
Language Importance Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"Words are extremely important to the brain. In fact, the brain cannot see without words. The more words you know, the more things you can see."
"Words matter – the language you use signifies your position to yourself and others."
"The take home is primarily that the language does matter...having companies and rewarding companies for being transparent and being clear seems like an active thing that consumers can do."
"Being mindful of our language and practices is important."
"Language is the carrying case of the heart of a people."
"The Sahaba understood that Arabic preserves the integrity and proper understanding of the religion."
"Words have a meaning that is invested in them by experience."
"Words absolutely matter and definitions matter."
"Grammar is important, but it's limited. It can be useful, but it's not the whole thing." - Stephen Krashen
"Brave is not the word, and that is a word that I reserve for people that have been the victims that are surviving."
"Language is a vital part of the human experience."
"English is a sign of a Protestant church right to be able to have your bible in English but to maintain all this ritual and the beautiful language."
"If you want to control people's thoughts, begin by controlling their words."
"Language matters, we cannot have a society worth living in without it."
"Language is everything, perception is everything."
"My last resort' is language, which is a ground for me."
"Language is the thing that unlocks reason. It's the thing that unlocks culture."
"From a perspective of an AI person like me, what Chomsky seems to be saying is, we learned how to begin to describe things, in a way that was intimately connected with language."
"Language is at the center of things because it enables storytelling going up, and marshalling the resources of the perceptual apparatus, going down."
"Changing the language we use around diets and eating in general is key."
"I try to be careful, precise with my language, the words I use, because I want to make sure when people hear what I'm saying, they genuinely understand the ideas behind what I'm saying."
"The integrity of biblical history ultimately is justified by the expression of these languages."
"The whole pronoun thing, it's actually it's not semantics, it's a really important hill worth dying on because they're trying to redefine the language."
"Language is the thing that holds more than anything else."
"Language is unbelievably important. Reality is made of language."
"Localization efforts extend to promoting inclusivity through language and representation."
"Understanding collocations and being able to use them... it's important not just for speaking but also for writing as well."
"In that simple act of calling things by their right names, it shattered a taboo, and that was beautiful and important."
"Words they matter if they don't matter we can't speak."
"English is an international business language. If you want to make money on the internet, you have to understand English."
"Having the language to describe one's gender identity outside of the gender binary of male and female is liberating."
"Language is a really interesting thing, it's a very powerful mechanism by which and through which we communicate with other people."
"Language is powerful and important here, especially when talking about wellness and health."
"Words mean things, okay? And you can look the words up. This is not Rob Skiba speaking. Everything I'm going to be showing you, it's not my opinion, it's not my interpretation. Words mean things."
"English is a must for international success."
"Learning the language of the people is even bigger than experiencing different cultures."
"Words convey meaning, and people will misunderstand if you miscommunicate."
"Language matters...we've defined words and roles...to ensure clear communication and understanding."
"The employment of language for a president is one of the most vital aspects of the presidency."
"The limit of your language is the limit of your world."
"Words matter and if you use a word in its proper context it should not be considered offensive."
"One word could change the whole meaning and the whole sentence of what you're trying to say."
"I think American schools should absolutely emphasize Spanish language stuff more they should emphasize learning about Latin America more absolutely because these are your most important neighbors."
"You gotta speak a little bit of the language if you're gonna go into cartel territory."
"It is no nation but a language, make no mistake. Our native tongue is our true fatherland."
"English may be more than just a useful tool, according to the thesis of linguistic relativity."
"How can we form a community if people can't talk to each other in the national language of English?"
"Words matter, especially in a legal context." - Host
"Until you have a word for something, you don’t understand."
"Words matter. Words create and build and convey not only idea but character. They bring these people to life."
"Talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. Talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart."
"Language, the force that created modern human culture and that today tells us who we are, how we belong, and where we're bound."
"What drew me to teaching English is the fact that it helps people connect to the entire world."
"But you're simply not using one of God's most profound languages. We are focused everything on the prayer of words..."
"Tolkien did not create the Lord of the Rings out of a desire to write Epic Fantasy; he created it because language cannot exist in a vacuum."
"Human beings require certainty, and if you take that communicative functionality out of language, then language becomes worthless."
"Words are very, very, very important because words will have you messing up your manifestation."
"Words have meaning, we must force them to start using words correctly."
"So not the idiot your husband is though your daughter's first language is Spanish and it's an important and valuable part of their heritage."
"Spoiler: the God portrayed in the Bible consistently overturns cultural assumptions."
"Words are important, the words we use are important."
"Knowing the language is better than shutting down the conversation."
"My hope and my big ask is that you would find ways to learn some of this language to know more about all of these histories."
"Words are important and definitions are important."
"He agrees with our position now... you can fix the problem by substituting the words anti-Muslim hatred or anti-Muslim bigotry for Islamophobia, then you don't have a problem."
"The way we speak of ourselves and others, the way we construct story matters. It will reflect back to you every time, so you want to be impeccable with your word."
"Languages to this day remain an essential part of our everyday life, as they help us communicate, express ourselves and define our identity."
"Words matter at the deepest level of our relationships with one another, our language is what makes us human and makes possible our society and civilization." - Neil Oliver
"The language that we use is very important, based on not only the actual facts of what happened, but also the definition of genocide under international law and international conventions." - Sameer Khal, Hindu American Foundation.
"Burn the ships. It's us or them, fight or become martyrs."
"Look, the English language exists for a reason. It's so we can fucking communicate with each other."
"Words is one of the most important things in our life."
"Tamils often call their language Tamarte which means the Tamil mother. It's more important to the Tamil identity than land, race, or religion."
"Everything is story work, is words."
"...the film adds many dimensions of its own; language is one."
"Language is important to me. It's very, very important to me because I do not want to see us lose the beautiful life that we have, that I've known."
"It's how cultures express their worldview."
"It is not a waste of time to attempt to articulate things in language; in fact, we must do so."
"Arabic was now a language of Empire and like them, it was also a language of Revelation."
"Language matters, what we see matters, words are not meaningless."
"The Quran celebrates its language and has made its language the key to its experience"
"To lose the language is to lose the medium we have for conducting most of our ceremonies."
"I feel like it's our wedding, we should have it in our first language."
"The language makes a huge difference, I think, in any culture, any country."
"The most important language is programming, not French."
"You ought to watch about changing a word because changing the word can change the meaning and change the emphasis."
"In many languages, the tone of a syllable matters for the meaning of the word being said."
"Vocabulary is very important because one word can mess up the whole meaning of a thought."
"Language is our communication, so language was more important than my school subjects."
"African languages are essential for the decolonization of the African minds and for the African renaissance."
"Your language choice here is incredibly important in setting the mood, the tone, the atmosphere."
"None of these things would have existed without language."
"Collocations are very important in the English language."
"The language we use to describe our life, to describe various situations, is so important."