
Western Civilization Quotes

There are 160 quotes

"We as a civilization have sort of lost our way in terms of these fundamental Western values. All of this is the basis for a Western civilization that actually believes in human rights and individual rights."
"Harmony, traditional values, individual liberty, hard work, discipline, freedom, democracy – these are the ideas that made Western civilization what it is."
"One of the key moments in the Bible that has shaped Western civilization is the line that God made man in His image."
"Moses was the creator of one of the two component parts of Western culture, the Hebrew religion, from which the fundamental tenets of Western civilization have come."
"Christianity has been the framework of western civilization for the better part of 2000 years."
"The fundamental axiom of Western civilization is that there is nothing more powerful than spoken truth."
"At the bottom of Bitcoin, I've found life, liberty, property right - it's what Western civilization is based on."
"The fundamental assumptions of Western civilization are valid. It's not you think it's an accident. Which countries do people want to move away from? Not ours. Which countries do people want to move to? Ours."
"The Parthenon is often claimed to be a symbol of ancient Greece, democracy, and Western Civilization."
"Josephus is arguably the most important historian to Western civilization."
"It is Westerners who took the initiative among humanity to change all of that, to end slavery, to end segregation, to aspire for equality."
"When we think of ancient Greece, this is the image that most of us have in mind: Parthenon in Athens. This is where the blueprint for Western Civilization received its first draft."
"But Sparta was the first Greek city to define the rights and duties of its citizens, and it can also claim, alongside Athens, to have saved the Western World from enslavement by the Persian Empire."
"So in a sense, the story of the Spartans is the story of ourselves, and how some of the ideas that have molded Western Civilization were first tried out in a warrior state on the Greek mainland over two and a half thousand years ago."
"Slavery is not what defines Western civilization; the fact that we ended it is one of the things that defines Western civilization."
"Every civilization in all of human history, since the Agricultural Revolution, had slavery. Slavery is not what defines Western civilization; the fact that we ended it is one of the things that defines Western civilization."
"The humanities are at the core of Western culture. If they go, we're in trouble."
"Although Spartan hardline ideals don't have the charisma of Athenian culture, they've meant as much to western civilization as the ideals represented by the Parthenon."
"The European civilization, the land on which individual rights were born, those rights are now being killed piece by piece."
"This is the suicide, the slow suicide of Western civilization."
"What is Western civilization like? Can we get a definition here?"
"The fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive."
"I believe we've had a deviation from the right path in Western civilization."
"The West's massive technological and social advances over the last thousand years...come from the West's more flexible social model."
"Modern thinkers often failed to realize how indebted Western values of equality, democracy, and science are to Christianity."
"Western civilization has kickstarted the greatest technological revolution ever and conquered the vast majority of the world."
"Western civilization committing suicide...reality is shown through deed, not word."
"Western civilization cannot abide the authoritarians who now have decided that because they are the elite, they get to control not only how you act and what you do but also what you see, what you watch, how you think."
"The Incarnation...is the central generative principle of Western civilization."
"Liberals have always championed and sought to protect Western civilization."
"We must coordinate the movement of our troops because we face the same challenge... These two locations will define the two fronts in the battle being fought for western civilization today. We hold neither of them yet. We need both."
"For all of us, I think, the Bible is the most important book in the history of Western civilization."
"Paul sets up ripple effects of revolution throughout Western history."
"Trump is the man who can save the Western World."
"The modern world, particularly the so-called Western world that we find ourselves in, is a result of many political, philosophical, cultural, religious ideas from over two and a half thousand years."
"The Catholic Church built Western civilization."
"Does that threaten Western civilization and the very foundations in everything of value in our society?"
"Organizing around values that's what western civilization is all about values shared values partnering with people who you share values with that's an organizing principle."
"The Bible is the foundational document of Western civilization."
"This is the end of western liberty and it cannot be permitted."
"Trump is the bodyguard of Western civilization."
"Christianity came from the Near East; the rise of modern Western civilization had much more to do with the revival of classical antiquity, the Enlightenment, and the Industrial Revolution."
"The West is exhausted because it has ceased to believe."
"The Battle of Galgamella...effectively birthed Western civilization as we know it."
"Women's emancipation is one of the glories of Western civilization and one of the great chapters in the history of freedom."
"This brilliant Western Civilization that we've had is collapsing because of all these [__] lies."
"The Bible is the single most important and significant book in the history of Western civilization, bar none."
"The truth is... the judeo-christian ethic... made the West different from every other place on planet Earth."
"We live in a moment where the world is upside down in the collective West in the United States things are falling apart, the Empire is crumbling."
"The Constitution is the most enduring political charter in the history of Western civilization."
"The West is coming to the realization that its human project is failing."
"Stop apologizing for Western Civilization, it's the best civilization."
"These great books, The Works of the West, they're there for us, to teach us how to be excellent at Being Human."
"I think our way of life here in the West is rapidly coming to an end. I believe that to be absolutely accurate and true."
"Western civilization today, it seems so obvious that if slavery is not wrong nothing is wrong."
"The West's great advantage over other civilizations is our ability to self-reflect."
"Children grow up unfamiliar with basic stories that have structured the West for centuries."
"The West is the most beautiful invention that humans have come up with."
"We lost a fight with the people who wanted to tell a different story, which was the story of the wickedness of Western civilization."
"Jerusalem is one of the pillars of Western civilization."
"Conservatives are always lamenting the decline of the West, but this administration gives me hope."
"People live longer happier healthier lives than ever before and that is largely down to western civilization."
"Austria's kind of representing the direction that the Western world may soon head in."
"Western civilization is advanced, really and very much advance I think I have to add."
"This is the pinnacle of Western Civilization, this is the twilight."
"That's the end of the Western Empire as it is now."
"Turning right, like I don't even think people understand the unprecedented paradigm shift and change and where we're all being led. This is a dynamic upheaval of western civilization and sovereign governments, not just America."
"If there is much misunderstanding in the west about the nature of Islam, there is also much ignorance about the debt our own culture and civilization owe to the Muslim world."
"The greatest achievement of Western civilization is the rule of law."
"The battle now is here saving Western civilization."
"Citizenship was core to the West, a very unique idea."
"The city he built set a blueprint for Western civilization."
"Equality before the law is one of the central most assertions, value assertions, of Western civilization."
"The fight for the salvation of Western civilization is the fight that is going on right now in the Catholic Church." - Michael Voris
"Christianity built the Western world. So many of the things that we value, they come to us through years and years and years of Christian thought and Christian service."
"Nothing is going to be a fairy tale, nothing is going to be perfect."
"America and much of Western civilization was founded on a biblical foundation still, but it's turned away from that foundation."
"No philosophy offers a more profound insight into the grave extent of Western civilization's permanent sickness."
"The astonishing thing about Western civilization is not that it's Western, it's that it consists of permanent truths which are open to anyone from anywhere."
"The Holocaust was not an aberration from which true Western Civilization is Innocent but one of the worst crimes of post-Enlightenment modernity itself."
"This is just amazing. I feel like every time here, always shows up with a smile on my face watching these guys have fun and playing the game of baseball."
"The rise and fall of Sparta played an important role in the future of Western civilization."
"You cannot say that you stand on the principles of Western civilization without understanding the significance that faith has played."
"We have a great cultural inheritance here in the West. It's the greatest civilization ever in the history of the world."
"Deuteronomy was hugely important for Western civilization because for the first time the individual was singled out from the crowd as the focus of moral responsibilities and duties."
"Punishing parasitism is what made Western civilization great."
"That's a gift to all of us and we should always be grateful for that, that is really the core heritage of what we would call Western civilization."
"CRT essentially presumes that Western Civilization has been compromised by racism."
"The West owes the Muslim world for the preservation of its own knowledge."
"If people of our age don't tell young people about Western civilization, who will?"
"The accomplishments of Western civilization stagger the mind."
"The West is also the crucible of technology, of invention."
"Imperialism is the history of Western Civilization."
"Modern Western civilization is the most fascinating thing to have occurred in history."
"Our goal is to preserve this not just for itself but as a symbol of the genius of mankind and Western civilization."
"The West has taken immense benefit from Muslims."
"Judeo-Christian values lie at the heart and soul of Western civilization itself."
"This is what I do for my life so I worry about what's happening in Western society about whether our successes have led us to a place where we're just giving it up."
"You need to go back to defending all of the foundational values that have made the West the liberating place."
"Western rational thought is not an innate human characteristic. It is learned and is the great achievement of Western civilization."
"The rise of the West has been a very profound phenomenon."
"Perhaps not only save his life, but prevent the collapse of Western Civilization."
"It's a rich tapestry and how Western Civilization would not be where it is now had not that expansion taken place."
"The Magna Carta is seen today as one of the cornerstones of Western Liberty."
"This book argues that Western civilization, including our modern notions of values and reason and science, was built on deep foundations."
"Christianity is the seed bed of everything that makes the West what it is."
"Burke wants to make an argument for rights as an extension of the best of Western Civilization."
"The lesson of the Enlightenment is that we can make the most enormous changes and still remain the West, but we must also keep hold of our birthright, not tear down everything that has been built to chase after utopian dreams."
"The West is absolutely under threat. It is under threat from ideas and from other nations."
"What is at stake if the West fully disassociates from its own core and fails to remember and understand itself?"
"It's Western Civilization that has lifted up the dignity and value of every individual human life."
"Greece is kind of like the master of history and the remnant to the ancients, the cradle of western civilization"
"The root of law, the seed perhaps of all the rising power of the West."
"The West is going to enter a period that's known as the Middle Ages."
"By the year 500 BC, here in the city of Athens, the Greek people were laying the foundations of what we know as Western Civilization."
"Those who believe that this is the end of the West should think again."
"The history of Western philosophy begins in that area of the world which I hope you recognize as the Aegean."
"Many Chinese have asked the question... what was it that made the West so successful for so long?"
"From dawn to decadence by cultural critic and historian, a look at Western cultural life from the 16th century to the present."
"I think that the Ionic columns of the Erechtheum are one of the most beautiful things in the history of Western civilization."
"The period between the 1500s and early 1700s is, in my opinion, the most underrated era in Western history."
"We're certainly walking in some pretty big footsteps of some of the giant intellects of Western civilization."
"Ancient Greece, the birthplace of Western civilization, for over 1,000 years."
"The Western Catholic Church basically invented Western civilization."
"These were the men and women who laid the very foundations of Western civilization."
"It's kind of a curse of Western civilization that when you combine market capitalism with constitutional government, you get a degree of affluence and freedom that's very hard to teach people where it came from and how it is to maintain."
"...scholars during the 18th and 19th centuries excised Egypt and Canaan from the family tree of Western civilization."
"Western Civilization isn't to remove their culture; it might have added to it but hasn't removed it, they still live that way, and that culture is preserved."
"The cultural and intellectual achievements of classical Greece are usually seen as being the bedrock of Western civilization."
"You have built a free society with an abiding faith in human dignity, the crowning ideal of Western civilization."
"Will the West sever or recover its roots?"
"The greatest Easter egg hunt in the history of Western civilization had begun."
"The battle of Shalon... is regarded by most historians as perhaps one of the most pivotal battles of Western civilization."
"It should never be forgotten that in the summer of 451, the whole fate of Western civilization hung in the balance."
"The influence of the classics on Western civilization leads to the Enlightenment."
"The three great original cities of Western civilization are Athens, Rome, and indeed Istanbul."
"The monks and the nuns over history had protected Western civilization and Western knowledge."
"Western civilization, whether or not we realize it, has been very much shaped by the ideas in our literary and philosophical past."
"A proper understanding of Australian history tells us that we owe an enormous debt to the accumulated gifts of Western civilization."
"The meeting of Buddhism with Western civilization has been one of the most significant cultural encounters of the past few centuries."
"Our mission at the center is to advance the study of western civilization, paying particular attention to its rich intellectual diversity."