discerning about some of these pervasive surveillance technologies."
"Why does it take the election of Donald Trump for this actually to be news?"
"This film serves as a warning and a wakeup call."
"That's what black people have to kind of be aware of, and just understand that these people ain't your friends."
"It seems to me that the idea that slavery is something obscure to a critical mass of people squares more with the way things were in the 70s and into the 80s than they are now."
"This is good, because what Black Folk have demonstrated is that if these people don't become so blatant, we're just going back to sleep."
"This is a wake-up call from hell for a lot of black folks who wanted to play footsie with white supremacy."
"I wish that people more people understood the gravity of what's going on."
"The world is waking up, starting to realize what is going on."
"Helping people to understand the enchantment is a great way for them to see past it."
"We're once again at a place in this country's history where people are realizing the exploitative nature of capitalism."
"Preparedness is top of everybody's mind... whether they considered themselves a prepper before or not."
"Nobody's stupid, people can see it for themselves."
"The majority of Americans already believe we're being visited and that we're not alone in the universe."
"2020 is a revelation for a lot of white people."
"The chasm between what we're told is going on and what's really going on is absolutely enormous."
"It's not really a good thing for people to be beefing or no rap stuff, like, that's not cool because of the awareness of the reality of real stuff, you feel me?"
"The nobility does harm to the common people on a daily basis by denying them opportunities, tools, and even basic information about the way their world works."
"I'm not demonizing white people, I'm demonizing white supremacy."
"There's a complete lack of real-world understanding of what actually goes on in people's lives."
"I think most women know some story of abuse."
"We're not stupid. We know what it feels like to be pimped and played."
"Black people have been seeing these kinds of injustices forever. Does it matter the administration, the party in power, national or local?"
"We live in a time that a lot of people are calling the awakening."
"We live in a time now where that veil is coming off and people are starting to wake up and see more of that picture."
"My story encouraged other family members of killers to come out of the shadows." - Melissa Moore
"If people don't think that something bigger is going on here, then I don't know what to tell you."
"The world is a more connected place than I think any of us realize."
"The trumpet is sounding and no one is alarmed."
"If we're being put on those lists, I suspect we're doing something right."
"Everybody has a story... people started realizing that."
"Hopefully americans wake up before it's too late but it's hard to say a lot of people don't seem to be interested in waking up."
"Conspiracy theories about pedophilia or sexual assault should be taken seriously."
"The reason I'm even sharing this family is to say that let all the exposure that's happening now move you into action."
"No one really thinks much about sewers, toilets, and clean water until they're not available, but Milwaukee socialists did."
"Always be on the lookout for what they are pushing out in the chaos while we're all looking over here."
"It's up to us whether we realize it or not, accept it or not, we're all connected."
"People need to be willing to just raise the minimum level of acknowledging that we've been fooled for five years with the complicity of so many liberal and left media outlets."
"The world is in a trance, and only a few awaken to the truth."
"This is the story Americans do not know that is the story that matters deeply."
"Maybe we're waking up. Maybe that's why they don't like the term woke, because people are better asleep than letting people like this just run off and say, 'Yeah, we're not going to cooperate.'"
"We need to live in reality, we're in a real world now."
"This isn't some conspiracy theorist stuff, this is real... and it's terrifying, nothing short of that."
"Democracy dies in darkness, and now we're going to give you the darkness. Welcome back to the darkness. Go back to brunch."
"We need to remember the victims involved in allegations that are serious."
"We have to stop these emotional vampires. We have to identify them and expose them."
"Nothing's really hidden from us, okay, we're just not told the full truth."
"The end time prophecies are coming much much closer than many many in this world understand."
"I think people are starting to snap out of it. Whether it's the gas prices, Afghanistan, or student loans, people are starting to wake up."
"There's nothing anti-authoritarian about smiling and nodding as fascists take over your government."
"But for most people, they've got a boat and they've got to get more active and they've got to shed their political allegiance and just look at the world the way it is rather than the way they're told..."
"People are starting to realize that something else has been going on."
"People want the truth and it's starting to come out."
"I kind of feel that we're kind of we're sleepwalking..."
"Nobody seems to be asking the really important questions."
"Are you not entertained? They kept you entertained while writing laws to take away your freedom."
"The average person reading the death toll in the paper sees the numbers but not the faces."
"We're not as gullible anymore, it's a remix of 2012."
"Because you have absorbed a lot of evil and been exposed in your face to a lot of evil and corruption and manipulation and parasitism, you know what it looks like."
"This is a real person who is seriously suffering."