
Foreign Policy Quotes

There are 694 quotes

"The more China invested in Latin America, the easier it was for them to drive policies and economic decisions in its favor."
"Good foreign policy is inclusive foreign policy."
"The regular channel of U.S. foreign policy... prevailed in the end."
"A foreign policy for the middle class... everything we do in our foreign policy and national security will be measured by a basic metric: is it going to make life better, safer, and easier for working families?"
"Putting this middle-class and working people at the center of our foreign policy isn't just good from a strategic perspective; it's just good common sense and good decent values as well."
"Our anchoring principles in any country's foreign policy, and in particular any liberal democracy's foreign policy, must be anchored in three sets of documents or instruments: one's the UN Charter, the second is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the third is the UN Covenant on Civil and Political Rights."
"The mainstream media and the foreign policy establishment are bad enough at this point in time in shutting down contrary opinions... we don't want to reinforce that. What we want to do is open things up even more."
"Why would we allow a foreign adversary to dictate what we build in culture?"
"Being a true nationalist means protecting America's interests, which means being muscular on the world stage."
"Whatever we do to people overseas, we're going to do to ourselves."
"America can but America shouldn't. Can this be our foreign policy from now on?"
"When it comes to foreign affairs, the most important thing you can do is coalition build."
"Just a moment. What I am saying is that there needs to be consistent application of U.S. foreign policy. We cannot support people who are committing the same violations because they are political allies. That is not acceptable."
"The fundamental problem with this kind of foreign policy thinking is that, of course, since it is based on fictions, it is going to collapse when it eventually collides with the facts."
"Foreign policy for the middle class is all about cementing progress on the global minimum tax, a major achievement secured with American leadership."
"Foreign policy is not something abroad. If we did not handle the Ukraine issue right, each one of you would be paying so much Rupees more for the petrol that you fill in every day."
"Strategic ambiguity... we don't say whether we'll defend Taiwan; it depends on the circumstances."
"My message to Xi Jinping is this: You are done buying land in this country."
"Putin's war aims are not at all unhinged or crazy; they're deeply built into Russian foreign policy thinking."
"American intervention is appropriate when it serves American interests unambiguously."
"Economic sanctions exist as an arm of American foreign policy to bully countries into aligning with what the United States wants them to do."
"Foreign policy is a kind of tough business and simply wanting to be influential in the global scheme of things is not usually sufficient to actually be influential."
"Making ourselves less dependent is a very good thing in terms of foreign policy."
"The project on military diplomatic history seeks to promote the use of history as a means of enhancing our understanding of modern challenges in foreign policy, international security, and related fields."
"The policy of maximum pressure has not worked."
"I believe that the Trump policy is very much in close thinking to the Gulf region and Saudi Arabia specifically."
"To speak of the Federal Republic's economic dependence on Moscow to a degree large enough to affect foreign policy indicates ignorance or malice." - Helmut Schmidt, 1980.
"I believe that the U.S. should have a less interventionist foreign policy."
"A foreign policy that's based on human rights, promotion of human rights and democracy around the world."
"I think a lot of people voted for Trump because they were under the impression that he was going to scale back foreign intervention."
"The willingness of Congress to fund foreign adventurism when they won't fund the most basic stuff in the United States, astonishing."
"There's going to be a foreign policy crisis of some kind. There's just too much volatility in the world."
"One of the key pillars of our government's foreign policy is to support and encourage greater regional integration and connectivity."
"The importance of advancing religious freedom cannot be overstated; it must extend to all areas of our foreign policy."
"This proxy war against Russia is not making us safer."
"You can't be rigid in foreign policy; you have to be fluid and keep people at the table talking."
"Foreign policy is a place where you are constantly making choices between unpalatable actors."
"Foreign policy is a place filled with lots of complexity, lots of nuance, and lots of Darkness."
"A productive US approach would not just be all anti-China all the time; it would be pro-US, pro-investing in us, in our values, and our allies."
"The bill we're talking about today is a proposal... to appoint somebody and a committee of people to look at what an adversarial country is."
"The only thing that he's been consistent in with his foreign policy is that he's gonna punch Iran in the eye."
"Trump emerges as a lone voice questioning the rational behind supporting an enduring conflict in Ukraine."
"Sanctions are a way for countries to respond to foreign policy challenges."
"Climate change will be the center of our national security and foreign policy."
"What right do we have to impose the government of our choice by strangling the population into submission?"
"We want American energy dominance instead of relying on foreign countries."
"Can't we just drone bomb them?" - A willingness to drone a foreign government embassy just to make her point.
"The question with foreign policy is which course of action is going to most maximize liberty."
"The Chinese Communist Party works really hard to make foreign countries have a Beijing-friendly attitude."
"Trump has actually strengthened our policy toward Ukraine."
"I shall never tire of repeating the declaration that I made from the first day that I took office: I will not allow any attempt by any foreign power to take even one square inch of our sovereign territory."
"Trump actually comes off looking great in this entire affair as I said, I think it's the greatest or one of the greatest foreign policy achievements of my lifetime."
"Foreign policy is actually much simpler than all the academics and all the experts think."
"Americans towards threatening our allies in Europe that's why we want Putin to lose and we need a Clarity and focus in our foreign policy on defeating Vladimir Putin."
"Never promised to go to nuclear war for a country you can't find on a map."
"The idea of confronting China is a bipartisan issue here in this Congress."
"We must end America's complicity in Saudi Arabia's war on Yemen."
"The Truman Doctrine: The United States would provide military and economic aid to help the free people of Greece and Turkey from falling to the communists."
"Why do we have to precondition that? Why couldn't we be the guys who just came in and said to the Georgians, 'What do you need help with?' No strings attached."
"Can't you say that Trump can be a slimy bad person who does bad things domestically, but his foreign policy in this regard is a good thing?"
"If Trump does right by anti-war measures and foreign policy, then he deserves the credit."
"Strength through peace and we have to show a lot of strength so no one no one even comes close to challenging us and if they do challenge us there's going to be severe consequences."
"Biden is the first U.S president in the last 30 years with deep foreign policy experience."
"I don't know if Trump can do it about this, it's necessarily interesting, but I want to see an end to the foreign influence in our elections."
"The U.S. is targeting the main artery of Russia's economy."
"Joe Biden would hold Russia to account for any threat to our nation's security or to our troops who are sacrificing their lives for the sake of our democracy and our safety, thank you."
"One of the things about an active foreign policy is sometimes you forestall war by preventing the conditions that lead to an outbreak in the first place." - Ben Shapiro
"It is very rare that a first-term president does not experience some sort of foreign policy crisis."
"America does not negotiate with terrorists, period."
"Giuliani is not a member of the US government and should not be conducting US foreign policy."
"Gray zone tells the truth about foreign policy and they can't have that."
"There are growing calls inside Iraq for the United States to withdraw... Those calls are only going to get stronger."
"The Trump administration has finally made a seismic shift in the way the United States very seriously sees the China threat."
"Now we're making strategic foreign policy decisions based on one guy's gut feeling."
"If we cut off the weapons we send to Saudi Arabia on that alone without us firing a shot we would save tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of lives."
"I can say we were wrong in Iraq, we were wrong in Syria, we're wrong in Ukraine."
"I don't want a cold war with China, I just want to make China understand that we are not going to step back."
"I want a country that cares more about our borders than the borders of a foreign country."
"We need to stop sending our troops to go and fight in wars that undermine our national security and provide no benefit to the American people."
"The Monroe Doctrine: Europe must stay out of the Western Hemisphere."
"Tucker Carlson dissects the significance of identity politics in contrast to what truly matters in Washington: foreign policy."
"I just got this down from upstairs... we're going to take out seven countries in five years."
"The problem in foreign policy is not simply to state an objective but to be able to carry it out over an extended period of time."
"As India seeks to balance its relations with China, the US, and other strategic partners, its partnership with Russia will remain a critical component of its foreign policy."
"America's foreign policy has traditionally been very righteous and moralistic which comes out of America's revolutionary tradition of seeing itself as a place founded to defend liberty and democracy."
"Now, China has also been accused of strategically using overseas financing to gain assets from developing countries."
"Deterrence is the foreign policy that works."
"President Trump bucked the establishment foreign policy trend... now we're looking at peace deals."
"Biden has been a strong leader in foreign policy and in domestic policies."
"Trump has outperformed to an nth degree the Obama Biden Clinton administration by actually securing some semblance of peace in the Middle East."
"The connection between the domestic conflict and the foreign conflict is indissoluble."
"They are playing up U.S. foreign policy goals and trying to stigmatize and isolate those who oppose U.S. imperialism legitimate anti-imperialist anti-war voices mainly by trying to equate them with the far right."
"The Iraq War demonstrated that regime change is always fundamentally evil and will always fail."
"He has followed policies which have ruined the economy, he has followed foreign policies that have emboldened our enemies."
"America first means that we have to basically greenlight Saudi Arabia killing dissidents."
"America's interests do not actually require us to greenlight the murder of dissidents."
"We shouldn't be involved in hundreds of small wars throughout the world."
"You have to set some sort of line just like with a child... that is the way that foreign policy has to work as well."
"I believe the best way to avoid going to war with Russia, with Iran, is to be strong and powerful."
"Non-interventionist foreign policy is where I connected with her the most."
"Trump administration has been a lot harsher on America's foreign policy adversaries than the Obama administration ever was."
"The state department continues to maintain this position that the local conditions is what's going to dictate whether they're gonna get back on track with interviewing folks for the immigrant visa." - Latoya McBean
"There's this sort of wishful thinking that goes into so much of our foreign policy these days that if we just do the things that we want to do, everybody else will just fall into"
"For eight years, the United States effectively didn't have a foreign policy."
"We're not going to seek trouble in the world, we're not going to be the world's policemen."
"We're going to deter our enemies and we will strike back if they strike us."
"Our exit was the foreign policy equivalent of putting a cake in the oven and then 40 minutes later taking out a live rat dressed as Hitler. It's not just a fuck-up, it's a mind-blowing fuck-up that'll take years to fully comprehend."
"They don't want a confrontation with North Korea as he reviews the policy."
"I have considerable experience in getting things done in the Congress and secondly I had considerable experience in foreign policy and national security."
"Carter's foreign policy accomplishments, you can stack them up with just about any president since Truman."
"Remember, the United States has a one China policy... but President Biden said, 'by any means necessary to defend Taiwan.'"
"You don't have to occupy the country in order to fix the larger problem."
"Washington should avoid a scenario where regional players view America as an entrenched warmaker and China as a flexible peacemaker."
"We tried regime change wars in the past 20 years, and the result was dangerous."
"There should be a serious red line in terms of them supplying military equipment to the Russians, and I think that should be in the form of sanctions."
"His aggressive foreign policies would drag the world into a second tragic global conflict."
"The entire foreign policy game is credible threats."
"We're getting our troops out of the Middle East and they said you cannot do that and he said well I'm the president so I will."
"He has made the achievement of this goal by 2049 his top foreign policy priority."
"Our foreign policy ought to be how do we stabilize things how do we try and reduce tension how do we strengthen this country and the best way to strengthen this country is to get our debt and deficit under control."
"We can do both: build our wall and continue support to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan."
"The trump administration pushed the slogan america first but the effect was basically america alone." - Impact of U.S. foreign policy under the previous administration.
"Kissinger's China policy and Nixon's China policy is the single greatest failure of American foreign policy."
"The Russians are fighting a massive information campaign... they want to undermine the Biden Administration."
"As long as CCP objects, they will abandon their principles, grovel, and apologize to it, and let the CCP center everything it wants."
"Our only vital national interest in Afghanistan remains today what has always been preventing a terrorist attack on America's homeland."
"Human rights must be the center of our foreign policy."
"Confronting China should become the organizing principle of U.S. foreign policy."
"The expansion of NATO was the most successful if not the only truly successful piece of American foreign policy of the last 30 years."
"If you're saying look we need 45 billion dollars because you know what we need to send China a message we need to weaken Russia this is an opportunity."
"We need more progressives in Congress to go against America's foreign policy."
"His policies on Russia were significantly harsher than Barack Obama's were."
"Until there is accountability for the worst foreign policy crisis this country has suffered since the vietnam war."
"The US strategy in Africa is rooted in genuine dialogues with African Partners."
"The disappointments mounted from then, and I'm really unhappy about U.S. foreign policy now."
"Human rights must be the center of our foreign policy. It's just not the periphery."
"But one thing that's left out of a fair amount of conversations and I actually think you know it's very much to Bernie's credit, I think Bernie's actually been doing some really significant things on foreign policy."
"How many wars do we need to be in, at what point do Americans say enough is enough, bring these people home, get out of Somalia, get out of Syria, get out of Ukraine."
"Soft power is investing in development, diplomacy, stability."
"Our involvement in the Middle East has made America weaker, not stronger."
"He feels that America will be stronger by itself so that we can individually negotiate with Russia and China."
"In modern times, America's actions in the Middle East have the same results: civilian deaths and unrest in the region."
"It's not China that has been aggressive, it's this new attitude stemming most clearly from the Obama administration through the Trump administration."
"Stop these wars, come home America, take care of things here at home."
"The Monroe Doctrine takes its name from the president who first articulated it, but the idea was nearly all John Quincy Adams's."
"Whatever happened in the past, moving forward, we are not going to let Russia fall between our fingers again."
"Dealing with China, building up the navy or not, all of these things are very much on the table but definitely unresolved."
"Vladimir Zelenskiy's foreign policy triumphs in particular altered the course of history."
"Biden has been a historically good president in domestic politics and in foreign policy."
"Biden opposed killing Soleimani. He was very much... we killed this number one terrorist."
"Foreign policy often seems a little bit distant. So let me just say that if you are concerned about education and infrastructure and healthcare, you know what you should be concerned about foreign policy." - Bernie Sanders
"The modern foreign policy justification for the United States is a little toned deaf and disingenuous."
"War in Iraq was the worst foreign policy blunder."
"Trump's decision to withdraw from the nuclear deal was by far the most destructive act."
"I envision an America with the National Defense unparalleled, undefeatable, and unencumbered by overseas nation-building."
"How do we end up impeaching a president... perversion of foreign policy."
"Let the people of the region decide what they want. Don't dictate on them based on foreign recipes and interests."
"I think the Chinese are the closest to giving us an understanding of how this really works."
"Foreign policy is an area where a lot of people are, I think rationally fairly ignorant just because a lot of foreign policy people think I think often incorrectly that foreign policy doesn't have any kind of impact on what's going on domestically."
"Economics gives us a lot of insights as to how we should expect foreign policy to work or in a lot of cases to not work in the way that it's intended."
"China's policy of non-interventionism and pursuing win-win scenarios is a breath of fresh air for the region."
"We are bound to many by alliances... the United States will make no deal with the Soviet Union at the expense of other nations and other peoples."
"Joe Biden sides with China over America time and time again."
"Why conflict sport with politics? Why don't you keep them separate? You know, because when you start managing things like this, that's showing your weakness. That's how weak your foreign policy is when you couldn't manage the relationship that way."
"Foreign policy starts at home. Fix your home first before you tell others. You need to have your house in order."
"This is not about practice foreign." - Commentator on political maneuvers
"The United States will be unabashed in promoting our vision of a free, open, secure, and prosperous world."
"The United States approach to Africa has evolved over time and faced challenges in its engagement on the continent."
"We seem to have a total chaotic foreign policy."
"American for American foreign policy it was important to find loyal helpful regional powers that could protect and advance American interests."
"It's not de facto anti-Semitic to criticize some aspect of the Israeli government or even to question giving aid to Israel."
"What I'm bringing to our foreign policy is honesty."
"President Biden's foreign policy skills deserve more credit."
"We need competent leadership for foreign policy."
"Putin aimed for self-sufficiency, not dependence on foreign powers."
"We don't go searching abroad for monsters to destroy."
"Vietnam trip planned for reporting on foreign policy and war legacy."
"Our policy, as well as our support of draconian leaders in many of these countries, it has a lot of the responsibility for the terrible devastation that's been going on in Central America."
"We used to be able to do pretty well with staged a coup and now we can't even overthrow the elected leader of a Latin-American country."
"When a left-wing dictator takes over and wants to do good things for people, we do everything we can to undercut them."
"Another important thing about this impeachment that we have to recognize is what it tells about all of our foreign relations."
"He's trying so hard to get America not involved in another War here's the problem re the problem is that the region is on fire right now it's not just Gaza Hezbollah on Israel's Northern boundary is raining in Rockets."
"When Shinzo Abe came to power... to face the growing challenges in foreign policy."
"Determining what is an acceptable sacrifice has historically led to some of the most contentious, perennial political issues in history."
"Foreign policy under Trump isn't particularly well-documented but it seems that Trump kind of likes it."
"There are short-term actions such as sanctions, but there has to be also a long-term strategy."
"We want a delicate sensitive thoughtful considerate US presence that understands that we have to live with China for the next 1,000 years."
"America's foreign policy has been through all this time remarkably consistent, a Jacksonian bent toward our security interests with the will and capability to reach out to destroy our enemies at any time." - Ben Dominic, National Review
"He ran not against all wars but against dumb wars, not as a dove but as someone who wanted the ability to strike back against America's enemies with the greatest possible might." - Ben Dominic, National Review
"If and when we win, we will make deals with Iran very quickly. We'll make deals with North Korea very quickly."
"You're only helping Xi Jinping and the regime, you're not helping the Chinese market, you're not helping the Chinese consumer."
"Brexit is the worst foreign policy decision in my lifetime."
"There's nothing they would like more than to see us in Afghanistan for another 5, 10, 20 years. It's simply not in the national interest. That's insane."
"We will keep America out of endless foreign wars."
"Rather than attempting to court Russia into a conciliatory stance, we should present it with a combination of insuperable obstacles to western expansion... by inflicting a far more serious defeat than it has hitherto experienced in Ukraine."
"A foreign policy based on virtue signaling when your economy is in recession and you can't heat your homes, your morals change real quick."
"It's far more important to address the foreign policy tragedies of the past 20 years immediately."
"The thing that matters is the foreign policy most. You're never going to be able to take in enough people, especially without dropping the quality of life for the people who live here."
"This is exactly how you respond to Russian threats in blackmail. Do not negotiate, but instead Strike Back."