
Career Strategy Quotes

There are 155 quotes

"Running backs dreaming of fewer carries, more production, and more touchdowns could find great landing spots changing teams."
"If you want to make money as a photographer, go where the money is. Find an industry to work for that's doing well, even if you're just paying your bills so you can do whatever it is you're passionate about."
"Keep documenting that because, you know why? Because it'll probably, when you pop, you turn it into a book, and then you turn it into a doc."
"If I was starting over today from scratch, this is 100% the strategy I would do."
"You don't have experience? What you do is get my resume that I literally write out for you, put your information in it, and submit it."
"Try and rebuild your reputation. Try and remind people that you are a brilliant driver."
"I was making a bet that I would be better off not having to beg all these people to come back once they've moved on to other professions."
"The worst thing you can do forever's trade time for money, that's the worst thing you could do forever right."
"I'm just saying, temporary sacrifice really, market yourself to the top."
"Ricky Gervais is the kind of guy who understands the power of going out on top."
"Build your career out, even if you don't win. Go fight for a lesser promotion for more money."
"Everyone is trying to get paid, everyone is trying to make bank."
"Just say yes to everything... if you're good then the demand increases."
"If he can get a loan then he gets to play somewhere else go to the world cup and still gets to come back to a fat contract at psg."
"You need to get all the leverage you possibly can, like having this is leveraged, right? Because they gotta pay you enough money to not do this."
"I use my dead-end day job to get into the flow state."
"Let me do a gesture that has no risk. Let me do a gesture that's going to put more money in my pocket and prolong my career."
"My career has been predicated on under priced attention."
"Ragnik wouldn't have agreed to that if that consultancy role didn't maintain some sort of power."
"In the business of music, only one way you can have Leverage is if you outperform your contract."
"How are you gonna get ahead? How are you gonna learn new strategies, new ways to make money, etc?"
"You need to find people that will pay you for the work you make if you want to be a freelancer."
"Miller he froze himself right in the deep end of the world heavyweight mix because he's so entertaining"
"This is exactly the start you need to have to even get in the conversation with Tom Brady."
"I think they should find where their talents best fit instead of just sort of picking the first thing that comes across and devoting ten thousand hours."
"In MMA, if you are entertaining, you hold the cards."
"You play the corporate side of the equation, but most importantly, you get that justice his extended intellectual heavyweights to lobby for you to be appointed."
"It's all about your positioning in a marketplace. So now, who do you want to be?"
"My first three months, I'm gonna grind my hours to pay for my next album and mortgage."
"Use the company for everything they can offer you."
"Strategic job hopper, screw you when your employer doesn't give you a raise so you give yourself a raise by working less for the same money. That's how it's done."
"Mike Lindell is a shark. If he stops, he dies."
"I still actually think if you're talented and you look at our track record..."
"Scaring off low-quality opportunities is a good thing."
"Your education should and must reflect that. The final chapter is mental monetization."
"I pursue everything, I take every meeting, I take every call, I say yes to opportunity because even if I know the deal, it's no good, I do know that it could lead somewhere."
"Stay ahead of your boss and stay ahead of the power curve."
"It's not what you do, it's how you present it."
"When you're making power moves and continuing to work and being humble and then putting other girls in position to win, you are going to continuously win."
"Patience is the game in this industry. The more patient you are, the more rewards you get."
"Following this habit will make you indispensable... it will place you in a position to write your own ticket."
"From a financial standpoint, I'm going to continue doing what I've been doing."
"I would trade probably everything for the personal brand."
"Even if it's just on a consultation role like seriously that would be great."
"Just be a really strong generalist, then specialize once you're on the job."
"Maybe behaving like a kid gets you paid more in Hollywood."
"Robert Downey Jr. advised him to always think of the bigger picture when appearing in the MCU."
"If you do what everybody else does, you're fighting for a small pie."
"Building a personal brand it it gives you the freedom to have and do what you want to do."
"At this point, I think he's not chasing hits in terms of singles."
"We want to flip that. What if we only worked for 20 years and we got to enjoy retirement for a lot longer?"
"It's often better to apply for a new job when you still have a job."
"I worry about what I gotta do, and you know, I've always worried about what I've gotta do, regardless of everyone else and what they're doing. I'm focused on delivering."
"This is not a time to experiment neither. You're in the NBA. You want to be in the best position to be successful. You don't want to try things now that you're in the league in which you've never played before."
"My plan is to fight the biggest name, showcase my boxing, and go back to the UFC."
"Negotiate for a higher guarantee, okay? But yeah, give me a higher guarantee or just take what they offer you as long as it's fair if you think you can win."
"Some semblance of success could be had by going an indie route."
"Triple H wanted to shift his focus on becoming the WWF's biggest ever heel."
"The secret tactic: Collaborate with successful people."
"It's a lot easier to get hired when a recruiter is reaching out to you than trying to convince them to take a look at your resume among a sea of thousands of other people."
"You've got to figure out a game where you have advantage it has to be something you're deeply interested in."
"If I'm an artist and I have this charisma, then I need to sell myself for more."
"Having a balance between passive income and active income is so, so important."
"Always make sure that you have a stable exit strategy because you never know what's going to happen and at the end of the day you always need to know your worth in this world."
"Whatever fights that we get offered we're going to take. We want to be as active as possible. Let's get this thing going."
"I need to build a following so I can get people at my shows so that people want to see me. And if people want to see me, I'm selling tickets. Then Netflix will want to work with me."
"Taylor Swift is re-recording her albums to gain more control over the final product."
"They can only cancel you until you reach the top."
"Maybe I have to create my own roles if I don't only want to play like one."
"I'd rather leave a little too soon than stay a tad bit too long."
"Put the athlete in the seat of power versus lending their power over to somebody that says they have their best interests in mind."
"I like practicality with aggressiveness... I would do stuff that pays the bills but I would keep a good allocation of fifty percent of time... doing stuff for yourselves to keep those artistic juices flowing."
"He'd place him in the corporation alongside the likes of the rock and the big boss man."
"I think exposure is actually valuable in the long run."
"He's just going to do what he's done before that everything, every step of his career he's made up at this point he's done in his own way and he knows what works for him."
"Becoming a millionaire is not going to happen by chance or luck; it's going to require that you learn new skills that will help you on your journey."
"Everyone wants me to start some sort of drama. They're like, 'That's how you get your career back.' Do some drama, but make yourself look good in the drama."
"If I work that much harder than what I consider the baseline level, then I just increase my chances of success that much more."
"I like doing fun quality projects, if there's a fun quality project that gets sent my way I will listen to it."
"It's about what you negotiate, not what you deserve."
"Not taking off might be the best thing for The Rock."
"I realized I couldn't win the game of intelligence at Christ hospital, so I became an entrepreneur first and then a student second."
"Miley's version of the song is a certified bop, exactly what she needed to release at that point in her career."
"Embrace strategic thinking for your career, don't get caught off guard."
"It's a slow burn for the most part, and I think that's better than going viral overnight."
"You don't have to be victim to a recession into your company laying you off, you can get ahead of this and be ready." - Dave Ramsey
"Personal brand is the support system for everything."
"You need to understand how to tailor yourself to the opportunity that's in front of you you need to be able to demonstrate your fit for the role."
"Be flexible. The people who are flexible are going to be successful."
"Cerrone is just coming off a big moment, and Conor knows he has to build himself up."
"It's rarely about the money you make standing on that [ ] block, it is about getting one person to be obsessed with you."
"Either way you play it, Lamar, it seems like you're to come out on top. Now play it right so you can come out even higher."
"Networking is an extremely powerful tool to have, for sure."
"Start earlier...the separation that you have with your competitors and your peers just grows larger and larger."
"Nobody will ever give you or pay you what you're worth. Not voluntarily. That's why people who are employed like I was for 25 years, you gotta learn how to move around."
"If you know someone that works at the big four, ask them nicely for a referral. They'll likely agree because there's a big incentive for them."
"You don't get what you deserve in life only what you negotiate."
"Find one industry, lock in, become the best, make a lot of money."
"Just remind us why we love you works, and it's been working for me."
"Instead of being really, really good at one thing, it pays to be top 20, top ten percent at several things that work well together."
"If you say no to the smaller jobs, the ones that can't afford you then you're making room for those that can."
"Just cold-email every single film person on earth."
"Purple was set up, you know sort of management sort of involved and you know they're a new band and they're going to need something that's going to push them to the floor and there's nothing easier to push you to the forward and to cover something."
"I could rush it out now and possibly make the list or I drop my tape this year and next year I'm definitely on a double XL freshmen."
"I'd be totally fine catching some flack in the moment for everyone a decade later to look back on my record-setting title reign and say, 'That's one of the best fighters ever and I made a bunch of money doing it.'"
"I make every decision with this social media career of how can I provide the most value."
"Over the course of my career, I basically tried to peak four times a year and try to win the biggest events." - Tiger Woods
"This savvy approach to her career demonstrates Henson's business acumen and underscores her ability to navigate the multifaceted landscape of the entertainment industry."
"'Barely dropping music but keeping his hype up constantly by teasing music through snippets or leaks,' CTI's entire career strategy."
"I really didn't have a solid resume. My plan was just to produce as much content as I could for that year and hit 10K by Christmas, which I did."
"YouTube could dial any day now. I'm not gonna put all my eggs in one basket and hope that YouTube is going to last forever or that me being relevant is gonna last forever."
"This is a death match right? Yeah, it was really dangerous match but, you know what, in my defense you're going to have gimmick matches. There's no way that you're going to dodge them entirely in your career."
"Networking and building solid relationships will make you more money than working a 9 to 5."
"One thing I also like to do as well is connect with as many recruiters as you can. Stay open to different ideas, different roles because you may start with one role but it may lead you to another role."
"And I had to figure something out. And I did. But that moment made me vow that I was never going to let myself become that vulnerable in such a precarious position again. And I haven't."
"It's easier to find an investor than it is to find a record deal. Amazingly easier."
"The only surefire way to get raises of 25% and beyond is really to switch jobs."
"She knew who her champions were, she knew what the right repertoire was, and she knew when to leave."
"It's better to demonstrate in small windows that you have talent than to be put on the shelf for a long time."
"Switching jobs every 1 to 3 years is the fastest way to increase your salary."
"The smartest actors are the ones who don't pigeonhole themselves."
"I think it's better to have something else which some people will call a 'thrival job'."
"Clicking apply is a waste of our time, but if we can network our way in, our applications are taken way more seriously."
"Acquire skills that are both rare but also reinforce things that you're already exceptional at."
"First we had the great resignation, then we had quiet quitting, then we had quiet firing, and now the latest employment trend is career cushioning."
"Stay in Calabasas, get your bread, drop the hits."
"For those who are concerned about lack of UK work experience, I was able to achieve this by selling to them my job experience in Nigeria."
"Be indispensable for what you can become, not for what you currently do."
"She strategically created her own image and career, taking enormous risks."
"If you can at least work for a year in India, and then come here, you will be taken like a hot cake."
"He knows how to position himself as a desirable designer."
"Directly approaching supervisors is probably the hardest way, but it does work."
"Take advantage of the trend; take advantage of the way the job market is going."
"Ryan Reynolds knew that he just needed the right role."
"Communicate with your manager; it keeps you in the forefront of his mind."
"Basing a success around the success of one other channel is stupid because if that channel dies, well, there goes your career."
"You can't wait until one day magically your dream client picks up the phone and calls you because frankly, it's not gonna happen."
"You have to Market yourself, you absolutely have to."
"Timing is everything. I never pushed anything; I never forced anything."
"Be prepared, do your research to know what to expect, and then also be prepared to say what you want."
"Think about what this might do; is this a casting director that you've never been in front of before? Is this a producer that you love what they made?"