
Introduction Quotes

There are 9090 quotes

"I'm super excited to introduce you to the world of Vampire the Masquerade."
"This story of the war of monsters and humans is our first exposure to Undertale universe."
"If you're intimidated by the survival horror genre like me, this may act as a good entree to get you hungry for more."
"Hello, good morning, my friends. For those who don't know me, my name is Ming. For those who know me, my name is still Ming."
"Hi there. My name is Doug. I have just met you, and I love you."
"Let's keep working, good evening boys. I'm Unai Emery, and I'm the Aston Villa manager."
"Hi, I'm Evan Kelmp. (laughing) Nice to meet you."
"I'm gonna start with something that, um, I think you'll like. That's a great place to start."
"Tell me about yourself... You have to give me some insight on who you are as a person."
"Hello. Hello. Hello. This is Robert Kiyosaki, the Rich Dad radio show, the good news and bad news about money."
"She decided to introduce herself to him, saying that her name was Conid, one of the last Cat Spirits alive."
"Welcome back everybody, oh I got a show for you tonight."
"Should I begin with a brief introduction of myself after all this time?"
"What you will notice when you first get into the book is that it starts off before it gets into the seven habits, it has a section called paradigms and principles."
"Thank you. Let's go, I'll show you something."
"Welcome everyone, my name is Shawn, and today we're going to talk about this viral video that people are going absolutely crazy about on twitter.com, or X, if you want to call it that."
"Hello world. Okay, great. So that's our main function."
"Welcome to 'I'm Scared.' This is the first and last time you'll read this message."
"Hi, I'm Date Mike. Nice to meet me. How do you like your eggs in the morning?"
"Nestled in the bundle was a baby, Harry Potter, the boy who lived."
"Well, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the great Qing."
"Hey guys, welcome back to the channel, it's Monae here!"
"The beginning, the beginning... Oh yes, I suppose I should tell you that I am a biologist."
"Grab a snack, sit back, and watch as I tell you the story."
"When you bring me out, can you introduce me as Joker?"
"Portal doesn't work like that; it's a game to use as an introduction to 3D video games as a whole."
"So first levels are responsible for setting players up for success."
"Let's all go together then we can introduce you to our mom."
"Hello stars and welcome back to the Minecraft universe, this is Jason."
"Jimmy Savile told reporters that he was introduced into the royal family in 1966 through Lord Mountbatten."
"Hello everybody, it's me, Tim Dodd, the Everyday Astronaut. I have no idea if this is all gonna work."
"Hello there. My name is Matthew Mercer. I am the dungeon master of Critical Role."
"Golden Sun is the absolute perfect introductory RPG."
"Hello, welcome to the NBA on TNT. I'm Shaquille O'Neal."
"All right, hear me out. You might not know me, and you might have questions about why this funny bird is on your screen, but give me some time to explain myself."
"It's a great introduction to the concepts of programming."
"Perhaps is the first live stream/video you've ever seen on the channel."
"There's so much history, this is just scraping the very surface."
"We are going to start out with what Ray was talking about, with what was probably the least sport-oriented watch."
"It's created by indigo Phoenix who does warn you upfront."
"Think of it like playing in a sneak peek event or a premiere event for you newer players."
"Hello again there friends and fans, Raptor here and welcome to our first look at a new strategy city builder RTS with base building elements."
"This introduction into what the spiritual life is all about."
"But before all of that, without further ado, let's get into it."
"This is an introduction to the wild and wacky world of Simpsons Comics."
"Sky Factory 4 looks awesome, so without further ado, let's get started!"
"A love letter to fans of the anime and manga that simultaneously serves as an amazingly accessible introduction for folks who've never heard of either."
"Wow, what's your name? Tell me your name, Molly."
"Dominic Stewart, get used to the name, ladies and gentlemen, he's a baller."
"Good Vibes over here always, but look man, without further Ado, let's get into this thing!"
"I like your green eyes and you want to be a part of this intro too, okay."
"Hi, I'm Christina. I'm potentially the most annoying person you'll ever meet."
"Thank you for joining us on Challenger Approaching."
"I hope that this gave you a taste of the fascinating world of etiquette."
"Honestly, it's really hard when you're first getting involved in BDSM and your first climbing dungeons and munches to know what it's like before you really actually go there."
"The scene at the start makes one thing clear: this sequence, while the film's most visually stunning, is really only the tip of the iceberg this time around."
"Gentlemen, this is Solomon Lane. Mr. Lane, meet the IMF. And this is why we need the IMF. This is why this agency exists."
"Thank you guys for watching this brief look into the SCP franchise."
"Welcome back to the YouTube channel, my name is Kim also known as the econ King."
"Let's just go ahead without further ado, get into it."
"Wow, what a way to start a show. You've now been introduced to berserk." - Caleb
"We're gonna jump into the story and start by introducing ourselves to the game."
"For anybody who hasn't played this game, the basic premise of it is..."
"Some of you have decided to go to patreon.com and support the program. Thank you very, very much."
"Let's bring on Mr. Pete Davidson! Hey, what's up, buddies? Hey boys, thank you for doing this Fred. I really appreciate it."
"Hello there. My name is Jim Henson and I'm a puppeteer."
"I love this Q-style Tech introduction of the gadgets."
"New leaf is animal crossing on the 3ds that's pretty much all I can say to do the game justice if you've never played the series before new leaf is a great place to start you know uh turning over a new leaf."
"It's a powerful introduction and it really sets the mood for what's going on in this game."
"Hello everyone and he's here Thorik Ironbrow is here probably the most requested character in my opinion."
"Hello everyone, I'm just a positive force, just a positive guy for this world, yeah, welcome."
"You find it difficult to introduce yourself to other people."
"And as always, their intro served a creepy vibe that prepares you for a deep brooding atmospheric owl..."
"Let's meet the team: Rianna, Ethan, and Sam."
"Hey besties, welcome back to my channel! If you guys are new here, my name is Jada, commonly known as Joji."
"Hope you enjoyed that, hope it was slightly useful. Some of it seems very easy and straightforward, but then if you've not covered this kind of stuff before, it might be brand new to you."
"Hello everyone! Welcome to this D&D Oxventure! My name is Corazon de Ballena, the human pirate rogue, and I would like to be very clear on this point: the leader of the Oxventure Guild."
"Let's welcome Sonic Boles, that's pretty cool name."
"Can you please make yourself known? My name is Yasuko, I come in peace."
"After all this time we'd like to officially introduce you to myself Jay and Wesley we are the narrators here at B amazed"
"Kids today are really lucky to have the MCU to introduce them to the endlessly expansive world of superhero comics."
"Let's just jump right into that to begin... you'll be surprised at just how insane my results end up."
"Knowledge is power, hello internet, Taliesin here..."
"Villain intros do not get more memorable than this."
"Well, kids, my name is Evan Richards, attorney-at-law."
"Please join me in welcoming to the stage World of Warcraft developers Ian Hazzikostas and Bryan Holinka."
"Without further ado, I'm very pleased to present chapter one of Lords of War: Kargath."
"With that sort of flattery, let's introduce you now, Pink and Ted Kravitz and Karun Chandhok. Welcome, Pink!"
"I like poker, but I remember getting introduced to poker and I didn't know anything."
"Welcome to Pod Save America. I'm John Favro."
"Joining me today we have, of course, my co-host Briggs and NOx taku. Welcome guys! Oh yeah, good to be here."
"The Pokémon TCG Game Boy game is a fun place to start."
"This is Novamax. Hi there, new Night City. It's not so bad here. How we're feeling today? Because I feel amazing."
"Kick back, grab some popcorn, and let's get started."
"What makes me special section... is really where you're going to say hello here's my name here's what I do here's why I do it and here's why I think you might enjoy it as well."
"Ladies and gentlemen, I am John Campio, show special correspondent."
"It is Tuesday, January 31st, 2023. My name is Sam Cedar, this is the five-time award-winning Majority Report."
"Welcome to the House of Night... As you know."
"For anyone who's interested in watches or who wants to get into watches."
"Thank you folks, good afternoon, my name is Normand Barbosa. I'm a computer crimes prosecutor from the US Attorney's Office up in Seattle."
"I introduce myself when I come out and I sit down at the couch and I just start."
"I thought this was a great way to kick off the movie and just show the perspective of what happened from just a normal person."
"Welcome to another exciting edition of 'Are You Garbage?'"
"Let me introduce you to our newest term review."
"We know him as Mystery Alaska. Please welcome John Wayne."
"Debuting today, everyone that is just joining, you're not late."
"Guys Without further Ado let's roll the intro [Music]"
"Welcome to the channel my name is Greg and I'd like to talk about online entrepreneurship."
"Satanism, you know, my new religion. Have you heard of it?"
"Glenn and Bessie introduced themselves to the Culves, explaining that they were honeymooners who had been rafting on the river for 26 days."
"Kids, I'm gonna tell you an incredible story... How I Met Your Mother."
"The game begins... a booming discount Dumbledore talks us through it." - Josh
"It's a great introduction to the Sinnoh era of movies that gives us some high stakes."
"This is gonna be one hell of an adventure. Welcome to Babylon."
"Grab some popcorn and let's just jump right into this."
"Welcome to your reading everybody who picked a group number."
"Hello there, I'm AJ Aonuma, producer of The Legend of Zelda series."
"It's the perfect way to both introduce the character and say goodbye to him."
"The game starts, we see a quick cutscene that shows Link's face and he's holding onto a rope."
"I've got something really different for you today."
"Thank you all for joining us. I am Dr. Brent Blue, Teton County Wyoming coroner."
"The game begins with one of the most terrifying introductions I've ever seen."
"Welcome to Dreamworld is like the Goosebumps of analog horror. It's meant to be a more lighthearted take on the genre that can act as a gateway for younger viewers to work their way up to scarier stuff like Mandela Catalog or Local 58."
"And so let's get right into it starting with Fanny."
"Many people were introduced to Deadly Queen for the first time."
"We had a chance to meet Tompkins in person for the first time I guess it was March 2017."
"A thrilling introduction to the story of this world."
"Was it for power, influence, or just money? So without further ado, let's get to it."
"The first tool that we're going to use is this one here called Mid Journey."
"Allow me to reintroduce my cousin, Kara Zor-El, or as the world will come to know her, Supergirl."
"That intro cutscene did a pretty good job of laying the foundations of the story."
"Welcome new recruit, your mission is as follows."
"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen! My name is Stone Mountain, and today we are doing some duos joined by the one and only Mr. Jack Frags."
"Nice to meet you, I'm Martin, your car advisor."
"Security Plus mainly because it's a great intro to security, really great, gets a good brief overview of a bunch of things."
"In terms of perfect timing, this guy had a flawless introduction."
"Affiliate marketing...it's a really great introduction to making money online."
"Xeno Smasher: Many people discovered the Xeno franchise through Smash Bros Ultimate."
"Welcome, let's do some housekeeping. Oh, housekeeping, indeed indeed."
"What could possibly go wrong being introduced as a crime fighter? Videl started the events of the Buu saga by appearing as a tough, intimidating-looking street fighter with little pigtails, looking to kick the goddamn head off a bank robber."
"Avatar The Last Airbender, in terms of my generation at least, really was a lot of people's introduction into animated fantasy."
"Welcome to the universe in our first look at the new beta, it is finally here!"
"It was terrifying, but if you haven't joined us before, today we will be going over."
"Feeling good? Well alright then, how about we take a nice long look at Bravely Default II."
"But before I do that guys, I want to talk to you about Raise American."
"This is a very violent beginning to this video."
"Welcome to Chamath. Let's hear it right now."
"Ladies and gentlemen, a welcome once again. Shall we kick this off? Cue the music, thank you, please don't sue me."
"It brought back old fans while simultaneously introducing new ones."
"Her introduction here opens a lot of possibilities."
"I never introduce my co-host Scott Randolph... How you doing good to see you again actually for the first time."
"Introducing Austin Kuhlman... the star of our story."
"Thank you all very much for joining me. I'm Leonard French, your favorite copyright attorney."
"Welcome my child to the land of cerebri, our world of origin, place of survey."
"Oh welcome all the new people here that are hanging out in the key if you don't know me my name is PokeRev and basically we're opening up Pokemon cards here."
"If you've ever been interested in speedrunning, just give it a shot."
"In 1958 Michael Bond wrote A Bear Called Paddington, which introduced the beloved, behatted bear to the world, in what would become a classic of children’s literature."
"Hello everyone, I'm Yoshiaki Koizumi and I'll be your guide for today's Nintendo Direct."
"Everyone, I am your host Al Madrigal. That's my little sidekick Rob Corddry. Let's get this show on the road!"
"This video is wholly here as a primer. It is by no means conclusive. It is by no means in-depth. These are just things you need to consider."
"This function right here, which is main, is where all of our execution of our code is going to begin."
"Name of our company... the Quill Express Co... let's jump right into the game."
"Hi there, good morning everyone, my name is Nasir Karma and I'm a doctor working in the NHS."
"Your three were... I've got a name by the way for you it is Haley Bachrach."
"Welcome to New Vegas, allow me to introduce myself."
"Wow! People let me tell you about my best friend."
"Let's start showing you guys all the incredibly cool stuff."
"Transforming data in Excel with Power Query is just the beginning."
"The sheer number of new things that are introduced in this movie."
"That's how we do things here. Welcome, right?"
"Welcome to the shop and by shop I mean the cab of Johnny Rev."
"Happy and great day, without further ado, let's get straight to the storyline."
"Welcome to Night City, welcome to Cyberpunk 2077."
"This long take was the perfect way to introduce us to psalm's Peter."
"This is the first time that we get to see, I guess, the enemy initially."
"Welcome to our universe, small amusing doppelganger."
"It's a perfect jumping-on point for the series if you missed the boat on release."
"Mass Effect proved to be an excellent introduction into a universe and laid the groundwork for one of the most ambitious gaming trilogies ever created."
"As Alan stepped out of the west gate, the announcer introduced him as the representative of the Thousand Blades Academy."
"Welcome everybody! My name is Ken Washbuth 33d, and as you can see behind me, we got cranked today."
"This is the moment that you've all been waiting for. Welcome to the time where Duds is Victorious."
"An easy way into the format is by a pre-con and upgrade it."
"Yo yo what's up, Busta fam? If you're new here, I'm Easy Bust. If you've been around, I appreciate you."
"Subscribe even though you might not have seen shit about me yet."
"Anything that makes the embarkation process easier, I'm for it. I like it."
"Thank you so much for stopping by. My name's Tony and I'm Jenny. We are Lively to Loca, and until the next time, we'll see you on the... Oh!"
"For new people, it's daunting and it's scary, but I'm going to explain this to you."
"If you've never played a ratchet game before it's the one with the wacky weapons."
"This is crazy, so let's get into this thing right now."
"The mellow era is here. The boy is here. No discussion."
"My name is Monty Martin and I'm Kelly McLaughlin, and we are the Dungeon Dudes."
"It's the biggest open world we've ever built... Hi Mexico!"
"What's up ladies and gentlemen, nice opening!"
"We’ve got a lot in store, so let’s jump right into it"
"It's time for the movie trivia Schmoe down, introducing first representing the light side, ladies and gentlemen, we give to you the master, Freddie."
"I want to introduce you to something dope, something provocative. See, this is Church's Money Entertainment, and we specialize in creating opportunity and controlling narrative."
"That's interesting as we'll see in a minute."
"Thank you so much for watching, if you're new here, welcome."
"All the momentum of that intro with questions raised and tone set."