
Gameplay Strategy Quotes

There are 263 quotes

"Malzahar is this champion; you're not looking for solo kills, you're looking, even at a CS deficit early on, and being more useful later."
"The most simplistic ways of modding your melee weapon involve having a few must-have mods and some rules that come into play."
"That was huge, you saw Vivid he dropped down ice and had that one-on-one play with that guy that usually plays that ASD."
"If the game is frustrating you to this extent, stop playing or take a break."
"Wraith: great if you want an aggressive but yet evasive Legend."
"No legend in Apex fits in the detail which would be bad as any legend is viable when it comes down to the specific player and play style you are looking for."
"The moment that you cast this and then everyone goes 'ah whatever' and then the next turn you're like 'I'm going to foretell these four cards out of my hands and then I'm going to pass turns.'"
"Utopia Double saw a little bit of play in some rank 4 strategies."
"One good player who knows what they're doing in the direct control could just change everything."
"Plowing your way repeatedly through end game boss rush just makes all but a few difficulty juggernauts mere speed bumps."
"The challenge is to beat the entire game... without ever using the hover nozzle."
"Just play the game, figure things out for yourself. Tier lists are good things to follow but just take it with a grain of salt."
"The overarching philosophy is putting you in Ellie's shoes and giving you threats constantly."
"Kindly Grandmother does get run as a sticky beast."
"Unique items are like uniques in the way that they have their own stats but you get increased benefits for wearing more of a set like two three or four pieces."
"If you're able to make money from killing other players again instantly you're going to like push off the fact that you've died to desync or a Chia way more than you would right now."
"The discipline of Tundra shone through in their patient and strategic gameplay."
"A tale of stages, but the San Francisco Shock did not like losing a single round. Here they come back angry. This is a team with a lot of vengeance in their hearts, and it comes out in their play style."
"When it comes to building out a bard, it really comes down to two things: having a mobbing build... and a group support build."
"This essentially will just double the barrier amount from the skill constantly..."
"Pacifist run of the bosses would be amazing. It's a totally different way to play the game, which is really cool."
"Khadira Caller of the Small, it is solidly in the middle in the B-tier."
"Raphael Fiendish Savior, a very solid B-tier commander."
"Asterian the Decadent, you are most definitely a B-tier commander."
"If the UK truly is a voluntary union of equal nations, there must be a democratic way for any of those member nations to withdraw from it."
"RS 180s: If you want the best sounding headphones and the most comfortable headphones, go with the RS 180s."
"Escalation contracts... force you out of your comfort zone."
"Shaggy is Captain Falcon. The way he operates is very Falconesque. He kind of runs around, he's very fast, very agile, goes all over the place."
"It’s a fluid and fast-paced beat-‘em-up that requires some unexpected strategy."
"There's not one skill or attribute in the game that isn't useful in some way."
"Alright, alright, here we are as Hungary. Now, obviously, our goal is to go up North and conquer the Finnish provinces."
"If you're a blue side, then you just get that level asap and just look for a play."
"Completing side quests can be a great source of experience... completing side quests can yield red text weapons..."
"The game funnels you into being a bit more aggressive."
"The new dendro traveler is honestly really good and someone who you should absolutely be using."
"Getting stuck is an opportunity for the player to assess all of the options at their disposal."
"Wearing a mask in Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the most important things you can do in towns because it will prevent people from recognizing who you are as Arthur Morgan."
"If you click on someone's head, they are going to die."
"This is a lot of options and I love the differences between them. Going above and beyond and making sure we get the best of both worlds requires Shepard to do things outside the trial, and unique requirements should provide unique results."
"So that is what renown is you might then be wondering well i want more of this renown how do i actually get it and what is my weekly gameplay going to be well let's answer that you get two renown levels per week by doing each of two weekly quests."
"Adapt your teammates' play patterns and don't play overly aggressive."
"Run pass options (RPOs) add another layer to gameplay and strategy."
"Just don't shoot the Bubbles, right? The thing is though, you have to shoot the Bubbles at some point."
"The name of the game for this one too: high mana costs for the value. For these cards, bad cards are good sometimes. That doesn't make them good cards."
"Sometimes you just don't be using a move in normal everyday play, and then you're like, you know what? The move is pretty fun."
"SK Telecom are just gonna play with a lot of freedom right now."
"The correct way to play Morag is to hit your landfall triggers in your second main."
"It's honestly an amazing support Pokemon one of the better in the format."
"Patience with urgency, it's playing with a high tempo."
"I'm not saying add war bands to bring XP to the."
"But then you get like the stealth aspect of it all."
"Would you pay a little difference in your land base to have access to a 9/7 flying lifelink indestructible? Yes, you would."
"It teaches the player to follow the road when they don't know what to do."
"It nails like all of like the balance, all of the okay well I'll go cut trees for a while, I'll go mine some stones for a while."
"Making your way through a minefield of BTS is this careful dance of playing red light green light."
"If you're a beginner in this game, I will almost guarantee you that you do NOT aim down sights enough."
"Pantheon's ganking is unfair as hell... very not recommended for passive players."
"In most cases, as soon as you get these cannons, you just want to start firing them."
"In order to collect these gems, you have to stop shooting."
"Pure sharps, pure patches, high shooting archetypes are back."
"Fast learner helps out quite a bit, especially early game."
"Burglar is objectively the best profession in the game."
"Faster hit recovery break points are extremely important."
"Luckily, the possible patterns of attack make dodging each blast pretty simple."
"He made some kind of an agreement to... he got himself taken out somehow early in the game here."
"Gift of immortality seems amazing because you just sack it every turn now it keeps coming back over and over again."
"Getting two cards for that one one token that wasn't really doing much on the board is super duper worth it."
"You always gotta look for the check, and sometimes it's going to be the best move."
"Don't forget to heal after every fight in the menu because Zack has got to take care of himself, he's the most beautiful child in the world."
"It can be very satisfying whenever everything clicks together. It's a handy tool to use in a pinch when executing a combo. I just wish that it was a bit more reliable, really."
"If your players are feeling cocky and really thrashing their opponents, you have the opportunity to pretend that the first monster was always meant to be a bait-and-switch."
"Frost blink ahead to dodge unnecessary damage; no reason to face tank everything."
"7-6 becomes a nodal scroller level as soon as you touch those snake blocks. Thing is, you can float so far and bounce so high on enemies that you don't even need the snake block to complete the stage. Isn't that cool?"
"Detect Magic: It's very likely you're gonna have access to it and you're gonna want it because Dungeons & Dragons is a world filled with magic."
"It's a really good activity to go up on D&D Beyond or another filter and just look at what the ritual spells available to your class are because they're spells that you could always leverage."
"This game is lit, it's all about the items guys."
"A well-timed short rest can be exactly what you need to do."
"Janna is just a very solid, strong but successful support that is not all that difficult to pick up."
"Magical items and abilities that boost your recharge rate or your reserve are good, bring them along."
"Experiment with ability cards to find your perfect playstyle."
"Apparently there are ways to mitigate that, like up-b to fair and you can do bomb stuff."
"Each class has its own identity, feel, and play style, so choose the one that best suits you."
"I'm not playing to beat you, I'm playing to build a beautiful pattern."
"Scoreboard utilization: the one bedwars tip you'll need to make you a better player."
"Bangalore's survivability is top tier in the game and might make her one of the best legends to extend engagements."
"Having those extra spell slots is the biggest difference besides the Queen from Town Hall 8 to Town Hall 9."
"Committing to a play even though it might not be the best play will always be better than second-guessing the best play."
"The colleges are deep enough to support multiple decks because of how the set is designed to be drafted."
"It's time to go absolutely crazy and expand everywhere you can."
"This thing's actually going to be insane 'cause they can't build."
"If you do your job and play the hero the way it's designed to be played, you will win more games."
"Perfectly good and typically what I would recommend as a high value character without needing extra copies."
"You've got to do something because Gooseway is in your backline."
"It's so slow now, they made it so like before an Irelia, you know how you'd want to throw out the first E far from yourself and put the second one like right on top of you so it does the stun instantly, oh you can't do it during your Q right."
"Throw a single delirium orb on these maps so that you are benefiting from the additional rare monsters from the delirium."
"He is going to be incredibly versatile all around the board I hope so I really hope that super no one can figure it out and it's just like 30 30 30 30 30 30 that'd be amazing."
"Simon Says everybody run away, except for the sheriff. Simon Says Sheriff, you're going to one v one me right now, everybody else can watch!"
"Just because it's not the optimal play doesn't mean it's still not an okay play."
"Special weapons are still a thing... some of these weapons are pretty good..."
"I mean maybe we could buy more cobblestone notes just to make our life a bit easier."
"Every time you attack something, could break something, you get MP back."
"The point of the game is not to never take damage, the point of the game is to win."
"Any card that you're forced to try and play around is gonna be one of those cards of high power level."
"Lancer: Maintaining damage buffs and mastering jumps are key."
"I definitely would not have been able to get that Xbox to make content with if it wasn't for all of the insane support you guys have been showing."
"Personally, I love inciting chaos in Mario Party, it’s what keeps the energy high and fun."
"You got to just play, you can't play with fear."
"Top players tend to be able to flex a bit more effectively... but I still personally adhere to a different Philosophy for choosing weapons."
"You don't even have to kill them all, you just gotta get past them, that's what I like, Mirrors Edge doesn't force you to be a killer."
"Calculated over extensions, that's kind of how you have to play a Winston."
"Movement speed makes it a lot easier to dodge that glacial cascade."
"Never go Bush to Bush, Bush to Bunker is just not the play."
"Literally, by yourself, 1500 extra health. Okay? And what is Caitlyn's normal health at level 16? 1800."
"If you're making zerglings, you're not making drones."
"Keep your money very, very, very low in Starcraft 2."
"Take Conquest gameplay with a grain of salt."
"Make sure you always start on the left if you start on the right you may accidentally hit one of the boxes from the right side and then you could mess it up."
"This is by far the biggest skip in the game."
"I think this is a very big deal one of the big things that priest has often had issue with is being reactive and having situational stuff."
"I need to make a pen for our hunter slimes real fast, those are flutter slimes looking, they're all down here fluttering about."
"I love being a ghost, just wanna be a ghost the whole game."
"It takes a good player to know how to play bad."
"This gun just shreds opponents and makes winning 1v2 fights so doable."
"Scump could have been you know top five AR like all these players if you know how to play the map you know how to play the game. Yeah, it's really not all that different for the ones that are really talented."
"Let's go ahead and lock gens back up with Dead Man's Switch."
"The stock cloak is better in most situations."
"All three characters have their own weapon Loadout... replaying the game with each changes up your strategy."
"Oni: Sound design is phenomenal, so much counter play in chase."
"Basically, you get as many stats as early as you can to make them useful."
"It's as if the game kind of reset a stage for you."
"We're not trying to max, we'll probably end up maxing along the way."
"Mystical Power guarantees a Special Attack boost with each use, making it a game-changer."
"The more you carry, the faster your stamina will drain when using actions; pawns can carry your burdens."
"Let's not get greedy, let's just back off, wait for me to isolate someone again and then I'll kill them."
"I just threw that game so hard, Ross killed Quig right in front of me and I said, 'He let him go with it.'"
"I've given you count by count by count, piece by piece information of where I've been every single round for the exact purpose of this. It's not me, dude."
"When you focus on where he's gonna be not where he is you're gonna get the jump on him."
"You can absolutely trade back... if he goes into Q."
"You can choose to go for a min/max stat build for hyper-specialization but you could also do a generalist playthrough."
"This game shows how hard Ekko can snowball and how you need to use problem solving to figure out your next steps."
"With so many different characters, each with unique traits and abilities, it's worth reviewing their place in the game."
"He's so much better at disruption than people think."
"Statue is a great card, Great Value absolutely correct."
"The higher and the more luck you have, the easier time you get in Stardew Valley."
"Support can carry, but not all supports can do it."
"It's good enough to get some Arrow shots off of it."
"Collecting key items to reach that magical number of 32."
"Can red and white play a lot of spells from exile? Yeah, it can."
"For Menat, it's all about footsies... her footsies bring you in."
"Horizontal movement speed is more important than vertical jump height."
"Survivability is the only downside, but once we take a look at gear mods, I'll address the survivability problem."
"Oh, he does check it and that is so unlucky for boomers."
"The simplest way to describe his rotation is support abilities first then elemental skill once or twice before activating the burst."
"It's focused on you not on them the basic scouting is important make sure you don't just die to a bunch of zerglings or Marines or adepts anything like that."
"The Mythrix fight is largely to do with dodging his attacks or rather anticipating the attacks."
"I need to get more powerful upgrades. It's the only way I can defeat him."
"Lost Aslanty mode makes it so that you have access to only one game save slot and it saves the game on exit so this keeps you from save scumming through the entire game."
"Always out of vision, always trying to exert some form of pressure."
"Kick some custom zombie butt. Oh, you already know that's the plan today."
"The finesse shots, that's all you need to say, man."
"I've been playing fundy families on Sims 4 way back before we even had toddlers."
"Create a funnel that forces players through a certain location. Be ready for an escape route."
"More options as a player, options to approach the situation."
"That was a very interesting hide-and-seek strategy."
"You can't always play for a win, sometimes you just take the game as it comes."
"He's all about just being an offensive blender a lot of characters in this game have very strong offense and Brad's definitely one of them."
"Damn, it's just such a cool card. It's just great to have the ability to have removal and board wipe on the same card."
"Upheaval's like our get-out-of-jail-free card in every matchup."
"If you pick any of these weapons and you play it to the right play style you're gonna succeed in this game and you're gonna have a lot of fun."
"If we can get that Nova at point-blank AOE gameplay into the necromancer, then maybe we should just leave poison as a theme behind."
"Storms are very dangerous, but we wanted the player to take advantage of this. When you've mastered a storm, when you know how these systems work, you can pull enemies into a storm and let the storm do damage for you."
"There's two types of controller styles: Viper and Astra. Omen doesn't fit, and you'll see why he doesn't fit."
"All these angles are really good at holding doorway and windows to sites."
"Now, as far as cooking food goes, what you're gonna want to do is go and change the building."
"This ended up being my main style through the game since before I began growing more confident and aggressive I played it safe when I could."
"Manchester United should aim to be a Goliath, not David."
"From a gameplay point of view, why risk Snake dying before you can figure out how to activate Metal Gear for you?"
"If you use a weapon that you're not proficient in, you don't get that proficiency bonus on your attacks."
"Constant communication between the last two characters together is gonna make rotation plays a lot easier or aggressive based plays a lot easier."
"Knocking over all 10 of something you instead get respect points for each one you knock over gradually earning you more and more each time but it resets."
"I was honestly surprised how consistently effective the werewolf was throughout."
"Stack added flat damage, percentage increased, and more damage."
"Get in there, get in there! And while your troops are pushing, send up the reserves close behind the wall."
"You're more likely to cast the front side of this than Seagate Restoration 100%."
"Shadow clone is infinitely better for fighting bosses because it just does a crazy amount of damage for bosses."
"If I had to present any piece of evidence that this game was intended to be played with at least an AI companion, these two are it."
"Playing the game properly is entirely different from what most people experience with overwatch."
"All we have to do is live to the chest, and then we have a chance."
"Watch out for the heart which killed me, I guess I have to shoot it or parry it."
"Let go of the sprint button and passing the ball a bit more, learning how to defend properly and just enjoying it like that."
"Let's go back up to the surface before something bad happens."
"Remember, no matter which kind of teammates that you happen to get paired with, the only thing you can do is trying to predict what's going to happen next."
"Accept no substitutes. This is my go-to shotgun for domination."
"Balloons, oh kills Wolverine because Storm can fly right, that's part of her deal."
"I do use the exterminator a lot but for other sections I'm using weapons that I don't generally use like the ghost lantern."
"Probably one of the coolest electric class spots that I've seen on clubhouse."
"There's gotta be a better way to do it, you think resting would be enough. Those yellow leaf bits are what I need to craft health potions."
"Every turn is kind of meaningful—there will occasionally be those rare turns where you just bypass five turns in a row, but they're pretty rare and few and far between."
"Playing Fallout 4 without VATS is actually entirely viable and fun."
"The entire level's win condition is jump on one of these guys and start riding his White Cloud."