
Memorable Quotes

There are 3883 quotes

"Shadowbringers would feature an incredibly memorable final boss, Hades, AKA Emet-Selch."
"For me, it's going to be one of the most memorable games."
"You know, ever since Star Trek originally premiered in 1966, there have been too many memorable moments to count."
"One of the most memorable Call of Duty League events we have seen so far."
"The story of Terry from Cold Water, Michigan is a story that is unlike any other; he really is a memorable character."
"Roddy Rich 'The Box' - who can forget that one."
"This entire video is just one for the record books."
"No matter their questionable past, the unique challenge they offer and their amazing entrance easily make Voslaarum and Naaslaarum two very unforgettable foes."
"Arkham City is one of the most memorable games of the last decade."
"That trip will go down as one of the best trips I've ever gone on. It felt like it turned into a celebration of everything that makes me, me."
"That Dragon, Cancer... it's a game that anyone who played it could not forget."
"That day will probably go down as one of the happiest days of my life."
"It was the best day of my life for sure. The most memorable day of my life for sure."
"Absolutely unreal reaction. It is a moment that you're going to go back and re-watch over and over and over again."
"Xenoblade Chronicles memorable cast of characters...shines."
"Extinction is a map that was supposed to be the end of the story, a finale that would be remembered. Did it accomplish this? Absolutely."
"It's a moment you never forget, and an accomplishment you will carry your entire life."
"You gotta make it as some memorable experience. People should be going back to their cars being like, 'Oh my god, that was so awesome.'"
"The Thanatos fight was both epic and emotional."
"It's a boss fight that I'll always remember for the rest of my life."
"June 30th, I think a Sunday, that just ended up being a really fun day."
"The game's main missions do an incredible job of being memorable."
"Where else would you rather be on a Monday night? Absolutely." (Repeated, but it's a standout line.)
"It's an S... contains one of the iconic moments."
"Certain scenes from this film are burned into my mind."
"Legend of Zelda is well known for memorable music."
"There are so many memorable lines and moments"
"The characters: well-defined, memorable, and three-dimensional."
"This is going to go down as a legendary day in football history."
"Can anybody remember a crazier night in football history?"
"The Treehouse segments were always so memorable to people purely because they tested the boundaries or pushed certain characters further in the extremes of their character."
"Love's the best thing we do and it was legendary."
"The kiss was something more than that night under the mistletoe."
"This one was crazy, to be honest. You know what I mean?"
"Few comedians have had the same effect on comedy ask Patrice O'Neal at six and a half feet tall over 300 pounds and with a laugh that could shatter bowling balls."
"This Song Will Save Your Life... it really is one of those books that will stand out to me for the rest of my life."
"I actually cried tears fell for my eyes as we played the strangest Jeopardy board of all time."
"One of the most memorable boss fights of all time."
"Yoda's death sound is indisputably the greatest death sound of all time."
"Memories is definitely a film that shouldn't be forgotten."
"It's such a tiny moment but it stayed with me ever since I played the game for the first time like 20 years ago."
"It was absolutely a career highlight for me."
"This tattoo is going to go down as one of the greatest sports prediction tattoos ever."
"Spider-Man was filled with memorable scenes."
"It's truly one of those moments in the Assassin's Creed series that stuck with me the most."
"Almost history that deserves to be remembered."
"Every single thing in that game memorable... a testament to his absolute artistic genius."
"Classic classic, that's gonna be a highlight reel for you."
"People remember my Sonic playthroughs, especially the 'shut up Knuckles' clip."
"The first movie's reverse beartrap was iconic."
"I think it would be a great footnote in history that the last Syrian elephant was a total badass."
"Favorite line you've ever said in the movie that you can remember acting with your bunch of paper lines I would bury the both of you."
"These are moments, life moments that this team will never forget, this fan base will never forget."
"Unbelievable. That's the enduring image of this year's World Pool Championship for me."
"Villain intros do not get more memorable than this."
"Black Ops 2 campaign will probably genuinely stick with me for the rest of my life."
"This is gonna be something I remember for the rest of my life because of how amazing it is."
"It's an experience that once you've played you won't ever forget."
"Encounters with the nemesis enemies in Shadow of Mordor and Shadow of War were always meaningful."
"Everything about this is ridiculous, very memorable and entertaining."
"It's easily the most bizarre thing that you two ever did."
"Wedding Crashers is just lightning in a bottle."
"This place... it is that memorable, that phenomenal."
"Remember me: hits hardest when it slowed down."
"I think this moment to capitalize fires of Pompeii is so heroic and memorable because of every aspect of it."
"A real standout, the kind of game you don't easily forget."
"It's amazing, one of the coolest experiences of my life."
"It was truly the most life-changing epic terrifying scary beautiful amazing time of my life."
"Out of all the Disney villain deaths, this one leaves a pretty damn big impact."
"Nathan, this was the edgiest conversation I think I've ever had."
"One of my favorite performances ever is Charlie Chaplin in 'The Great Dictator.'"
"It's one of the most memorable books I've ever read."
"The characters are all immensely memorable and endearing."
"These are the moments that fight fans remember for the rest of their lives."
"Join us as today we look at 20 memorable movie moments where actors weren't acting and ended up making the movie so much better."
"You have this energy where people like, 'Oh crap, I shouldn't have done that'... you are unforgettable."
"Maybe the most instantly memorable musical phrase ever written."
"The most memorable moment for me personally doing this show was...I went to the White House and interviewed President Biden..."
"It was a good match but it was an exceptional series of moments."
"These are really important moments in our history and people remember who shared the news with them."
"That was the craziest match I've ever seen in Duel Night. It was crazy!"
"Bloodborne absolutely fantastic game that the experience of playing I will never ever forget."
"Wakanda forever, it's gonna enter the pop culture in a big bad way."
"It was touching, heartfelt, and very meaningful."
"That's the clip right there... that's the clip."
"Celeste has an effortless elegance about her presence on the runway, which makes her captivating and memorable."
"At least I went out with a bang, not a whimper."
"This was one of the craziest Fortnite moments of all time."
"This is one of the most versatile, memorable, and instantly recognizable scores in movie history."
"Have we seen a better final? Struggling to remember one quite like this."
"Leonardo DiCaprio's performance as Calvin Candy was truly something to behold."
"Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, the perfect segment of video game."
"I really what may be the most memorable goodbye ever in NBA history."
"It was very, very strange but it was also really, really funny."
"That scene man, god damn that scene was so good."
"It's like lightning in a bottle. One of my favorite quotes of yours."
"It's a movie that's so Christopher Nolan... so memorable on so many different levels."
"The happy side effect is that you become more memorable."
"I just think had amazing single-player stories so much fun so memorable."
"Starting out at Main Road... to win the Champions League in Istanbul... it was just unbelievable."
"Its physical appearance and violent actions are permanently burned into the memories of all Inside players." - Foreign Mojo
"Just a ridiculous play, I've never seen anything like that before."
"Whew what a fight people are gonna be like damn that was a good fight."
"Andre was huge, he spilt it out he just said that you know it would be the most fun you have in your life."
"It's wild, it's wacky, and it's a game that's hard to forget."
"This is one of those days that you were going to remember for the rest of your life."
"Delivering one of the most spectacular things I've ever seen."
"My first Olympia was my best show, I just, you can't, you can never forget it."
"But what makes Villa day memorable today is how shocking it is, especially with the quality of the 2D animation itself."
"The Batman is a goddamn masterpiece. It's a master class in filmmaking and it won't be forgotten."
"This knockout is going to be remembered for the rest of time."
"It's still very much so one of the craziest Oscars looks I think has ever graced that red carpet."
"Arrive at the end of life as if you're in this car and the wheels are falling off, not because you lived an unhealthy life, but because you really lived."
"This was special. You got anything else to say about it before I move on, Luke? No, this is just one of the most amazing fights I've seen in some time."
"The most fun moment was the Olivia memorial scene."
"This is a chance for Manchester City to win a treble... something very memorable."
"The Iraq sequence is my favorite part of the entire Exorcist movie."
"In his final game, gets the equalizer. It's an outstanding strike, the ball from Salinas as well to clip it over first time." - Señor Bath
"Lots of memorable moments, we've had lots of funny, funny moments."
"Celebrating with the fans, something he'll remember for the rest of his life."
"That back heel was incredible, one of the goals of the tournament."
"Evil Dead... just there's literally a sequence where it's raining blood how [ __ ] awesome is that."
"I have never laughed harder or longer or as consistently over the years at any one single moment in a movie in my life than that one."
"It's definitely been a year to remember, to say the least."
"It was an unbelievable experience, I'll never forget it."
"It's going to be absolutely remarkable, remarkable, remarkable moment in time."
"Your voice should be unique, it's going to make you memorable. Own it."
"If you got to experience a Beyonce concert, you're never gonna forget this."
"When I think about the original big twist, the one that stands out to me the most is that one in Planet of the Apes."
"I felt like such an idiot leaving this movie with this giant memorable feel."
"Obsidian did a fantastic job making almost every single quest memorable."
"This is now looked back on as one of the most memorable moments in runway history."
"A cover I've had stuck in my head for weeks since it came out."
"It's the most fun light heavyweight title fight I think I've ever seen."
"While only 34 seconds in length, it'll take much longer to get this video's images out of your mind."
"That was one of the sweetest, coolest moments."
"That moments gonna go down in my mind in Hollywood history."
"This has been an experience unlike anything I have ever been a part of before."
"This is going down in the books, yeah, honestly this was one of the craziest adventures I've ever been on."
"Super Bowl 42 can only be the greatest game of all time."
"Epic, incredible job... won't be forgotten anytime soon." - Gears of War 3
"It was such a good event because I had the opportunity to make new friends."
"That was super fun and something I'll never forget."
"Of all the things the three villain themes I’ve talked about here have in common, this is the shared trait that I think has made them stick with me for so long."
"That's what's special right, that's what people remember, that's what matters."
"The day I got the call from Joe Biden asking me to serve with him on this ticket was probably one of the most memorable days of my life."
"That's one of those things that I'm gonna remember obviously for probably the rest of my life."
"That goes down in history. I'm telling my kids' kids about that story."
"It was one of the most fun experiences I've had."
"This is going to be looked back on as one of the most, if not the most significant, most impressive..."
"Rocks and Shoals: a tragic and memorable sequence."
"This is one that you're going to be telling your grandkids."
"If you do take it to racing events, it's going to absolutely scream and it's going to be something you will never forget."
"Escape from Vault 101: One of the best intros to an open world RPG."
"It was just such a trippy, cool moment that could be one of my favorite moments of the show."
"The songs are catchy, they're catchy as hell, you know?"
"Apes togehter strong. That was such a great moment too."
"Xenoblade's music team elevates the soundtrack from being merely great to being one of the best in gaming history."
"I like videos like that... you can remember and find out more than you actually did in school."
"So many moments to stick out in our minds, moments that make us laugh, make us cry, give us chills, or just make us say holy crap, that was awesome."
"It was different, felt like more of an event."
"Has there ever been a side character as based? No, no there hasn't."
"Ensures that these first steps will be as strikingly memorable as the journey's hard-earned last."
"It's highly memorable and, yes, more than a little creepy."
"I think tonight was going to be one of those nights where you don't watch it and you check your phone, and people are going, 'Oh, it's one of the greatest games we've seen in years.'"
"This man went out like an absolute boss though delivered one of the best lines of the movie and stayed true to his beliefs."
"This will, I think, be the Bethesda game RPG that I look back on most fondly."
"This blew my mind guys this part this is freaking awesome iconic people will remember this forever."
"This paul mullin hat-trick will go down in infamy."
"Butt rock songs are catchy and memorable, but they're also heavy."
"It will always stick out in my mind it's just one of the most beautiful collaborations ever."
"Most movies have a small handful of standout scenes that linger in the mind as pivotal moments..."
"It was the greatest Hall H presentation I'd ever seen."
"When you walk away from a movie and it sticks with you, that's good. That's a good sign."
"The best theater experience I had all year long."
"Who was the most memorable personality? Austin."
"This will go down as one of the most epic reads like call it what you want."
"It's gonna be one of those things that sticks."
"That's literally one of the funniest things you've ever done ever."
"The reason you play a game, the reason you continue to stick with a game through thick and thin, the moments that feel like they can never be reached again."
"Everything in GTA San Andreas is simply unforgettable."
"don't knock on the dead man's door or grave because you're gonna get your ass whipped and that's exactly what happened it was shocking it was great whatever Slimane a moment probably my favorite WrestleMania moment of WrestleMania 34"
"Thanks to Adina Menzel's powerful vocal performance and the track's importance to Elsa herself, this is a show tune we just simply can't let go."
"Being in a Champions League final at the big stage, playing a really good game and winning that is something that will be always in my mind."
"The Black Coat's Daughter is so well-made, so clever and chilling, it's bound to stick with you long after you finished it."
"This is the most significant experience I've had."
"Every level stands out with memorable themes and unique aspects."
"You're definitely going to have something that's gonna be awesome for you to play and something that's going to be a memorable gaming experience."
"That's why I'll never forget the Dragon Ball Z dinosaurs."
"People are going to remember this game right here."
"One of the greatest comebacks that I've seen in this game."
"For me, this was one of the most memorable parts of this case."
"20-somethings and the strength of their connection to each other places aquatope among 2021's most memorable works."
"That was the most intense moment of my life!"
"Purple is the noblest shroud." - Worth repeating.
"MJ made quite the impression: 'Face it tiger, you just hit the jackpot.'"
"That was honestly one of the best nights ever."
"Strikingly evocative and unforgettable cinematic satire."
"That night was the best meal I had ever consumed."