
Gaming Genre Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"It grew into a niche and often misunderstood genre, but one that inspired some of the most empowering and creative games ever made."
"We need more vampire games. It's a good genre and we love to see it."
"This game is an evolution of its genre in a very real sense."
"Breath of the Wild isn't just an open world game, it's a sandbox."
"This is a very unique take on Survival horror."
"The surge 2 really cements the surge within the souls-like Pantheon."
"A triumph both as a Metroidvania game and as a Prince of Persia game."
"Massively multiplayer online games: one of the greatest genres ever created."
"Horror games are ironically the most comfortable and cozy games to watch."
"I think horror games just attracted me, it was just that thing."
"It's a stealth game hondo percent stealth game."
"It really does carve out a unique place for itself in a genre as oversaturated as horror games, and that's a really impressive thing to do."
"Possibly the best pixel art in the strategy genre."
"Profane is a sandbox MMORPG focused on freedom, adventure, and territorial domination."
"Resident evil favors horror closer to the jump scare than existential dread."
"There simply isn't a game out there that can match this game in its genre. It's the first game I know that's first person dinosaur fossil hunter and also has a story."
"This will be a story-driven open-world game."
"Mixing the word 'shadow run' with survival horror gets me excited."
"These games are incredibly unique. It's not just a first-person, post-apocalyptic survival shooter."
"Dome keeper is like a real-time strategy game for people that hate real-time strategy games."
"Welcome to rogue lights aren't they bloody wonderful."
"It's nice, isn't it, when developers just try something a little bit different? A game that isn't a floor-hopping roguelite, yes please!"
"A futuristic racing game with a sharp difficulty curve would be amazing."
"If it is out and out horror you're looking for then book a visit to Resident Evil Village."
"Let's call it the final fantasy of action RPGs."
"Mirage is not an open world or RPG game... it's a well-packed condensed story."
"The 3D Castlevanias aren't remembered anywhere near as fondly as the 2D ones."
"I found myself loving this game for many of the exact same reasons I love 2D Castlevania."
"A game truly deserving of the designation 'walking simulator'. You literally just walk."
"Is it an epic long open-world triple-a game? No, not at all. Is it a fun sandbox superhero game to mess around with for a while? Yeah, you betcha."
"This is essentially an open world game, an open world RPG out of Street Fighter."
"Battlefield isn't a hero shooter and it never should be."
"Everybody loves a good first person horror game."
"This game is basically like... it feels like a Mario game."
"Resident Evil helped pioneer the survival horror genre."
"Some people don't like looter shooters because they promote lazy game design."
"Puzzle platformers are extremely popular because they can be built around a single mechanic."
"Path of Exile is often described as the true successor of Diablo 2."
"Dark wood... a very compelling survival horror game."
"Instantly cements itself as one of the best co-op Horrors in the genre."
"The video game western is a rare breed of game... taking into account the full nature of the genre."
"I always enjoyed these more like comedy style horror games."
"Completing Wrestle Quest is less like a wrestling storyline and more like a traditional epic RPG Saga."
"It's just a good fighting game if you're a fan of Tekken Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat."
"It is not a modern military shooter. It is a tactical squad-based shooter, and it's very, very enjoyable."
"Dota not only invented a new genre of gaming but that genre became the most popular eSport ever."
"It's kind of like a battle royale, Warzone, Apex type feel."
"It's a free Battle Royale, I'm happy with that."
"It's not a genre until PUBG came out, and now it's like the battle royale genre."
"It's an RPG and an immersive sim at the same time."
"Wholesome games are very actually viable at this point; it's really a neat genre that's come up."
"It single-handedly invented and pushed the character action genre into the mainstream."
"Lego games a genre on their own. People play them because they are Lego games."