
Source Quotes

There are 520 quotes

"There is an eternal truth... We can call that Source God."
"Animal agriculture has still been identified as a likely source for future pandemics."
"The happiness comes from a different place, that joy comes from a different place."
"It doesn't come from me, it comes from a source which is all-knowing, all-powerful...that means you don't experience something and then you base a judgment based on your own personal limited experience."
"He's not a reward for Holiness; He's your source for Holiness."
"When we find information and we trace it back to its ultimate source, we always come to a mind, not a material process."
"Jesus is the source of true, genuine, lasting peace."
"Promotion doesn't come from the east and it don't come from the west, it comes from the Lord."
"We're on a decline if you're talking about back then when it was directly from the source."
"They were more close to the source than we were."
"Always remember where your light source is coming from."
"Shouldn't your dense form of self, your physical body, be able to go back to the source it was created from?"
"Our pride is drawn from that. That's where it comes from."
"Last objective is the source of the Calamity itself."
"All of reality comes through a single Source."
"Our sun serves as the primary source of light, heat, and crucially, life."
"You're either a unique expression of source or only a fractal of light that represents a collective."
"Time and detachment are important, realizing you are the source and creator."
"God is the beginning and the source of wisdom."
"There's a power here unlike any I've seen before. It seems to be flowing from a single source. Maybe that's also the source of the markers."
"Like a ray of light returning to the sun."
"Love comes from within and not from another person."
"Rest, rejuvenate, tune into your spiritual source."
"If you come to the source, you don't need a resource."
"People ask me where I get my energy. I get it from God."
"Isn't God the source of our strength?"
"This water is the source of all life."
"Abundance, fullness of source, enough for all, open."
"Knowing the source of your moral intuitions helps you manage it, control it."
"My teaching is not my own. It comes from the one who sent me."
"Non-repudiation: proving that a message came from a particular source and no other."
"H&M really is an incredible source where you can find everything you're looking for."
"...everything that we see that's going to give life it has to come from the source of life..."
"Linoleic acid is linoleic acid. In that sense, it has no regard for the source."
"Some people literally only get their news from Facebook."
"The show was based off of Candace Buell's own real life column in the New York Observer."
"Understanding the source of it, this is a really good question. There is proof that that is true."
"Religion comes from the sigh of the oppressed."
"Every thought that you have that says I can't do it is resistance to connecting to source."
"Everything that emanates from this Source emanates from a field of well-being." - Wayne Dyer
"Source is what you are. You came from God, you will return to God. God is what you are."
"I firmly believe today that we are all one and that we all come from one source and one Creator."
"Now, you can add a source as well."
"The source of our happiness is we feel so good after."
"What keeps making those sounds? Is it man or beast?"
"Passion is the creative source inside of you."
"Nothing would please us more than finding our joy in him."
"The happiness we long for simply cannot be delivered by a relationship or a person or a substance."
"...the basis of all of this series is a series of essays written by our dear friend Mike from the website LDS discussions.com."
"GCS lighting.com is where you're usual to find it."
"The bread was going to come from the same place as the need."
"He is the source of our peace on a daily basis through our personal relationship with Him."
"Intuition arises from the very source that we all share."
"He's your only source, he's your only source."
"To find the meaning of our effort is to find the original source of our effort."
"Most of my material comes from just my groundwork."
"The closer we are to that source, the more we are connected to it."
"We call it Source knowledge, not parametric knowledge because the knowledge is not stored in the parameters of the model."
"your prosperity your abundance does flow to you directly from source"
"High quality supply reflects the high quality of the source."
"So this was a lot of useful information they obtained from Elaine Boyce."
"Attachment to view is the source of a lot of conflict."
"The source of human goodness is human."
"There are limited data and some increasing data especially from Scott Harrinson in Maryland."
"You're about to touch Source, connecting with Source."
"Everything stems from the heart center."
"Inspiration for anything can come from anywhere."
"Children are the closest to Source on the way in to this experience that we call life and the elderly are the closest to Source God the Divine the creator of the universe on the way out."
"No one cares how someone goes and gets the news, as long as it's accurate."
"Where does the power come from? It comes from within."
"We are all coming from the One Source. We are all connected with one source, our soul is all coming from the one ocean belt which is connected to the supreme God."
"Nature is an incredible source of self-care for us all."
"A source that they would find out on the streets of Japan - the motorcycle would be the perfect choice of vehicle for this endeavor."
"You're quite connected to Source."
"If you feel peace, you know who it's from."
"The Spirit is the source of life."
"The nice thing about this is you'll be hearing from the people themselves not me, interpreting something I read on Wikipedia."
"because of the crappy where did he get that building shop oh shop WWE shop.com"
"Information useful to you is not necessarily limited to information generated by someone you don't know."
"It's an incredible source of inspiration."
"Truth comes from words as well, depending on who said it."
"Most of the greens... come from here... not everything but mostly."
"It puts this electric feeling in the air creativity is tapping into the same Source in my opinion whether you're making a song or creating a painting."
"It's the only place where you get the truth."
"Getting it from the source is often fresher."
"Music is not something you create. You create a version of it, but the source of it is coming all around."
"He is the source, Jesus Christ himself is the source."
"He wanted to know everything about the deal model from the person who had actually built it. He took the time. One of the things he really believes in is going to the source."
"That's what the knowledge came from."
"...is there any other advice that you need and where can you get it from?"
"You've really come back to source, you're really shining like the sun. The fact that you picked the sunstone, y'all really there. This is your time right now. A lot of people that did you dirty are now looking at you and are quite jealous of how you've managed to bounce back."
"The divine mother is the source, the worlds come out of her exist because of her."
"That's where the 'flappy thing' is coming from."
"Give me the news, but that's why you need to go to Reuters maybe because they simply publish the news."
"Learning to surrender can feel as if you're dying. Surrender to Source."
"It is the source of our greatest power."
"The source of the demon's power was not fear but hope."
"Love could serve as a source of meaning even when stripped of everything else."
"I've always prized myself on my ability to turn a phrase. I'm most inexhaustible source of magic."
"I would say a lot of what people know about Deadpool came from this run."
"I think that people need to be much more cognizant of where their food comes from."
"Even though it brings me joy, it's not the source of joy."
"It's the ultimate truth that we are Source, choosing to take form."
"If the information's interesting, incredible, practical, and useful and effective and healthy, I don't know that it matters where the source of information comes from."
"The truth is the truth no matter where it is and no matter who mouth it come out of."
"The joy comes from the Lord. Joy is a spiritual need."
"Co-create with spirit, co-create with Source even more so."
"Jesus is not our supplement, He's our source."
"God is your source and he's your only source."
"We never know where our courage is coming from."
"Everything is sourced from within."
"Humility consists in acknowledging the true source of my life, of my talents, and of myself."
"If you're going to have hope for a better tomorrow, you've got to know where hope comes from."
"Words are, in my not so humble opinion, are most inexhaustible source of magic."
"Abundance comes from the force of creation, not from our jobs or clients."
"God is the source of goodness and righteousness."
"Your source determines your potential."
"You can't buy it. It's not in the amp. It's not in the guitar. It's not in the pedals. It comes from another source."
"Consider where the content you consume comes from."
"Instead of turning to the source of the pain we need to turn to the source of life."
"Healing is getting rid of something that is here, but how can I remove it here if I don't remove the source?"
"The radical isn't the person who sort of wandered off into the deep weeds. The radical is the person who goes back to source, who goes back, who goes back even farther."
"It's from wildness, not from hatred, is my point."
"My hope does not come from you, it does not come from my job, it does not come from any relationship, any friendship in my life."
"All anxiety comes from the singular Source: separation."
"Jesus is basically the source of everything that I want."
"The last thing, guys, that I wanted to show you before we move on to the really fun stuff is audio source."
"Everything about your strength comes from him."
"Next up is the landing page feature: does MailChimp have a landing page creator or builder? Well, the answer is yes."
"...what is it people eat bone meal... so why not get it from the source directly from the bone itself."
"There's a report recently actually that just came out, New York Times is talking about how it is no safe level, right? That's right, yeah."
"And all of a sudden they all entered as one into a unity, a sense of oneness with this flower and all reality, a kind of unity consciousness with all that exists, with the awareness that all creation comes from just one source, and that source is the sheer goodness of what is."
"The source of misinformation matters. People are more likely to accept misinformation from a source they think is knowledgeable."
"...if we want to change all of the other things we've got to go to the source and we've got to help people heal."
"We have only one place to turn that we can trust, one who is faithful and that is God in his word."
"As long as the source remains, you'll never die in the true sense. You'll be resurrected brisk-free."
"Abundant life flows from the Spirit in us."
"Hey, you're the one who recognized where that came from,"
"Forget about the word God for a minute and instead think about who is the source and sustainer of all things."
"It's been amazing to work directly with the source and to get some really special yarn, and that's kind of, you know, start working with these skeins."
"Joy is not rooted in circumstance, our joy, the source of our joy is rooted in the spirit of God."
"...the world's simplest source generator."
"There's so many similarities in the worship that you realize this had to have been from the same Source."
"Credits represent the flow of economic benefit from the source."
"I found them on, I think Instagram is where I saw them for the first time, and they're awesome!"
"According to this Daily Mail article... Australia voted as the best for Christmas."
"I also saw it in Fine Woodworking magazine."
"It is the source of your confidence."
"We cannot depend upon contentment to fall into our laps from education, money, or status because contentment arises from a divine source that money and material possessions cannot purchase."
"God Himself is the source, the Fountainhead, and the norm of all that is beautiful."
"I will not automatically discount advice based on the source of the advice."
"How did you know that information? Direct information from Jerry Cooney."
"Solely and practically all of the protein came from potatoes."
"Understand the source of your pain."
"We need to understand where the voice of God is coming from."
"there's something about this that's very different and it's like a secret Source you can't fake"
"The source of all power in this world is called Energy."
"If you can get home to the longing, you actually get home to the source of the longing which is love."
"Just make sure you actually go straight to the source and speak to the person."
"You get your energy from a higher source."
"This was inspired by a video from jika."
"That's because everybody's been trying to do it, but you know what, if you want to do it right, go back to the source."
"The audio source is through the aux cord."
"God is my source and God is your source this morning."
"You've probably seen this on Pinterest like I have."
"When you come home you got a well it's covered. You can let down a bucket and all well pour it into your own cistern so you know where it came from you know what's in it."
"Quickly, if you haven't seen the story already on run show or Sheldon show, go to the top right-hand side on banter bubbles."
"The source of happiness is unchanging in its essence but is always new gushing forth happiness for all creatures."
"Eight is the source of abundance for the universe."
"In the U.S. obviously we get gridded precipitation data mostly from the National Weather Service."
"At the end of the day, if it's not rooted in love, then it's not of source of all things. If it does not lead you back to love, you need to run."
"Before we go, I just want to remind you that I got this question from Brilliant at Work back in 2015."
"The power doesn't come from you. It's not like you have to go through a special class and get a---all you have to do is get plugged into the right source."
"Don't make man or woman your source, God's got to be your source."
"Everything comes from the Father."
"Our happiness is going to come from only one place - from the source that said, 'Let us make man'."
"Even when you're working with cartoons or anime or whatnot, working with real photos allows you to find a 100 accurate source."
"A lot of carbon monoxide emissions from China today, so again, that's mostly from burning fuel."
"Long story short, the figure most people point to is a citation from a Microsoft survey."
"You know, there's a wonderful quote from, oh, I was gonna give you a wonderful quote from Robert Beverly Hale."
"Our joy doesn't come from the world."
"Source desire, it's your father. Yeah, and he operates from word that has revealed himself. Yeah, and you're a spirit being like he is, so you operate from word too. But word is invisible. You can't taste, touch it, relies on the character of another."
"It's God who beats within me, and that's where I find my source, that's where he's my lifeline."
"The Quran is a source of happiness and tranquility."
"If you want to see the original video, it's in the description below."
"and it was recommended by a youtuber."
"With that being said, I did pick this up from Organic Price Books."
"Bovine collagen peptides are more efficacious than marine or plant-based."
"God is my source, not any man, not any woman, not any company, not an institution, not the government."
"You have nothing positive going on in your life if you're using me as your source of entertainment."
"The only source of spiritual transformation is the Holy Spirit."
"The aclu relied only on Ms. Heard that she was the ultimate source of the Fidelity funds, correct? Yes."
"The Holy scripture is the Fountain of Salvation."
"Everything comes from one infinite source."
"God is the source of Truth. All truth, all times."
"The all-creating source of everything is the most generous being there is."
"I know the source of my anger with this situation is grief."
"He's really our best source; he has to be read carefully because he's trying to write with the emperor watching over his shoulder."
"Happiness isn't something that I can find on the outside. I can't get it from someone, somewhere, someplace, doing something."
"Meat is the best source of protein."