
Devastation Quotes

There are 445 quotes

"The weapons industry got out of control in the early 1900s and ended up contributing to the worst devastation the world had ever seen."
"The scale of the destruction is unfathomable, and the loss of life is simply heartbreaking."
"I lost a lot of my confidence because I was devastated."
"The locusts fell upon the land in their millions and devoured all that was left behind by the hailstones."
"The use of nuclear weapons in armed conflict represents a scenario of unparalleled devastation and far-reaching consequences."
"Serial killers devastate everyone around them."
"World War III would be by far the bloodiest and most devastating conflict the planet has ever seen."
"Volcanoes are one of the most powerful forces on the planet. They can devastate whole regions and even affect global climate."
"The destruction was so great that it resembled Sodom."
"One thing that breaks my heart is to see store owners particularly in some of these underserved communities who have worked hard to create a small business see it destroyed."
"Chechnya was devastated and the capital Grozny was besieged and so thoroughly destroyed."
"What is happening now to the civilians is devastating... they feel very angry."
"I expect this thing to really be very devastating on the battlefield."
"The devastation of small business has been both widespread and permanent."
"You cannot save your way out of devastation."
"I'm just really devastated and just left with nothing else to do."
"He took Carthage by force, burned it into a hollow blackened husk, then tore that husk to the ground before sowing the fields in the area with salt so no crops would grow there for generations."
"It must have been terrifying to see, as though London were the target for the wrath of God."
"If you consider what Russia has done, is killed Ukrainian civilians and bombed cities with no military objective, necessarily, except to devastate the cities and then walk in and take them over."
"Hell has been unleashed by Russia on Ukraine."
"I cannot believe he could have caused this devastation. There are too many unanswered questions and loose ends."
"So when people think of nuclear weapons non-specialists anyway they generally think of kind of apocalyptically gigantic Fireballs that vaporize cities in the blink of an eye."
"Within 100 years, 90% of the population of the New World was gone."
"The scene in taban city was reminiscent of the destruction caused by the 2004 tsunami."
"The North is freezing, the Riverlands are burnt, the Stormlands are spent."
"The train was going this way and there's like so you have the car that's been crushed into a cube under the bridge and then everything else is just flattened against the back piled up on top."
"Mount them, press C, and you just cause flat-out devastation."
"Whole economy is based on that... it's very devastating."
"You got the seven trumpets... horrendous creatures... they kill a third of the world's population."
"The Lord maketh the earth empty and wasteth it."
"What I've seen here is decimation, annihilation."
"For sheer force of personality, size of ambition and eventually scale of devastation, few have come close to the sunglasses-wearing second-coming that was the Reverend Jim Jones."
"Putin is capable of devastation on a terrible, terrible scale."
"Your entire family is destroyed then you have nothing left."
"Breaking news tonight on multiple fronts: the devastating earthquake in Haiti. Entire buildings destroyed, hundreds already confirmed dead, hospitals flooded."
"Tornadoes don't make sense when they tear through any part of any town."
"Few things are more devastating than a loved one going missing."
"There would be widespread devastation, death like we have never even imagined."
"Mochi mochi nomi, ladies and gentlemen, a devil fruit that is so unbelievably devastating Oda had to put it in its own category."
"The whole country looked like it was in a nuclear blast."
"It is impossible to understate the devastation that war brings upon both military personnel and their equipment."
"Raising awareness about these cases is good, it also... it's just devastating what these issues do to the victims and their families."
"Huge areas of Europe were left devastated, old empires vanished, new states were born."
"Both sides were completely destroyed... the kingdom of historia was in ruins and like I mentioned before only a few cities were left."
"It's going to be devastating for the region."
"The terrible, instantly destructive nature of earthquakes is clear."
"The village is destined to perish, such is a devastating sight, something that words could not describe."
"In a moment, everything is swept away in a savage nightmare of epic proportions."
"It literally shattered my heart to almost nothing and murdered my soul."
"It really does shine a light on the fact that it doesn't matter how devastated someone is."
"The extended families were devastated because despite knowing that the police investigation was flawed from early on."
"Throughout this tiny community the scene is the same utter destruction."
"It's devastating and shocking. It's a crazy world we live in."
"All these lives are being cost in this situation. It's just devastating."
"We cannot continue this devastation of the lives and hopes and rights of tens of millions of our fellow Americans."
"Some of us are torn down, we lay in ruins, our walls have been shattered."
"And all hope was brush fire, no corner of the world was safe from Dagon's red legions."
"He would lay waste to everything, taking people's homes, lives, hopes, and dreams all in one devastating strike."
"It looks like a nuclear war has happened there, it just... there's just craters everywhere."
"This is going to be a time that we can't even really wrap our mind around about the devastation that's going to be on the earth."
"Fifteen million tons of bombs," earned the Vietnam War the unfortunate distinction of being the dirty war.
"One weapon could create enormous devastation in the United States."
"My home is gone, my family's gone, my friends are gone. Everything I've ever known is gone."
"The Earth is always changing and as Mount St. Helens has shown us, this could be a place of great devastation and of great beauty."
"The grief and rage of losing a child could burn down the world."
"For the few survivors who remained, any hopes of retaliation were destroyed when European diseases such as cholera and smallpox took hold."
"Within the space of two minutes, Spirit Lake and all that had been created to enjoy this isolated paradise in the remote Washington hills had been reduced to an ash-covered wasteland."
"It sent a giant wall of water up all around it, 800 feet high."
"I just felt betrayed, heartbroken... it was very devastating."
"The rockets changed then from high explosive to incendiary, and they exploded among the trees in sheets of liquid flame which cascaded down onto the fleeing men below, covering the unlucky ones in a torrent of fire."
"They crippled the whole armada with a single shot."
"The devastation of a bitter breakup... is sadly a feeling that one never forgets."
"The Queen barely reacted to what was happening; she's obviously absolutely devastated."
"He left me at the altar," Ali whispered, devastated.
"I don't think he's a coward you know you could clearly tell he's devastated about this choice he has to make but what if there's a whole new a totally different layer of devastation in there what if he had no choice but to pass it on to Aaron."
"The last time a tsunami on this scale hit the southern arc of the Ring of Fire was December 26, 2004, devastating 14 countries and killing 230,000 people--a terrible reminder of the power of the deadly Pacific."
"The entire island is devastated by the loss of life."
"The world effectively came to an end."
"The devastation was mindboggling."
"I am devastated and I don't even want to look at her right now."
"And despite it being acknowledged that this is the way Mafia men behave, it understandably devastates the wives."
"Hurley's devastation at the news Charlie, his best friend on the island, has died is one of the most dreadful scenes in the whole show."
"The devastation from the loss of his brother ignited a fire in him to realize he had to choose a path before he suffered the same fate."
"Her death was heartbreaking to her family and friends they were devastated to learn of the incident."
"...it's the transportation attacks, it's the attack on the railways and the ability to move coal you to fire the power plant and to move things around the good. He believes this is devastating and in the sense he's right."
"I was horrified at the destruction that had been wrought in a matter of seconds."
"The effects of a nuclear strike on the local environment would also be devastating."
"It's just a completely and utterly devastating, sick at the pit of the stomach feeling."
"20 years of growth and memories were destroyed just like that."
"Pride warns him that she foresaw his fiance's death this devastates Gilbert who recalls all of his memories with her."
"...Humanity never stood a chance, the infection swept across the planet like a tidal wave..."
"The extent of the destruction is unbelievable; it makes me sick to the bottom of my stomach."
"Devastating is an understatement."
"And it was just this sort of devastating series of events. And it was just this really incredibly painful loss."
"The loss of Liz left everyone devastated and searching for answers."
"We didn't get to see as much damage until we got through Bowling Green, Kentucky where everything was just leveled in a lot of places and it was heartbreaking to see all these businesses and homes just absolutely destroyed."
"All the streets of the city on every side were full of corpses, so that no one could endure to be there because of the stench, nor could anyone walk along the narrow paths of the city except over the corpses of the dead."
"Home sweet home looks fairly devastating to me."
"Everything was just completely desolate... destroyed her entire world with a word."
"The people that are seeing it are kind of devastated and speechless."
"I've never seen EF5 damage. The most intense damage I've seen personally is EF3, and EF3 is quite overwhelming."
"In the Halbe Kessel, the dead lay where they fell, or were dragged to one side of the track."
"What was an ocean teeming with life is now an ocean of desolation."
"Natural disasters can indeed be incredibly devastating."
"The Russians were able to increase the turmoil and confusion through constant attacks with their Air Force, which bombed and strafed all roadways and rail lines, leaving shattered, demoralized fragments of once proud regiments strewn in their path."
"I was just absorbing all the visual shock of the devastation."
"The verdict was a relief for Michael however devastated family members who had hoped for justice were overcome with tears."
"The destruction in the middle of a town was unbelievable."
"In the wake of Amy's sudden passing, Sarah's world crumbled, piece by piece."
"He becomes the force and the being by which they Define themselves. It's devastating."
"Hurricane Dorian leaves the islands of Grand Bahama and Great Abaco devastated."
"Hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes—this was the deadliest tornado on record."
"When I heard 99 years I mean it was just it was devastating."
"This wasn't just human-based, everything was gone."
"Swords: they are simultaneously the coolest and the most devastating weapons to ever be created by man."
"The future of the lake remains uncertain, but the economic and infrastructural devastation resulting from heavy rainfall and snowmelt in the San Joaquin Valley is unmistakable."
"...the heart went out of him. It ruined Cerone for us. It destroyed our life together."
"This was still a devastating storm for parts of the Florida coastline."
"The Luftwaffe's bombs fell indiscriminately, from the wealth of Mayfair to the poor Italian and Jewish neighborhoods in the East End. No one was shown any mercy."
"A whole town, thousands of lives, all erased in a few moments."
"The video showed clips of devastated and lifeless landscapes, the sun blocked out by a thick cloud of radioactive dust."
"I'm pretty devastated, honestly. I think Barry, my cat, notices that things are weird and hasn't left my side."
"The place looked like it survived an atomic bomb."
"A village of the dead. Corpses of men, women, and children lay strewn everywhere, in the streets, in the doorways of the huts, inside the huts."
"There was nothing left that you could recognize in that pile of debris."
"Devastating... absolutely burned into my memory as one of the most devastating films ever made."
"Do you know what's worse than seeing your spouse not give you your rights is seeing them destroy your kids."
"Communities are being annihilated."
"Human beings torn to fragments of flesh and bone, cities blasted into rubble, ordered communities thundered into disbursed human particles."
"We've never seen nothing like this in this town, not this much devastation."
"Substance abuse creates serious effects across our society. People die, families are devastated, and livelihoods are ruined."
"One attack was all it took to slice the entire world apart."
"Devastating. I'm buying some Gucci bags."
"The destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki still remain the only two instances where nuclear weapons have been used in a war."
"This was not an eruption that spewed molten lava, but throughout the day, pyroclastic flows of hot gases, ash, and pumice rolled down the mountain at speeds of up to a hundred miles an hour, searing everything in the way."
"the worst case scenarios for a biological weapon are just devastating they could kill almost everybody maybe even every single person across the entire planet"
"Fentanyl is absolutely devastating. It doesn't care what color you are, what race. I mean, it doesn't care if you're male or female or rich or poor. It doesn't matter. Once it comes for you, it's got you."
"It's going to be huge. I mean, just for the people, just to get to work in that area. I mean, as far as the economy for Baltimore, be devastating."
"The damage of widespread nuclear war would be devastating and unmanageable."
"Holy [ __ ]! The city looks like a war zone."
"Warsaw is bombed, blasted, and shelled; Poland is in ruin."
"When the fourth seal is broken, John sees a pale horse. Its Rider's name was Death, and Hades followed close behind him. As a result of the fourth seal, one-fourth of the world's population is slain by sword, famine, and pestilence."
"There's a difference between devastated and disappointed."
"A massive EF4 tornado came through the town and pretty much wiped it clean."
"Kununurra locals were devastated."
"One day you're there walking your dog and then just like that in an instant everything is gone."
"I'm not hungry, Doug. I'm devastated."
"There is no way to survive a nuclear war. No matter how it starts, it only escalates toward nuclear Armageddon."
"The devastation in Bandar Aceh is unprecedented. Just never thought I'd see anything like this. Chaos on an industrial scale."
"It is a really terrible feeling to go to a doctor when you are having symptoms that you know you need help with and they don't believe you and they don't offer you any help. In fact, it is devastating and can have long-lasting effects on you."
"The kind of damage from this tornado, as I talked about a little bit before, reminds me a lot of Gerald, but somehow worse."
"The devastation was unlike anything Zorx had ever seen. Billions of innocent lives were snuffed out in an instant."
"To be betrayed like I was, for someone to lead you to your destruction... Basically, I was heartbroken, just everything all at once."
"It's devastating, and the Saturn panels are more hype, but this one carries so much emotional weight to it."
"This book just was devastating. It was devastation."
"Moving through this horrific sadness broke Lisa's heart and soul into nothing."
"But there wasn't a single living tree in the neighborhood, just stumps."
"Narcissistic abuse is the psychological equivalent of murder or assassination."
"When Crystal first broke up with me, it was literally the most horrible feeling I have ever felt in my whole entire life. My whole world crashed down. Everything changed."
"Anshuman goes away devastated while Adidia rejoices that they're finally together."
"I think anyone could close their eyes and imagine what that scene was like. Imagine what it would be like if it was yourself and any member of your own family. It was complete and utter devastation."
"Kyoto Animation, the studio responsible for works such as A Silent Voice, K-On, Clannad and so many more, was burnt to the ground."
"This was beyond devastating for the two brothers and the rest of their family."
"the atomic weapons were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki which devastated the regions"
"At the end of the day, I am absolutely devastated and heartbroken."
"Hearing that they are not affirmed, it's devastating."
"I was devastated. I felt like he was taking my identity away from me because I've always known I was a Langston."
"Our neighborhood looked like a third-world country, bro. Like City of God. It was just blankets and tents all over the neighborhood because nobody wanted to go inside and get crushed by a building."
"Her world had collapsed, she'd lost Harper and Hank."
"Your isolation is going to breed their devastation."
"The tsunami that hit Okushiri Japan came from just 80 kilometers away and reached a run-up height of 31 meters."
"Our mental health has gone and we are devastated. Ethan had dreams of his senior year in high school, playing sports, he was going to graduate with honors to go off to college at Ohio State."
"Such a scene of destruction and desolation has scarcely ever been witnessed in any country."
"To see such an otherwise magnificent creature in this state was devastating to me."
"The consequence of armed conflict between the United States and Russia would be devastating for both sides."
"It was devastating, but it was still fun as [ __ ]."
"My heart was ripped out of my chest."
"Their world has ended, even if they're still living in it."
"Frustration is often the result of failed expectations or unplanned devastation."
"The citizens of the small city were devastated by the mass murder."
"The Zone Rouge stands as a reminder of the unimaginable devastation brought on by World War I."
"It's devastating. It was a devastating loss."
"Guys, to say I was devastated is an understatement. I was heartbroken."
"The ensuring venerian civil war had led to the deaths of countless billions and the destruction of nearly the entirety of our industrial capacity."
"It's just absolutely devastating and heartbreaking."
"As you might imagine, this was beyond devastating for Kenesha."
"The vast expanse of Tokyo was consumed by an inferno."
"What, all my pretty chickens and their dam at one fell swoop?"
"War between Wizards was catastrophic."
"Tokyo: rebuilding after devastation."
"That was devastating, it felt like my dad died."
"By mid January northern Europe was in ruins."
"It was unbelievable. It's like we just got bombed, and we did."
"At that moment, my world came crashing down around me."
"The blight spread through the crop oceans like wildfire."
"The balance between forces, energies, situations, elements which comprise the surrounding world. When this balance is broken, there's a risk of devastation."
"The obsidian syndicates are causing all kinds of fiery devastation."
"It engulfed the road in an instant."
"In virtually all the homes that surrounded him were the deceased bodies of his neighbors."
"Overnight, practically the entire village had been wiped out."