
Newborn Quotes

There are 241 quotes

"To have a baby and 4 days later be murdered while you're in bed with that baby is just so incredibly traumatic to think about."
"We're just so thrilled to have our own little bundle of joy and be able to spend some precious time with him as he slowly, slowly starts to grow up."
"That's going to be the richest baby in the world."
"We're just so thrilled to have our own little bundle of joy to spend some precious time with as he slowly starts to grow up."
"Christopher being born has made our family complete."
"The moment she was born, my whole world changed."
"Babies do a lot of sleeping, eating, and pooping, and sleepers make a mom's life so much easier."
"Muslin swaddlers are one of those newborn must-have items for me."
"My babies in the newborn stage really want to be soothed, they like a nice strong swing rocking motion."
"I can't believe we're going to have a newborn soon."
"Let's talk contrast cards. If you didn't know how to play with a newborn, this is it."
"Onesies with zippers and footies, repeat, zippers and footies, this is what you're going to use most of the time during that newborn phase."
"A humidifier... I cannot recommend this enough."
"Congratulations to Owen and his wife; they've had a healthy baby boy."
"Life with a newborn, you end up leaving like probably an hour later than you think you're gonna."
"Have you ever held a newborn in your arms? There is a light that emanates from every newborn, bringing a special bond of love that can fill their parents' hearts with joy."
"Failure to form pus and the umbilical cord fails to detach in a newborn, classic presentation of leukocyte adhesion deficiency."
"I just wanted to document something within the first week of Sagey being born."
"There's nothing like having a newborn baby."
"He's here, he's healthy, he's perfect. We've been bonding, we've been cuddling, feeding, doing all types of stuff."
"We are so happy to welcome our baby boy into the family Ezra Jeremiah Javon Graves is here."
"Munchkin didn't need help breathing at all."
"We'll be bringing you guys some more content, care of newborns, how to take care of a baby, what are some things, how do you swaddle a baby."
"Being a parent of a newborn is really tough, but it's gonna get better."
"I just got Jude it down for the night and that is officially a full 12 hours with my newborn."
"I want to take a newborn girl to go and see my parents."
"The newborn stage, as beautiful as it is, it's the hardest bit because of the sleep deprivation. Like that is the torturous part of the newborn stage."
"I say that Jonathan's essentially a newborn giraffe."
"Y'all know new newborn baby smell that smells like just like so like fresh with a hint of sweetness this smells amazing."
"I became a father. Dewey Francis Foley was born in Massapequa, New York, and after a month of readjusting from his trip through the womb, we packed up our car and two dogs and headed for Atlanta and the house on Lake Lanier that I had just rented."
"Every day is different with a newborn."
"A newborn is not trying to make things difficult he himself is having a hard time."
"Lots of people have been asking about any little helpful hints and tips and things that we just found really useful with having a newborn."
"It's finally time to put her in her bassinet for the very first time."
"Welcome to the world, Baby Aubrey."
"She was just beautiful and they had her in one of the outfits because we had our bags packed they had her dressed they didn't have her just like swaddled they had her in one of the outfits that we had brought."
"The newborn insert for the UPPAbaby was really helpful for us."
"Give into it. Give into the newborn period. Forget everything else and be as present as you can."
"If you want to have like a photo shoot outfit then fine, but your newborn baby when you take them home from the hospital, it must be something comfy."
"The Apgar score is a way to quickly assess the health of the newborn."
"It's not necessary to inject the baby, weigh the baby, or touch the baby when the APGAR score is seven or above."
"I want him to have the most peaceful journey as a newborn."
"Here are a few photos of me and baby Atlas Dalton hasn't got to meet him yet because the kids aren't allowed in the hospital."
"You need a good support system when you have a baby, especially when you've just had a baby."
"I can't believe it. I can't still keep holding this little baby in my hands. It's like nothing else I've ever felt before."
"Congratulations, she's beautiful."
"He is a healthy beautiful little baby boy."
"This is why I walk around in here. This is a brand new baby, look at that."
"Welcome little one, you are loved."
"It's also completely normal to wait a few days for family to meet a new baby."
"What a sweet, sweet little bundle of joy you carry there."
"For many young families, bringing a newborn baby home from the hospital is an occasion to be celebrated."
"Morning, everybody. Welcome to The Beach House. Today, we're going to be doing 24 hours with a newborn."
"You wanted 24 hours with a newborn. So this is what it looks like I guess."
"Newborns remember sounds and tastes that they experienced in the womb, but only for a couple of weeks."
"We're gonna go on a little walk and it's the first time we've done it with our sweet newborn."
"Your baby's biggest risk when they're born is infection, and their number one protection against that infection is their skin."
"I do want to spend some time with the baby before I have to go back."
"We've got a normal, healthy, bouncing baby girl on our hands."
"Love being a part of the family, congrats on your newborn buddy."
"Breastfeeding should begin as soon after delivery as possible."
"It's crazy to think that we'll never have a little newborn baby in our room ever again."
"The baby was then washed and prayed over while the midwife greeted the infant with a long speech warning of the sorrows and dangers of life."
"It's been almost a full month of having a newborn."
"I am just so unbelievably grateful that this little one is here safe and sound."
"Colostrum is like an orange milk that you produce early on when baby is just born; it's really good for them, it's got all sorts of nutrients that they really need at that time."
"Anyone who's had a newborn would know the trials and tribulations of the first six to seven weeks."
"The beauty of a newborn calf, baby elk calf, is it when you experience for the first time is just wonderful."
"Barely holding back the tears, I rolled my newborn son down the hall to my wife who was in recovery."
"We're going to show you what it's like to be a parent to a newborn."
"And this is a very healthy full-term neonate who's ready for a meal."
"This is a very healthy full-term neonate who's ready for a meal."
"She is precious and healthy and perfect, doing really well."
"I think having a newborn to care for while recovering from giving birth at home was pretty intense for me."
"This jersey is super, super, super soft, definitely something you're really happy to have against newborn skin."
"I'm soaking it all in. I'm enjoying his newborn stage, but he's already fitting in zero to three months."
"It's normal for a newborn to get a period and have breast hypertrophy or galactorrhea; this is completely normal."
"I'm just so overjoyed; he's about eight hours old right now."
"I am just so excited to see the little baby."
"She's a special baby, a blessing from God came to our lives."
"He already loves everyone. Look at this hair."
"Newborns are not supposed to have that many baths; their skin is so sensitive."
"What's amazing is, even though he hadn't had a bath, he still smells really good."
"As long as the baby is healthy, that's all that really matters."
"Our fiery prayers were heard; we're parents now, it's a girl."
"Congratulations, it's a beautiful baby boy."
"All we want to do is look after you and the baby."
"I hope that gives you a glimpse into the life a little bit of what a day with a newborn is."
"I have been asked time and time again over the last few weeks what my newborn must-have essential items are."
"Congrats to Kylie for her little girl, she's absolutely beautiful."
"A baby gets here, and that's when moms actually need, in some ways, the most support."
"Just watching his face when he held his baby brother was just completely priceless."
"Traveling with a newborn wasn't as bad as I thought it would be."
"Traveling with a newborn is a lot easier than it sounds."
"I feel like this is extremely important just because, you know, when handling a newborn, you want to make sure that you're as clean as you could possibly be."
"It feels like you have a newborn baby every single year because of the lack of sleep."
"Watching my husband do skin to skin with our new baby was just like everything."
"A family with a newborn, hundreds of guests, seeking and welcoming good fortune."
"We have a beautiful, healthy baby girl."
"We are one day old, and we are learning how to breastfeed, we are sleeping, and having fun, and learning about our hands and the bright light, all the newborn things."
"Just soaking up all of that newborn cuteness because it goes by way too fast."
"Time flies when there's a newborn around."
"Newborn babies are to be handled with love and care."
"It's been so weird like we bring home our newborn baby and it's still so exciting."
"Hello family, hello little guy, new baby's doing good."
"That's our newest grandbaby, you guys have seen it for the first time, she is brand spanking new."
"Lion cubs are very small when they're newborn, they are helpless and squeaky."
"The presence of meconium can indicate newborn distress."
"Take a couple of minutes to soak her in; she's such a beautiful, perfect baby."
"If the baby has spontaneous breathing and an adequate heart rate, yet appears cyanotic, 10 to 15 liters per minute of oxygen should be administered."
"Our family finally met our child because nobody was allowed to meet the baby, and we were finally able to introduce them to our entire family, and it's actually a really good feeling."
"As long as the baby is healthy and well, that's my main concern."
"I'm still half sleeping, but I have just had a baby girl last week, a new addition to the family."
"Your newborn's eyesight is going to be one of the first things to develop after they're born."
"Get more burp cloths than you think you need."
"I'm meeting her brand new baby tomorrow."
"He's so soft and he smells so good."
"I think about a newborn baby... and thinks of a lack they don't think of a gaping absence of social media followers or celebrity status or perfect relationships."
"I'm a little tired because I have an almost three-week-old."
"After baby's born, we're going to give baby a little snuggle known as skin to skin."
"She's so calm, she's so beautiful."
"I'm excited for the newborn stage, knowing that it passes so quickly."
"It's so soft and it will be beautiful to just lay on the bed and then lay her on top of it and get those hospital photos."
"Order a muffin with one of your meals, probably your first meal, and then you put the zero candle in because they're zero years old; they were just born."
"She latched right away at the hospital, which the nurses were like, 'That never happens,' so that's like the best you can ask for."
"It's important to have skin to skin contact as soon as you can because that's partly how you and your baby will bond through touch and smell."
"Oh, she's beautiful. Congratulations both of you."
"These would be absolutely adorable gifts for newborn babies or for baby showers."
"We were blessed beyond belief when this little angel came along."
"Congratulations, he's just so beautiful, isn't he?"
"Nevertheless, it was love at first sight when they put baby Skylar into her arms."
"The parents of this newborn baby were over the moon when they welcomed their little miracle into this world."
"The baby opened her eyes, and what Anna saw took her breath away."
"She has your eyes," she murmured, the reality still not sinking in.
"Her violet eyes looking at the world with innocent curiosity."
"We're going to have a new baby within a few weeks."
"I was able to hold him for a couple minutes and just look him over, saw his face."
"There's nothing better than newborn snuggles."
"She's been an absolute dream since we got home from hospital, she's so sweet, so snuggly."
"Happiness and health to you and your baby."
"I've definitely figured out what products I think are most helpful, our must-haves, and things that I cannot imagine having a newborn without."
"There is something about a man holding a newborn baby girl."
"Having a newborn is unlike anything you'll ever do in your life."
"I always give a new baby a coin; it's good luck."
"The newborn cuddles are something else."
"The baby's Apgar scores were perfect."
"It's pretty exhausting giving birth, and then now you've got this newborn, so you're gonna need your rest."
"We just had baby loveliness and she was adorable."
"Congratulations to the Gray family on their newborn."
"This is the end result, and look how cute these little newborn baby hats look."
"We will see you with a baby in our arms."
"Congratulations, oh there he is, so tiny."
"He's perfect, I'm so happy he's here."
"This tiny and delicate baby was a gift from God, a gift of life."
"I cannot wait to meet my little prince."
"They have welcomed into their family a bouncing baby girl."
"God blessed me with the eight pound one ounce healthy baby girl who I had the honour to name Felicia Nicole Williams."
"I'm not very keen on the word miracle; it's certainly an exceptional and remarkable story of a tough and vigorous baby."
"Your precious little baby will bring a whole lot of love into the world."
"Each newborn Finn gets a gift from the state. It is called Baby Box."
"I just gave birth to my first child, Sia, and she is so precious and perfect."
"It also amazes me the beautiful blue eyes that they have when they're first born."
"I'm a new aunt, my niece was born the 24th, and we have just been in awe of her."
"It's a boy, it's a baby boy, and it's great to associate with a boy."
"I just don't think that having a newborn at home is just a regular time in someone's life."
"The moment I first held you, you seemed to me the most wonderful gift to our family."
"We expect a newborn infant to pass meconium within that first 24 hours."
"Set your boundaries now. No, you may not visit the newborn until I say."
"I'm ready to have another baby, just to do that part again."
"We get to live in our newborn bubble in the hospital."
"Congratulations on the birth of your newborn baby boy."
"This little bit has fully stolen our hearts; she joined our world at home on Thursday afternoon and is absolute magic."
"They're the proud owners of a brand new baby that I get to go and see shortly."
"Our baby boy is here and we couldn't be happier and more in love."
"I just wanted to show him that he was loved right from the get-go."
"Everything turned out good. The baby's one pound, baby's heart rate 150."
"I'm gonna start off with swaddle blanket because I feel like that's like the one thing that you need."
"The next thing that was a lifesaver coming home from the hospital was some sort of white noise."
"Their baby is absolutely beautiful."
"And both of these babies, as everyone knows, had ten little fingers, ten little toes."
"Every day he gets better looking, which is the thing about newborns."
"When the baby's born, maybe add his hands as well."
"It's just the luckiest baby in the whole world."
"We welcomed a little baby last Sunday."
"I'll be offering your new baby a nice prayer, welcome to the world."
"We really are loving the newborn phase."
"She is literally the most content newborn."
"Congrats to them on their beautiful handsome baby boy."
"The front of our card will say 'Baby Blessings'."
"The session can take up to four hours... most of the time on a newborn session is actually spent cuddling, feeding, soothing, settling the baby."
"This baby's going to bring so much joy to your life."
"I think that's everything I could think of as far as the postpartum must-haves for mom and then the baby newborn must-haves."
"I made this for a newborn baby and the material I used feels so nice and soft and snuggly for a baby."
"Congratulations on your firstborn, what a happy family, the baby has your eyes."
"I recently had a baby, actually two weeks ago today, so I feel like while it's fresh in my mind, I need to sit down and tell you everything that happened."
"This is our little view into our personal experience having our baby boy over the past few days."
"She's so freaking cute, she hasn't really cried much though, it's been kind of peaceful."
"This is going to be for my darling brand new grandson."
"He was born looking up and he had this blonde looking hair, like fair hair, blue eyes are like grayish blue eyes."