
Deck-building Quotes

There are 268 quotes

"At the end of an ideal commander game, someone will have won, but all participants will have had the opportunity to express themselves through their deck-building and gameplay."
"By the time we're ready to win, we should have all six card types just kind of by accident."
"That's literally two cards combined into one. That'll be sick for my deck."
"It's way more fun to play than just a deck full of lords."
"Hopefully you guys enjoyed my deck, Venus Chaos Emperor BLS. That's my style."
"The core of the deck, like Waste Not, Burning Inquiry, Wistful Thinking, those are the centerpieces of the deck that really makes it crunch."
"Don't just build the 'stop everything' deck that has no way to win."
"If you want to go like the planeswalker superfriends deck, then you got your Doubling Seasons, your Oath of Teferis, Evolution Sages - just ways to proliferate and get stuff going."
"A lot of people were saying this was a good commander for the shrine deck."
"Paradox Haze is pretty much an absolutely necessary addition to the deck and is worth every single penny."
"This should be a signal to you, you need to be playing more interaction in your deck."
"The bigger your deck is... the less likely you are to draw into your important combo pieces or flex synergy cards when you need them."
"Deck building games can also give players extra stuff to think about by giving them some resources to manage like money or health."
"Let's recap: deck builders are very complicated... but a good rule of thumb for trying to understand why we enjoy a particular deck builder more than the others can be found in that trifecta of identity, synergy, and strategy."
"Dream Quest is a fascinating look at a primordial genre just beginning to form."
"This deck snowballs super hard, especially when Prosper remains in play."
"The difference I've experienced in the power level of my deck since I started really paying attention to mana curve is the biggest single change I think you can make."
"I would encourage people to not worry too much about how powerful their deck's going to be when they're deciding what deck to build."
"Right of Harmony... is so powerful and exactly what the deck needs."
"Lands in EDH, the ultimate guide. Lands are really probably the single most important part of making your deck run better and more efficient."
"Let's talk about the lore and the cutscenes. I'm not a big story guy, but I'm following along with the current act one story and it's pretty interesting."
"Brewing a deck is a lot like cooking when you find a new recipe even for a simple dish there's likely a long list of necessary ingredients."
"If your deck cares about a thing, you probably want around 30 of that thing."
"Understanding like what kind of deck you're playing... helps you decide between burst and repeatable."
"Guardian Project is a must-have in every green deck."
"Wizards has done a great job of really packing these decks with great statistics for just buying it out of the box and playing it."
"Is Chromatic Lantern played in any of the most powerful decks? No, I don't think so either."
"Toon Kingdom's downsides are minor in comparison to everything else it does for toon decks."
"Enchanted Raven is a good card, it will be in all the Beast Druid decks."
"If your deck is jank it's gonna be a 1 to a 2 on power level."
"Every deck could play Fellwar Stone, basically."
"Responding with your deck building is really the way to go."
"Certainly a card I think we'll see play in a lot of different paladin decks."
"It isn't the most exciting deck, it is Barrier Stun, but I think this might be better."
"Soul Charge... this card can be played in any deck."
"Grass Looks Greener, A tier. There should be no card in the game that allows you to mill a third of your deck."
"We always say it because it's true: magic content in general, not just ours, focuses too much on the deck-building part of the game and not enough on the gameplay decision-making."
"You have to kind of build your deck to be... able to pull off this kind of win."
"You can always do other directions, be creative if you want, maybe warrior tribal or something."
"Having a redundant version of Doubling Season in any deck that wants it seems pretty good."
"I definitely see it being something that people are definitely gonna experiment with in those decks."
"Just grab some fuller lands, that's a great way to just bling out your basics."
"Tokens I think is one of those ways that people forget quite often. They're like, 'Yeah, I could totally bling out my deck or make it more, you know, feel more me'."
"It is potentially good in your big spell style decks."
"I'm gonna keep this, we have one ramp card, we have a bunch of five cost, yet this is perfect."
"The best deck in the format will always lead to people's awe quickly band especially if it's got a good matchup against established decks."
"The graveyard strategy, you see, if a deck is capable of interacting with or using the graveyard in some way, that usually gives a strategy a huge advantage."
"It's very good. Yeah, you really need bodies in this deck."
"Cyber Dragon Core is the most used cyber dragon card in cyber dragon decks."
"Duplicate is a card that I have absolutely loved building decks around and playing with. I think it's a ton of fun."
"All of these decks make for great gameplay experiences... perfect for players new to the format or just established ones looking for a spare deck."
"This deck is insane, it's explosive, it can make negates, it can break boards, what else can does that do? It even slices and dices, makes thousands of julienne fries."
"Patches the pirate may single-handedly make Tempo Rogue an actual deck."
"My deck is designed to have one huge combo turn."
"It's going to be a more dedicated reanimator deck."
"A deck can have any number of cards named slime Against Humanity."
"This is why we have the Timeless Lotus and the Nix Bloom Ancient in our deck, just to win out of the blue."
"Phyrexian Arena is in every single one of my black decks, and it's so underrated."
"The deck building aspect genuinely adds to the game. It doesn't feel gimmicky."
"The largest difference betwixt them being rogue book and other deck builder roguelikes is the map management and resource management system."
"We as players need to make sure that we're very understanding towards the ways that other people Brew their lists."
"Remember it's okay to net deck a deck list as a starting point."
"I think this is actually going to be playable in a lot of decks because you don't have to have five colors to have this going on."
"18 ramp spells in this deck. That's a lot of ramp."
"Super stoked to show you guys three unique Decks that I built for the challenge."
"If it was one for instance then you would build the entire deck around this effect."
"One drops are incredibly powerful if used correctly. It's a great way to make your deck just better, just right, just easily. Take out the Hydra, put in the one drop. You're gonna have a lot of fun."
"One drops rock. We talk a lot about removal spells like Path to Exile, Swords to Plowshares, or counterspells. Everyone knows Josh loves Swan's Song. But we have a lot of other one drops in Magic's history."
"Put an altar in your deck unless you have a way to use it."
"The commander adds consistency and personality to your deck."
"Excited about this deck, a lot of the cards that we just listed are very synergistic."
"Divine Arsenal: Zeus Sky Thunder: changed deck building and how we play the game as a whole, almost guaranteed to see in any deck with two monsters of the same level."
"Deckbuilding isn't just about power, it's about passion and personality too."
"If you're looking for a good challenge deck at home, look at the top."
"Noble knights are the best instant deck that you could build on a new account. This deck can later be built into a full tier one deck."
"But realistically, the decks that don't have soul ring in them... it's a synergy piece usually."
"Be honest with yourself about your deck's strengths and weaknesses."
"The first early attack is very important; it's not like with other decks where you can try to be like, 'I ding you for two and it doesn't matter that much.'"
"So I think this is legitimately a potential sideboard card for even like white weenie or perhaps control. What control wouldn't be able to close out the game quick enough to benefit from the life buffle this gives you."
"It contains a playable competitive deck that is worth the cost for someone either new to the modern format or whose early attempts at modern decks have left them unsatisfied."
"Anyone interested in playing Modern but not knowing where to start can turn with confidence to The Modern event deck."
"You must treat those cut edges when you lay the deck because these are one of the most vulnerable areas to rot."
"Now, that's the majority of the combo-centric cards out of the way. The rest of the deck is a mix of classic utility, removal, and ramp."
"It is janky it is roundabout but at the end of the day I said I would make a partially viable EDH deck out of Kentaro the smiling cat."
"My deck is called Combo Fighter, Combo Master."
"If so, say this card costs five dollars. You don't not play this in any deck."
"The deck builder is going to save a lot of time and auto-builds decks with the best cards to complement."
"We're gonna make this deck, Tomius in the house, unbelievable."
"The general rule is to shoot for 17 lands and 23 spells and play the colors that let you play your best cards."
"Silverquill is also home to a strong control deck and backed by Killian, this deck can be hyper-efficient in doling out removal."
"Fire Plume's Heart is basically the card that pulls the deck entirely together."
"Jared Karthalian true heir is an interesting new Naya commander that opens many deck building opportunities."
"Most decks will be able to win from that point. They want to."
"I think Rasta is one of those cards that just, if I have those colors in that deck, it's going into those decks."
"I think that spell ramp is so good against anything trying to be a control deck."
"If Muldrotha's in a deck, it's one of the best cards."
"Fetch lands are very, very good when you know the top of your library."
"This might be a part of it but I'm still leaning in the direction that I think you're more likely to see like noise off mid-range style Hydra decks."
"This is a card that I think will really create opportunities for controlling style mage decks."
"I love this card. I'm building tons of decks, including this card."
"Frost Lich Jaina is a card that can make controlling style Mage decks very much possible."
"It's almost like this was made for this deck."
"When a Dimir Yorion deck plays agonizing remorse, that is a deck that wants to win long games."
"Jace's archivist, this is one of those cards that's like on the periphery of being used in a lot of decks."
"The best decks are the ones where you can reliably perform the thing you want to perform."
"Field of the Dead is an absolutely free roll every single three-mana mana base I build without even thinking about it."
"Every time you put a card in your deck, think: what am I not putting in instead?"
"One of the big reasons to play a c'thun deck the minions itself aren't bad but with the C'thun synergies you get some unfair things."
"I love this deck folks, of course there are things that could improve it, but I'm really happy with what it's got."
"These decks do so amazingly and it's as though those fully upgraded professional lists have been taken and lowered maybe just one notch at most."
"What is the most cost-effective deck to get you to the higher bracket... this is a good tier list."
"Combo decks get better, but so do the decks trying to fight them."
"This deck is really broken because you can apply aggression with mortar when your opponent has a Golem deck and they don't have Elixir for the Golem."
"What a sick deck, this character is insane when you get good cards!"
"Three scores in your deck start with one strength, damn these are some pretty cool ones."
"Killmonger let's both counter those Zoo decks while buffing our own."
"Devil dinosaur deck is all about huge power presence across all of the locations."
"Nice, we have Neos Burning Abyss. It's kind of wild that the Burning Abyss stacks are quite different."
"Drawing cards early in a game and just reliably being able to do it will make all your decks powerful no matter what they're doing."
"If you like grindy mid-range style decks, you want to take advantage of some of the new flip lands and you want to give golden Guardian a shot, I think this is a deck that you'll probably enjoy."
"The combination of ground secrets and also psychic erosion with ample card draw to turn through our deck means that I think this deck might actually have a possibility of kind of being a real deck in standard."
"The best card in your deck will always be the best card in your deck."
"Definitely any commander that comes with tokens and has card draw on it, it's got my attention."
"This card is great. This card right here, you're gonna want this card. It will be in every single deck that plays these colors, barring budget."
"This is a Grixis good stuff deck with a bit of a dragon's theme."
"I think this goes well in so many different decks that you want to re-buy creatures and it's just fun."
"Welcome to Game Nights... we built new decks around legendary creatures from Magic's newest set."
"I believe a hundred thousand percent my deck is the best."
"What sort of cards would I want to put more of in my deck?"
"Ad nauseam gets the number one spot, all you have to do is build your deck in a certain way with low mana cost."
"Most people just lam up a bunch of two by tens right here and frame their deck on top of it and water is getting into that and soaking your beam and eventually your beam is going to rot like crazy."
"When I'm first starting to build a deck... I'll just start putting in cards that fit the theme."
"A 4 cost 2/2 with spell damage +2, may see play in decks with lots of AOE effects."
"I do still love and believe that Shambling Ghast, Eye Twitch, Hunt for Specimens, Deadly Dispute, and when playing green, Prosperous Innkeeper is a really good package for the early game."
"This card is amazing because in any five color deck, gods or not, you probably want this card."
"The deck's fun, it's synergistic, it's explosive, it's got a cool surprise way to finish the game."
"Hello in legacy, what is your favorite non-budget combo deck? Well, you know me, I always like outliers."
"To support Show and Tell, we got some ramp, a Deathrite Shaman, Utopia Sprawl."
"That's how we're gonna build a poison deck...that's how we're gonna build an infect deck...that's how we're gonna build a toxic deck."
"If you're brewing one of these commanders, throw it in the discord and suddenly you have a whole team of people brewing behind you."
"Purely Delicious Memory was arguably the most important card of the deck, allowing access to Imperion Magnum."
"Unicorn to two means you're a bit less likely to see it in your opening hand."
"You might say, hey, my Chroma's Memorial or Chroma's Vengeance or all those other Chroma things might work a little bit better for your deck."
"This card sees all, an auto four of in those decks."
"Gruesome Menagerie definitely deserves a chance in more than one popular deck in this format."
"Eight wins out of this absolute just utter just mess of a deck honestly."
"It's going to be one of the cards that makes it out of this set into the most amount of decks."
"Major gainer from the road cards is the tempo rogue. It adds in the quest and gets a bit more value with ancient blades ends up being a pretty good deck."
"The flexibility of fetchlands is fantastic, especially for multi-colored decks."
"Buying packs and making deck profiles is what I love to do."
"This game went from being a game that I never thought about ever again because it just wasn't doing anything exceptionally interesting to being one of the freshest roguelike deck builder experiences I've had this year."
"Bro honestly and it's a good thing too we got uh uh we got three ones next week and we got another team."
"For draw power, you want to play triple Allure of Darkness, double Pot of Duality, really powerful cards."
"This is a really good commander card and it's red, so that's great. It's going in most of your decks."
"Shroom for two really versatile card you're mostly going to be doing this with pine clones because you can get obviously two you know one cost you get two three threes."
"Wave is a ramp card that just makes so many decks possible and belongs in the top decks in all of Marvel's snap."
"If this doesn't get answered, I'm really not sure how a grindy graveyard deck can lose."
"Elegith and Essior, drawing tons of cards and making everything lethal."
"Martin Stromgald, a token-tastic mono red deck for a one-hit KO."
"The removal is really good in most matchups, so I think that is the easiest way to improve the deck."
"This quest is gonna be pretty darn strong... I actually think this quest is gonna be a high tier deck."
"Maybe Sunforger Combo could be a legit deck in Modern."
"Jungle Giants: a quest that drives druid decks towards big minions and unique combo potential."
"This deck has 14 pieces of ramp, 11 pieces of draw or card advantage."
"So I think this is very strong and probably a staple to anything but a zoo deck."
"This deck's aiming to spit out rank fives every single turn sometimes in multiples and I actually kind of like the theory behind this because Pleiades by itself is just such like a game-warfingly powerful card once it hits the field."
"The commander I built around is The Scarab God."
"If you're one of those people like me who enjoy making new decks and changing up things and not playing the same deck over and over again, I think this is a good investment."
"I think the meta is going to be redefined once again so really curious about like the new decks which will emerge as a result."
"Veigar he's basically just like all Bandle cards you're gonna want to run this entire support package no matter what like it's it's a pretty auto build for the Bandle side."
"Kronk's: I think you'd use it in just about every Galakrond deck. It's got to be a 5-star. Very good card."
"This is another way to scale up in hand how big your Murlocs can be and it's really coming together for this mid-rangey Murloc deck."
"Wouldn't it be cool if we got you to build your deck with 30 different cards?"
"Cold-Eyed Selkie is one of my favorite cards in a deck like Rafiq."
"It's just good in any creature deck that is running a Guardian Project or a Runic Armasaur."
"Any commander that says 'token' on it, you put it in your deck."
"Kindly grandmother may be the one drop that beast druid needs to really allow them to fight for board better against zoo, against aggro shaman."
"The deck is fairly synergistic for just a $20 budget thing."
"Diamond dude turbo, probably the first instance of a combo deck in Yu-Gi-Oh, focused on getting Diamond dude's effect off multiple times at a single turn."
"Including multicolored spells in your decks allows you to access more powerful spells due to their complex casting cost."
"Like many deck-based games, as players draw cards, play, and discard, they will eventually deplete their deck, after which they shuffle their discard pile into a new draw pile."
"Oh, I want to make a deck out of those cards now!"
"Ninety percent of the time if a deck isn't performing well, it's because there isn't enough ramp, removal, or card draw."
"With tutors, I don't aim for a specific number, but the more powerful I need my deck to be, the more tutors I'm going to run."
"That looks really cool. I think I'm gonna build a deck around Nekroz."
"...you can pretty easily build your deck to get around its restrictions."
"Go through your deck, look at the Mana curve, it is something that I think a lot of Commander players don't necessarily take into consideration and can be really, really important."
"Every deck is going to need card draw, you're going to need ramp, you're going to need removal or ways to deal with what your opponents are doing."
"Dannik Pious Apprentice is a really great card in the 99 of a lot of decks."
"...pretty easy build around...this is a really good Commander for sure."
"I just want to play with some old school decks now."
"Iridescent Drake is just fantastic in this deck."
"I love the challenge, for me personally, of building a commander deck without access to any other colors."
"Good luck with your colorless deck."
"You want to buy the Planeswalkers if you want to make a power one level deck."
"Deck building is all about optimization."
"This card can fit in a lot of decks, I really like this Kaldheim cycle in general, I don't think it gets played nearly enough."
"You really could make a mono white deck that concentrated on drawing cards and do really, really well."
"Holy moly, this is such a strong deck."
"Hunting is how players build up their deck and earn points by essentially purchasing cards from the hunt track."