
Human Desire Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"The Absurd is all about the conflict between the human desire to find meaning and value in life and our inability to actually find these with any certainty."
"Every human being is looking for relief... freedom is my product."
"Religion works for most people because... they do want it to be true that they are supervised, that God looks out for them."
"Humanity's greatest desire is to belong and connect."
"I think fundamentally we all just want to be heard. We all just want to want to listen to us and take us seriously."
"People want to make a mark in this world and be remembered."
"We want stories; we want things that engage us."
"Ichigo's desire is also a relatable one; people would like to protect their loved ones."
"Art exists because we exist, and our desire for artistic expression is purely a manifestation of human desire, period."
"Isolation is a factor and, yeah, connectedness is something that we all desire."
"Most people are interested in the idea of going backwards in time because they want to fix things."
"People strive for an easier and safer life, and why shouldn’t they get it?"
"Every human being wants the highest level of pleasantness for themselves."
"Every human being is seeking something... either you're seeking something good you don't have yet, or you're seeking to remove something bad."
"Chasing for meaning is a human desire the universe doesn't give two shits about."
"Everyone just wants to be loved and accepted for who they are."
"There's this desire in every human to know there's something bigger, something more."
"Human desire creates devil fruits that might very well be the beginning and end of how Oda explains this."
"95 percent of men and 87 percent of women ages 18 to 87 fantasize about being with multiple partners at the same time."
"Nothing will satisfy the desires of the sons and the daughters of Adam except the dust of the grave."
"People sincere, yeah, people don't want to be lost."
"We all want to matter, beyond just the replication of our genes."
"Technology has its own logic, and people want to do what they want to do."
"The option to stretch out our arms every now and again would be kinda nice."
"Nihilism is the act of willing nothing because mankind will desire something... in the absence of something man will sooner will nothing than not will at all."
"The problem isn't that we desire too much but that we desire too little."
"Humans desire to predict and imagine our future, whether that be the prospect of heaven or the demise of our entire planet."
"The desire for freedom is universal, the desire for freedom adheres in human mind and it is part of the human soul."
"The thirst for human nature is infinite, but we just seek it in the finite realm."
"Most people at their heart of hearts truly want to see a peaceful world."
"People want to live, you know. I was actually surprised to find out that people are fond of living."
"The exploration of space is the ultimate expression of the human desire to push boundaries."
"But man does not live by bread alone. One does need roses."
"Everybody just wants to feel special and respected."
"Those who are thirsty, you'll be thirsty for the word, you can be thirsty for you know food substance, strangers, immigrants, migrants."
"Someone with a soul has a desire to live at any age."
"All these people want is to enjoy the same peace."
"If those people that have gone away truly were accepted as would they want to come back."
"I think everybody wants to be loved at some level."
"They just really want love at the end of the day, they just want love."
"There's no heroes in war, just people who just want to go home."
"Every human being wants his life enhanced; if you don't show them proper ways to enhance, they will find shortcuts."
"Mega projects that involve the lives of millions and the product of one simple human desire to make the world a better place to live."
"Human desire drives human will, which is powerful beyond imagination."
"It really is a human desire to participate in something that is larger than us."
"God does what pleases him, not what pleases us."
"It's like, what do we want? We just want to be loved, don't we?"
"The fundamental desire of a human being is to be loved and accepted at a very deep level."
"What all human beings really longed for is simply to be happy."
"The reverse Rapture is a scenario where all humans are driven by a desperate desire to access a perceived better or more desirable realm beyond our own reality."
"The most precious thing in the world is not gold or money or longevity. It's other people's desire."
"Every human being innately wants to be a part of something."
"There's a great lust in us to be something special."
"Throughout history, the elixir of life has been known by hundreds of names in different languages and cultures, each reflecting the universal human desire for immortality and eternal youth."
"He had so much to offer. And really he just wanted to love and he just wanted to be loved."
"People always want to feel appreciated."
"We were born too late to explore the Earth and too soon to explore the universe."
"God has put into the hearts of all people the desire to know and be known, to love and be loved."
"The desire to be understood and also the ability to understand."
"The human being wants to experience transcendence."
"If the son of Adam had a valley of gold, he would want two."
"We all go through our lives desperate for that kind of connection, that kind of belongingness."
"Adoration is one of the greatest human desires; we'd like to be part of this bigger picture."
"What almost everyone really wants is connection, a deeper connection."
"The innate desire of human beings for creativity can never be truly fulfilled under capitalism no matter how much reform is implemented."
"We are infinitely desiring creatures for infinite joy, and that aspect of ourselves cannot be suppressed forever."
"The prophetic gives you access to people because the richest people in the world and the poorest people in the world are all hungry for revelation."
"Ultimately, I think everybody wants to be remembered."
"One of humanity's biggest desires is the need to feel like they belong, they need to feel validated."
"Greed may not be good, but it's not so bad either. You humans think greed is just for money and power, but everyone wants something they don't have."
"The peace of mankind will come when man as a whole wants to live in harmony."
"People always have and always will crave experiences... you want to feel that sense of magic, transportation, connection with other people."
"The desire the human desire to make stories and transmit them and hear them overcomes cultural barriers in a very very very remarkable way."
"Angel's cut off... death doesn't bother him because there's nothing in life he wants. It's our desires that make us human."
"We will never be satisfied with what we possess."
"People want to go out and travel again, people want to meet again."
"Humanity's desire for meaning and the universe's silent indifference are two incompatible puzzle pieces."
"The value of gold awakens our greed."
"Every single human wants the ability to tap into the truth; we want to be direct messengers of God, of nature."
"The hidden desire of every human heart is to love and be loved by God."
"For centuries, man has longed to fly."
"The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul."
"We all want to be somewhere else with someone else."
"Every man, regardless of what color the man is, just wants peace."
"The overall button should be happiness because that's what every single human being in the world wants is to be happier."
"It's such a profound look at desire and human relationships."
"Because people don't have wings, we look for ways to fly."
"We wouldn't be born, you know, if there wasn't a human desire to have children."
"Everyone wants what they don't have, and when you do have everything that you want, you're still gonna want the opposite."
"Human beings want to feel actualized; they want to achieve their goals and potentials."
"People want to be reminded about love."
"Man wills to live forever; the urge is written deep within his nature."
"Everyone longs for real intimacy."
"The walls don't work. The desire for a better life or opportunity will always find people to answer the call."
"Most people deep down inside want to be happy."