
Religious Practices Quotes

There are 221 quotes

"The way of holiness is God's Way and the Lord did a perfect job in setting up his church."
"Fasting quiets the heart to hear God's voice."
"I'm doing the best that I can... I love Jesus, I believe that what we're doing... is showing the character and intention of Jesus."
"The church was worshiping in a Trinitarian formula and baptizing in a Trinitarian formula long before the crises of the Trinity provoked in the church the desire to clarify its language."
"The vast majority of those involved in these services mean well and care about their congregation. However, the practices I'll discuss have just become so normalized that most Christians at any level of leadership don't thoroughly consider the ethics of these practices."
"If experiences of God's presence are real, they shouldn't require a mode of ritual and music to occur. If the gospel is intellectually convincing, people shouldn't need to be emotionally primed before hearing it."
"We're all supposed to be out here casting out demons, speaking in tongues, moving in Holy Spirit power."
"Social distancing in Islam is haram. The right word and the more appropriate word is physical distancing."
"Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving are powerful ways that we can be forgiven by God."
"He comes with his Salah, his Zakah, his Siyam, but he slandered this person, he hit this person."
"Halloween is not a gospel issue. When we take a non-gospel issue and we elevate it to the ranks of gospel, we do violence to the body of Christ, we create unnecessary division."
"I expect to be rewarded for my sleep just as much as I expect to be rewarded for the Tahajjud."
"You want to pray, you don't need a priest, you don't need anyone between you and God, a middle man."
"The whole point of the that mutual enrichment was to say this has been a part of our tradition, the central uh liturgy in our western church and as Pope Benedict intended that there was this mutual enrichment that was going on."
"The prophets slicing them saw a dream of lailatul cutter and he said but I forgot the exact night so he said look for it in the odd nights of the last 10 nights of ramadan."
"Before you talk to anyone about Jesus, talk to Jesus about them."
"I value prayer warriors, intercessors, petitioners, the couriers. But there's something different about prophetic intercessors."
"I still believe in the word of God, I still believe in the baptism of the Holy Ghost, I still believe in speaking in tongues, I still believe in the gifts of spirit."
"Every Christian has four biblical habits: read your Bible every day, pray every day, find a Bible-believing church, and be faithful, and when you find your way to Christ, don't go to heaven alone, take your family with you."
"Overwhelmingly, the audience says we should not be less critical."
"The veneration of saints and their relics are among the earliest practices within Christianity and in fact was one of the primary expressions of Christianity in its earliest centuries."
"The Old Testament describes Moloch as a foreign god associated with child sacrifice, which was explicitly prohibited in Leviticus 18:21."
"During King Josiah's rule, he eradicated the site of child sacrifice to Moloch outside Jerusalem, as stated in 2 Kings 23:10."
"A lot of the tactics and methods in Scientology are also there in watchtower."
"Local laymen leading events with good priests in the background."
"Binding of demons is all over scripture it's actually all over the tradition of the church... it's a thoroughly catholic thing."
"Allah has allowed technology as a mercy, to make Hajj easier for us."
"We recognize the popes, but you can also resist the popes, and it doesn't make you a bad Catholic."
"The new birth is not joining a church or getting baptized."
"Praying to dead saints is unbiblical, necromancy is talking to the dead."
"Intercession is a form of worship, just like prayer is a form of worship."
"You need two things: you need to be able to recite the Quran, and you need to be able to be patient."
"We say that previous prophets, they also used to pray something similar way."
"When prayer and fasting are woven together, they create a fabric of spiritual strength."
"Jumu'ah is the convention of the Muslims every week."
"Spend time alone with God. Now this secret of resilience and this secret of stress resistance may be the secret that you do the least, spending enough time alone with God."
"All you who believe, seek assistance through Salah."
"You plead the blood of Jesus over every room, every corner, and you plead the blood over every person in your home."
"It's like when you say the blood is against you, the blood of Jesus is against you. That makes them burn and scream and tremble. They hate that."
"Additionally, you can walk your property and anoint the property."
"The first generation died away. The children, in large measure, weren't circumcised."
"The Western Wall: a place to mourn, to pray, to remember."
"Even if we do lots of penance, even if you do lots of prayers, lots of pilgrimages, lots of live streaming's, lots of things, unless or until we change our life, there is no meaning for any kind of prayer."
"Don't pray against the person, you come against them. Expose them. Once you shut down the altars, they're powerless."
"We overcome doubt by praying and reading our Bible."
"Jesus gave us a model of how He wants us to pray and I think it would behoove us to be able to pray the way He told us to pray."
"The Prophet made exceptions. If you forget about the prayer or you sleep and miss the prayer, the minute you remember it, you pray."
"Be careful with children when doing Deliverance. We need to use extreme caution and be delicate and be kind with children. They don't understand."
"The Catholic Encyclopedia defines exorcism as the act of driving out or warding off demons..."
"We prayed together, went to church together."
"Most of the apparitions ask for a shrine to be built... people come and kneel before Mary... trying to curry Mary's favor."
"Build a family altar... Everything we do for God is intentional."
"The discovery shows that the people who lived there were devoted to maintaining a traditional religious lifestyle and staying pure," explained IAA archaeologist Dr. Abdelgani Ibrahim and Dr. Walid Atrash.
"Ask God if He'll let you fast or if He'll bless you fasting and then prepare to hear the Lord on a new level."
"The sharing in the Eucharist is an essential sign of the unity of the church."
"I have myself felt an extraordinary consolation when I have used holy water."
"The celibacy is still a requirement for that so I think it's more of a thing where we just kind of hold our priests in the West up to a maybe a more of a higher standard."
"Treat each other kind as you depart in Jesus' name."
"The gift of tongues is mysteries being spoken aloud; your spirit is praying."
"This is a relationship with God and there are different ways to engage with him. So if you're loud, be loud; if you're quiet, be quiet; if you can sing, sing; if you just want to journal for the rest of your life, do it."
"The Sabbath is finally over with all of its perceived restrictions and things I'm not allowed to do."
"Create your own personal connection with God."
"Prayer and laying of hands are biblical ways to seek healing."
"Devoted themselves to teaching, fellowship, sharing in meals, and prayer."
"Islam teaches that we should submit to God through good deeds such as the five daily prayers."
"The gift of administration is the organized mind of the Holy Spirit bringing attention to the details of structure and organization."
"Let me tell you just because you pray in tongues doesn't mean you have to swing on chandeliers and bark like a dog."
"On the highest level of our priority is our chanting process."
"That is not a man who has ever seriously attended a black Protestant Church."
"If people knew how much reward would be in giving the Adhan and in standing in the first row..."
"Jesus did it, Buddha did it, and all the other gods out there did it, so obviously it works."
"Now I watch hijab tutorial instead of makeup tutorial and Quran recitation instead of songs."
"When we chant Krishna's name, we're also connecting to his pastimes and his ansaraj and his leelas."
"Speaking to Krishna and his deities, we connect to that person, Krishna."
"The Third Temple is also associated with reinstating sacrifices according to ancient Jewish rituals described in the Torah."
"It is our job to honor them, to respect them, to cooperate with them, to be with them. Our Prophet did it even in death."
"There's a pattern with high control religion where they say if you do this then you will be blessed."
"And there is no Salah, there is no Zakah, there is no fasting in Jannah, all of these are for this world, and the next life we enjoy what we have done."
"Let go, even if it's hard, because what's ahead is even better than you imagined."
"The church prays for the dead from the very beginning."
"I grew up LDS, being Utah... 95% Mormon... at 8 years old is when you get baptized. If you're raised around where 95% of people think the exact same way, I feel like that's too young of an age."
"In the early church, you didn't know what the Eucharist was until after you're baptized."
"As the call to prayer echoes through the mosque, it reaffirms the Islamic ethos of peace, unity, and submission to Allah's will."
"It's very strange. It's not like a walkie-talkie either. I mean, it's prayer."
"We baptize into the singular name of Yahshua."
"Legalism is pettiness disguised as holiness."
"Part of the reason the Oracle system died out was because the temple Chasm stopped emitting so many trans-inducing Vapors."
"Most Muslims hardly ever read the Quran with try understanding."
"If you start to pray and fast, start paying attention to your dreams."
"He commanded them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ."
"Fasting is something that God has ordained as a practice to create a supernatural force for you."
"Kylo Ren is like the opposite of Poe Dameron... he has personality, agency, and inner conflict."
"The Salah, prayer, is the best of deeds. Every prayer that you pray forgives your sins, and between each prayer is forgiveness for you."
"How do we employ and deploy the angelic host that has been made available to us based on the scriptures?"
"It requires us to just really surrender it all to Him, fast and pray."
"The Agoris tribe of India are ascetics with aromatic rituals and renunciation practices."
"The Catholic Church does not have a monopoly on the practice of exorcism... The main actor in an exorcism is Jesus Christ."
"Only priests designated by their bishop should be giving commands to demons."
"Start with questions when dealing with Deliverance Ministry doctrines. Seek clarity, ask for biblical evidence."
"Salvation was available through faith alone rather than by performing church rituals or having to pay to get out of purgatory."
"The criteria for clean and unclean animals go beyond just anatomy."
"Get baptized and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost."
"If you rip off a hundred people, everyone will say you're so original."
"The Capuchin friars and their fellow embalmers have perfected techniques to perpetuate at least a semblance of life after death."
"Certainly, we would never have come here if it hadn't been for a handful of finds deposited by a group of people worshiping a completely different set of gods two thousand years ago."
"If you haven't bought me the first fruit, you were not allowed to spend money on anything else."
"Worship of the Lord is a huge weapon we have in our arsenal."
"Circumcising baby boys is God calls it an eternal Covenant when he gives it to Abraham and they believed he meant Eternal it means it's not going to end."
"The Jewish boys have to be circumcised... Abraham teaches us and so yeah, it's linguistically it's problematic but you know a lot of interpretations are linguistically problematic."
"Two of the most controversial spiritual gifts in the New Testament are speaking in tongues and prophecy."
"I terminate every satanic contract, every illegal contract in the name of Jesus, I terminate it, I destroy it, I burn it by fire, I'm burning it by fire, I'm pouring it by fire."
"What does God consider so important in our lives? Prayers."
"Worship goes back as far as humans, seen in creation."
"If Jesus' mission was to come and die for the sins of the world, why did he tell the rich man to sell his possessions?"
"The very fact that the Vatican has sanctioned over 70,000 exorcisms is pretty shocking."
"Fasting for complete victory in your life... It is the cutting off of Goliath's head, it is the dancing on the grave of your enemy."
"Allegations of unsafe practices by the preacher were brought to light when congregants had to perform questionable acts to demonstrate their faith, where they ate rats, snakes, and grass, and drank petroleum."
"If these things are going on in your church, you need to look for a way to get out because you are being manipulated and brainwashed."
"That's good so you give as well you say giving you talking about like tiing and offering and stuff like that?"
"You don't have to speak Arabic to be Muslim."
"The Quran gives people explicit time instructions to pray or to fast based on the sun."
"This ecstasy of coming together and singing and chanting comes in the age of Kali Yuga as harinam sankirtan."
"Praying, reading the Bible, listening to the music, it really reminds me of the power of God."
"If you trust the government, save dollars and take laps on your rosary beads and pray."
"The sacraments not just rites and rituals; they're meant to sanctify, build, and glorify."
"Went to the temple a few times growing up and you know that's essentially supposed to be like the most profound of all spiritual experiences."
"Miracles come from the flow of the Holy Ghost. It's not just a bunch of doctrine. It's not just a bunch of memorization. It's also knowing how to flow and wait on the Lord, Jesus."
"The monks often fasted but did not consider liquids including beer to break the fast."
"The best way for Miscavige to make sure Shelley Miscavige does not escape from Scientology is to make sure she has no reason to want to."
"Return to Jesus in the sacraments, in the Eucharist, in confession. You need to pray, make prayer your life right now."
"Islam makes marriage so simple and it can really just be so simple and so beautiful."
"So being that abortions in the Satanic context have taken on this ritual component..."
"The singing stopped abruptly and after a pause of 30 seconds, a single male voice began a monotone prayer. If the singing was eerie, the prayer was worse."
"Anglican denominations typically take it further than the Lutheran denominations do."
"The Catholic Church considers exorcism a sacred right and recognizes the reality of demonic possession."
"Judeans in Galilee just like Judeans in Judea just like Judeans everywhere when we get to the first century of the common Earth they were keeping the laws of the Torah."
"The Greeks would often worship in sanctuaries to whatever god best suited them."
"This idea of the last acceptable prejudice... I sometimes feel that way about our Latin Mass brothers and sisters."
"Communal Tombs for Priests: Uncovering Ancient Rituals"
"This place smells different than protestantism. There's incense."
"Maybe she needs to speak to a priest for an exorcism."
"It is time for pastors to stop all these nonsense about deliverance."
"If you're going to choose a path of working with a lot of deities from different pantheons, you need to be aware of closed practices."
"There's nothing special about the new name; everyone receives the same one each day."
"It's not that hard to figure out, you know what people's new names are if you just have a little bit of information about them."
"Both Moses and Jesus spent 40 days fasting in preparation for their missions."
"The thing that kills the revival are two things: mysticism and legalism."
"Church practices conducted in a coercive environment are not qualified to be voluntary religious practices entitled to First Amendment religious freedom guarantees." - California Appellate Court
"Every religion disagrees on everything except one: fasting brings transformation to your soul, body, and spirit."
"The repentance process once you confess is meant to further indoctrinate you... they are going to try and take away from you the rest of your identity."
"At this church, we lay hands on the sick, we cast out devils, they shall prophesy."
"Yes sir, yes, on the internet within the last week, someone claimed that Pope Francis approved in the Orient or Malabar Church that they could face east."
"The process of declaring saints involves miracles with a very low bar."
"The rosary is the weapon, the Bible is the sword, but the rosary is the weapon."
"Muslim men in India are still allowed to have four bloody wives."
"Islam didn't invent multiple wives; Abraham had multiple wives, Solomon had multiple wives."
"If you did a test of microbes and bacteria and all that I bet you you're you're Latin Mass context would be much more sanitary."
"We just break witchcraft and sorcery off of them, Lord, that you would draw them into your presence, heal their hearts, and grant them the gift of repentance."
"And if revival must begin with prayer and repentance, then let it begin here and now on the day of the return."
"The Catholic Church has a lot of strange and bizarre teachings and practices which are not only completely unbiblical but blasphemous and even dangerous."
"Christianity... involves the use of psychedelic plants."
"Knowing what in fasting and what in prayer makes you grow is understanding."
"So Christ kept Passover, not Easter. For all the Christians that's watching, it was not Easter. He wasn't worshiping Ishtar."
"Once we have the red heifer, we'll be completely pure and we'll be able to rebuild the Temple."
"Revival also comes as a result of praise or singing."
"What is interesting is the repetition of images throughout the temples giving us an insight into religious practices and thoughts."
"Brothers drink only donated blood from churchgoers and live long disciplined lives as priests."
"Religious practices have also developed as a result of these appearances, such as the wearing of The Miraculous Medal and scapular medal, both of which bear images of Mary."
"Pope Leo I 10th is often associated with the controversial practice of selling indulgences."
"The purpose of a lot of these old religious practices was to recognize that you'd experience that fascination, that tremendous terror and yet fascination, and you would bow before it."
"How does one come to Allah with a clean heart? One step at a time, one Sunnah at a time."
"Hindu tradition favors cremation, a ritual seen as a key part of the journey of the soul, reflecting a cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, while Islamic practices advocate for burial, aligning with the faith's emphasis on dignity and respect for the deceased."
"Christianity doesn't have a monopoly on exorcisms."
"The restorationists aimed to experience Christianity as it was practiced in the early church."
"And it came to pass, that while he executed the priest's office before God in the order of his course according to the custom of the priest's office, his lot was to burn incense when he went into the temple of the Lord."
"Do you follow just the Quran or you follow the Quran and the Sunnah? I listen to what the Quran tells me to do."
"Now, let's look at which sea creatures we are allowed to eat."
"Don't fast on a Friday by itself unless you fast another day with it."
"Some people put whatever in front of a statue and some people kill people for their God. Amazing, isn't it? It's a problem. But what is true love?"
"I pray, I fast, I give charity, I attend... ha ha ha... awesome."
"You want to understand that people engage with divinity, God, the spiritual if you like, in different ways just like they engage with food in different ways."
"Despite their colorful pantheon of gods, the real religion of the Romans was the religion of urbanism, the cult of the city."
"I will that as soon as I shall be dead, you take my heart from my body and have it embalmed... you will then deposit your charge, my heart, at the Holy Sepulcher of the Lord where he was buried."
"Preach the Gospel, make disciples, cast out demons, heal the sick, build churches, help the poor, love your husband, love your wife, raise the children, pay tithes, pay taxes."
"The East and West also could not seem to find middle ground on two other matters."
"From one end of the earth even unto the other, and there thou shalt serve other gods."
"Religion is a set of beliefs and practices that is held by a group of people."
"You can learn everything you need to know anthropologically about a community just by looking at their gods."
"It affects the sacraments, it affects ecclesiology, and very importantly, it affects eschatology."
"The same Vedas that tell you you can gain Liberation through knowledge, those same Vedas tell you to do lots of rituals."
"Wine, especially, is very clearly not considered leaven in a biblical sense because otherwise, it wouldn't be offered in the temple on the Feast of Unleavened Bread."
"Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving express conversion in relation to oneself, to God, and to others."
"I didn't know if I should stand, sit, kneel, sprinkle, dunk, or pour, but I did learn to love the Lord."
"Religion is just a set of practices that people follow in order to reach a goal."
"We can receive ordinances, including baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost."
"Good deeds, prayers, meditation, and any spiritual efforts and practices are multiplied by 100,000 during this period."
"Finally, it was the Eucharist, I mean, I was big on the Seder."