
World Order Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"Then, it’s up to China to decide what claims it would pursue and to the U.S. and the rest of the Quad to determine how to proceed in creating a new world order."
"If you want to achieve a particular world order, you have to create the chaos in order to achieve that. You rub the ideologies up against each other until they become unbearable and then you get the synthesis that you want."
"The shattering war broke any hope that one of the demigods could rise to Elden Lord and repair the order of the world."
"A multipolar world is one in which people have to negotiate rather than reaching for their rockets."
"The future will really be determined by how America and Americans respond to the shifting world order." - John Huntsman Jr.
"If you're an Anti-Imperialist, you're an Anti-Imperialist... It's not a unipolar world anymore."
"The current military conflict in Ukraine represents the event that will mark the end of the world order established after the dissolution of the Soviet Union."
"A multipolar world requires actually more, not less, multilateralism." - Subramanyam Jaishankar
"It feels like the world is becoming more and more multi-polar and the U.S is trying to foster more and more conflict as that happens."
"There's nothing random in our world. Everything's by Design from a Biblical perspective."
"There is a world order prophesied all the way back in 1895."
"I think it's a very natural evolution outcome of a more multi-polar world."
"You've discovered your value and that's something that can't be compromised."
"There's a kind of right ordering of the world... it involves hierarchy... but there's also a strain of equality to it as well."
"China's goal is to defeat the US and establish a new world order."
"It is incredibly important for Russia to not just maintain sovereignty, but to chart a new world order away from the so-called rules-based international order."
"You can believe in science in the order of the world and have a spiritual conviction."
"We are seeing an old world order coming to an end and a new world order replacing it."
"The global power order that the US used to dominate is no longer there."
"The best we can hope for is a multi-polar world."
"We're no longer going to have a unipolar world; it is now multi-polar."
"You've established an economy in every country and brought order to the world."
"This is the end of neoliberal globalization... What we're seeing is a new form of globalization where there are different poles. It's a multi-polar world."
"The era of the unipolar world is becoming a thing of the past."
"If the goal is more balanced multi-polar World Order and the other side wants the opposite you see that to some level that's got to come into conflict."
"The critical steps taken to reshape the world order."
"What underpins of world order is always the financial system."
"There is going to be a world order. There is such a thing as a liberal world order. We are living under it."
"What's happening today, centered on Ukraine and Russia, is reforming the world order as we know it."
"The whole thing unravels at that point. We're not a unipolar world anymore."
"It's a war against NATO, it's a war to redesign the world."
"The world is not random. It's the farthest thing from it."
"The idea of Putin is not just to occupy Ukraine but to destroy the global order created after the Second World War."
"We need to kind of look for a peaceful transition to a multi-polar world."
"The current world order was hugely created after World War II."
"The reality is they're increasingly understanding the western financial system the western empire the unipolar world is dying."
"Prepare yourself for the changing world order."
"If Ukraine Falls, you know it's over, the entire world order crumbles."
"He wants to reorder the world as if he is the creator."
"We're shifting from a unipolar world to a multi-polar world."
"The world is not random. The world has order to it and structure."
"The collapse of the unipolar world order is not going to in and of itself bring a new world. A new world has to be constructed."
"A multi-polar world will definitely change almost all the pieces on the chess table."
"Everything is working. The world is right."
"... it's American power, it's American hegemony since the end of the Cold War that has defined sort of the order that we live in..."
"The world is trying to develop a multipolar world with several independent sectors of power."
"...what the United States is doing is moving from a unipolar world to a multi polar world... once you leave polarity and go to either by polarity or multi polarity a country can no longer pursue liberal hegemony."
"The world order that we live in today was created almost entirely by American power and influence after World War II."
"The human rights-based world order has a terrible chasm underneath it."
"1945 was a tumultuous year it saw Fierce fighting peace and the beginnings of a new world order."
"We're seeing a fundamental challenge to our world order."
"We're all witnessing a global power shift and we're all debating what the nature of the next phase of world order will be."
"According to Cox, 'Dominant powers in the international system shape the world order to suit their interests, not only through coercion, but through the generation of broad consent (or even support) for that world order even among those who are disadvantaged by it.'"
"Neither the invasion of werewolves into the world of humans nor the invasion of humans into the world of werewolves will be perceived by the Heavenly will as a violation of the world order."
"JoJo rule in the world is something that needs to happen one day for sure."
"America is today the biggest threat to the world. The West is not being true to its own values in trying to cope with a new world order."
"The regrowth of empire, the regrowth of a multi-polar world, and the collapse of the dream that the West has triumphed."
"The world is fairly well arranged. Goodness multiplies goodness."
"The answer to it in a world that is not yet completely out of joint will save."
"Everything about the world is to do with a kind of hierarchy, whereas accepting our own sovereignty is the key thing."
"The whole world is a great sanctuary, well devised and surely maintained as a strong, well-ordered house."
"The world is far too organized to have happened by chance."
"The traditional world order is going to change. Beware."
"Their legacy is the hope and the world order they passed on to all of us."
"Bitcoin changes the geopolitical world order in a meaningful way."
"Comprehensive democracy demands a world order that is democratic, inclusive, just, fair, and seeks the balance between enjoyment of rights and fulfillment of obligations in good faith."
"We are witnessing a rapid bipolarization of the world."
"Singapore must continue to speak up in global forums, bringing a reasoned voice to what sort of world order we want."
"The relevant geopolitical divide in the world today is no longer communist capitalist, east west, north south, it's between the world of control and the world of chaos."
"The reality of the world order seems guaranteed to us, that it seems certain that what has been ripening in the old seeds will reappear in the world of reality."
"This world is a world ruled by one divine plan."
"The world is becoming increasingly multipolar."
"The rise of a great power, China, to challenge the existing leading power and the existing world order."
"We need a multi-polar, multilateral order, starting with the UN Charter."
"From time to time, the world reorders itself. This is such a time."
"Prepare yourself for a changing world order."
"The order of this world depends on the proper establishment of rank."
"The goal of our ancestors was a vision of a world order where the people were educated and given certain tools."
"The liberal world order was another name for classic sphere of influence, and it worked for about 75 years."
"Are we ready to define a new world order in which Africa and the Democratic Republic of the Congo would play the role that is rightful to them?"
"We want the world to be according to the Divine laws."
"What kind of world that we want to live in is it one where borders can be changed by force?"
"We need to have a new economic and political world order to deal with the problems."
"These all things make for a world where Anarchy is not very costly, not such a bad thing."
"I think that's what makes society function, I think that's what makes the world function."
"The current crisis is a fateful, defining moment in modern history; it reflects the battle over what the world order will look like."
"The order of the world is made by her affection."
"We are in the midst of changing the world order."
"We share not only values, all the values we have high respect for, but also we have built a world order in a way by United Nations, Bretton Woods, and supporting that."