
Divine Power Quotes

There are 1665 quotes

"You are able to do much more than my wildest imaginings according to your power at work in my life."
"It’s a great fit, where you place divine power literally at your fingertips for even deeper immersion."
"Some boast in chariots, some boast in horses, but we boast in the name of the Lord our God."
"The power of God, which is called in Scripture Jesus Christ, is your own wonderful human imagination."
"Living in convenience does not bring power. The power we need to withstand the heat of our day is the Lord's power, and His power flows through our covenants with Him."
"Our mandate is simple: raise up a generation that can openly display the raw power of God."
"But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us."
"Now unto Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all we ask or think, according to the power at work within us."
"The Holy Spirit is a gift to us as believers because when we receive Him, we tap into divine power, divine strength, divine wisdom, divine knowledge."
"God is getting ready to drench you in supernatural power and enablement."
"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
"Salvation consists in the glory, authority, majesty, power, and dominion which Jehovah possesses and in nothing else."
"Jesus says, 'Is this not the reason you are mistaken, that you do not understand the Scriptures or the power of God?'"
"Don't start with your gut reasoning about what you think is possible; start with Scripture and the power of God."
"You don't know the power of God that He can draw a straight line with a crooked stick."
"Every time I prayed for someone that was healed, it showed what God could do. Every time they weren't healed, it revealed what I can do."
"Praise the Lord! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God."
"I wasn't converted by the Gospels; I was converted by the power of God."
"The kingdom of God is not in word but in the demonstration of the spirit and power."
"We're all called to release the power and the presence of God. We are called as worshipers."
"The power of God is not based in a personality. The power of God is based on truth."
"For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."
"Great golden beams of light shot out of his eyes when he first opened them."
"A powerful goddess unleashed her mighty wings and summoned the Judgment of Heaven."
"For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds."
"Vivec used his godly powers to halt the rock in its tracks before it could destroy the city."
"The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds."
"I will restore the years, not just the things. I can restore time."
"Lucilla clarifies Gerberga is a Divine with the power of a God."
"Now unto him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the almighty God be glory, Majesty, dominion, and Power."
"My God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we could ever ask or think."
"It's not my inability or my ability, it's His ability. If He speaks it over me, then that's it."
"The Holy Spirit is not just God's presence, but His power actively working in our lives."
"By the power of God operate in the Fruit of the Spirit... it's by the power of God."
"For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God."
"Those Egyptians worshipped many gods. On this stele, it is written that the storm and the darkness happened when God, in the singular, manifested his power."
"With God, all things are possible because God's power is unlimited."
"Faith does not operate in the realm of the possible. There is no glory for God in that which is humanly possible. Faith begins where man's power ends."
"I know in whom I have believed, and I believe that he is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that I can ask think or imagine."
"The weapons we fight are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds."
"We have this treasure in earthen vessels, Lord, that the power is from you and not from us."
"God has given us this invisible tool, this weapon of warfare called prayer, that has the dynamic power to subdue the enemies, the obstacles, the hindrances that block us from ascertaining God's best."
"It is the power of God that breaks the yoke."
"The gospel is the heart of God, and it is the power to save our friends and family."
"Jesus walking on water is an act of defiance. It's him saying that the laws of nature apply to you as humans but they don't apply to me as God."
"When we follow Satan, we give him power. When we follow God, He gives us power."
"The reward for keeping covenants with God is heavenly power—power that strengthens us to withstand our trials, temptations, and heartaches better."
"God's wonders surround us, and these marvels reveal much about our Creator. Through creation, we glimpse His power and wisdom, His majesty and care. Creation is speaking to those who will listen."
"Power is the special and distinctive prerogative of God, and God alone. Power belongs to God. God is God, and power belongs to Him."
"You cannot continue a sinful lifestyle and expect God's power to shine through your life."
"If you want heaven's power, you must be cultivating spiritual intimacy."
"Real and lasting change is a reflection of God's power through you."
"I'm believing for the power of God to be released over us."
"The power of the Holy Spirit isn't for a select few, it's for you and for me."
"Miracles are God's Way of proving his power."
"Sound is a source of all creation. Sound and the Breath of God or the sound of God is what created even light. Remember, 'God said, let there be light.'"
"Could he absorb the soul of a God? Now that would be tremendous power."
"Revival is a season of unusual Divine visitation. God comes with intense power, with intense conviction, with intense transformation."
"The blood of Jesus is greater than anything that any assignment of the devil."
"God can do some incredible things through His saints if we simply have faith."
"The true living almighty God is far more powerful than any God in the world."
"And speaking of the Supreme Deity, she is the mother of the goddess Elizabeth and has the power to bestow Graces upon the Archangels."
"If Jesus trusted the Holy Spirit for power, surely we can trust the Holy Spirit for power."
"The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead will raise you up as well if he was the one that initiated your crucifixion."
"I will give unto you my law, and you shall be endowed with power from on high."
"Who in the world is this who speaks to the elements and they listen? Well, that would be God."
"He wanted me to understand at my very core that He has all power to lift me or anyone else, even the least."
"The lobby's influence, of course, is no secret. AIPAC was ranked the second most powerful lobby in Washington in a 2003 survey of congressmen and their staffs."
"If you just have a desire to believe, that's enough."
"The Lord does not require perfect faith for us to have access to His perfect power."
"Let us carry with us the deep understanding and recognition of the signs of spiritual attack, armored with the knowledge that our Victory lies in the power of Jesus Christ."
"When your flesh is finally crucified, there is a power that is executed in your life beyond anything you have ever seen before."
"There will come a time when this work, which God is demanding so very much, will be as though utterly undone, and then God will act with great power."
"God's power is often most clearly seen in the contradictions of life."
"Our God is a powerful God, and He meets us best with that power when we find ourselves in circumstances we just aren't able to fix."
"At your voice the demons tremble in fear; in your presence no other power can stand."
"You have been offered the gift of the love of God, the presence of the love of God, the power of a loving God."
"There's only one power, there is only one answer, and that is the power of the Holy Spirit."
"It does feel to me like Kubo got to the point where he was like I don't know how to realistically get rid of this bad guy so he invents this ceremonial blade with the ability to reflect god's holy light."
"Nothing could be clearer than to say that the supernatural power of God is available to every person."
"An anointed proclamation is God's atomic bomb in the mouth of every believer."
"Your confession of the words releases the healing power of God."
"Only Allah can do it, nobody else can do it."
"We are children of the promise, born out of the flesh, nor according to the force of nature, but by the power of God."
"Why does he require to share his power with other entities? The question number one is why would God require that."
"God uses our weaknesses, failures, faults, and personal storms to show us just how Almighty he really is."
"We can all walk in the spirit and that power gives you Authority."
"There is no sin that God's grace cannot deliver us from by his grace and through his power."
"The weapons we fight with have divine power."
"The Spirit of the Lord is saying, 'I am coming upon you in power.'"
"Elisha could have asked for anything, but he says, 'Elijah, whatever is on you, whatever type of anointing is on you, please let me have it. And a double portion of it, because I want that type of power.'"
"Praise God for His mighty power, for His great name, for His glory. Hallelujah!"
"Jesus is anointed to minister healing. His anointing breaks the yoke of sickness."
"That's the power of God. Do not be afraid, embrace and receive."
"Life, knowledge, will, and power—God created the universe through his power and agency."
"It's not by my power, it's by the power of my Father."
"Everything was created in the mind using the power of God."
"Your preaching and teaching must be backed up with power and Grace."
"Time in the presence of the Lord brings power and authority. It's not you, it's who's around you."
"Jesus didn't need the demon's name to drive it out."
"The authority of Christ is what drives them out, not anything that we do in our own power."
"The deepest desire of your heart granted to you by the power of God."
"Praise the Lord for the power of His mighty name!"
"Leave it to God... to hide that power behind such a childlike act."
"Lushu finds out that the Seal of the mountain and river is a Divine object that can observe the Earth and that the aura there can be controlled."
"The Champion of Cyrodiil outmatched the Prince of determinism and literally became a god."
"Activate your gifts and watch God move in power."
"I bestow upon thee the gift of divine power."
"How good of a communicator is God? So good that when he spoke, worlds came into existence."
"The battles we face today are an opportunity for us to witness God's power at work in our lives."
"Firm in his order, his command unalterable, the utterance of his mouth no god shall change."
"Jesus didn't do all this stuff on his own. He did it in the power of the Holy Spirit."
"Walking on water is divine power, not the divine essence."
"The Bible speaks of itself, that it's full of life, truth, and power."
"Just because everything in 2020 is canceled like prayer is still on and God is still powerful and God is so good."
"Functionally speaking, he was probably both good and bad simultaneously."
"We have the humble privilege of being vessels of your power."
"Your mighty angels, your mighty power, Lord, release it in Jesus' name."
"All power is given unto you in earth and heaven."
"Thank heavens that he has power to do things we cannot do."
"We have somebody that is of a different order than we are that has powers that we can't even understand."
"We underestimate the power of God in us and through us."
"Elijah called down fire from the sky and burned them all up."
"When you come in contact with the power of God, there are no limits."
"Goku's power exceeds the gods of destruction."
"By the power of the word, the Earth was framed and by the power of the word, the freedom of man shall be dominantly asserted in God's name."
"Jesus did these powerful works because of the spirit of God."
"Jesus's Miracles were to demonstrate the power of the kingdom of God."
"True power is stewarded wisely, for it is given from the Divine, not from the ego."
"God's power over 'tohu bohu,' the formless void, shows his sovereignty over all that would stand athwart him."
"Jesus miracles were to demonstrate the power of the kingdom of God."
"The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world; they have divine power to demolish strongholds."
"All power comes from God through the Holy Spirit."
"His divine power given you holiness is in his love."
"We are in the loving hands of a powerful and Almighty God."
"I stand today in faith covered by the power that's in the almighty name of Jesus Christ."
"Is anything too hard for the Lord? I mean an angel said that."
"We started experiencing His power doing His will, fulfilling His purpose, and engaging His priorities."
"Walk in the resurrection power. Resurrection power is within you."
"Everything secular and doesn't really have God's true power lets you down in the end."
"I have faith that the power of God will find its active expression in everything that I do."
"You were born to win and you are equipped with all the powers of God within you to make you master of your fate and captain of your destiny."
"Demonstration of God's power leads people to God."
"If he can control the storm, what other wonderful works might he bring to pass in your life?"
"Not by might nor by power but by my spirit. Let God be you."
"Does the clay say to the potter, 'Why did you make me like this?' The potter has power over the clay."
"Jesus is the light of the world and you're a light in this world, not by your own power but by the power of God's Holy Spirit."
"There's no greater power on this earth, and with God's help, we will prevail."
"Seek God, find yourself. Will you lay aside ego and seek the will of God? In such submission, you will find power such as you have never dreamed."
"The divine powers of Exandria are one set of powers that inform the world... Evontra'vir was meant to be an example of a great power within Exandria."
"The devil is powerful... but thank God he is not all-powerful."
"There is victory in that name, there is power in that name, there is hope and holiness in that name." - Mark 8:33
"Greater is He that is in us than he that is controlling the world."
"Through the power of his word, he can do both for you."
"We don't believe in magic, we believe in the abilities of God."
"Every act of obedience releases presence and power."
"God spoke the world into existence; his words still keep the whole structure of the universe together."
"God has granted him nearly limitless magical abilities."
"This is the real God who took the desert and made it like the garden of Eden."
"One of the greatest ways to break curses is to evoke the Messi of God. The Messi of God can exempt you from the rubbish and the nonsense that should be your lot."
"Thou couldest have no power at all against me except it were given thee from above." - Jesus
"Resurrection never looks like what died... Resurrection makes you absolutely immune to anything that the devil can do."
"Jesus wants us to know who He is and what He can do."
"Live as a testament to my love and power. You're going to see for yourself."
"You are the same God that spoke the world into existence."
"Thank you, Lord, for blessing me because of Jesus. It's the gospel of Christ that is the power of God, not a mixture of self-effort and Christ."
"God Almighty is the source of power, life, and death; he has the final word."
"Jesus died, three days later he was raised by the power of God."
"Water blessed by true faith in the divine is the anathema and has the power not just to hurt evil but to dispel it altogether."
"Thou shall remember the Lord thy God, for it is He that giveth the power to get wealth."
"I knew I had seen it, but I didn't know the power that was behind it."
"The very power of God is being displayed to the world right now."
"Ultimately, we rely on the power of God as we do now from moment to moment."
"Your faith cannot stand in the wisdom of men, but it's in the power of God."
"I am about to do something great in your life, something that will leave you in awe of my power and goodness."
"Witness first hand the awe-inspiring power of God as he transforms your difficulties into miraculous trials."
"People need to know that God has the power to transform a life. This is the hope that we have."
"The myths surrounding the God incarnate tell of great upheaval and strife."
"Rather than a single Divine Avatar, the Identites feel it is more likely that the power of the God Emperor is likely to manifest through a group of people or more likely the entirety of mankind."
"The reason he's asleep is this power is on loan from God, and Jesus is the son of God, so he's calm."
"Now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above far beyond you can ever ask or imagine, according to the power that's working within you."
"The cross actually was God's power in the world."
"I love in verse 12 when it says but as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name."
"Believers are protected by the power of God...they are protected by the power of God."
"God's power is not just about money; He can touch every part of your life, like your health and relationships. He is always there for you, ready to make you happy and comfort you when you're sad."
"I'm so glad some people aren't God. I'm so glad because all some of our heads would have been popped off a long time ago."
"There is absolutely nothing too hard for you, Eternal God. Everything You Touch Is powerfully transformed. Let my life experience that powerful touch, Lord."
"We thank you for the miracle power of Christ that can set the captive free."
"Your strength must come from the Lord's mighty power within you." - Ephesians 6:10
"So that our faith may not rest on human wisdom but, on the power of God."
"God, throw your weight around until demons tremble, throw your weight around until hell gets nervous, throw your weight around until suicidal thoughts can't live here anymore."
"I'm glad to boast about my weaknesses so that the power of Christ can work through me."
"If you're willing to make that commitment, I promise you, you'll see God's power in your life like you've never known it before."
"God's power is greater than the devil's power."
"Nothing is too big for our God, all things are possible to them that believe."
"We tend to love the verses that tell us all about what God can do, what God will do."
"The healing power of God runs through my veins therefore I will not fear."
"You are healed by the power of the living god."
"I thank you, Lord, for your power, your love, and your healing."
"The power of God is moving across the world."