
Government Role Quotes

There are 564 quotes

"Philanthropy can be this lever of using money for humanism, even in the undesirable moments when our governments do not have that in their core interests."
"Socialism is the creation of government so that we can be slaves; capitalism is freedom."
"The government doesn't seek to maximize every individual's freedom, it seeks to protect you."
"These forecasts are projections, and they can change with your actions and with the government's actions."
"I want the government to protect human rights and human life, and I believe in everyone having equal rights and equal protections under the law."
"Government intervention in free markets should be limited exclusively to making sure that contracts are upheld and fraud is not allowed to take place."
"We can't now say, oh, let's bring the government back in, the way Keynes believed you needed to do."
"The goal of government, broadly speaking, should be to try to ensure that everybody's able to achieve as much as possible."
"Ideally, it should be people making those decisions, fighting amongst each other, not people that control a certain amount of space in the public square or not the government."
"Inflation is not caused by businesses; this is caused by government. Government expands the money supply."
"The beauty of capitalism is that it's always reducing prices... but what's also not changing is that government always increases prices through inflation."
"No government will ever raise a child better than a loving family."
"We believe in the dignity of the individual, not the iron grip of the state."
"Fundamentally, the government does act as a counterbalance to corporate force."
"As soon as the government starts actively telling them what is and isn't disinformation, then that is a violation of our First Amendment right."
"The philosophy of the left is that man is perfectable, that you can make it through life with no suffering, and that's government's responsibility. It's flawed to the core."
"Government helps direct persons, associations, and society generally toward the common good."
"We are in a democracy, not a theocracy, and it's nuts to allow government to think they can have a say in the choices a woman makes for her own body."
"What these people ask for is not for government to solve all their problems; it's not for government to give them a handout; it's a chance to get back on their feet."
"The role of government should be to sort of find a place where the positives of ownership society and individualism and entrepreneurship can exist but be tempered by the understanding that we have more than enough resources to make sure that nobody gets left behind at the bottom."
"The legislation is working, and I was really pleased to see that...a new office of gun violence prevention is engaging mayors and law enforcement and all aspects of government to continue this fight to reduce gun violence."
"I have no problem with there being rich people and poor people, but I think the poor people deserve a basic standard of living, and I think the government should give no preferential treatment to the rich."
"The only purpose for the government getting involved in marriage is the procreation of the next generation and the raising of that generation."
"The idea of government isn't to control your life. The idea of government is to ensure that you have the God-given freedoms that are already afforded to you."
"I care as well about culture and family, and I believe that the revival of faith, not by the government but maybe by the government getting out of the way, the revival of faith and family in our country, these are good things."
"Child trafficking knows no borders and boundaries, yet sovereign governments do."
"Actual classical liberals think that the government should stay out of anything whatsoever that the free market is able to handle."
"The government should protect an individual's right to live his life as he sees fit and not subject him to oppression on the basis of the arbitrary preferences of others."
"The conservative so-called is the one that says less government, get off my back, get out of my pocket, and let me have more control of my own destiny."
"What the government in a democratic system is supposed to do is represent the will of the people, nothing more and nothing less."
"The right role for the government is like to be a referee."
"The government doesn't have an intent to educate people. It clearly has the opportunity, and the government would be better off teaching people more about how it works."
"Our politicians are failing us because they have truly forgotten the proper role of government."
"We need a government that keeps peace, does a couple of things for the common good, and then helps people who need help. Other than that, kind of get out of the way."
"It's up to us to make the decision right now to non-violently go out and spread the message of the benefits of our belief system and tell these central planners to get the government and the Fed out of our lives."
"Africa has to restore the free and the fair market. The government must not fix prices."
"The government crippled the economy; the solution isn't to find a bigger government crutch, it's to let the free market solve these problems."
"The government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the government and the buying power of consumers. Money will cease to be master and will then become the servant of humanity."
"It's not the government's role to say this is where the line is."
"Every federal department and agency has a role to play, and I will fight like hell to make that happen."
"Hamilton had a strong belief in the power of the market but he balanced that belief with the conviction that human enterprise may be beneficially stimulated by prudent aides and encouragement on the part of the government."
"Governments have to be doing the job that we think we're electing them to do, which is just creating the conditions so we can live freely."
"People work incredibly hard, and what we need to do is get off people's backs so they can contribute more to society."
"What the government is supposed to do is simply protect our lives, liberty, and property."
"I believe in freedom of choice unless it's going to hurt your neighbor or it's going to hurt the commons. People should be able to do what they want with as much freedom as possible, and the government should not be onerous."
"People look directly to government for handling...where we are talking about pretty significant restrictions on everyday life."
"The need for charity is the failure of government."
"Fiat money maintains its value from the stability of the government and economy it belongs to and through intelligent management of money supply by a central bank."
"Does the government have a hand in morality? And I would absolutely say that laws are morality in a sense."
"This is an opportunity for the government to pay tribute to the private enterprise that is driving the technology that will be required to explore inner space."
"At a certain point, you as an individual have to exercise your own personal discretion because the government can't protect you from every single bad thing."
"The reason why we have governments is to create conditions in which we can live life to our fullest potential."
"It is not the government's duty or responsibility to protect you from everything."
"So, I think we all have to be focused on people who've lost everything in this pandemic and how, as a country, no local government, no state government, is going to be able to fill that gap."
"What really should happen here is that private banks should be giving out the loans, and then the federal government should be backing those loans."
"The notion that the federal government is the first stop here, or that federal policymakers are capable of doing this stuff, is a failure to understand the most basic principles of democracy and governance."
"It's time for a government that is on your side; that government is a Labour government."
"Government can't guarantee your happiness, but it should guarantee your right to pursue it."
"We need to get government out of the economy. The government has screwed all this up. Government regulation, government subsidies, government taxation programs—that is what has stopped the dynamism that existed in the past."
"When you limit government, you maximize freedom. When you maximize freedom, you maximize prosperity."
"Neoliberalism started in the 60s, basically it was a mass push to get rid of the government sector, to get rid of the public space and make everything private."
"A stagnant economy that promotes more government dependency or a dynamic growing economy that promotes opportunity and jobs."
"The choice is clear: a stagnant economy that promotes more government dependency, or a dynamic, growing economy that promotes opportunity and jobs."
"We need to let people get out of the system."
"Before education was put under the thumb of government, we had some of the brightest, most well-read people in the entire world."
"I support single-payer health care, I support maybe government taking over the energy sector."
"We don't need a government or an establishment to tell us how to speak; the freedom of speech is the freedom to say whatever you want."
"Americans should not kneel. I don't respect a man who kneels to men literally or figuratively."
"I actually finally had the most gratifying DM I ever got. I got a DM from a libertarian saying, 'I'm a libertarian but your show convinced me we do need the government to do some things.'"
"The populist right believes in big government, intervention, and control, not markets or limited government."
"The government is the only entity that can meaningfully try to resuscitate the middle class."
"There's not an argument... to carry out its functions of promoting individual rights, the government must forcibly bar others from using force."
"This sweeping shift in the role of government in people's lives is not just some kind of incremental thing."
"The head of the snake is the U.S Department of Education. The federal government should have nothing to do with education."
"Government is going to become the center of the economy for the foreseeable future, and politics, I believe, is going to lead."
"The premise that the founding fathers used to establish the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, they said this is the government cannot grant or remove these rights. They can only exist to protect them."
"The point of government is to serve not to control and if governments cease serving and maximize controlling then we've gone terribly terribly wrong."
"Government action should not be a moral substitute for social disapproval."
"When government is the first resort, bad things happen."
"Government is forced to make sure that we're protected from those who seek to harm us."
"Everybody gets to do basically what they want associate with whom they want and it's none of the government's business."
"Countries that have a more of an acceptance of a role for the state are going to do better."
"The government should only use force for things I’m willing to use force for."
"There's a side where the government has to do its part and there's a side where we as a community have to do our part."
"What should government do? Protect our freedoms."
"The role of government is to decrease the suck and increase the awesome."
"Government-funded exploration has historically led the way."
"What intuition tempts us to believe: 'When there's a problem, government should act.' What reality taught me: 'Individuals should act, not government.'"
"Our role is narrow, our role is defined, our role is limited."
"Ultimately, policies are going to improve your life."
"Every system of government can't be subjective to the populous as any whim at some point you have to decide either an appropriate role of government or what it is that you believe."
"The internet would have existed even if the government hadn't spent all this money on research."
"Governments cannot create prosperity, they can only consume it."
"Poverty can be eradicated; we just need the commitment of governments but also civil society."
"How can you be for small government and then have the government dictate oh I sit in your personal life?"
"Your life is in your hands; the government shouldn't be controlling your life."
"The federal government has the capacity to help open up opportunity and create ladders of opportunity and create frameworks where the American people can succeed because if all Americans are getting opportunity we're all gonna be better off."
"A system in which the government's only job is to protect us from coercion."
"Government plays a vital role, but it is every citizen's responsibility to be prepared for a disaster." - President Obama
"What disturbs me are all the normal people who fall for this, who hear a government official say, 'Yeah, you have the right to say everything, unless we call it misinformation.'"
"I'm a libertarian. I believe the government that governs best governs least."
"Parents should be empowered to make decisions about their children's education, not the federal government."
"And why do you say Democrats? Because Democrats absolu, they've already told you they want you to be more dependent on the government."
"Your rights are god-given, not granted by the government."
"Government is about reducing absolute freedom for the purpose of fairness and peace."
"Government is about creating a fair playing field for people."
"When the government can't or won't ensure your safety, self-defense is your only option."
"The whole point of having a government is to protect us from bullies, right?"
"Expansionary and contractionary fiscal policy: government manipulates economy by changing government spending, taxes, or transfer payments."
"Food should be the Department of Health, Homeland Security, Transportation..."
"I've become more libertarian... less friendly toward government intrusion."
"We should be able the government should not interfere with us."
"I think there should be the free market with government interventions."
"The government is there to protect your rights."
"The purpose of government is to make people responsible for the consequences of their actions for society at large."
"Government is there to set the rules of the game and then get out of the way, regulate, administer, redistribute."
"We the people are the guardians of our own sovereignty, not the government."
"The decision to be vaccinated should be up to the individual and not to the government."
"Certain goods are still provided... by the government."
"Our job is to make sure these vaccines are readily available, that they're free, and that we make it as easy as possible for people to get vaccinated."
"Maybe we should not have the government involved in education at all."
"I think this is a legitimate purview of government in the sense that this is a national security issue."
"I'm not saying that people don't have shitty circumstances, but there are certain necessary things to have a prosperous society that the government has to enforce."
"If the government truly wanted to maximize the amount of people who are you know going to survive or be healthy then they should let people choose for themselves and well there you go."
"I think the government's job is only to protect your nose from my fists."
"Society is going to destabilize... because of big government coming to replace what the society used to have."
"Voting is a public good, and both federal and state governments should take more steps to facilitate voting, especially in these COVID times."
"There is a primary and fundamental role for government: to stop aggression of one individual against another."
"States can declare disasters and then the state is in charge."
"The declaration of independence gives us the right to pursue our own happiness free from government interference."
"The government's first role is to look after the safety, security, and sovereignty of its citizens."
"Cooperation must go beyond our government, it must be rooted in our people."
"The government's role should be to protect the space for that debate."
"The government can reasonably impose a duty to expose all sides of the argument about Britain and its historical record."
"My view is government is there to protect individual rights. Otherwise, leave you alone."
"We're going to do whatever we can to make sure our nation is safe and strong."
"Democracy is a team sport and while the secretaries of State might be the referees we all need to play our part."
"A government that protects individual rights properly is a government that leaves you alone to live your life as you see fit."
"The purpose of government is simply to protect you from bad guys...fraud and force and invasions."
"This virus will not be stopped without the cooperation of the government, the whole society, and the citizens. This is everybody's business and I repeat this is everybody's responsibility."
"The government is not the only thing that can make you unfree... sometimes that means government getting out of the way."
"I didn't become Catholic to feel good or be affirmed. I became Catholic because it's true."
"Government exists to protect unalienable rights."
"But if you're not in that situation it's expensive and impractical and as you say government's that the ball gets kind of finding creating the conditions that would able people have space for a family."
"Socialism will produce what is demanded by the people in a way that the government deems optimal."
"The government needs to revive employment, exports, and investment."
"If we want to protect people's lives then very clearly we need a drastically different direction for our government."
"Conservatism is about limited government... very, very different thing."
"Trust in governmental authorities is essential for countering disinformation, as declining trust leads to a growing disinformation environment."
"I think marriage is a religious institution, a god institution, a civil institution, and I think government should butt out of it."
"The welfare state stepped in and actually had a huge positive impact."
"Teachers like government, especially when they're in unions. I like government too. I admire it but it's so often wrong."
"Do your rights come from the government or from a source higher than the government?"
"What we have here are a couple of ideas which, taken together, seem to suggest the need for some degree of state involvement - both to boost funding and to counteract monopoly."
"Parents should be protecting their kids more so than the government interfering with what a network can or can't show."
"The federal government can play a role in making a big difference."
"I believe there should be as little government as necessary to maintain infrastructure, safety, and preserve people's ability to be free."
"In China, when you're oppressed you know why and you also know who's done it and why they've done it, and it's the state."
"An anarchist is somebody basically who says listen I take care of myself, government has a role but it should be limited, leave me alone."
"Once everyone is equally poor, only the government can step in."
"The proper function of government is not to provide but to protect."
"Government was there to protect our liberties."
"Monopolies are always a result of government intervention into the economy."
"Government should defend the rights of the individual."
"We invented the idea that liberty could be organized so that a government served a free people."
"The government is there to secure our rights."
"Government was established to protect you and your property, not criminals."
"I believe that the government should have no say whatsoever and that it should be purely contractual. Like, again, I can understand the animal."
"Our planet is on fire and this extremist Supreme Court has destroyed the federal government's ability to fight back."
"What we need to do is to strengthen private mechanisms and use those instead of the compulsory mechanisms of the state."
"A slow-moving disaster. It's our role as members of the government to advocate for our constituents."
"Governments don't know how to make money; they're not designed to make money."
"Each individual American participating in the free marketplace of ideas, not the federal government, decides what is true or false."
"Parents decide what's best for their kids and not the government."
"Freedom is not a gift from government. Freedom is a gift from God."
"China is pulling ahead by using an active government sector."
"Short-term profit maximization should not be advocated for by our government."
"Government is not the solution to our problems, it tends more often to be the source of them."
"The secretary of housing and urban development helps to ensure fair lending and develop communities."
"Good government is the difference between living and dying."
"Rights are god-given and recognized by the government, not granted by the government. It's unconstitutional for the government to infringe those rights on a lifetime basis."
"Jack Smith will begin his work as special counsel immediately and will be returning to the United States from The Hague." - Narrator
"Our constitutional tradition stands against the idea that we need a Ministry of Truth."
"The media, social media platforms, and basically everyone in government... are claiming that their interest was in protecting the American people."
"It's up to all of us to make sure our government can help us meet the many challenges we still face."
"Public safety is a fundamental responsibility of government."
"The number one job of government is to protect people and properties."
"The purpose of government is to protect individual liberties."
"So we have to do as a society is figure out where we can maximize the most amount of good for the country closing is your government but not too much away from us."
"Clavin: 'The founders' God was a God who endowed individuals with rights which it is the purpose of government to secure.'"
"Government should never be a barrier to workers organizing."
"Nobody thinks that government should stay out of our Lives completely unless you are an advocate of there being no government unless you are actually an anarchist."
"Government's main job is to protect life, not actively take it."
"The government's job is to provide for our external security, provide for internal security, and prevent monopoly." - Big Mike
"Unless the monetary supply is unhooked from governments, there will not be any type of true freedom for people."
"You're not going to get morality from the government."
"I'm not here to run your life. I'm not even here to run a country. I'm here to run a government that does a few things well rather than a lot of things poorly and allows free people to live and prosper and fulfill their full potential."
"We have made tremendous strides in cutting carbon emissions, and that has been in large part because of government investment."
"Real democracy best upholds the idea that government exists to serve the individual."