
Colonization Quotes

There are 670 quotes

"Europe is only 8% of the earth's land mass but between 1492 and 1914, Europeans conquered or colonized more than 80% of the world."
"Let's take care of the planet we have so that we don't have to leave and colonize some ball of rocks 200 parsecs away."
"I do think that if our species survives long enough... we will eventually be able to colonize other planets."
"It's both a beautiful dress and a political statement about dominance and colonization."
"The island itself is like a case study of Nature's process of colonization and gives us a glimpse into how life may have been formed on Earth itself."
"Who doesn't love a good bit of colonization?"
"The notion of all African societies having a chief, much like the idea that all Africans live in tribes, is an artifact of colonization and a gross oversimplification."
"Parts of Africa are very poor, but for the most part, they're poor because of colonization."
"The goal is to travel to the moon and stay there, so we can learn how to build a sustainable colony on other worlds."
"The history of the colonization of the United States, clearly the biggest colonial endeavor the world has ever known, had as its first act the complete annihilation of its native peoples."
"It's the year 2320, and Jacob Lee and his co-pilot Max Barrow are working for the United Jupiter Corporation, a company specializing in off-world colonization and terraforming of other planets and their moons."
"Starting with the sustained colonization of the Americas over 500 years ago, humanity once again united into a single global system."
"Colonization is an ongoing process, and choosing to ignore this fact makes it impossible for us to truly reconcile with its legacy."
"Colonizing space is no longer the stuff of science fiction."
"The Greeks slowly began to inhabit the southern region of Italy and Sicily."
"Rather than condemning colonization, we should embrace its positive aspects: courage, heroism, altruism, innovation."
"That thing could come back to bite you...it's just not something you want to do to get a slight head start on colonization."
"Veterans made excellent candidates for colonists, especially given their plentiful and recurring nature."
"Those fortunate groups of initial colonists are a start, but countless others are still trapped on a doomed homeworld. They must be saved."
"Space colonization taking every available star is an inevitability."
"I think we should build a city on the moon and on Mars."
"Trade is the driving force behind colonization and exploration for most of human history."
"Before we can build that vast galactic empire, we’ve got to learn how to just survive in space."
"If a Martian colony can reach a million inhabitants, it’ll be self-sufficient from Earth or any other world."
"I believe the greatest crime colonization did to the Muslim ummah was not just physical."
"We gave spots to settle, but they took those spots and wanted bigger ones."
"Just because you are melanated don't think you're not a colonizer because if you hear from another land you in another culture here you colonize it."
"Africa is still putting itself back together after centuries of conquest, colonization and exploitation by European powers."
"Globalization is just colonization by another name."
"Thailand never has been controlled or colonized by a foreign power."
"History's first Martians: a million people colonizing Mars."
"Space colonization: billionaires are looking skyward for new territory and new places to extract value from."
"The Dutch Empire: encouraged migration by giving free land."
"If you benefit from white supremacy in colonized countries then you are a colonizer."
"This is really the stuff that the guy's thinking about. Oh, I just casually transition the entire world to sustainable energy. Oh, and also solve autonomy. Oh, and by the way, also colonize Mars." - Interviewer
"Mars is one planet in our solar system that could be colonized."
"The German attempt to colonize the Americas... few people think of."
"Colonization plans are on the table for the planet of Serenity." - News Anchor
"The European colonization of the world was immense. There are virtually no lands today which did not experience the impact of European colonialism."
"It's perfectly located to be the base from which we can explore Mars, possibly occupy Mars."
"Our entire solar system and several others are colonized by this posthuman species, and the Star People become dominant over known space."
"We're gonna keep playing until we get the second colony operational."
"It would make a lot of sense to spread ourselves elsewhere."
"The Spanish conquest of the Aztec and Inca empires reshaped the Americas."
"But what kind of conditions do we need to build for humans to really live there and not just survive?"
"Some researchers have put a lot of thought into what it would take for those circumstances that promote human habitability to be reproduced on another planet like Mars."
"Every single person that is not a Native American is an infiltrator to this land."
"The best form of colonization is when you don't know you're colonized."
"You can go and land on that weird planet, check it out, build an outpost."
"China is the new colonizer. They're here, they're taking over, and they are."
"Isgramor and his sons, Ingall and Ilgar, were among the first Nordic settlers of Skyrim."
"By the beginning of the 25th century, humanity had colonized over 800 colonies."
"Mars is the next natural step; it's the only planet we have a shot at establishing a self-sustaining city on."
"It's disgusting, it's dehumanizing, and it is a new form of colonization to be honest."
"But Europeans during this period of exploration and colonization came to the conclusion that black's skin must have been the mark of Ham because Africans were destined to be slaves from the beginning."
"The consequences of mythologizing Columbus' 'discovery' justify colonization and expansion."
"The island proved warm and soil fertile, exceeding Christian's wildest hopes."
"You can go on to colonize, you can go over to reconquer stuff over here, flip it to Catholic."
"Indians got the sharp end of the stick when dealing with the Europeans."
"We can't have that, you know what I mean, coming here and settling on lands where you're not welcome. That's colonization."
"What began as English settlements on the coast of a world unknown to the settlers would come to conquer that world and rise to claim the title of world superpower."
"We’ve spent a lot of time talking about getting off Earth and colonizing new worlds."
"I want Mars to become the home of a new branch of possibly several new branches of human civilization."
"A lot of this country's foundings are based on the idea that we thought we had the right to take over somebody else's land."
"Expansion would be quite nice because we get one colonist."
"We will succeed in our goal of turning Mars into a habitable paradise."
"They avoided European colonization and have a unique vibrant, diverse background found nowhere else."
"Life in the Halcyon system was started by an intrepid group of explorers who arrived on a ship called the Groundbreaker in the late 2200s."
"If it wasn't for white people who colonized the United States of America, we wouldn't even be here today."
"We should start thinking about doing more colonization, continuing to grow. That means we'd have to set up our first sector, but it might not be a bad idea."
"You can establish colonies on any planet for income."
"If we colonize the moon or Mars, will the House of Blues be the first restaurant?"
"One of the most exciting possibilities? Humanity colonizing the galaxy."
"Lava tubes on the Moon could provide natural, safe, and stable environments for future human explorers and settlers, reducing the need for extensive and heavy construction materials and offering protection from the harsh lunar environment."
"Colonize the entirety of the Western Hemisphere."
"Disagreements among the Eternals led to split factions, some of whom would leave Earth to start colonies elsewhere."
"France demanded an indemnity so crippling it choked the newborn nation's breath."
"The modern-day colonizer doesn't put chains on your body, the chains are on your mind."
"Why don't we do it Elon Musk? We go to Mars, we colonize Mars. Then maybe when we're overpopulated, hungry, and dirty, we become great explorers, colonizers of distant planets. Resources await."
"If the alien civilization is rich, the conquerors are more likely to have the spaceships."
"Starship holds immense potential for pivotal Endeavors such as lunar Landings and Mars colonization."
"Calling Palestinians Nazis dehumanizes them."
"We are only allowed to talk about Palestine through the view of the colonizer."
"The technologies we’ve discussed for terraforming and colonizing other worlds."
"Like any colony effort, those early projects are where you do your learning to make future islands better and cheaper."
"I think a first pick, quite honestly, is going to be expansion because new colonies start off with one different population, pretty strong."
"Humanity will have a base on the moon and a city on Mars in our lifetimes."
"Think about this on Mars when we colonize Mars which I think is a given what currency would they use? Well they use the US dollar and monitor fed broadcasts? I don't think so. I think they'll use Bitcoin."
"We're going to the moon sustainably, we're going to learn how to live and work on another world for long periods of time."
"I don't see colonization occurring again, but in the end of the day, you do need to make sure that you're doing agreements and making treaties that work for the people that are there." - Anastasia Sanat
"So, unfortunately, those prediction calendars weren't always right, you know, the conquistadors showed up instead of Kukulkan and aggressively converted them all to Christianity."
"Literally all of David Graeber's work is worth checking out."
"Let's go ahead and colonize to get the coastline done before the colonizers arrive."
"Colonized people must have self-determination to decide if they want to live with those who colonize them or not."
"The Spanish had previously burned native rulers alive."
"Recreating Earth in minute detail isn’t really the goal of interstellar colonization."
"If there are no Martians, build cities on it, why not?"
"There was never any colonization of any Africa I'm telling you a fact."
"Reigning in Ohio in Pontiacs rebellion which started in 1763 hoping to stern the violence George the 3rd issued the royal proclamation of 1763 later that year thereby forbidding the settlement of lands west of the Appalachian Mountains."
"The only way to make humanity a multiplanetary species isn't just big rockets, but it's having sustained economic activity in space."
"That poverty is not an original historical condition; it was imposed by colonizing forces."
"Making the red planet a place for us to live, making Humanity a multi-planet species, and opening another chapter in the history of civilization."
"Your children do not belong to the school board, they belong to you."
"Colonization has a different face right now, color imperialism has a different face right now."
"When the Japanese took over the Indonesian archipelago, the Dutch colonial society was overthrown."
"Ethiopia was a topic of considerable interest across much of the colonized world in the 20th century."
"The Ottomans just settled Madagascar which is nice but I don't think the Zulu will like that."
"European colonizers committed what was basically genocide to the vast majority of native peoples in the new world."
"So many things in France today are actually built off of the backs of all of this debt that the Haitians took on."
"The moon makes obvious sense as the place to go and it's not just setting boots on the ground but actually going to stay."
"Imagine right if you never got colonized, [__] were still living off the land, bro you would have got born into your village."
"Now this really is what we want to know more about: with resources such as water available, the opportunities for self-sustaining colonies becomes much more viable."
"Despite all of these shortcomings, the Russians have not abandoned their intentions to colonize the territory of Ukraine."
"We're gonna claim this land as ours: Australia."
"Imagine if Elon Musk colonized Mars with SpaceX. Oh, wait..."
"We're the first human settlers on Mars... we already have a highway system going through here."
"Welcome to what will eventually be the foundation of a new colony, New Cardiff."
"Slavery doesn't come because you hate the people, you want their land, you want the natural resources, and in order to take them and control them, you must enslave them by one means or another."
"We can establish a colony here and then in that location, you can see what you can build here."
"Starship really could unlock the Moon, Mars, and the asteroid belt for further human exploration and colonization."
"Our Hardy pioneers are establishing a foothold on this planet. This process will take eight energy. We're currently at negative 10 so that's not good."
"The entire solar system is being inhabited by humans."
"Mars has a permanent human presence in 2050."
"They plant the cross, signaling the claim to rule of their prince and financial sponsor."
"In Spain and elsewhere, Rome established itself for good, not just in bricks and mortar but in institutions and laws which defined a specifically Roman Urban way of life."
"Elon Musk's answer to the concept of the great filter: a second planet no longer dependent on the original."
"Landing a million tons of stuff on Mars and building a city: pretty damn cool."
"The sustainability solution: the reason that we do not see evidence of alien civilizations having colonized the Galaxy is because to do so may mean the inevitable collapse of your own civilization."
"It's the future, and mankind has colonized the stars."
"The oldest human coprolites... are about 14,600 years old, so extremely old, very early in the colonization of the Americas."
"The idea that someday people will try to go live on planets outside our solar system is not completely far-fetched."
"It's gonna be harder to live on Mars than people currently think."
"When the first Spanish moored off the coast of Mexico in 1517, their initial intentions had been to secure further lands for the Spanish crown and to spread the word of God."
"This marked the end of the tinashtitlan and the beginning of New Spain."
"If the gateway is very small, perhaps what we should do is send a seed, a nanobot, a microscopic robot through the gateway containing the DNA, containing all the information necessary to create a new civilization on the other side of the universe."
"Mars would begin to gradually turn from a lonely desert into Earth 2.0."
"Cabot's voyages were the Genesis of an English North America."
"Imperialism is the idea of coming in and imposing your religion and your language on a group of people."
"Ethiopia RESISTED European colonization. It's the only sub-Saharan African country that was never colonized."
"Colonizing Venus comes with numerous benefits, including its close proximity to Earth and access to abundant materials."
"Colonies built inside stable lava tubes would be naturally protected from cosmic and solar radiation, extreme temperatures, and could be pressurized to create breathable atmospheres."
"Colonies on Jupiter's moons could enable missions to Jupiter itself, where hydrogen and helium-3 could be harvested as nuclear fuel."
"Given its abundant resources and the opportunities it would present to explore further into the solar system, the prospect of colonizing Saturn's moons is much more attractive."
"Establishing colonies on Mars could offer long-term benefits, including using it as a source of raw materials."
"The true founder of America in mainstream history is arguably Ponce de Leon rather than Columbus."
"Hawaii has a pretty conflict-filled history from colonization to different immigrant groups coming here to work on the plantations."
"The thought was to kill the Indian and save the man."
"Britain's Victory meant that the American colonists had way more land to work with, but they wanted more."
"We should be a two-Planet species. From an outpost on the moon to a full-fledged Colony on Mars, it could be a challenge, it could also be a disaster."
"Space colonization will be the ultimate camping trip."
"Once you grow crops somewhere, you've officially colonized it. Technically, I colonized Mars."
"Within five years of Columbus's arrival, 90% of the indigenous population had died from disease or murder."
"The problem with the Manifest Destiny concept is that it completely crushed the rights of the indigenous Native Americans who already occupied those lands."
"...it was mainly due to the help of the Native Americans that the colony survives."
"Humanity has officially become a multiplanetary species with permanent bases on the moon and Mars."
"Colonization is always a double crime. It's a crime against people and territory, and it's a crime against the truth that a crime has taken place."
"Both used to be European colonies."
"People arrived in this continent and then went everywhere."
"If the methodological framework is itself colonized, then the mere application of that methodological framework would be an act of recolonization."
"The passengers of the Mayflower made history when they embarked on the perilous journey across the Atlantic to reach the new world setting sail in 1620 into the uncertain future."
"The first Europeans to successfully settle on the continent."
"Earth is a big place, why only one Colony ship, why not more?"
"We still don't know if there's enough water to support potential human colonies if we decide to move there but some amount of water is definitely present there."
"What if instead you had some colonies, and one or more posed a threat to their home world or seemed to, and the still vastly superior forces of that home world came by and obliterated them, then decided to keep on doing that."
"Systems of oppression were put into place intentionally so that wealthier or colonizer countries could go in and not pay for natural resources and just take them."
"In essence, it announced a new state of society, offering Native Americans the chance to convert to Christianity and submit to Spanish rule or else bear responsibility for all the deaths and losses that would follow."
"Displacement of the mountaineers and settling the West Caucasus with the Russian people was the plan."
"Invaded Samoa and occupied New Zealand."
"It's funny how racists always say, 'Oh, colonization was fine, it was business,' until they feel like they're being colonized. Then all of a sudden it's like, something needs to be done, something needs to be done."
"It's about Mars being colonized for the first time."
"They took our land, they imprisoned our queen, they banned our language."
"How to colonize the stars is a big topic, and the strategies depend a lot on your technologies as well as your goals."
"It’s a lot nicer if some small vanguard ship or probe can arrive before the main colonial fleet does, to build such a stellaser and save them the slow down fuel or let them travel there faster."
"They persuaded two of these Native American Indians to come back to England with them."
"Florida of Spain, but the first part of this question is how did Britain get a hold of Gibraltar in the first place?"
"I am the greatest botanist on this planet. I colonized Mars. Nice. In your face, Neil Armstrong."
"...Pioneer a way to colonize the ocean, claim it for himself, and exploit it."
"Everybody will realize if they think about it that allowing interstellar colonization ends the era of unified humanity."
"The plan is to launch Starship to Mars, have it land on the surface, and then everyone who wants to disembark can."
"…terraforming a built-up and colonized Moon…"
"Colonization is when a kingdom extends its influence to a foreign territory. So, the Earth was created by God to be the colony of Heaven."
"My hope is that we have a space city, a place that people can actually go and live."
"But despite being discovered sometime between 1500 and 1600, the European powers mostly ignored these islands, as they were busy colonising the more attractive parts of the New World."
"The colonies were not hospitable places, needless to say."
"They have literally established a state through genocide, through going against their with the natives killing the people there and then when they established it, now they believe in something called Manifest Destiny."
"A true gold rush is occurring throughout the Solar System."
"Hanno founded seven colonies along the coast of today's Morocco."
"After a grueling winter on sea, on May 13th, 1607, the settlers arrived on a marshy peninsula in a town they've named Jamestown."
"An English colony was finally able to be established on American soil."
"The motto of the Iberian pathfinders—God, gold, and glory—perfectly described their ambitions."
"Like many recently colonized territories, the objective of a country is to control it by making it accessible in order to be able to exploit its resources."
"Similar to the United States, most European settlers in Canada initially concentrated in the northeast near oceans or rivers with ocean access."
"Attempting to seek on what they thought of as a virgin and unspoiled territory."
"The Spanish began introducing kidnapped Africans as laborers."
"Jamaica would remain under British control well into the 20th century."
"You know that the creation of Israel was the decolonization because the British were the force before, and the Jews revived their civilization, taking out the British."
"We're finally ready to colonize space!"
"In 50 years, we'll have a new Class M planet ready for colonization."
"The history books tell us that the colonists made the long and dangerous journey in small ships in order to find a place where they could worship God each according to the dictates of his own conscience."
"Colonization pretends... what we are doing is to create an Administration."