
Fire Quotes

There are 819 quotes

"Fire also can keep you alive in the right circumstances, like a controlled bonfire. You can cook, it can keep you warm."
"Imagine a caveman seeing fire for the first time and not knowing that it burns; he has to touch it at least once to figure that out."
"Thank God, we have fire. We'll survive the night."
"Fire allows for thousands of possibilities; it provides warmth, scares away predators, and is a step in hominid culture."
"The eternal flame falls is a small waterfall... natural gas is emitted from a small cavern near the waterfall's base, which can be set a light to start a small fire."
"It was one night to a strange smell. It was smoke. Something was burning. My colony everywhere was going up in flames."
"Incredibly, flames now 20 feet into the air, the fire called The Smokehouse Creek fire quadrupling in size in 24 hours."
"When you add this into fire, it turns it like green, blue, purple; like it literally turns fire into a rainbow."
"The door to hell is still raging with fire 50 years later."
"Fire is the fundamental long-term survival element."
"Fire is your number one asset in any survival situation."
"People will do really amazing things with blue flames."
"After a few hours of sitting next to the warm glow of the fire, Robert reluctantly turned in for the night."
"Fire still kills far more people than nuclear power ever has."
"The heat of the fire: 70 times more intense than the hottest fire on Earth."
"Fire is terrifying. There's really no other way to explain it."
"Fire, combustion, obviously when it comes to survival fire is one of your most critical elements."
"There was a literal wall of fire shot up from out of nowhere."
"Fire is the worst type of torture imaginable."
"Prometheus gives men some burning fennel and man can create fire again."
"The fire was so big and hot it created its own weather system."
"Fire has always been key to survival for me."
"The Goodall Institute burned down more than almost anything else in the city."
"Lots of North America just like the rest of the world has been regularly set Ablaze long before any of the supposed causes of climate change ever had any effect."
"The fire of God will fall tonight, and when God sent the fire, it was cloven tongues of fire."
"The act of doing it alone would always warm me up even before I got the flames of fire."
"Fire is life and you got to carry some kind of device that gives you fire."
"Now we have a fire. I can feel the heat coming out."
"We set cyan Rainbow Friend on fire. No way, bro! Fire, let me use it again to make sure."
"Overnight, a fire destroyed one of our barns at our Howard Lake farm. No one was injured and we are grateful that first responders were quickly on the scene to put out the fire. Unfortunately, chickens were lost because of the fire."
"Fire is their nature, and they were made to burn together."
"Fire tornado caught on camera. As Australian wildfires rage, a fire whirl, sometimes known as a fire devil, is a whirlwind created by a fire."
"On February 27th, pedestrians near the Reichstag heard the sound of breaking glass, soon after flames erupted."
"The fire represents comfort and consumption, depending on its behavior."
"I let the church on fire... maybe I went a little too crazy with the fire this time."
"Fire is a major significant part of our evolutionary story."
"It's got a very cyberpunk kind of vibe to it despite the fact that it is all fire right now."
"Fire is totally magic. There's no way that fire isn't Magic."
"Fire remains one of humankind's most ingenious inventions to date, but in the several Millennia since then, fire has become commonplace in society, making us forget just how much of an unruly Beast it can be once out of hand."
"172 children and employees died burned alive."
"Regardless whether they're small or tall, it's clear that these infernos are pretty incredible."
"I can't believe I just burnt the house down."
"Blinds us just like darkness, but darkness blinds with absence, with loss. What is fire blind with? Beauty."
"Fire is jealous, Chloe. It wants all the beauty for itself."
"Fire is still important for my survival."
"Light a fire... walk between them, jump over the fire, pour some whiskey or some beer into the fire."
"Imagine the first person that ever invented fire...that's a really good question."
"Enjoy the smoke. I love smoke. I love fire. I love everything to do with fire."
"'Fire will cook your food, boil your water if you need to drink it, give you heat, light, and keep predators at bay.'"
"I absolutely love marshmallow, especially when it's burnt on the fire."
"The entire root system was ablaze, like the soil was full of fluorescent worms."
"We're special in some ways; we write, we read, we use fire, but we're not that special."
"Fire does more things for you in a survival situation than any other tool except your cutting tool."
"Mushu is a Chinese dragon that controls fire."
"And if Blaze's his last name wasn't obvious enough, he can shoot fire."
"He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire."
"We have fire, ladies and gentlemen. We have peace, we have warmth, we have light."
"It gives us light, heat, boils our water, cooks our food, keeps predators at bay, and it's cleansing."
"The most important thing is to have a good fire kit and to know how to create fire and get a fire going because again, it is essential to survival."
"It's all about the journey, not the destination, but the destination will be fire."
"The fire twisted and meandered like a starving beast, gorging itself on everything in its path."
"Fire is one of the most important elements that we have in nature and it's important for survival, so just make sure that you have a lot of Lighters."
"Some look at a fire and see wood burning, for others dreams and memories are growing in them flames."
"When you walk through fire, you shall not be burned."
"Just the fire, just the showmanship of their matches."
"The fire is at the tip of the Flaming spear."
"A cloud of sparks rained down, most of them missing the nest, but some... hit the depression."
"Ember is fire. She's not something on fire. Wade is water. He's not something wet."
"Fire is essential; it can boil your water, it cooks your food, it gives you heat, it gives you light."
"Fire is essential and having a good fire kit is one of my most important things to have in my kit."
"Seconds matter. It's now universally accepted that it takes 90 seconds from the first sign of fire before it becomes unsurvivable."
"Fire is perhaps the most destructive element of all, but it also attracts the most attention."
"You set their heart on fire; there's undeniable chemistry."
"How can we light a fire when we haven't got any?" Peter asked.
"Fire can't spread when there's no flow of oxygen, and since there's none in space, well..."
"Fire is always a good sight. Changes everything when it comes to survival."
"She is the last dragon. She felt the fire within her and woke with the taste of ashes in her mouth."
"Invisible fires... how do we fight something that is dangerous and deadly but that we can't see?"
"What's on fire? Oh, her skull's on fire, bro!"
"Would it take a significant amount of heat to create that char mark? It would, and it would have to be sustained heat, so not just a quick, without some type of ignitable source."
"For a long-lasting way to start fire or just to have some light, this is the candle's hen. It is a four-hour small candle made from beeswax."
"How does a house just catch fire? There hadn't been a storm, no spark of electricity had lit its rooms for months, and yet it burned."
"Fire, cocktails, and lots of decorating. It's going to be amazing."
"Experience the freedom to ignite and cherish the warmth of a fire with fire safe."
"The acronym RACE should be used to remember what the nurse should do in a fire: Rescue, Alarm, Contain, Extinguish."
"So this is why they tell you not to play with fire."
"Rumors began around the city of a cursif fire that was difficult to find."
"We are the sister princesses of fire and ice."
"Thank God nearly every problem Wan faces can be solved with throwing fire at it."
"Starting a fire in any condition: always have a backup plan. Be prepared for the unexpected."
"Pele and that fire energy is love. It's just pure love and it moves through our blood, it moves through our nervous system."
"It's called an uni fire, so it's actually quite cool."
"The fire, which reached a 10th alarm level at its peak, resulted in the destruction of two multi-story buildings."
"Their efforts successfully saved neighboring residential apartments and office buildings across the street."
"Fire and Rescue NSW crews continue operations at the site of a major fire in Siri Hills that occurred in the afternoon of May 25th, 2023."
"At its peak, the blaze resulted in the destruction of two multi-story buildings on Randle Street."
"An exclusion zone has been established around the fire scene and is expected to remain in place for at least 7 days."
"The Flames raced along an inch every two and a half seconds, silent and almost smoke-free because of the surgical tubing."
"Forged by fire is going to have to be submerged in water after. So, the phoenix is going to rise up and it's going to seek water."
"It's the source of fire, it's the source of light, it's source of heat in the heavens."
"This reads much more like a thriller. The story is about Fallon who two years ago was in a very bad house fire and now has this massive scar running down the left side of her body."
"I was really hoping we'd be able to cook a fish over the fire."
"The relationship story of a girl and the boy who set her on fire."
"I just became really obsessed with watching the fire and trying to get it to breathe."
"A fire that doesn't breathe is going to create creosote and it's going to be bitter and it's going to be off-putting."
"The fire drew strange dancing silhouettes. At times, the flames became iridescent, they grew bluish and then brilliantly white."
"Once this fire gets going it needs a Beacon Point it needs some BTUs to catch vertically something inside of this fire needs to tell it don't go out the entire time go out and up."
"As he burns, the preacher exclaims, 'I am baptized with fire! I’m the sinner'."
"There's a saying in England, where there's smoke, there's fire."
"Now there's no doubt fire is a terrifying and unpredictable hazard, but the weather too can sometimes be just as life-threatening."
"When you cook over the fire, it goes into the night. It sure does."
"It was morning when I awoke, and my first care was to visit the fire."
"A part of its orb was at length hid, and I waved my brand; it sunk, and, with a loud scream, I fired the straw, and heath, and bushes, which I had collected."
"Fire, one might say, is our trump card as a species, a monopoly that largely accounts for our reproductive success as the world's most successful invasive."
"People have always been fascinated by flames and by fire and especially the colors which they produce."
"Nitrate fires are difficult to extinguish because nitrate film produces its own oxygen while it's burning when these fires start they often claim everything in their path."
"Fire is not always a destructive force."
"Fires sweeping through the landscape in the right balance can be a powerful driver of renewal."
"A healthy amygdala will go off when there's fire in the home. But when you've grown up in an environment that is perpetually unsafe, it actually becomes really protective to have a really sensitive alarm."
"Fire is impartial it can burn the lighter as well as the intended victim and a falling wall is blind."
"There's something magical. It goes back to our basic roots as human beings and the mystery of fire."
"There's something to me about fire that really excites me."
"During the dormant season this time of year, prescribed fire can easily be used to remove the duff out of a fescue pasture."
"Fire symbolizes the transforming energy of the Holy Spirit."
"Where am I going to put that passion? Where am I going to put that fire on?"
"The biggest thing is starting a fire. If you start a fire, generally your chances for survival exponentially increase."
"Fire is the one tool, the one skill that separates us from other animals, it's our unique invention."
"Fire is an anathema to the Others. It destroys their undead servants."
"Melisandre's working with fire magic and that's transforming her every time she uses magic."
"Give a man a fire, keep him warm for a day, but set fire to him and he'll be warm the rest of his life."
"The fire person said the point of origin was something behind the couch. I had initially thought it was an electrical issue, but as soon as he said that, I knew exactly what it was."
"Once you're out on land then you can start to maybe create fire."
"She began screaming along the tracks, begging for help as the flames engulfed her whole body. She ran for the nearby train station, hoping someone there could help. But by now, she was a glowing inferno, a ball of fire that looked barely human."
"Men were candles. The night is dark and full of terrors, and light can keep some fearful things at bay, even death. Fire was at the root of all Valyrian magic. With such candles, men made themselves Immortal."
"No one is sure why a natural gas field in Darvaza, Turkmenistan turned into a massive fire pit."
"The prairie fire was out of control."
"Fire has played a deadly role in the history of humanity."
"Fire will come and consume the grass, a third of the green plants, and even pollute the sea and pollute the fresh water."
"Fire is Elemental and it is essential for survival."
"Fire, food, and love, people. That's what it's all about."
"The Eternal Flame Falls: what is the last thing you'd expect to see hidden behind a waterfall? Probably a raging fire."
"Alright now when it does catch on fire it won't smell quite as bad."
"I see it as a way to get to FIRE faster."
"Every Altar, every Shrine carrying anybody's name, may that altar catch fire."
"Prometheus didn't just give Humanity fire to figure it out on their own though he went from settlement to settlement and taught humans the fire is many uses."
"Oppenheimer stole fire from the gods and gave it to man. For this, he was chained to a rock and tortured for eternity."
"Wow, she's a risk taker though, setting fire to Snape."
"The Radiate Portable Campfire burns for up to 90 minutes without smoke."
"Ah, that is toasty in there. Like the fire is not going, but it's still just really, really warm inside there."
"It's kind of fire, is the marketing weird as [ __ ]? Absolutely."
"The first fire is the most exciting."
"The distant Horizon was ringed with fire."
"Bro, what have you been doing? Having s'mores and playing with fire, okay"
"The fire represents the transformative power of divine love."
"So tell me about these fire there's another Oregon PE right."
"The fire is real. Saint Augustine is right, the fire on Earth is a painting compared to that of purgatory."
"It's amazing! It's gotten that little bit cooler, and you sit around the fire, it's really enjoyable."
"Fire is the element of joy and laughter and humor and a little bit wild."
"...it's essentially like a big Vape because it's not actually creating fire..."
"Fire cleanses everything, like good old fire. Got a problem? Set it on fire. No more problems."
"What makes barbecue magical is none of those things. What makes barbecue magical is what happens in the firebox."
"Did oil escape from the hole in the block hit the hot exhaust and set the engine on fire?"
"The most important thing in barbecue is building and maintaining a clean fire."
"Barbie's on fire! Barbie's on fire!"
"I feel like someone has poured fire down my veins."
"What I like most about fire? Fire brings new beginnings."
"Blacksmithing does have its benefits. I mean, who doesn't love playing with fire?"
"The mastery of fire by human species was extremely useful for many different reasons."
"The girl is like fire and I want to play with her, even though I know it's deadly and dangerous."
"Got a ripping hot 425° fire today. We're going to cook it at that temperature for about 15 minutes."
"You need to write a third book in the series: Strange Fire, Authentic Fire, and then Secret Fire."
"It's going to turn out that one of the most extraordinary changes that took place in human life was our love of fire. We're not just okay with fire, we love it."
"What sets this movie apart from everything else are the simulations of the fire, the smoke, and the sparks."
"They develop models of various kinds of fires."
"Fire is our friend in the wilderness," Aragorn declared.
"Early humans made fire using flint and steel, a technology similar to modern lighters."
"Neanderthals did not create fire on demand; they were users of natural fire on the landscape."
"That's the creation of light my fire."
"When you can let that, when you can... I don't know how you do, you know what's interesting about fire?"
"Fire is the number one thing that I make sure that I always have."
"Man wasn't just food that fire gave us, but light."
"Fires may destroy hardware and the data stored in it."
"Over everyone hung a wall of crackling fire which rained down sparks and consumed the slow of foot."
"Lightning is a pure expression of fire."
"The fire leapt from treetop to treetop," said Gandalf. "The whole hill was crowned with dazzling light."
"The house stood completely dormant for a number of years, until in the early 1970s, an unexplained fire gutted the property, leaving nothing but a burnt shell."
"Burning shafts hissed upward trailing tongues of fire scarecrow brothers."
"Some accounts suggest a friend and three bags of gunpowder onto the fire to speed up the deaths."
"I was afraid the tarp was going to catch fire."
"The house was destroyed by fire in the year following, probably by some stragglers from the retreating column."
"Once fire gets a hold of anything flammable it consumes it."
"If God ever sets your life on fire, can't nobody fan it out."
"God's got a fire that'll burn up the hard things in your life."
"This is your year for fire. No weapon formed against you shall be able to prosper."
"He called fire down from heaven, destroyed the prophets of Baal, and went on with the victory."
"Fire whites can light their own swords on fire. You don't need to stab someone else to make a flaming sword."
"The fire does not burn those who are filled with the Holy Spirit."
"Fire has been absolutely critical throughout human history."
"He begins setting his entire house on fire and he is invigorated by the flames and symbolically burns himself."
"The light from the fire had dimmed as I'd moved away from it, but I was still just close enough for me to see that familiar reflection of the flames in its eyes."