
World Quotes

There are 3269 quotes

"Spread love, because there's too much hate in this world."
"You must become the change you wish to see in the world."
"The virus gives us a 'great opportunity,' and the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies."
"The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is at all comprehensible."
"The point of Dark Souls is to be depressing and emo, but it doesn't mean they can't enjoy a very beautiful world."
"The world is full of opportunities waiting to be discovered."
"You are not a product of this world; do not become a product of this realm that we are temporarily in."
"The world's farmers have produced enough food in each of the last 10 years for 10 billion people."
"It's the existential threat of not this generation but the whole world."
"Not much has changed since 18.0, except pretty much the entire world."
"The world... recalls and reminds us of its divine origin. However, the same world can also veil and obscure it."
"There's so much crazy stuff in the world, and it's so intriguing, but it's not healthy."
"We live in one world; its basic structure is that of physical particles... among the physical features of the world is consciousness."
"There is in this world a Jannah (paradise); the only way to obtain the Jannah of the Hereafter is by entering the Jannah of this world."
"Greed being a thing that runs the world is very true."
"Whatever I say, whatever I stand on, is just felt by the world. I made an impact on this world."
"The world is a super duper strange place and we're always learning new things."
"Stay safe out there because you know it's a dangerous world."
"Our world has never been more connected or more complex."
"It's still important, whether we learn, you see, and the fact is, these are the transformations that shape our world."
"We're going through massive purging and cleansing in our world, but we're also going through a rebirth."
"Those with kindness stronger than malice...that's how he can love his world instead of turning back on it."
"Alas, said the mouse, the world is growing smaller every day." - Franz Kafka
"It's not the world that writes the story; we do."
"The truth is that the world's an absolutely fascinating place."
"Can't you see the world's colors fading? It is, bro, it actually is."
"A bright spark of hope in an otherwise cold and uncaring world."
"The world is just one big farm, and we all have a role to help the crop grow."
"I have loved the world. I have learned one thing about the world: You don't find happiness there."
"It makes you realize, isn't it, that the world has really changed."
"A breathtaking and mysterious world of magic."
"The world itself is full of mystery and excitement."
"We're like trying to transform the world right now institution by institution."
"If we can't put aside our egos, the world is literally doomed."
"What a strange, wonderful world, what a beautiful world."
"We really do want to change the world for the better."
"It is really evident how much of the world we just leave empty."
"Ladies and gentlemen, the world is truly a weird thing."
"A world without love is a world that isn't worth saving."
"The world itself is denser than it is large."
"It's love that we can look to as the foundations of our world."
"This world's not going to last forever, but heaven will."
"The real trouble with the world is too many people grow up."
"Every once in a while, the world changes."
"It's like someone is somebody's world, someone's life, someone's destiny, their everything, their universe, their everything."
"I hope the world can be a better place."
"There's got to be more to this world than meets the eye."
"The world has a way of naturally connecting things in curious ways."
"The world is beautiful, yeah, it's so true."
"Your ability to offer something to the world gives the world to you."
"I have abundance in my hands. I have the world in my hands."
"There's no place in this world I got all this love."
"Globalization is the increasing interweaving and growing dependence of peoples throughout the world on each other economically, politically, and socially."
"You will not be able to change the world for the better until you experience the world, the good and the bad."
"Whether we like it or not, the world that we're living in is more dangerous."
"the world is polarizing between the garden and the jungle"
"I love seeing the world through a different lens."
"So much of the world and its marvels have been revealed and explained to us."
"You're shaking the dust off and seeing that there's a whole wide world out there to enjoy."
"There is peace in this world at last."
"We are just little specks in a great big beautiful world after all."
"It's an exciting world, it's a challenging world."
"Welcome to the world, my Halo. The world is desperate to know you."
"I've sort of gained a new perspective on the world over the last couple of years."
"The more we love ourselves, the more the world reflects that."
"The world we live in is full of things we don't understand."
"The world is small, Bob Ross painted it."
"When you travel, the world becomes a smaller place."
"The world is an extraordinarily complicated place."
"Hi, what a world we live in. Have you noticed how fast it's changing?"
"Remember, if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off."
"The world is this everyday surrounding of equipment like chairs and books, all interrelated, where we normally live."
"Though alone on the night side of the world, I know the rest is there; that the sun greets most men the world around at work and days go on."
"It's showing what the world went through."
"People, people, where's the love in this world?"
"It's a window into the world that people don't always have."
"But in his own eyes, it's for the world's sake as an anti-hero."
"Understanding the way the world works in order to have the world work for you."
"You're the potential solution to the suffering of the world."
"There's no place in this world that got all this love."
"We got to course correct this world."
"What God is doing right now, He is raising up a remnant that what applies to the world does not apply to the children of God."
"But be brave! I have defeated the world!"
"You give us 3 minutes, and we'll give you the world."
"The world is nuts, no one knows what's going to happen next."
"I want a spectacular year for the world."
"You're meant to be an inspiration to this world."
"You're meant to show this world what beauty is, you're meant to be beautiful."
"You're meant to experience this world through love."
"The reason I got interested in mathematics... was I wanted to understand the world around me."
"If we all live like this... the whole world would be different."
"The most spectacular race in the world."
"...the beginning of a new era for this world."
"In this world, it is the survival of the fittest."
"I have to believe in a world outside my own mind."
"It makes you feel like happy and connected to the world, like to the Earth a bit."
"The fun of role play is being able to make an impact on the world you play in."
"...we are not floating in a vacuum, we didn't pop out of nowhere, we arose out of this world."
"I want to live in a world where I could afford it."
"The world outside is unforgiving; you need to make certain you know what you must fight and what you must protect."
"The world is about love; it's about sacrificing."
"The towering construction known as the Khazneh is today one of the most famous buildings in the world."
"If everyone... said to your teachers, to your priests, ministers, clergy, whatever it is, 'How is this serving God?'... I think we would have a pretty good world."
"The world has changed. I feel it in the water, I feel it in the earth, and I most certainly feel it in bookstores."
"Honestly, if pronouns can take down the world, I don't think it's a world that we should be living in. It's a little bit too fragile for me."
"Change the world and make it a better place."
"It's a scary world that we live in, but it is so important to be kind."
"I feel like the world is so messed up and yet there's so much beauty in it."
"By His Word, the world was made and everything in it."
"America's reopening, the world's reopening."
"Allah does not leave the world the way it is; it always calibrates every century."
"The world needs to see our gratitude."
"You can help make the world a bit better."
"Hellboy is about defining who you are in a world that's labeled you otherwise."
"Amazing things happen in this world."
"The world is still topsy-turvy, my friend."
"The world operates on the principle of energy, frequency, and vibration."
"Gentlemen, this is a wonderful world, a wonderful life."
"It is a beautiful world out there."
"Kindness is definitely something that is a bit lacking in our world today."
"He's kindness in a world that thinks of kindness as old-fashioned."
"This is gonna blow the world, man."
"The condition of the world right now is actually more dangerous than before World War II."
"Our world is not a world of angels, rather it's a world of angles."
"This isn't a world of moral absolutes but of shades of gray."
"I think to myself, what a wonderful world."
"Love is the only redeeming quality of this brutal world."
"The world was full of wonder. Magic is back."
"I make my living writing about the weird and wonderful things that make our world so interesting."
"As you are, so is the world. Without understanding yourself, what is the use of trying to understand the world?"
"Whether or not you go to engage with the world, at some point in the very near future, the world's going to come to engage with you."
"The world at the moment is run by nerds."
"We are here in a world that is full of opportunities for magnificent progress."
"The world is a tapestry; it's beautiful."
"Create within you the peace that you most want for the world around you."
"Everything in the world was first conceived in your imagination."
"The world is full of interesting people and interesting things to discuss."
"Science is about understanding how the world works at some fundamental level."
"The only kind of thing that has perpetual motion in this world is our ego."
"This world is bigger than you ever thought it was and it is much more beautiful than you could ever imagine."
"Our world has no shortage of strange and unexplainable events that have still not been solved today."
"Now you are ready to start taking on the world in a very, very different way."
"We live in a world that is ever more levered than before... that liquidity then flows into asset prices."
"It's like the world's interesting, what a place."
"Both Avatar: The Last Airbender and Raya and the Last Dragon take place in a big divided world that's fractured into opposing lands."
"The world has submitted to the aliens' governance."
"I agree. It seems like this world is just never-ending, just constantly filled with [ __ ]."
"You are changing the world one good deed at a time."
"The world that is truly out there is exactly the same as the world as we see it is what we see what we get is the world."
"In order to create a better world, a true leader needed to show up."
"This is the longest bridge in the world, the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge."
"I love when a movie has something to say about the world."
"When we show up for our soul, we show up for the world."
"I felt myself appreciate the world a bit more as if I'm seeing it for the first time."
"If we are to get out of this situation, we will not get this right unless we change the whole way we conceive what humanity is, what the world is, and how the two connect."
"This is a very dangerous and uncertain world. We would like to live as we once lived, but history will not permit it."
"I like the texture of that world."
"If there was a monster under her bed and it was dangerous for her, then the entire world would be in danger."
"The one piece is a symbol of the world as it's supposed to be. A World Without Borders."
"The church does not need revival. Revival is for the world, not for the church."
"There isn't any world without books."
"If man would only look upon the world as a world of appearance behind which the reality of imagining lay, he would find the truth, he would find God."
"They're always trying to figure out how to change what is wrong and how to improve the world."
"Thus did a world without gods become a world with very many."
"The world was originally mostly sea with one D-shaped long ring of land that made up a supercontinent."
"... at least these are the most important books that tell you about pornoglyphs and everything and the secrets of the world."
"We are really in the process of changing the world."
"Everything in the world that all the change that we want to see it starts here."
"The world needs to hear the word."
"What could save this world? Only love."
"Electricity has the potential to completely change the world."
"Electricity is transforming the world."
"I don't think the world is overcorrecting itself I think the world goes in waves... history doesn't repeat itself humans do."
"The world is a reflection of us as a whole."
"The world is a fine place and worth fighting for. I agree with the second part."
"This whole thing is such a mess, what has our world turned into? I mean really, it's so sad, isn't it? Just makes me real sad."
"We're not living in an ideal world today."
"The world may be safe for democracy."
"The world is not as it seems. It's not as scary as what some people are claiming it as."
"... it all comes down to human nature, particularly of those in that ruthless world."
"This world card represents the new era that we're entering here."
"I feel like I'm always in my own world."
"There's so much unexpected joy and inspiration to be found in the colors and shapes of the world."
"In this world you should never make that promise."
"The entire world is at the complete mercy."
"This imperfect world is a perfect testing ground."
"The world is a very beautiful place."
"Visitors come from all over the world to enjoy the stunning scenery."
"This time we're changing something that shaped our world."
"The entire world is waiting on the impact that you will have."
"I decided to love myself, to love the world around me, and I decided that I could fix what was wrong in it."
"There's a lot of negative and ugly energy in the world as well."
"There was nothing in the world that could top this scene."
"I'm telling you, the world is an uncertain place. You never know when you're going to get pitched to things that are wrong."
"Blade felt as if he had truly been born into this world."
"Her Splendor is the will of the world itself."
"A world of remarkable artistic achievements and technical artistry."
"You create your own organized world in the mind."
"The world would be better I think if everybody did something that they love actually I enjoyed."