
Apologetics Quotes

There are 204 quotes

"The proof of the Christian worldview is that without it you couldn't prove anything."
"Emotional appeals to suffering, pain, and evil in the world make sense if the triune God of Scripture exists."
"Every Christian must be ready to give to everyone who asks of you a reasoned defense for the hope that's within you."
"But in a way, I'm happy that the new atheists led to a renaissance in Christian apologetics in Christian philosophy."
"Isn't this just a God of the gaps argument? We're actually giving you positive evidence for why this seems to be a spaceless, timeless, non-material, incredibly powerful, especially wise mind."
"Training in apologetics is useful for shaping culture, strengthening faith in times of doubt, and effective in evangelism."
"The more you've come to understand about apologetics, the less comfortable you are actually using them."
"I do this every Tuesday. I do a livestream that is meant to be just theology, apologetics, dealing with tough issues related to Christianity. That's what I do and why I do it is to just honor Christ, spread the truth of the Bible, and answer skeptics' tough questions."
"So, the first floor is theistic apologetics, the second floor is Christian apologetics, and the third floor is Catholic apologetics."
"We're called to be ready to answer anyone that asks of the hope that's in us."
"Apologetics is just giving a response to objections or giving a defense of what you believe."
"We need to always be ready to give a defense and answer an apologia for the hope that is in you."
"God is giving a new apologetic, a new evidence of His love and of His existence."
"Knowing Christianity is true is different than showing Christianity true."
"If Christianity is true why misrepresent the position and fail to address the main objections?"
"This is the only course anywhere in the world that teaches you both Islamic apologetics and polemics."
"Always be ready to give an offense to anyone who calls you to account for the hope that's in you yet do it with gentleness and reverence."
"Apologetics is a forklift that will move intellectual barriers out of the way."
"The evidence Bible will help you be prepared to give an answer easily and effectively."
"Our approach has been very effective in helping individuals respond to sincere questions and objections about the Christian worldview."
"The god hypothesis provides the best explanation of this ensemble of evidence."
"Christian apologists are simply not interested in playing by the rules of reason in the first place."
"I want to tell our viewers again, your book 'Christian Apologetics'... I can't recommend it more highly."
"Christopher Hitchens...said this was the hardest, hardest, hardest argument to answer when it came to dealing with the arguments for God."
"Roman Catholic apologists know their own theologians are not their friends."
"The idea of God needing apologists refutes the idea of a benevolent God."
"Stand on God's Word and point out that the unbeliever has to stand on God's Word too in order to make sense of anything."
"Stand on God's Word from the beginning. That's the key to defending the Christian faith."
"There is a strong intellectual case for the Christian faith."
"You have to be able to give an answer, a reason for the hope that is in you, that includes a reason for why you believe what you believe."
"The Word of God should not require an apologist."
"The job of the apologist now is... to give people a sense of what kind of story can make sense of their life."
"I spent most of my Christian Life making the case that Christianity is worth thinking about and that the smart money is on Jesus of Nazareth."
"Our reliance upon the Holy Spirit in apologetics is absolute."
"What about the testimony of these former skeptics and atheists? C.S. Lewis, Josh McDowell, Lee Strobel. They set out to try to disprove the resurrection, to show that it didn't happen, and they became believers."
"Always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you but do it with respect and love."
"Apologetics is designed to give a rational account of your system of beliefs, your system of religious beliefs."
"All believers are called to know what they believe, why they believe it, and to be ready, willing, and able to communicate that effectively."
"Apologetics is not just for the elite of the elite."
"Apologetics is one beggar telling another beggar where he found bread."
"Resurrection thinking should be not only the heart of apologetics but the heart of the Christian life."
"I want to argue as apologetically as rigorously as I can. But I don't want to be humiliating about it. I want to be effective but I want to be positive and personable."
"You cannot have a fully orbed Christian worldview without being able to defend the resurrection of Jesus."
"Presuppositional apologetics teaches that there is General Revelation that gets through."
"At the end of the day, as Bonson said, it's the apologist's job to shut the mouth but only God can open the eyes."
"Our defense of the Christian faith needs to be done as Christians committed to His lordship without neutrality."
"We don't do apologetics as well as we could because we're often uncharitable in it."
"Training in apologetics is a great help in doing evangelism. People have objections and questions and we need to be able to address those compassionately and intelligently."
"What greater apologetic, what more beautiful apologetic than the Narnia stories?"
"Doubt can be the making of an apologist. I would learn to think through this and grow."
"I think that there will always be a need for apologists to look at the Bible to measure that against what is being championed during the time we live in."
"Prophecy is pretty amazing. It's genius. And it is the apologetic that God gives us in the scriptures."
"Apologetics is hard, but you're not going to stumble across a single new argument ever because people have debated these religions for centuries."
"We don't like the concept of apologetics... we don't like the idea of us claiming to be right and assuming that other people are wrong."
"If you can do anything else and obey God, do it. If you're gonna do apologetics it needs to be a fire in your bones, it needs to be something that you have to do because God has absolutely called you and gifted you to do it. You can't do anything else and still be obedient."
"I think the classical apologetic method of first arguing for God in a general sense and then for specifically Christianity is a lot better, is a lot more powerful."
"Teaching them biblical apologetics so that they can be the salt of the earth."
"Apologetics and scholarship both have different strengths and weaknesses. They can actually be really good for each other."
"Apologetics shows the compatibility of faith and reason."
"...apologetics is marriage counseling. Adam and Eve must reconcile; they are meant for each other."
"I think we need the good, the true, and the beautiful. Without beauty, our apologetic is severely lacking."
"I think apologetics entails the whole person, not just the intellect but also the psychology, emotions, memories, one's current circumstances."
"If you prepare good reasons for your Christian faith and are able to deliver those reasons with gentleness and respect, you will see God supernaturally bringing people to you to hear and respond to your reasons."
"People want to know what is really going on behind the scenes, what's being told. Christians need to have an answer for it, a solid answer."
"...apologetics is always calm and peaceful. Amen. It's not always calm and peaceful, and it doesn't have to always be calm and peaceful. Sometimes it gets fiery, and that's okay."
"If an atheist walks up to you and says, 'How do you know that your God has always been a God of love?' you have no answer for them."
"If you fathers need to take ownership of instructing your children in Christian doctrine and apologetics very simply at first from a young age but then with increasing depth as they grow older do not leave this to Mom or to the Sunday School to to do."
"Arguments aren't false just because they're apologetic arguments."
"...we have raised the intellectual pricetag that he has to pay for his unbelief and I think we raise it to such an extent that he now no longer has any excuse for his unbelief."
"The resurrection is the ultimate apologetic that sets apart Jesus Christ."
"Unbelievers have really good questions. Christians ought to have really good answers."
"If you're a Christian and you've ever told somebody why you believe Jesus was raised from the dead or why you have put your trust in Jesus, then you've already done apologetics, basically."
"Apologetics is not the gospel, but hopefully what we can do when we do good apologetics is, if there's doubt or there's an intellectual obstacle standing in front of the cross, we kind of get to clear those obstacles away so the person can take a good look at the actual gospel."
"You are called to be a Christian Case Maker."
"So, as you talk to your friends during this season or any time of the year making the case for the most important piece of evidence in the Christian worldview, keep in mind that sometimes the only real obstacle is the person you're talking to."
"For all the stories, there is a reason why it was invented that has some apologetic purpose in Islam."
"Christians better have a good answer to the skeptics and scoffers."
"Rationality is essential in apologetics."
"I want to give the unbeliever the intellectual equivalent of a kidney stone for his own good."
"The best apologetic is the Jesus-shaped apologetic of love."
"I always hope we've moved past that. There are even some Christians saying we don't apologize for the gospel, and they're talking about apologetics. Guys, apologetics has nothing to do with apologizing. It was a court term."
"Tim Keller's Reason for God is an excellent book."
"Our most powerful apologetic is to live this out in relationship."
"We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion."
"Grant by your grace that we would always be prepared to give an answer to anyone who asks us the reason for the hope that is in us."
"I came to appreciate the importance of apologetics as a result of my own personal Journey of Faith."
"Effective explanation of our faith is good apologetics."
"Apologetics aims to establish the plausibility, the reasonableness of the gospel of Christ."
"Evangelism invites people to respond to the gospel, where apologetics aims to secure consent."
"Apologetics is conversational, whereas evangelism is invitational."
"Apologetics is about defending truth but you do it gently and respectfully."
"Apologetics is not about antagonizing or humiliating those who are outside the church but rather helping open their eyes and minds to the reliability, reality, and relevance of the Christian faith."
"Apologetics should not be seen as something reactive and defensive; there's more to it than that."
"Apologetics is about responding to questions and concerns people raise about the Christian faith as an opportunity for discussion."
"Apologetics is about explaining and communicating what is fundamentally important and attractive about the Christian faith at rational, relational, and imaginative levels."
"Apologetics is about effective translation of the Christian faith into the cultural vernacular."
"His book 'The Ultimate Proof for Creation' is definitely a great tool if you want to think logically."
"Yes, we do believe in the use of evidence, and in a very real sense, evidence becomes even more relevant in the presuppositional view."
"So, people would say, 'Well, your reasoning is circular.' And I'd say, 'Oh, that's right. You either reason within the Christian circle or you don't reason. Those are your options.'"
"Always be prepared to give a defense."
"The Christian philosopher doesn't just want to believe; they want to be able to give reasons for what it is that they believe."
"The Christian can look outside the Bible for the fact of Christ's existence; Josephus establishes this fact, Pliny establishes this fact, certainly the Talmud establishes this fact."
"Always be ready to give a defense for the reason if anyone asks you a reason for the hope that lies into you with meekness and fear."
"Be ready to make a defense for the hope that's within you, but do it with kindness and respect."
"Set apart Messiah as Lord and always give a defense for the hope that is in you."
"There's reasons to believe and there's answers to these very bizarre Bible verses if you take the time to adequately study."
"Always be ready to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have, but do this with gentleness and respect."
"If truth does exist, God exists, miracles are possible, and Jesus rose from the dead, then it follows that Christianity is indeed true."
"Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asks a reason for the hope that is in you with meekness and fear."
"We have to give a reasonable, biblical defense for our faith; not some kind of pie in the sky emotional romanticized idea that has nothing to do with truth."
"...equip Christians to identify the core beliefs of historic Christianity, discern its counterfeits, and proclaim the gospel with clarity, kindness, and truth."
"We need to give reasons for the hope that is within us."
"Always be prepared to give a defense to anyone who asks you the reason for the hope that is in you."
"An intellectual defense of the faith is important to encourage Christians and to challenge non-Christians."
"This is not about relying on human wisdom, but it is definitely about defending the truth."
"That's the best evidence for the resurrection, the cumulative case."
"He has such a gift for apologetics."
"Listening is an act of love and we can't be good apologists if we're not good listeners."
"Be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have."
"We do apologetics not simply to win an argument or debate, but rather to defend biblical authority to proclaim the gospel effectively."
"It tells one major story right to impact lives. In and of itself, it is a great apologetic for God Himself."
"This is a debate where the weight of evidence must be upon Dr. Stratton to demonstrate that Molinism is biblical."
"Welcome to Reasoning Theology, a show dedicated to apologetics discussions, interviews, debates, and more."
"He's able to respectfully but very firmly tear down the atheist arguments against the claims of Christianity."
"The Bible says give to every man an answer, a reason for the hope that lies within you."
"Everything serves as evidence for God's existence, so we can use all of this as long as we understand it within the right context."
"It's in hearing their responses that you start to realize how good the evidence actually is."
"God is honored when Christians know the word so well that they can provide a reason for the hope that is in us."
"We would be ready to give an answer for the hope that is within us."
"There is a big debate among Christians as to how it is you're supposed to go about showing that Christianity is true or whether you even should to non-believers."
"To give an answer to everyone that asks us a reason for the hope that is in us is fundamental."
"I think you've really helped raise the discourse when it comes to apologetics."
"I really needed to do more for the kingdom. I've always been interested in apologetics."
"But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear."
"In your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have."
"The early church used Jesus's accurate prophecies about the destruction of Jerusalem as part of their argument of Jesus's prophethood."
"Tertullian and Justin Martyr... they both say to their opposition that they could go to the Roman archives and verify what was being said about Jesus in the archives."
"Always be ready to give a reason for the hope that is within you."
"...equipping Christian parents to raise their kids with an understanding of how to make a case for and defend their faith in today's challenging world."
"The case for Christ is a spellbinding read as he goes through talking to 13 different experts on religious history."
"Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asks you to give a reason for the hope that's in you, with meekness and fear."
"Atheists must provide reasons for believing God does not exist, while theists must provide reasons for their belief that he does."
"Be always ready to give to everyone that asks of you a reason for the hope that lies within you."
"We ought to be ready always to give a reason for the hope that is in us."
"Apologetics is the discipline of defending a position through the systematic exercise of reason."
"Always be ready to give the reason for the hope that you have."
"We're a non-profit apologetics organization that wants to help you to know, love, and live your faith."
"I'm an apologist but I'm also a pastor in a church."
"I think one of the greatest dangers to apologists is they tend to get disconnected from the church."
"Jesus is greater than anything, and if we can find ways to show how that's coherently true, even if evolution is true, that's something that's worth really supporting."
"The Bible tells us to always be ready to give an answer, a defense for the reason of the hope that you have within you."
"Always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence."
"I don't have enough faith to be an atheist by Frank Turek, really excellent book here."
"In your hearts regard Christ the Lord as holy, ready at any time to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you."
"Always be ready to give a reason for the hope you have in Jesus Christ."
"Be ready to give an answer when people ask you about the hope that you carry."
"Every generation will be called upon to refurbish and update and develop arguments for God's existence based upon the knowledge that they have."
"We have to have a kind of wisdom of apologetics."
"Always be ready to give an answer as to why you believe and the reason for your hope."
"This Bible focuses on apologetics and a defense of the truth of the Christian worldview."
"The people that have contributed to this Bible are some of the best exegetes and apologists that we know."
"The commentary is apologetics focused to help you understand especially in places where there might be some type of controversy that comes up."
"Always be ready to give an answer to someone who asks of you."
"Whenever you're defending your faith, you have to give reasons for it."
"I'm convinced that there are better arguments for theism than for atheism."
"We have to be informed apologists; your apologetics must be undergirded with knowledge."
"Apologetics helped me think more clearly, think more logically about these issues."
"Always be prepared to give good reasons for the hope you have in Jesus Christ with gentleness, respect, and a clear conscience."
"Be sanctified in the Lord in your hearts and be ready always to give an answer to every man who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you."
"There are very good credible reasons to believe in the existence of God."
"I started this ministry called Crossexamine.org to present the evidence that Christianity is true."
"Give an answer to every man who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you."
"Presuppositional apologetics is a fundamentally theological form of apologetics."
"Be ready always to give an answer to anyone that asketh you a reason for the hope that is in you."
"I have demonstrated that you can intellectually defend the Christian faith."
"Be willing and eager to give to every man an answer for the hope that lies within, with gentleness and respect."
"My stance is I'm simply trying to make a case for Christ."
"We should give to every man an answer for the hope that lies within us."
"Our purpose is to train Christians to understand, articulate, and defend basic Christian truths."
"Be ready always to give an answer for the hope that is in you."
"We are to be ready to make a defense for the hope that is in us; we're to give a reason for why we believe what we believe."
"You've always got to be prepared to give a reason for the hope that is in you."
"Apologetics specifically serves to show to unbelievers the truth of the Christian faith, to confirm that faith to believers, and to reveal and explore the connections between Christian doctrine and other truths."
"Be able to give a reason for the hope that is within us."