
Current Events Quotes

There are 1550 quotes

"We are witnessing an unprecedented moral and ethical decline, a significant sign that the prophecies spoken of in the scriptures are not just ancient words but living, breathing truths unfolding before our very eyes."
"Each one is based on the current events in Russia, Ukraine, and the geopolitics surrounding China and U.S. rivalry in the Indo-Pacific."
"We are living in prophetic times, Bible times."
"They thought it was going to be political business as usual, and it is now abundantly clear all bets are off."
"We are seeing some pretty incredible things happen before our very eyes right now."
"The world is becoming a crazier place, but I appreciate sitting down with someone who can explain a little bit of it to me, and we just need to keep fighting for freedom of speech."
"American Fiction... captures the current moment in a funny and heartfelt way."
"While we cannot definitively state that we are on the brink of witnessing Revelation 13:16-17's fulfillment, the pieces of the puzzle are evidently on the table."
"It's just March, that's crazy, that's about 10 launches per month."
"Hal Lindsey was an author who sparked a cottage industry interpreting current events as fulfilling biblical prophecy."
"It's an amazing thing to watch unfold, and I think it's awesome that I'm able to be caught up in it."
"It's so much happening these days, it's hard to keep up. Things change hour by hour, minute by minute."
"This is a moment of extraordinary opportunity and extraordinary danger."
"The public service of the people that work in each of your areas of responsibility might be more consequential today than it's ever been."
"Appreciate that we're living through history right now."
"I think this is an unprecedented, really disconcerting time for everyone, with things being shut down, not knowing exactly how long it's going to last, worrying about the health of all the people we care about."
"Twitter is defined by what's happening right now."
"We are literally seeing history in the making."
"It's going to be very interesting based on what we've seen tonight, the behavior that we have witnessed."
"Is it possible that current events caused by both nature and man are converging with biblical predictions of the end of the world?"
"If we have ever wondered how we would have acted when threatened with an early 20th century fascist movement, the answer is however we are acting right now."
"With the current state of the world in mind, I select no contact delivery so I don't have to interact with any human."
"It's Friday, January 13, 2023, and welcome back to Goodfellows, a Hoover Institution broadcast examining social, economic, political, and geopolitical concerns."
"It's difficult, but I have friends who live in Ukraine, and I've regularly kept up with them and asked them about what's going on."
"Senator Josh Hawley and Bernie Sanders, speaking just moments ago, let's listen to President, 'I ask unanimous consent that the Senate proceed to the immediate consideration of my bill.'"
"Believe that right now, it is pivotal that with everything that is going on, we need the gift of discernment."
"A lot of moving pieces in the war in Ukraine at this hour."
"We're facing right now a period of multiple crises."
"It's an interesting time in history to have lived through this."
"Given the madness we're surrounded by perpetually, I thought it might be fun to grab a glass of wine, that being the fun bit, and just go through three of the stories from today with a slightly sarcastic tone."
"The latest updates on the war in Ukraine... voters look ahead to the upcoming 2022 midterm elections."
"It's hard not to watch this week and feel like we're five seconds from chaos."
"Given the strange and uncertain times that we are in, with each day's new cycle bringing more head-spinning and disturbing headlines, I thought maybe it would be useful to step back for a moment and try to get some perspective."
"I'm not really sure why anyone would be writing about anything other than artificial intelligence right now."
"We have to learn the lessons of history in order to understand what is presently being carried out."
"It is vitally important to understand what is happening, and what is happening is very, very important."
"In this moment right now, there is unity happening all over the world."
"Every day we get some breaking news on this case."
"We're all George, so I'm back and I'm here to give the latest update on the Ukraine crisis and to give some hope for Bitcoin holders."
"Never in my life have I been more optimistic about the future, and shit's never been crazier than it is today."
"I'm honestly speechless, George, what is happening, bro?"
"The state of the world today, I feel like it's incumbent on all of us to stand up and say something."
"We really are living in a pretty unpredictable and unstable time."
"Keep your Bible open and your news on, and watch what happens."
"You may have noticed that this is a crazy time."
"The images from the past couple of days at the airport have been heartbreaking."
"The American experiment is on trial right now."
"Devon Archer, Hunter Biden's business partner, is going to jail."
"Interesting times we're in. Let's see how it unfolds."
"We're all living in extraordinary times right now, and making the best of it."
"What I care about is what's happening in the world and what's shaping things."
"I've been doing a few interviews as of later, and that's because there have been a number of very interesting topics that have been brought up over the past few months that I think really need addressing."
"The actual progress that they are making at this moment in time is amazing."
"In the history of our country there has never been a disgrace like what's going on right now."
"If you're an honest person, you understand this is exactly the moment in our history when we need serious adult conversations about the world around us."
"It's been worse now than ever, and it's getting worse."
"We're living through this kind of free speech crisis."
"There is something of just a terrible lack of historical context about what we're going through at the moment."
"The earth is crying out for that right now and it's just a what a what a wonderful time to be alive."
"Good Sunday morning. Americans are seething at their political leaders and at each other."
"It's a really really special moment in time that we're living through right now."
"Let's focus on the future rather than all the crap that's going on at the moment."
"It doesn't matter what the hell it is, it's still changing the way that we live life now."
"AI is not something that is in the distant future but it's something that is here right now."
"As we look around us, a lot of us may feel that we are living through some pretty incredible times."
"Thank you for giving us in Australia and the rest of the world honest perspective of what is happening right now in America."
"Teddyfish.com, okay, is there any Teddy Fresh stuck in the Suez Canal right now?"
"We're rolling back civil rights as we speak across the country."
"The next several years in my opinion, we actually are already feeling it in different ways."
"Russia is now operating in a wartime environment."
"What about the black lives that have died recently in the riots?"
"But I think the timing of this article is of particular interest considering the circumstances."
"But no war yet so that's something to celebrate."
"People are gaming right now because they're what do you want them to do?"
"Russia invaded Ukraine, fighting a war against our values."
"It's important to be cognizant and take logical action with what is going on."
"What the heck is going on in this market now?"
"The world is not a happy place right now. There are fires in Australia, there is unrest in the world. I hope that we can all just use this little moment to realize that there's so many people in the world, we should all just be nice to each other."
"We are in a Kolakovic moment in this country."
"President Putin created a society largely supporting the current activities."
"The thesis view... everything that's happening is basically fine."
"Breaking news: Notre-Dame Cathedral devastated by furious blaze."
"2024 is the gift that keeps on giving, seems to be the year of the truth."
"China's already here, doing this. It's not something that's going to happen, it's happening right now."
"Zoom out and look at everything across the board, we're in a wild time."
"The lack of trust in our institutions has led to the situation we're experiencing today."
"That's what's happening. People are losing their minds."
"Recent events show it's not impossible to get rid of him."
"This is a big deal... a really big deal where it is now."
"Everything is on the table now, it's not a game anymore."
"I mean all this to say if you feel overwhelmed by the news in America right now it's okay."
"Are we living in the world of the end? If so, what does the Bible tell us about this time? These days of war, devastation, unrest, strife, deception, and lawlessness?"
"We hate what's just happening right now in our country."
"What kind of precedent would this set for where we are right now as a society?"
"It's always important to care what things are happening on in other parts of the world."
"In these troubling times it's important to keep in mind what the state of things are because these are not normal times."
"We are experiencing what I'm calling the authoritarian moment."
"There's not been a time more important than today in my opinion during these times for you to recreate yourself."
"It's the reversal of the opium wars. It is the opium wars. We're still in them."
"You gotta have hope, whether you're talking about literally people buried under rubble or whatever is going on right now."
"You say you want a revolution? Well, we have one right here, right now."
"What can you do? It doesn't say anything about the people there right now."
"Dave Rubin said something good's happening, great news, lots cooking, we're going to save the world. He said it today, October 20th, 2021."
"We really are right now in a fight between good and evil."
"This year it just felt like living in an ideological war zone."
"This is the craziest year, anything can happen, so nothing is a sure thing."
"All right, all right, all right, it's Friday! Welcome to Geopolitics and Conflict Live."
"This year is not yet half over and it is already one for the history books."
"We are watching in real time the unfolding of a disaster that our generation and future Generations will know by name."
"Nothing in the world right now is like it is in Lebanon."
"Everything that's happening right now is so that you can see what needs balance."
"Maybe Rogan's got a point that these are just weird times, maybe we'll get through them."
"To me, it really feels like they're just pulling for division, and I hate to see that but it's making me really suspicious."
"Let's talk about the realities of what's happening in the political space."
"A hedge fund billionaire who's saying it basically already happened it's already started."
"The Russian people are Consolidated as never before."
"It parallels the times we're living in right now." - Kathy Laurie
"Welcome to the WAN show. I don't remember the last time this much stuff happened in the world of tech in the span of a week."
"Sudan is now entering a second week once again of violence."
"Your salient voices on what's happening... could not be more important than the moment that we find ourselves in right now."
"All the elements show that this time is different."
"Taylor Lorenz insulted my intelligence and integrity."
"The world, even though it was very much focused on events in Ukraine last year throughout 2022, that is unlikely to continue for a very much longer."
"Right now is one of the most exciting times to be alive as an investor."
"Watch the briefings for yourself, there are all kinds of channels that have them available on YouTube right now."
"Full scale cyber warfare isn't a dystopian vision of the future; it's happening right now."
"I'm not even going to explain it 'cause the news is on, folks. Today is the long-awaited total solar Eclipse."
"How did we arrive at a moment of such peril?"
"That's the reality of what we're seeing right now on the other side of the aisle."
"We are living in unprecedented times. These are not times that are normal nor are they times that are going to go back to 'normal'."
"It's looking like that two thousand dollar payment is sort of dead right now."
"Now is actually the very most important time as they're going to be scrambling to decide what's in there." - Emphasizing the importance of the current negotiation phase for the stimulus package.
"Everybody's talking about the current inflation crisis."
"I'm totally unnerved by the current volatility in America, division to the 10th degree."
"I'm not making this up, this is where we're at now."
"It's a documentary which is already in Vice World News."
"This is not hypothetical anymore, it's happening."
"It's my privilege and honor to continue doing this, dissecting the world, making sense of a world that has gone mad."
"I just implore everyone to really just say what you feel man especially in a time like this."
"I think any time but especially right now is the time that we need to unite."
"There are some crazy stuff that's going on in America today, some stuff that you and I have seen that's mind-blowing."
"The way things are happening at the moment are not helping us move towards truth."
"We've all now... been able to imagine what the end of Putin's rule could look like."
"History is literally unfolding right before our eyes."
"Causing someone to doubt their own sanity and reality is certainly where we are at with regards to most of the events that are being talked about in the world today."
"There's so much stuff going on right now, just find your center of gravity."
"I just get a kick out of talking about what's going on in the world."
"The Battle of Bakmut is the most important battle so far in this war."
"False flag operations are alive and well today."
"These things have been going on and continue to go on this very day."
"It's basically relevant to what's going on right now and all the bozo [ __ ] and bozo moves that you've seen occur."
"Crazy how he was talking about this almost 5 years ago and now in 2023 everything he was talking about is finally coming to light."
"The perfect microcosm of where we're at politically right now in the United States."
"Everybody is just wildly divided more so than i've ever seen in all of my life."
"Gamergate 2.0 is underway and it doesn't look like they are winning."
"Get used to different, that is such a message, especially in this season that we're living in."
"This was the images seen around the world so far at this point."
"I've never seen anything like it before and I think it reflects and represents the danger of this moment."
"The benefits of what's happening right now outweigh the costs."
"History is going to look back on us and ask did we do the right thing in this moment."
"Keeping up with what's happening globally is like going through the layers of an iceberg—there's always more beneath the surface."
"But this is happening in our world, happened today, it did."
"We're not in ordinary times. The vocabulary, 'vermin' or not, is not what's important."
"What I'm worried about is what is currently breaking."
"We are lucky and unlucky enough to be living in this moment that I think is gonna shape at least the next 50 years."
"Even with us thriving and doing pretty well, there is an interesting period of time that we can point to that was sort of a blending of the current time frame where sure mystery still exists today and in today's era but things are more explainable."
"We're living through crazy times right now guys."
"Genuine conservatives are, I think at the moment, bewildered."
"The current situation we have right now is radical."
"I would have said you are absolutely crazy but here we are."
"We're not taking the time to appreciate why this is happening."
"It's a great time to be a Warcraft player right now."
"The swamp that needs to be drained now is the Trump swamp."
"There really is a political Paradigm Shift happening right before our very eyes."
"One of the few voices of of forthright truth-telling out there right now in public life is of all people Jerome Powell."
"What freaking madness are we in the middle of right now?"
"Stay up to date on what's happening, be aware, and be prepared to capitalize on opportunities."
"There's a lot of absolute craziness happening in the news today."
"Just when you think things can't get any crazier, well here we are today."
"Big news in special counsel Jack Smith's criminal case against Trump."
"There's actually a lot of stuff going on right now where there's new investigations, actually some pretty major findings and rulings that I don't really see being covered."
"You might notice yourself kind of detaching, more interested in current events."
"Because of the few things that I'll talk about now regarding these current days in which we live in, and that is we can trust our Bible."
"Forget about the news stories, forget about the impeachment for a second, forget about Emily Rakowski for a second, forget about the man in the giant hamster wheel crossing the Atlantic Ocean if you can."
"If you don't know what's going on in the last week week and a half there have been mass protests all over the country..."
"Unemployment checks, murder hornets, quarantine, loan debt, Coronavirus... I'll go to law school. That's fine."
"We need to be paying attention, we need to be knowing what's going on."
"Current events feels like a treadmill, like a hamster wheel."
"This is where the United States and the world are now at."
"Things that have never happened in the history of the universe are happening right now."
"Let's jump into it, all right? This is actually happening right now. I got the Celebrations. We're going to start off with Lance's Charizard V box."
"World War III takes place... right now Russia-Ukraine's the scariest."
"The free speech issue is the issue of our time."
"Post using relevant news, trending topics, and current events."
"Both these sites currently right as we speak are falling to pieces."
"President Zelensky tweeting videos from the site..."
"What a time to be alive! What a weird time to be alive to see how the world operates and what's happening. It's just insanity."
"Thank god for NFTs, I bet you're real happy we're talking about NFTs instead of that dark stuff right now."
"Israel and the United States are still conducting operations in Syria."