
Gender Differences Quotes

There are 553 quotes

"That's why men run the world because when stuff has to be done in a systematic way, you guys don't approach it that way. You approach it in your feelings and faith."
"One of the biggest distinguishing features between women of high self-worth and women who have no self-worth is boundaries."
"And here's the difference between women's sports and men's sports: girls know how to rejoice and are not at all ashamed of the victorious euphoria."
"Women are a lot more likely to go and to seek help when they're depressed. Men are a lot more likely to drink."
"The fact that there are differences between the sexes doesn't mean that sexism is justified."
"Men and women both mainly criticize, but the way they express it and the consequences they face can be vastly different."
"Women are always going to be more picky than men when it comes to dating due to the increased risk of violence and pregnancy."
"Men are just so much simpler than women. Not simple as in dumb... simple in the fact they have far fewer needs than women do. What men want most of all is respect, companionship, and intimacy."
"Men tend to struggle with isolation and loneliness far more than women do and are actually less likely to admit it."
"There's no difference between men and women... But this isn't true."
"Men and women are different. Their attraction, what they offer in a relationship is different. What men seek from women is different from what women seek from men."
"Women seek stability more than men, and that's really observable in sexual selection but I think also carries into a marriage."
"Men and women are wired very differently by biology."
"Men scored higher than women on emotional stability across countries, even more so in highly individualistic societies."
"Men have silent depression...men are four times more likely than women to commit suicide."
"A father's strength and a mother's strength is just so different."
"It's exhausting to be friends with guys too because if you're friends with girls, they tend to be pretty forthcoming and expressive about their emotions, which is really nice."
"Women's friendships often involve more emotional sharing and self-disclosure compared to men's friendships."
"Men's friendships often involve less emotional intimacy compared to women's friendships."
"Men's friendships may provide less emotional and practical support compared to women's friendships."
"A study called 'Gender Differences in Social Focus Among Friends' found that women take conflicts more personally while men may be more likely to overlook them."
"Women are often just more mature than men, especially at a younger age."
"From a physical perspective, women are way more vulnerable than men, but when it comes to an emotional perspective, men are just as vulnerable."
"80% of men are the ones in wheelchairs because they do dumb [__] stuff."
"Men don't seek treatment as much as women do... if you need help, get help. Don't be too proud."
"Physical touch is a primary love language for most men."
"Not all men are cut from the same cloth; this is especially obvious when it comes to how they behave and interact with women."
"Men and women are different, that is the fact; it's in our biology, it's in our very makeup."
"Most men avoid therapy because most therapy approaches are not designed to help the male brain deal with pain or find solutions."
"Suicide itself, three times higher among men than women, and rising very quickly."
"The biggest psychometric difference between men and women is actually in what they're interested in."
"Women's attitudes towards their bodies and feelings about sex changed much more fundamentally than men's after the sexual revolution."
"The sexual revolution...women changed much more fundamentally than men."
"It's hard to generalize because everyone's so different, but I do find with women, the communication is a lot more clear."
"We live shorter lives than women. We get into our value later than women. What does that mean, gentlemen? You don't have time to waste."
"Especially women are known for masking neurodivergence and so it is very possible that someone could go through childhood without being diagnosed."
"There are many more factors at play outside simply eating less and moving more when it comes to sustainable fat loss, especially in women."
"Plenty of research shows that life events, medical conditions, and family circumstances impact men and women differently."
"The differences between men and women should be celebrated."
"The differences between boys and girls aren't set in stone; they're there because their experiences have taught them different skills and mental attitudes."
"Eating disorders and body image issues tend to be quite gender specific, reflecting cultural and societal influences."
"Married women may maintain a more diverse network of emotional support than married men."
"Men may be happier in their marriages than women and men may have more to lose in a divorce or breakup in terms of health and happiness."
"Men are more likely than women to develop self-deletion after a separation."
"Men and women are fundamentally different; there is sexual asymmetry that is never going away."
"Differences between the Sexes are reality, and while they can be cause for concern, they are also very often a strength, and we ignore them at our peril."
"Inherent differences between men and women we have come to appreciate remain cause for celebration, but not for denigration of the members of either sex or for artificial constraints on an individual's opportunity."
"Women tend to have way more emotionally fulfilling friendships than men do."
"Women have an easier time being single than men."
"We have an extraordinary amount of privileges that women don't have."
"The primary athletic advantages enjoyed by typical males are directly related to hormone levels and male puberty."
"Women are mentally more stronger than us...that's why you guys end up getting over breakups easier than men."
"Between three and a half to five times the amount of men kill themselves than women... usually it's because we need to focus on mental health, men need to reach out."
"Men and women, uh, are delightfully different. Viva la difference, but they are different. And having men's sports and women's sports...is ultimately showing respect for the dignity of this difference."
"We know that men and women are different. The world needs both of them."
"Women are more emotional than men, and that is their superpower."
"Women have a wisdom that men need to seek out."
"Men use lethal force and women don't. Now that's a big difference."
"So I think it's a really, I think one of the biggest pills right now it's hard to swallow for many women is that in the beginning stage sex does not mean as much to a man."
"There is a fundamental distinction between woman and man."
"When a woman cheats with someone close, it feels vindictive. Men might go outside the circle, but women often don't."
"No matter how hard we try to deny it the Sexes are not actually equal they are different."
"Boys and girls are different, and injecting kids full of hormones is a very, very bad idea."
"You have to regard men and women as actually having some really fundamental differences."
"Men and women are not the same we have many differences and those differences should be celebrated."
"Men and women are still different. The social justice warriors still don't like the results of true equality."
"Every reasonable person knows that men and women are not the same thing."
"Men fall in love more quickly, more definitively than women—but in each of us, our brains decide for us long before we do."
"I feel that men cannot have that emotional connection but I feel as though when women have a sexual interaction with someone else or at least from my experience it's always um emotional."
"Men and women are still different despite equality efforts."
"Playing Valorant as a woman is a different game than playing Valorant as a guy."
"The one quality that no woman possesses that every single man on this planet craves? Variety."
"Women and men are two different species all right."
"There's a very predictable set of circumstances in which the interests of men and women depart from an evolutionary perspective with the qualification that that also occurs within the context of shared interests okay."
"Why do you think that difference is less so in more traditional patriarchal societies than they are in the West?"
"95 percent of men and 87 percent of women ages 18 to 87 fantasize about being with multiple partners at the same time."
"Men on the other hand, they can have sex with a hole in the wall and they'll be fine."
"In the animal kingdom, there are times when the male animals are prettier and more exotic looking than the females."
"Safety comes in many different forms, and women want stability but not always safety."
"Women are happier than men when they're single."
"One thing that men got to understand that's different about women... women are loyal."
"Women realize... there's a survival thing that goes along with men."
"Women should be celebrated for their differences, not divided by them."
"Women tend to see emotional cheating as more problematic than men."
"Men and women are different. Simply put, men and women are different."
"Increasing awareness of how females may present differently with ASD."
"Sex within marriage is particularly important for women because women inherently are built of Elucian airily to connect emotion with sex in a way that men simply are not."
"Men love to focus on things, women love to focus on people."
"Women have about 20 times less testosterone than men on average in their bodies. And women lift heavy, lift heavy weights, use good form, and you're gonna be fine."
"It's the consequence of feminism saying men and women should be treated exactly the same. That's no good because men and women really are different."
"Differential sentences for male and female perpetrators imply that the offenses committed by the females are less serious."
"Men always struggle with pornography. For women, the pornography is romantic comedy and The Bachelor."
"Men and women just operate differently and that's a fact."
"Men and women are different from each other."
"Men don't have very many needs. They really, genuinely don't."
"Fair is not real, it's objective reality. Men and women are not the same."
"Generally, females seem to retain more muscle mass during a deficit compared with males."
"Men are far more emotional than women, we just don't express it in the same way."
"Men and women both have emotional problems, and they come out in different ways."
"Women are doing better than men in a lot of these emotional guards."
"It's more difficult for men to get sex than commitment and it's more difficult for women to get commitment than sex."
"I think learning to talk to the opposite gender is a whole different skill."
"Are their sex differences in behavior that are innate? Absolutely."
"But there is one place in the world where men live as long as women."
"The distinction between men and women is not arbitrary."
"It's easier on some level to walk through the world as a man than it is to walk through the world as a woman."
"Women have more mate selectivity because the stakes are higher for us."
"After a woman has moved on to another man, her feelings for her previous partner vanish much more quickly."
"In the wake of the breakup, men tended to report that they felt more depressed, more lonely, less happy, and less free than did their former girlfriends."
"Women initiate divorce more than men, reasons are complex and varied."
"What it means to grow up to be a woman is a different thing to grow up to a man."
"Men and women are different, and that's okay. In fact, it's quite good."
"Biological males outcompete biological females in almost every single major sport. I say almost because I'm not an absolutist. I don't have all of every sport there could be some specific that women are doing better."
"I figured out that like yo women are completely different than us."
"We all have relationship problems. The goals between men and women, I think, are completely different."
"It's easier for men to replace women than it is for women to replace men."
"It's really interesting that even young girls express more concern for the environment than boys."
"Relative to girls boys are failing in school more girls than boys graduate high school."
"Far fewer young men get married than did just a few decades ago."
"Single women buy their own homes at more than twice the rate of single men."
"Biological men and biological women are just different and that's okay."
"Women do not approach dating and relationships the same way men do. Most men have been incorrectly taught to make a mad dash to the relationship finish line by proving themselves and getting women to commit as quickly as possible."
"Women's shirt buttons are traditionally on the left for a reason."
"The difference between males and females in sport is primarily based in biology."
"Calling me a misogynist when I was just stating biological facts on sexual dimorphism, the physical difference between men and women, is actually pretty bad."
"Women tend to just be more progressive on racial issues or, if you put it the other way, they tend to be less racist according to the metrics that political scientists use for this..."
"Men have a 'nothing box' in their brain that they love to be in."
"There clearly is that average difference between men and women even if there are lots of outliers on an individual level."
"Men and women are different in some really important ways, and we have to find ways of negotiating that rather than denying it."
"The findings themselves, great. Now we know that it's the female head that really gets the male turkey going."
"Men are designed genetically to not be monogamous spread their seed and women genetically are designed to be monogamous."
"Women are justifiably much more fearful of street violence than men."
"Only women, children, and dogs are loved unconditionally. A man is only loved under the condition that he provides something."
"Men are much more likely to commit suicide in this country."
"I feel like women are naturally much more loyal."
"It's easier for men to imagine a life without kids."
"Men have it good when it comes to having a piss."
"When in a culture that uh, corrects for where there's what that are egalitarian that treat men and women equally before the law and in the culture the differences between men and women actually exaggerate."
"Frozen shoulder typically affects women more than it does men."
"Women have more of a tendency to fill you in with way more details."
"Women's brains developed in some slightly different ways."
"Social media is engineered to be addictive, particularly to women's mentality."
"You can say out loud without fear of retribution that you think men and women are different and that sex is real."
"The only reason men and women are different."
"Men and women are different. Acknowledging that is key."
"Male and female are not the same physically. That's why they have women's sports."
"Your male and female children are going to be growing up in different reactions of the world."
"Interesting that females so much more than males."
"In all cultures, men and women are seen as having different natures."
"Humans think of women as being more beautiful than men, but in most animals, it's the males that are competing fiercely for female attention."
"Young men commit suicide at four times the rate of young women."
"Men and women are biologically different. I'm gonna die on that hill."
"Love is most definitely a choice. Men deal with heartbreak a lot harder than women do."
"Men communicate directly, women communicate covertly."
"Women go through something every month that we as men will never understand ever."
"Accepting the differences in men and women is positive."
"I grew up thinking there was something very wrong with me... girls didn't have to deal with."
"Couples Therapy: The Unfair Advantage of Women's Communication."
"Men and women are different and that's beautiful."
"Men and women do not think about sex the same way and it is very flattering for men to believe that women think about sex the same way that men do they do not."
"If guys had to go through what us girls go through being pregnant, I don't think they would make it."
"The difference between men and women: I want flowers, that's what I want."
"It's not just social differences but biological differences between men and women that's contributing further to the pay Gap."
"We need to do clinical trials on women because women have different bodies."
"Unless you're prepared to entirely disregard the possibility of innate differences between men and women, on what grounds can you presume that people's preferences should mirror demographics?"
"Women it's just by the way it's it's in your limbic system."
"Men do in general have a little bit less... the men that are building robots limited."
"Red flags for men are not the same as red flags for women."
"Boys and girls are different... Vive la différence!"
"Guys listen to our [ __ ] way more than we listen to their [ __ ]."
"Here's another one: men and women are not identical in their life priorities in their sexuality in their tastes and interests." - Steven Pinker
"Men die more than women in marriage because they bottle up a lot of things in their system."
"We're genetically wired a certain way that it's just like the awareness knowing how men and women think about things and they do it so differently right."
"Men and women are not the same karma is real this is facts."
"Men can reverse hitting the wall, women cannot."
"Men and women are different, and it's wonderful."
"The desire for emotional attachment is built into our very DNA. So while men can have casual hookups and go on their merry way afterwards, most women find that very hard to do."
"Men more likely to face severe complications."
"If we cannot even stand up for the difference between men and women, we're not conserving anything."
"Men and women, shocker, gravitate towards different things."
"Men are very different than women... If a man is not actively in pursuit of you as a woman, there's something going on in his life that he knows about that you're not privy to."
"Men and women are different. This is just the truth."
"Men fall in love with what they see, women with what they hear."
"Cheating might also help explain the otherwise unexpected physical differences between males and females in apparently monogamous species."
"There's only two reasons that men and women differ: one is cultural and the other is biological. I know everyone's shocked when they hear this; this isn't shocking news."
"Girls and women outperform boys and men at every level of education."
"Men and women are not the same; they are morally equal but different in biology."
"Boys are falling behind, girls are excelling, huzzah!"
"Getting laid for a man is a chore. Getting laid for a woman is a choice. Real simple."
"Women are naturally given to relational connection, whereas men are driven by goals."
"Girls mature faster than guys do, so a 14-year-old girl can get bored of a 14-year-old guy."
"Men and women are different. Our essence is the same, our essence is divine, but our functions are different."
"Throughout the animal kingdom, it's the male of the species that has the most striking appearance."
"Women with extra estrogen... had significantly lower prevalence of Covid-19 diagnosis... and reduced hospitalizations."
"Men and women are different, but that's one of the greatest things on earth."
"Women already mourn the loss of the relationship way before the men do."
"How amazing is the female brain? It's really amazing."
"Men and women are different creatures in relationships and the way that we respond emotionally."
"When women use absolutes or speak in absolutes, it's a clear sign of no miscommunication."
"There's been no bigger lie perpetrated in the American public than the idea that men and women are completely and fundamentally interchangeable."