
Collective Action Quotes

There are 1286 quotes

"People underestimate how much of an impact the collective effect of people doing small things, but the small right things can have on us as a society."
"As individuals, most of us will feel bad on seeing a homeless person, but as a social collective, we put up with it."
"We need to collectively have that conversation."
"This is the time for everyone to get engaged; this is not just a response for the government and the public health system, it's a response for all of them."
"That unity and friendship and collective action are the things that truly empower us."
"We can all collectively do wellness and allow our lives to go back to normal quickly and powerfully because of our collective decision to do wellness, to boost our immune system."
"Operate in love and compassion, slow down, look at the facts... we can't get anything accomplished unless we all do it together."
"There is nothing beyond our capacity if we act together and decently with one another."
"This is a point in history where we're going to need to assert our personal authority, collectivize wherever we're from, and whatever our previous interests and alliances have been, in order to oppose these measures, these increasingly draconian measures."
"But the only way to do that is for everyone to collectively realize that our current culture around work is false and bad."
"If enough people start [getting their act together], maybe we can turn this whole mess around. That'd be lovely, and maybe it won't take that many people to start it."
"This is a public health crisis, and you cannot solve public health crises one person at a time."
"What matters is that the ending of our story is still up to us, and if we work together, we can write the last chapter of our story."
"When we collectively come together and unite for the positive, we can shift the energy."
"What are we doing together to like, improve people and the world?"
"Human beings can rise to the occasion of our own survival."
"Change comes from individual action, forming a mass movement, a collective action, and we can all be a part of that."
"Only through collective action can we hope to instigate meaningful change and protect those most vulnerable to the revenue-driven decisions of these powerful entities."
"If we get enough people doing this... the difference we can make in the world."
"It oftentimes takes a certain amount or number of people to keep talking and keep complaining before action is taken."
"The future is bright but only if we encourage each other and fight for it together."
"The bottom line is we are in very serious trouble, not just in America but around the world, and the only way out of it is if enough of us fundamentally come to terms with the problem and care enough to put in the effort to fix it."
"We have to have a collective conversation as a community what are we going to do collectively to be okay."
"We have to prove that we are capable of extraordinary global acts of solidarity all together because health comes first. Everything else comes after."
"If we all got together and said we could do better than this and we don't want to be run by a collection of oligarchs...that's where our power really lies."
"If we fail to act together, I think Putin wins."
"We're all in this together, and we can only succeed together. So the rule of the game is 'together'."
"This is a time for solidarity, this is a time for facts, this is a time to move forward together to fight this virus together."
"We have the responsibility to take better care of the environment which we all share."
"On the individual level, the most important thing is to join an organization. 50 people belonging to an organization can accomplish far more than 500 individuals working on their own."
"Everybody suffered, so this is our shot, this is our time, this is our mission. From this day forward, we're going to fight like hell."
"We are the plan. We as human beings are the plan. It's down to us."
"There is no one leader; everybody's got to lead."
"The collective moves as one mind, one heart, caring for those falling behind, not for their own gain but to help others realize their dreams."
"Understanding that any problem that one of us is facing is a problem for all of us is the only way we're going to tackle these huge generational problems."
"Fighting climate change is our common task, the task of humankind."
"There is nothing we can achieve alone that wouldn't be better together. We need collective action."
"To put the power of change into the hands of the people and into the hands of collective action is very in keeping with the storytelling and moral of V for Vendetta."
"The way we solve this problem is by everyone coming together, stopping the spread by limiting large gatherings, by staying at home."
"Professors and students unite, we are going to win this fight!"
"We're not going to be able to steer ourselves off this course environmentally without the change of people who are much bigger and much higher up than we are."
"Shared beliefs simplify the world, as well, because people know what to expect from one another, can act together to tame the world."
"Collective action actually can get us somewhere if we start talking about these problems and push back on the people who are preventing us from having basic dignities."
"Knowledge is free. We are anonymous. We are legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us."
"This unparalleled national effort has decisively shifted the odds in our favor."
"We all must take action through social distancing to protect our health and the health of others."
"The people when they're united are a force to be reckoned with, and I think it's important for us to remember that."
"For me, it's about communal heroism as opposed to individual acts of heroism. It's about the cumulative effect of small acts of human heroism and what we can achieve together rather than individually."
"It's so comical to me that all of the talent at MSNBC came together and basically threw one big fat tantrum and won."
"Let's get rid of all that trash. Let's get rid of it together."
"Our shared grief is a poignant reminder that our collective future will hinge on our ability to recognize our common humanity and to act together."
"But our shared grief is a poignant reminder that our collective future will hinge on the ability to recognize our common humanity and to act together."
"This is a national effort, and every single person in this country can play their part in this plan."
"The planet's been changing forever; we don't get to push pause on it. So, we have to collectively figure out how to survive on it."
"The solution is collective work and responsibility."
"Together we can compel a ripple effect that will obliterate evil off the face of our planet."
"If everybody responds to their personal well-being and says 'That's too dangerous to stand up', then not enough people stand up to change the course of history."
"And we do need to fix it. Because this health problem affects everybody."
"Your actions, your restraint, and your sacrifice are putting this country in a better and stronger position where we will be able to save literally thousands of lives."
"I don't think we get out of the trap until we show a capacity to truly understand that it's not you or me, it is really we, we are in this together."
"It's just a collective small acts that it takes to make big change."
"If we have a determined mind as we move as one, collectively, we get on code, there is nothing that they can do."
"Once you start realizing that it was actually a collective effort, you go, 'Oh, but hold on, this was actually a collective effort, which means you and me have a duty to become a part of the collective effort of whatever freedom that we're seeking.'"
"It is the way Canadians have done this with collective generosity, kindness, and ingenuity that assures me we will get through this together."
"This is going to be hard for us as a society, this is going to be hard for us financially, but I have every confidence that we will get through this together."
"Right now is your chance to act collectively."
"Enough people like you stand up and join your voices together, you will easily reach the tipping point when America will suddenly realize gosh we're not a country that's entirely made up of religious people at all."
"The good thing, even though... we can change things, so maybe sometimes through our collective actions, our collective thoughts, we will guide the future to a better time."
"Getting any of this done means getting all of this done."
"If enough of us do that, we can change the country and make it better."
"The coronavirus pandemic... was a point where all of us were terrified, all of us were willing to do whatever it took, why? Because of the sanctity of human life."
"Feminism is the collective manifestation of female anger."
"We can do this. There's nothing we've ever failed to do, we've decided to do together. Together, that's America."
"Transformation always happens collectively through some kind of a crisis that makes us pay attention to something."
"The superpower of our species is not individual genius; it's the ability to cooperate in large numbers."
"Unions are for everyone because unions are a group of people coming together collectively to change what they'd like to see in their workplace and to do it together."
"The only way that you can rebalance society against the rich and the powerful is by organizing collectively."
"The best way that we have to make the change that we want to see in our workplaces is to come together collectively in a union."
"To combat the risk of selfishness and indifference, let us welcome this time of trial as an opportunity to prepare for our collective future."
"Maybe if we awaken individually, we can do something powerful collectively together by telling the truth, by allowing opposing opinions to be discussed in an open forum, by maintaining our hope and our strength."
"Personal responsibility... there is some collective action I think that is good."
"We must work collectively to ensure the elimination of all such weapons."
"We can all make a difference, but we need everybody to do their part."
"All these challenges are surmountable, should we collectively choose to overcome them."
"This is truly a defining moment of our time, where collective efforts must be channeled to address the numerous challenges that we face."
"You're doing your bit to slow the spread of the disease, and the more we collectively slow the spread, the more time we give the NHS to prepare, the more lives we will save, the faster we will get through this."
"The unprecedented challenge that we find ourselves in demands that we all address the issue of the day."
"We've proven that we can all mass mobilize together and stay at home. We need to mobilize for the climate crisis too."
"They are not going to do this to America. There is more of us than it is of them and we are going to fight."
"We will build a critical mass of class-conscious average people united in our desire for a better world beyond capitalism."
"Nothing unifies our people together like invading."
"Apes together man... positivity in the community."
"There's something magical about group acceptance and a group of people acting and doing something together."
"Yesterday was not about me... yesterday was about the collective and the movement."
"One person cannot change everything. It's the collect."
"Never forget that if you get enough people together, you can do anything you want."
"We can do whatever we set our minds to if we do it together."
"You know like all this time after where where's her Army you know we're part of her Army but where are her fellow women who had standing to object."
"When you get knocked down get up well it's time for America to get up together."
"Unity is what humanity needs more than ever right now. We are the ones we are waiting for."
"I'm just a small drop in the ocean. If more people get added to it together, we can make a huge difference."
"Creating a cleaner future for all, and we all must do our part. But it's only human to protect the one we share."
"We can live for ourselves today or help secure tomorrow for everyone."
"Join with others, you can do a lot of things."
"What's really going to make a difference is a bunch of people making small changes on a global level."
"We have to collectively come together to make progress."
"This is the new era more people are recognizing that unions are the way to come together collectively and flex their muscle."
"We should always stand up together to protect freedom of expression."
"It's time to unite and stand together against this emerging threat."
"If every person like him stood up at the exact same time, they would win."
"Now people know that their voice actually matters when they come together and they speak up together as long as they don't back down."
"As long as they don't back down, people's voices actually matter when they come together and speak up together."
"Together we shall save our planet or Together We Shall Perish in its Flame."
"It's only through collective action that social justice can prevail."
"Love is the answer; together we can change things."
"Communities coming together for a common goal, even if it's over something petty, is powerful."
"This woman's brave. This is what we need. It would be nice if other people would join along."
"What makes cryptocurrency great is that a swarm across the entire world comes together like locusts and they bathe the land and they make some progress they take it over they transform it they are one Unity made of many."
"It's going to require every single person to step the [ __ ] up to stop it."
"Let's come together and actually do some good in the world."
"A movement to protect our attention collectively."
"Through a very collective action and shared sacrifice, national determination, we will overcome the threat of the virus."
"Through collective action and shared sacrifice, national determination, we will overcome the threat of the virus."
"This is about us coming together as communities."
"It just goes to show what can happen when we all come together."
"If people collectively stopped trying to make things worse, we have no idea how much better they would get."
"It's time for us, for we the people, to come together."
"Nothing gets done unless we do it collectively."
"We won't stop. We know that y'all won't stop. We won't stop together."
"If everybody started doing that then nobody's getting anywhere."
"There's always going to be people that no matter what are not going to believe this."
"We put community first because together, we can build a more equitable and just society."
"We must come together to draw strength from each other and advance our collective vision for a better world where we one day have justice for all."
"If we come out in mass, there's nothing they can do to stop us."
"There are more of us than there are of them, and what we're fighting for is worth fighting for."
"Our voices mean nothing? One voice alone may not be able to do it, but when we come in the legion, that's when change happens."
"Our future deeply depends on what level of consciousness and engagement we bring to this historical moment to bring forth the best possible results."
"We need ordinary people to join with us to make it for the good of society and the good of individuals."
"I feel like I'm part of the revolution and I'm walking there with you guys. The revolution never ends, my friend."
"When we work together, we can have a wave that makes a difference."
"Rick mentions that now they have enough evidence that confirms that there is gold stashed somewhere on the island."
"Every one of us has a role to play, it’s only together that we can force the change we want to see."
"It should be all of us taking responsibility individually collectively for what we need to do to live with this virus."
"The collective action side of things is intriguing to me, the enemies are perfect."
"Strength in numbers, like if you organize human beings and you have one cause, you know, you can influence the world, influence society."
"If enough of us a stink, we can make something happen."
"We are in this together. Our choir will always sing louder."
"It's time for us to stop trying to figure out and start being together."
"The next Martin Luther King's and the Gandhis is not an individual person, but it's a group of individuals that operate as one body, as one voice."
"Regular people are rising up with their combined power through a decentralized network on the internet."
"It's the only state from which we're going to be able to make a difference and come together and find the true solutions."
"Socialist power comes from masses of people standing up to oppression."
"It's not happening. Then you can pull the whole thing down. And I think you can pull the whole thing down very, very quickly when there's enough of you."
"This shows the power of what fans, if we really do get together and we really do make up a load of noise."
"Ten real serious people could start something in your reality and in your existence. They could take you to places where you will not have to succumb to anything."
"Either we all hang together or we hang separately because that's the way this is gonna work."
"I mean, the guy was serious when he said 'Not me, us.' Look at him, he's fighting this fight."
"The best way to help this Collective fight continue is to really just organize your workplace."
"I think there's a hunger for something that unites us... we can get the band back together and the band is America."
"If everyone voted with their fork you know what the food industry would have to listen okay because ultimately we are the not the 2000 pound gorilla we are the 200 million ton gorilla if we actually exerted our collective uh willpower."
"We have to rely on each other, and the things that get done have to be done by us."
"A society of people who are adored and can't pay attention won't be able to achieve collective goals either."
"We've got to have another level of response at which together we are taking on these forces that are messing with our ability to pay attention."
"There's no trade-off between those two things the more you gain control of yourself personally the better able you are to participate in a collective struggle."
"Society has a collective responsibility to help everybody live a decent life."
"It's gonna take a community, so I encourage you with that."
"Social justice is not a competition... it's an opportunity for us to advance an agenda."
"We're fine, we finally have a lot of people fighting with us."
"A legal norm can only be effective if we collectively uphold it together as part of a multilateral effort."
"It's amazing what happens when like everybody just stops showing up to work for a little bit."
"Collective action is literally impossible... sometimes involuntary but often through voluntary action."
"Instead of saying 'oh yeah those kids will save us,' ask 'what can we do together to save democracy?'"
"This is the way that we're gonna all change the world together."
"We have the capacity to create it and we're going to create it together."
"If you're alone standing against concentrated power, you don't have a chance. If you're working with others, you do have a chance."
"If we don't unite, they're killing us off in different ways."
"That's the one thing I take from the India thing is that, you know, 250 million people can band together and demand change."
"Our task at the moment is to come together... operating with one heart."
"We have to come together with a joint understanding of how this virus is spread and how we can prevent the spread."
"The willingness to fight... people are standing up, it's time to stand up."
"If blood is to be shed, then we shed it together."
"It is about joining together to overthrow them."
"We're all in this together. If we all work together, we can do it."
"As a community, that is what is beautiful about this movement. We all recognize that there is an actual issue with the system, the free market that exists, and people are coming together to make it happen."
"Look what we could do if we got our [__] together, family. Look what we could do."
"There actually needs to be something bigger and collective that has to be done."
"History has shown that when nations come together in common cause, there is always room for hope."
"If all the people at the bottom all got this idea and were able to communicate it to one another and all band together and say no, we're not going to do this thing or that thing or whatever, you can make real change."
"This is a real example of the country coming together."
"We're still on the downward trend here but it's starting to reverse... we don't know if we have the collective willpower to save the environment."
"Their only way to conquer this disease is to conquer it everywhere."
"Every action, big or small, shapes the narrative of our collective future."
"We have to rise together and we have to be our own collective messiah."
"Could it be done on a mass scale? According to many of the spiritual leaders urging us to wake up and ascend, yes it can."
"It's not about my revenge, it's about the revenge of the people."
"Our community came together in a collective consciousness and wanted to unify. I'm so proud of us because our... they're my heroes, you know?"
"It's not never too late to do the right thing we just need to start doing the right thing for our people."
"We can't stop old growth forests from being cut down, gas from being fracked, or mountain tops from being removed unless we act collectively."
"We have lost the ability to have collective rage and desire to do something about it."
"We gotta do better as a collective, as a group."