
Revenge Quotes

There are 2656 quotes

"For the first time ever, he feels like he can avenge his sister's death."
"He hopes to avenge his sister's death while bagging rewards from a goddess in the process."
"The best revenge is to not be like your enemy."
"Revenge does nothing but spread the misery around, multiplied like a virus bursting a cell open with a million terrible copies of itself."
"The greatest revenge is to not be what you oppose."
"We will not forgive. We will not forget. We will hunt you down and make you pay."
"Leo Barnes realizes that revenge on his son’s killer will not make him feel better about the loss."
"The best way to get even is just to live a happy life."
"If you can think of revenge as you being your best self, that shuts everybody down."
"The best revenge is unmitigated success... it's about you, that's how you get it."
"It's the best revenge; that's the answer you give to people that hate on you."
"Ever since that day, nine years ago, I have lived only to avenge the fallen. Even my time at the Officers Academy was all so that I could secure my revenge and clear away the regret of the dead. It was the only thing that kept me alive. My only reason to keep moving forward."
"Success is the best revenge, and I define success as making sure that former Scientologists who have their own stories... can get as big of a reach as possible."
"A child that is not embraced by the village will burn that village down just to feel its warmth."
"It’s impossible to top Scorpion, the fire-breathing undead warrior who refused to rest until exacting revenge on the man who killed him: Sub-Zero."
"Verdant Orcs have seen what Revenge has done to their father and they will not follow that path."
"I know people don't like All-Stars, but Alejandro eliminating Heather and getting revenge is one of my favorite moments."
"Before she died, Guan Xian advised Guan Huai not to take revenge and live a better life."
"The best revenge that you can give someone who wants you to pay attention to them is to ignore them."
"I didn't want to die and tried to use my gift, Unlimited Gotcha, to give me anything to distract the monster so I could meet my family again and get revenge on the ones who betrayed me."
"You should consider yourself lucky that colonized people are looking for equality and not revenge."
"If you hate someone, do you know what the best revenge is? Success."
"The best revenge is creating a better life for yourself."
"Rape revenge is a complicated, messy subject but one I think is worth exploring."
"Then Sion invites Ryner to take revenge, destroy the kingdom, and end this war era."
"Mob justice is not justice. Justice sought by violence is not justice. It just becomes revenge."
"They say that revenge is a dish best served cold, but surely there are better ways to go about it than trying to kick off World War III."
"Providence ruined our lives with the flick of a pen. Today, we return the favor. Happy hunting."
"This is a cabin that was built on top of a sacred burial ground, and it is said the tribe wants to take revenge over whoever disrupts their peace."
"The game will follow the son of a blacksmith whose family has been killed by the invading army. The protagonist seeks revenge and will ultimately strive to restore the rightful ruler to the throne and order to the land."
"You see, revenge is a dish best served with a generous helping of emotional context."
"This works especially well with characters who are introduced as being obsessed with revenge."
"Get backs, revenge, and violence never truly heal the loss of a loved one."
"You dare treat me as if I'm one of you. When this is all over and done with, I will make sure that I have you watch the destruction of your universe before I tear your head off your shoulders."
"This a story about revenge and honor. Revenge. I'll avenge us, mama, I swear it."
"There's no redemption in revenge. There's no satisfaction, no joy, no peace."
"Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
"When he was arrested, he was a pretty poor, naive, and powerless young man, and he comes back 25 years later as an insanely rich, wise, and powerful count who is ready to execute his revenge."
"The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injustice."
"The best long-term revenge I ever got was when someone that stole my idea ended up working for me."
"The greatest revenge that I can live is just by continuously living the life that I have."
"This is the story of how a former vice principal systematically broke down the system and got my ultimate revenge, giving the finger to this corrupted system and dismantling the entire process along the way."
"Take revenge, return your respect. Ignorant killing, design your own clever way of revenge."
"It's amazing how a simple act of revenge unfolds into a thrilling adventure, isn't it?"
"A life well lived without the narcissist, that's some revenge I can get behind."
"Frog says he understands that revenge won't bring Cyrus back, placing the needs of the many above his own personal desire for vengeance."
"Revenge is never the answer, except when it's the answer."
"Success will be my vengeance." - Donald Trump.
"The best form of revenge is just getting it done and moving on."
"Revenge only leads to more revenge in an endless cycle."
"Forgive and forget? No, go get them, Father!"
"Revenge is a dish best served with a side of karma."
"That's the greatest revenge: to become successful."
"There is nothing sweeter in all the worlds than knowing you have laid the groundwork for a cruel, vicious, bloody revenge on the ones you have led to wrong you."
"A lesson in vengeance... Dark academia vibes."
"What better revenge on earth is there than success?"
"No, it's not. A chance for revenge. I am looking for payback against the ones who deserve it."
"I can't believe we're in a freaking helicopter right now, I'm getting payback!"
"My motto is always get even when somebody screws you, screw them back in spades."
"The quest for revenge begins as the leopard retaliates against the eagle's attack."
"That guy ruined the lives of hundreds of people just so he could screw over the let's say 20 to 50 people who affected his life."
"That was my one year revenge... but for boss I nurtured hatred and vowed to one day get revenge."
"Building a society on revenge will be the end of the human race."
"I became a god for all those once bullied by the Chad army."
"He isn't sure if he wants to keep killing. He's conflicted about taking further steps towards revenge but finds himself constantly being compelled to it."
"Revenge does wonders for the will to live, don't you think?"
"There's a nice message here about how helping people leads to happiness in a way that revenge doesn't."
"If you're gonna seek revenge, you know the saying goes: be prepared to dig two graves."
"It was the greatest revenge I could have ever imagined."
"Revenge is a meal best served cold to avoid another retaliation against you."
"He swore to eliminate anyone who hurts his sister."
"A grudge that wouldn't quit. Revenge for being fired was the motive."
"Now is the time for vengeance, now is the time for justice."
"The best revenge is when your life ends up better than the person that hurts you, and you don't have to do anything."
"They're about to go through wigs... It's all because they messed with the wrong one."
"Jon Snow kills the people who killed him – a kind of revenge that not many people get to have."
"You need to make Harold Meacham pay for doing this, for killing me and your father. Please."
"He will make everyone who looked down on him and despised him regret what he said."
"Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife, and I will have my vengeance."
"The Witch: Part 1 Subversion - an incredible dark revenge story!"
"The great satisfaction of not only professionally surpassing my old boss but getting to tell him that his lies cost him way more on the way out is almost priceless."
"He vows that he'll kill Moro for what he's done and unveils his new ability: Ultra Instinct sign."
"She wasn't killed. In fact, she turns the knife on him and brutally slays him in revenge for what he's forced her into."
"Any act of revenge, any act of anger is fueled by a passion that feels justified."
"His killing is ridiculous, the threat of revenge is always there."
"We took too much control... but I can have Revenge fantasies about hearing those things be nice."
"Revenge is a dish best served cold, and the San Francisco Shock, they came into this match wanting to put out the fire of the Fuel."
"Revenge tastes sweeter than whatever those years of Peace were ever worth."
"He's fueled out here tonight with revenge, he wants to enact that revenge."
"The sweetest revenge is Dolph Ziggler becoming bigger than he ever has been away from WWE."
"Confucius famously said before you embark on a journey of revenge dig two graves."
"He didn't die. His body rose up and no matter what it took, Michael was ready to find William and finish him for good."
"We've killed our ex-husband, brilliant news."
"That's what happens when you make fun of someone with a very particular set of skills."
"I am a scorched Earth kind of guy. If you wrong me, I will happily drive my car off the cliff if it means I get to hit you on the way down. That's just me, a little bit of Italian in me, if you will."
"The point is, I’m gonna destroy you for everything you’ve done to me and dragons like me! There’s no place in the world for a machine like you!"
"Sue finally getting that revenge he's been looking for."
"I'm gonna come back to all the non-believers and laugh in your face."
"Revenge is not justice. This is not revenge."
"He's been saying all week that he wants revenge on those that have wronged him. Here's an idea, Prime Minister. If he really wants to hit them where it hurts, he should tighten the rules on tax avoidance."
"It was a pleasure ruining your career, you corrupt bastard."
"Thor promised himself that the next time their paths crossed, he would not make the same mistake, and Thanos would die."
"That's my perfect death for Littlefinger: Sansa betrays him the same way he betrayed Ned."
"It would be such great character development for Sansa to kill Littlefinger on her own."
"Just because someone's terrible to you doesn't mean you have any right to be terrible to anyone else."
"If I had the tongue of every man who cursed me, I could make a cloak of them."
"Don't be sad, just get revenge on your enemies by killing them."
"Revenge sounded nice. I felt something well up, a need, a need for blood. Blood of the destroyer of my life."
"No one will have a greater wrath or vengeance than a woman when she has been wronged. Most men find out the hard way that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."
"Scorpios, some of you are planning revenge... seriously plotting."
"You want to mess with my career and my freedom? Watch your entire life go down in flames."
"Revenge is not a thing you take for someone else."
"Revenge is all I have now. Go, then. I'll stay with you. You're bluffing. I'm not. It's either me or Mushirige, our friendship or your revenge. You have to pick, Chiaki. Friendship."
"The game took revenge on you. Chang Gunners are not nice."
"Justice sought by violence is not justice; it just becomes revenge."
"You cannot kill my spirit, and my spirit will lodge in your body and haunt you until the day you die."
"He's in Revenge mode just from the Durham report by itself."
"Revenge is driven by this deep desire within for retribution and sometimes it can lead individuals to engage in some extreme and really harmful actions."
"Revenge bad. It won't bring back dead people."
"But now that dream has been cut short by a knife in the dark. I swear this, I will avenge him."
"Success is the greatest form of revenge you just keep it moving."
"You think this is over? You think you can vanquish one of our allies and get away with it?"
"Through the pain, I swore I will have revenge on Kang."
"The best revenge is to be successful and do better. There is no better revenge than success."
"Focus on your work and your finance. You know what the best revenge is? This is mainly for the new faces because I've said this a million times, the best revenge is success."
"Whatever it takes, I will drag you into an eternity of torment."
"Focus that energy on success. That's the best vengeance."
"The best revenge is success. That's the best revenge."
"Yes, it's time to fulfill my dream. It's time to kill Itachi."
"It's not about my revenge, it's about the revenge of the people."
"Mrs. Loomis's motive for revenge was intelligently crafted."
"Vegeta swears vengeance against Black for the murder of future Bulma and the torment of Future Trunks."
"For me, getting the revenge is not only against the other guys but also something personal."
"He was actually slaying a bunch of murderers who killed his family."
"The child that is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth."
"Men beware, if you visit, don't stand too close to the edge, as the ghosts are known to seek revenge."
"Believing Homelander is responsible for his wife's death, Billy Butcher dedicates his life to revenge."
"The best revenge you could possibly get is to move on and be happy and successful."
"She now joins XCOM seeking revenge against the aliens who violated her."
"Jeremiah Sand, you have seriously [expletive] up. You leave a guy with nothing left to live for, and that just means he's got nothing left to lose."
"The idea that he got Rollins back for what he did to him, it was his chance to finally do it after all these years and that cost him the match."
"We have avenged the 17th century, the heyday, the swan song of the Ottoman Empire."
"Success definitely shows the best revenge on anybody is getting very successful especially if they don't get successful."
"Success is the best revenge. Don't go home broke crying over a boy and go home with a queen [__] ring and some money."
"I will have vengeance!" - Excerpt from "Sweeney Todd"
"Our thirst for revenge could not overshadow our sense of humanity and compassion."
"You break his heart, you trick him and lie to him, and reinstate the matriarchy as a result."
"Actions have consequences. You screwed me over, now you're paying for it."
"That is the moral lesson from this video: if anyone treats you badly, if you ever want to take revenge on someone, or if you just wanna vent your frustrations, just take it out on someone you don't like. That's the moral here."
"It's like a ghetto ex-girlfriend smashing your car up with a baseball bat."
"I like the inspiration and I like the idea of using animals to get revenge on bad human beings given how poorly human beings are treated animals."
"The best revenge is to cut them off and live a good life."
"This is your rise, your revenge, your 'haha' moment."
"They say the best revenge is a life well lived and it sounds like you're doing that so just go live your life."
"He had only one thing on his mind that night: revenge."
"I got sweet revenge on my brother after four years of waiting."
"Being so blinded by revenge... lose your humanity over it."
"I'll get you back by destroying lots of enemies and making you look bad."
"She found out he was cheating on her but she waited until their wedding date to get revenge."
"Revenge is a Fool's game pretty sure I heard that somewhere oh yeah Red Dead Redemption too..."
"Not everybody wants justice. They want revenge, plain and simple."
"Mary wants revenge, and I kind of understand."
"Harry's revenge on Dolores for being a liar is extremely satisfying."
"Lockwood resolved there would come a day of visitation, an hour of Revenge."
"Revenge will not give anything good and greed will only bring destruction in the future."
"I think the best form of revenge is living a good life."
"The ultimate revenge is to heal, evolve, and do better."
"Britney's friend caught herpes from a bloke and Britney went and killed him and dumped his body in a lake."
"I promised my brother that I would make sure that the people responsible for his abuse would pay for that."
"This is your life's work, Chris, and he cost you an opportunity. Are you gonna make them regret it?"
"Sometimes the best revenge you can give an old boss is to hit them with a massive glow up."
"Cheating like this deserves some proper revenge."
"I find who did this, I'll never forgive them."
"I will find him, I will reclaim what you have taken from us."
"Our story follows Aiden's quest for revenge."
"That might be the person who killed my mom. I'm going to find them no matter what it takes."
"Prototype 2 featured a new protagonist, James Heller, in a quest for revenge."
"She kills him. Victor sowed the seeds of his own downfall."
"But after we learn Victor bred that enslaved him and killed his girlfriend and unborn child, he seems pretty justified in what he did."
"I didn't get my phone that day, but I did ruin a douchebag's career, and that was way more satisfying."
"The quiet kid was like some kind of anime protagonist, planning the craziest way to ruin the bully's life."
"I made me a vow to the moon and stars, I'd search The Honky Tonks and bars and kill that man that give me that awful name."
"They forced us into the light and now we're going to force them into the dark."
"Boss yourself up because it's the best revenge. Don't show them you care, don't eat them up, don't try and make them jealous back."
"When I hung Makarov by his [__] neck, I was so satisfied because I got to avenge soap, roach, Delta Force, Yuri, and everyone else who got killed by his acts of terror."
"No friend ever served me and no enemy ever wronged me whom I have not repaid in full."
"I was never your friend, fool. Yes, damnation, I will be. One life, one duty, one construct."
"Sometimes, the best revenge is simply being yourself."
"I actively hate her and I want to see her entire life ruined."
"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, man."
"Getting revenge is always sweet, how about six million dollars for your efforts?"
"I will have my vengeance in this life or the next."
"Someone was gonna pay for what happened to Daisy."
"It was the best revenge they could really get for La Capone."
"Revenge tells many different kinds of stories across racing."
"This Redditor is just one step away from changing all of the company's passwords and posting it to r/ProRevenge."
"The greatest retribution is massive success."
"The desire for Revenge has shaped him into who he is today."
"You want to kill this guy because he basically killed your sister, so like you know what, let's continue our working relationship because I'm a nice person."
"Is this another underground base? It's Miraculous Ladybug's base. She's saying she wants to get revenge on Pennywise."