
Emotional Challenges Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"This book has significantly changed the way I'm viewing my current health challenges and emotional challenges."
"Depression, frustration, anxiety, pain, disillusionment, it's just a natural part of the process of becoming a stronger version of yourself."
"Early sobriety sucks by the way. It's an up-and-down roller coaster of emotions. But that does not mean that it's not worth it."
"I think this is crucial because you've just gone through some enormously difficult emotional stuff, relationship stuff."
"Being a teacher is hard and the only thing that stands between him and crying in front of all of you is like two or three bad reviews."
"Taking things personally secretly feels really good, feels really vindicating. But in the long run, it makes you insecure, isolated, and pretty miserable."
"The greatest challenge is loving yourself ultimately and being comfortable with who you are."
"It's hard, it's hard, it's easy to have the negativity bias of Doom."
"The emotional roller coaster of trading is the absolute hardest part."
"It's hard to love someone and not lose yourself."
"The fear of failure, the fear of abandonment, the fear, all those fears that take place and um, I mean understandable."
"We tend to imagine spiritual awakening as being a very blissful experience, but when we're experiencing instead these deeply disturbing emotions... it's not uncommon to think that maybe we're doing it wrong."
"Problems arise and sometimes people that love each other can't stand each other at times."
"Everyone will be okay, you might... have your ego bruised a little bit but it's not permanent damage."
"As a Christian, you know God's always there for you, but sometimes things can feel overwhelming, especially in this era where we're all locked in our homes and stuff."
"They often feel alone in their workplace environment, which can be frustrating."
"Friendship breakups are arguably harder than relationship breakups, you know what I mean? It's not as easy to break up with a friend. It's almost like they're your family, and it's very hard. You put up with a lot, you know what I'm saying?"
"At the end of the day, they are just people and they have the same core emotional issues... just on such a grander scale."
"It's okay to not want to date someone it just is it is a tough thing when it is someone you care about."
"The most devastating part is feeling alone; nobody understands the invisible wounds."
"You don't know what people are dealing with."
"The apology part is easy, but the difficult part is afterwards."
"You came in and offered them unconditional love and they didn't know how to handle it."
"Even when people fall out of that passionate love, breakups are still often really, really hard for them."
"Intense, unstable, and conflicted close relationships marked by mistrust, neediness, fear of abandonment."
"Even though it comes with a lot of strife and a lot of emotional overload, it's still worth it."
"Ultimately just let it go, feeling pushed away but trying to overcome."
"The setup was easy before, now your emotions are gonna make it difficult."
"Patience, that's the key word. That's what as human beings we're emotional, it's tough man, it's tough to be patient."
"Love for the average person can feel very overwhelming, can for some people feel very scary, can pull out all your insecurities, it's not the easiest thing to deal with."
"Nobody talks about how hard it is to transition from being on survival mode to somebody actually wanting to take care of you."
"When you have those feelings, it's even more important to step up."
"Be gentle with yourself. You've gone through the ringer when it comes to love."
"You still feel bad for them because it's like you can't even help it, especially when you see that it's something that they had to deal with in their own parent."
"There's going to be an emotional situation you're not going to be able to sweep under the rug anymore. You're going to face it squarely and make a decision that has your best interests at heart."
"You're gonna have another option, I get you up in the air whether to let someone go or try it again but I still get some of you taking it to the next level."
"Possessive. They're feeling possessive, trying to hold on to you."
"Teenage years are never easy... battling all sorts of emotions... trying to prove you're independent to your family."
"This person is a very passionate lover, what they struggle with most is receiving that love back."
"A court has formally approved the extradition of Julian Assange to the United States on espionage charges."
"It can be hard to forgive, but it can be even harder to forget."
"We can be surrounded by people and still feel lonely at night when our thoughts begin to race and our emotions take over."
"An artist's life is especially prone to this."
"There's high stakes in these cartoons now you just fight feelings now you fight your feelings like 'oh you're feeling toxic'."
"I think it takes a level of like having to go through all of those brutal feelings and understand that like you know this is not always fun and games."
"I'm not good at emotion... but emotion is where your power and your control is."
"It's tough being an Arsenal supporter right now."
"Discouragement is one of the chief weapons in Satan's arsenal."
"It's kind of like the thing we fear the most."
"This is not like any other breakup ever, not even."
"Trading has caused me a lot of pain in my life and actually it has taught that I am not as smart as I think I'm not as strong as I think and I'm not as mentally stable as I think."
"It's almost like he knew he needed to feel extra support and love to get through whatever challenge he was about to face."
"Emotional risk, I think, is the most dangerous."
"Focusing on negative trajectories is easier than on positive ones."
"Ditching is a very difficult decision to make because it's the hardest thing to do."
"Drive passion, dedication, and perseverance - a bit of frustration included."
"There's going to be a big big problem with anger there already is."
"My life is great. I understand that. I'm so happy that the 30 years of hard work and just hanging in there it's kind of feel like things are happening but other shit's happening that I'm taking personally and it hurts me."
"And ascend to levels of greatness where your name would be in history books for decades to come or generations to come it would be always do the emotionally difficult thing."
"But later on in your career you fall more into greed and day to day I definitely suffer a lot more from greed than fear at this point."
"All those insecurities, all that woundedness, it all comes up to the surface."
"Rejection, abandonment are the two most common fears... Trisha is no exception."
"You're scared but he shut the door. You're nervous but he shut the door. You're uncomfortable but he shut the door."
"I'd say the work is of a decent standard, but he has tantrums almost every day with regards to me working with this guy."
"All the strength and speed in the world can't help protect Barry from emotional disasters because heroes are still human beings."
"One of the most painful feelings in self-improvement is in the self-improvement depression stage."
"Confidence, spirituality, and physical attractiveness—curly or brown hair, green eyes, stocky build."
"For some mothers, it's a very difficult decision to make to stop breastfeeding and it can be very emotional."
"Mental health can affect anyone in powerful and sometimes severe ways."
"It's never easy to be rejected for any reason, but fat women get used to it in their interactions with men."
"I have felt for me the stuff that I've always been concerned about coming to a surface and having to look at it."
"You're struggling to forgive them and having a hard time forgiving yourself."
"Pro-social emotions, which are things Psychopaths struggle with feeling, this is why they often present as emotionally detached, distant, and indifferent because..."
"A good day does not necessarily override a dark mind."
"Fear and doubt, my friends, are the twin thieves that steal our peace and paralyze our potential."
"The 18th of September brings emotional confusion but leads to important growth."
"Maybe you feel like you're at the ironically further away than ever because emotional blocks that were once dormant are lasting you in the face."
"The hardest thing in the world is not to be mean to everybody. It's easy to be mean. What's hard is to love, especially when you feel like you might be hurt because of love."
"Whatever panic, whatever fears, whatever conflict and whatever pain comes during this period of time be patient, it's gonna all go away."
"Parents should never have to bury their babies."
"No matter what happens, no matter what challenges or adversities you face, my love for you grows stronger with each passing minute. Do not be overwhelmed by these emotions that hurt you."
"The most difficult thing of walking away from this job is leaving those guys."
"Your inner world, your subconscious realm, it's almost like there's physical and emotional relationship challenges coming up, but there's also this really beautiful energy forming behind the scenes."
"They feel challenged because of the sense of negative and unhealthy obstacles."
"You've been waiting a long time for the right love to come in. You may have even felt like it was untouchable, like it's out of your control."
"Feeling confident and loving yourself is the biggest and hardest part of this all."
"Christmas time can be very difficult for some people."
"As much as possible, it's better to be congruent all the way through, so to find ways to appropriately express what we're feeling even when it feels challenging."
"Daily activities can send a signal to the brain that you are voluntarily taking on risk and willing to accept the emotional challenges that may follow."
"Missing your family is so normal; it is hard, especially for someone who's really close to their family and friends."
"Relationships are often complicated because they call on our insecurities."
"I wasn't prepared for the mental aspect of it... emotionally and mentally if there is a block there, I feel like that is so much harder to find the root of, to address, to get through."
"We're all subjected to things we need to handle: grief, loss, depression, stress."
"We're talking about unbelief and worry and doubt and fear tonight."
"One of the things that really gets in the way of expecting abundance for people is fear and guilt."
"It's really hard to love someone who doesn't love themselves."
"Love is a tough topic because not everybody has a positive experience all the time around love."