
Public Expectation Quotes

There are 141 quotes

"We need to be able to project leadership. It's difficult times that we're going through, and you want to make sure that you feel like your prime minister has a handle on things."
"The American people expect more; they expect us to pass bills that actually matter to our families."
"The American people expect us to do our job."
"I've got to hold myself accountable, and guaranteed the American people will hold themselves -- will hold me accountable if what I'm selling doesn't actually deliver."
"People are desperate to hear from the new Prime Minister and her plans to support them this winter."
"So you're scared as hell the whole time you're scared you're you're you're like damn I gotta do everything possible for this [ __ ] but not to be as bad because it's going to be millions of people watching around the world"
"They've got to have a big weekend, a lot of eyes are on them."
"You feel pressured to say/do the right thing because you know you have such influence."
"He needs to have a spine, go out there and really more forcefully."
"They're rolling out their very biggest gun, Jon Stewart is back."
"These are things that the American people send their elected leaders to Washington to get done."
"The American people deserve better, much better from what this Administration is providing for them."
"People tend to hold things that are said in Let's Plays up to the same standard that they would hold a professional comedian up to."
"Disappointing from White, I expected more, but at best, a better guest, Fury is too good."
"Joe Biden's mistake is thinking he was elected to transform the country but actually everyone just wanted less drama."
"I have to win, I have to do it for everybody watching."
"They want the president to beat the virus and fix the economy."
"I love that Brad Pitt has leaned into the thing that we expect him to be."
"We were flagrant when it was not the right time to be flagrant, but we knew that's what the people needed."
"They have blocked our efforts as Republicans 40 different times. It is time for the political games to be over. We need a solution. The American people are depending upon all of us."
"The first thing that they truly need to do is if Facebook really wants to make this change is Zuckerberg has to step down."
"Regardless, Cyberpunk 2077 has been out two weeks and I think we're all hopeful that this game can make a comeback in 2021."
"What exactly do police expect when they use these types of tactics?"
"They will want to have confidence in their leadership."
"If Biden does well enough that you have to suggest that he's on performance enhancing drugs, you lose."
"He is literally useless because the only thing that we expect of our attorney general is to hold people accountable."
"We all expect police officers to protect and serve their local community and to keep us all safe from danger."
"Anyone who's doubting Ronaldo, the Euros kick off tomorrow. Let's have a look how 'finished' Ronaldo is." - Never underestimate a legend.
"Sure, he's not going to get any of this stuff."
"At the end of the day, she doesn't owe us that and I think it's good that she's prioritizing people's well-being."
"Presidents have these moments in the course of their time in office where people are looking to them for leadership, they're looking for them for direction for meaning."
"Nice, come on, I have to try hard. It's what the people want to see, it's what the people want to see, man."
"I'm not really going to do that, but you know, I am gonna say the words that you want to hear."
"Biden's coming out now way more moderate than people thought he was going to be."
"More transparency is always better and you should always be outraged when transparency is being pulled away from you."
"Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn launched in 2013 to a decent amount of hype."
"If Jeff Ross got on stage and said he was finna do a hip-hop song, would you just automatically think he was gonna kill that [crap]?"
"Let me tell people, let me tell people hard palpitate oh your hero was about to have disappointed you but he came through in the end."
"I think it's important that people be able to look to the president and say, 'Hey, you know, that's somebody that's worthy of emulating.'"
"I think the decision-makers already know the choice they're just afraid to stand up to this anti human thing and they're afraid that the public isn't willing to make the right decisions but that's what leadership is about."
"Everybody thought jimothy was gonna come here to bowl Smith and completely fail, flunk out and prove everyone right."
"But the reality is Trump's response is very boring exactly everything about Trump has been so much more boring than they've tried to claim."
"Nothing that he put out everyone was going to be satisfied with."
"people really want to be carried by their leaders by conviction politicians who speak um as though they actually know what they're on about."
"It's time for us to bring character back to the White House."
"People just knew... He's gonna do something great."
"I want to see him take a break, I want to see him breathe, collect himself, and to begin to be the president that we all loved."
"Life is not back to normal, and what's worse is that no one has actually said from the government when these mandates will end."
"Donald Trump had a moment where people were going to give him some space and some time, but now here we are."
"It doesn't matter how young you are, how beautiful you are, how talented you are, if you don't deliver excellence from beginning to end, people will come for your throat."
"We need to step back from the leaks and the hype."
"If you say you're news, I should be able to turn your [__] on and everything you tell me is what happened. That's it."
"Ronaldo was hyped, and he never dropped down from the hype; he just kept answering the critics."
"I'm not against Five Nights Freddy's being PG-13, I feel like you can pull it off here it just doesn't help when everybody keeps bringing up the rumor that there's an R-rated cut coming."
"I think there's a win in there for Trump, and just generally one last thing on the media, you know, it's like, man, guys, you're supposed to report on things." - Dave Rubin
"They have the ultimate chance to be the heroes and prove that they will push legislation for the people, but they aren't."
"People are looking for leadership from Biden, they're not really getting it."
"We want the government held to the highest standards possible."
"Maybe this isn't really surprising considering what Bethesda Game Studios has become."
"They were elected not to sell out the way so many politicians had done. They were elected to speak truth to power."
"But that doesn't mean that congress should get away with doing nothing again."
"The American people deserve the truth and the answers."
"I think we're going to find out more in the coming days and weeks as to why those charges were warranted and why they believe that harm or death was high."
"Jaden turned out to be pretty normal considering who his parents are."
"Don't the British people deserve a prime minister they can trust?"
"No politician is above criticism. They're there to get us things that we want."
"He chose to claim it and then he chose not to claim it and he had every right to do that."
"Consistency helped me a lot because people need to expect something from me the next day."
"You gotta give the people what they want. It's Christmas. Christmas is here."
"Isn't it amazing what can happen when the cops actually pull their fingers out and do their jobs?"
"I want to see it again so no, he doesn't lose any stock in my opinion."
"Does there come a point where the corporate media has to... actually cover these facts?"
"Why was Prince William not sitting beside her? Screw protocol, that's your wife."
"It looks incredible on paper, the volume is gonna be out of this world, the atmosphere is going to be absolutely outstanding."
"He kept his word, so for me, you know, I hope that makes everybody happy."
"The first thing we should do is have the highest moral and ethical standards."
"Democrats will also tell you he should be subjected to the laws just like everyone else."
"It seemed like all five of you who voted for this guy to win Pokemon of the year would soon have to lose hope of getting this guy placed into the spotlight anytime soon."
"I think people are always going to be trying to do the right things."
"People demand authenticity now because they get it so much."
"This is what we wanted, you know. I wanted controversy and we've got it."
"Prince William knows why people are there, they're there because of the title he has and the authority he brings."
"People ran to get my opinion. They thought I must have a take on this person I'd spent so much time with when in reality it'd been years since we talked and even longer since we'd seen each other."
"Harry and Meghan think they can carry on having their Royal cake and eating it."
"The American public deserves more than they have seen in terms of transparency."
"I will make a firm commitment to maintain the same level of honesty and transparency that you guys have come to expect from me."
"Where the hell is Paul Barry on Media Watch... it seems to me that Media Watch is doing exactly what the a Triple C does most of the time... punch out a big fat stack of Z's."
"Hopefully we'll keep meeting and a mano Lihue asado we keep seeing you on television."
"Everyone is shocked on what Mello is doing now. When all three of them get on the same team, it's going to be the biggest thing in the NBA."
"So narratively going into this cycle, you know the idea that we're somehow going to get something different in 2024 is just under [ __ ]."
"You understand how big of a star Torio would be."
"It's a much better pressure when people are excited to go see your movie." - Chris Pratt
"It's quite serious even if the charge itself doesn't reach the heights that some people would expect from a former president."
"It's a ton of fun, yeah, I know a lot of people that are like 'is it gonna be good?' and it's like it doesn't matter, it's going to be like huge."
"I predicted this would be the most divisive Star Wars movie of all time."
"I do hope I haven't disappointed anyone too much for how long I've been gone. I needed to take some time for myself."
"If you say I'm a unifier not a divider you expect and usually get applause. I'm a divider."
"Greg Abbott, if you want people in your state to follow the law, call yourself Law and Order."
"Joe Biden did promise voting rights and by the way canceling some student debt and we can go down the list of about a dozen things that he promised and isn't even bothering to do."
"How long does Eminem have to respond man? That [ __ ] got to this weekend man. Hey, got to this... listen, they got, he got to this weekend."
"Making me into a role model is placing too much importance on what I call a work in progress."
"I feel like he should have apologized because it's the right thing to do, not because everybody's gonna want me to anyway."
"Just because you file something doesn't mean you are going to release something in like a week."
"When is the day that Ted Cruz will be made to follow the rules because I haven't seen it. Please tell me when, I will sign up for it. I will sit there and watch Ted Cruz to be made to follow the rules."
"I finally decided to you know focus on my music that I know they love to see me doing."
"As king in waiting for the past 70 years... he may just be a surprise sovereign bringing modernity and relevancy to the monarchy."
"I'm about to have a fantastic game, type of game that people say, 'Holy [__], he played in a basketball game.'"
"The federal government has to start giving Canadians a plan for hope."
"While I do think that what Jimmy did was slightly slimy kind of gross I'm not really surprised that he did it nor do I think it really sets like a bad precedent for the future of YouTube."
"Some said 100 million shots was too ambitious and then they said it wasn't ambitious enough."
"We expect you to honor your oath to the constitution."
"Majority expect to see the economic situation improve over the next two years."
"I still get nervous when we have a new album coming out, what people think. Yeah, I mean I try and pay no attention to critical response to it, to a record."
"What a war, it was exactly what everybody wanted to see."
"I think the pressure of what people want is good. I think it helps art."
"People rightly expect that in the most serious cases there should be a guarantee that life will mean life."
"The public expects that inflation will remain low and stable over time, then absent major shocks, it likely will."
"The American people don't want their judges to pick sides before they hear a case."
"The big favorite this morning among some people has come good with a second place finish."
"You got so many people to please; if you're off with one, then it won't be a classic record."
"The public expects better decision making than that."
"This is what people want and expect."
"It's her third time leading the NDP to Election Day, she may not have expected her party to be riding this high in the polls."
"Everyone was waiting because, based off of the runway show that we got during the season finale, we were like, 'Oh, some of these things are great.'"
"The public wants to see results, they deserve results, and they demand results."
"If he does it with compassion, if he does it with leadership... that's what people want."