
Exclusion Quotes

There are 994 quotes

"Majin Vegeta, sorry you didn't make the list, buddy."
"Dorl stated that weak ones have no right to step into the world he was going to create."
"It feels like, you know, at school when everybody's doing their group projects and you've been left out of the group project."
"We don't take kindly to your types around here."
"Black women are often excluded from being viewed as feminine and especially ultra-feminine due to racism and colorism."
"If you can't pay the cash, then you're out with the trash. Some words of wisdom from Arlong the Sawtooth Shark Fishman."
"Her church tossed her out. That is a horrific story and just goes to show you that they're most interested in you being what their image of a good person is."
"The people who truly are capable, who've got brains and who have independent judgment and who have a strong moral sense of what is right and what is wrong, well, they've been edged out early on."
"At nine years old, I couldn't understand why somebody would say this to me, and I couldn't understand why people wouldn't want me inside of their home because of my skin color."
"Despite the general pardon offered by Charles... fifty people were deliberately excluded from Charles's acts of forgiveness."
"Zebras can't dance with the pretty girls. That's a rule that can't be broken."
"Heretics are barred by divine law from the supreme pontificate."
"The wall was never intended to keep everyone in. It was to keep the invading humans from coming in."
"Fascism is built upon the principle of exclusion."
"Jargon is the use of specially defined terms to exclude people from a conversation."
"So it's the same thing it doesn't matter if you're following the law you're a foreigner you're not getting in you know it's it's incredibly disheartening."
"And somehow they've been almost entirely left out of this entire conversation."
"Anytime you try to exclude somebody from doing something because of the color of their skin, that is a definition of racism."
"Racism in our context is a destroyer, you are a racist. If you are a racist, you become a non-person, you're drummed out of polite society."
"For me it's more about like why do why am I being you know kicked out for the things that are not a big deal."
"We are the tribe cast out by the dominant narrative but chosen by Allah."
"Kenneth Richmond had not been mentioned at all in this case up until this point."
"African Americans were excluded from... an opportunity to build wealth."
"This is about racism, this is about exclusion."
"When white people are exclusionary, that's usually from a white supremacist point of view."
"The Blues means people being oppressed, white folks please stay away from our goddamn music."
"They work really hard to make sure black people are continually excluded."
"Barrier Statue of the Stormwinds stops players from special summoning, creating one-sided games where decks are locked out of core mechanics."
"If you're unfuckable, see yourself out of this conversation."
"Everything's just getting worse...people are getting banned, people are getting removed."
"Black women are purposely being omitted from the conversation."
"No one gets left behind. This is why I'm [ __ ] in charge instead of you."
"Everything is about race and racism and if you want to tell a different story well you're not."
"I think for a lot of people Bernie or bust isn't their exact position, so framing the conversation is always like, 'Either you're Bernie or bust or blue no matter who.' That cuts those people out of the conversation."
"Elliot Page goes on to say if you do not support my political point of view you want to erase us."
"If you're not dealing with the baptism of Christ, I don't care how many people in your group, you are an antichrist."
"You can't come back here, okay? We're not embracing you again."
"Everybody who disagrees, well it's not for you don't watch it then."
"He's not on the inside, he's just a mascot. He's not on the inside, he is not on the inside."
"We have a vision for the future, but you don't."
"It feels like you're gonna die, it feels like you've been kicked out of the human race."
"He is exactly the sort of person that should be nowhere near a future Democratic administration."
"Why was Africa kept marginalized and away from world matters?"
"People will protect others they think are in the same club as them. But you're nothing but a party favor to be used and then thrown away."
"When will people realize that self-righteousness keeps more people away from God than anything else?"
"Maybe we will be able to do just some little good to eliminate judgmental paternalistic exclusionary attitudes and policies."
"I know you'll sell everything right, just not for us, not friends."
"When you question the motives and values of the ruling elite, you are immediately pushed out."
"Karen lost it on me, called me cheap, a bad friend, and then officially uninvited me from her birthday party."
"Freemasonry carefully excludes the Lord Jesus Christ from the lodge and chapter, repudiates His mediatorship, rejects His atonement, denies and disowns His Gospel, frowns upon His religion and His church, and ignores the Holy Spirit..."
"Did any of the mainstream corporate media cover it at all? None. It was absolute silence."
"SCP 38 87 B has refused to bring anyone else into its home."
"It is absolutely repulsive to me that people like this could be part of our community." - Evie Lupine
"It's not the party ending that upsets you; it's knowing the party will go on without you." - Reflecting on the impact of being removed from social media platforms like Twitter.
"This idea like, 'Oh, you're sick in body, you, God must not heal, just go, go somewhere else, just get out.'"
"When you start to get rid of a certain type of person because they don't follow a certain type of idea, you get rid of that."
"We are not allowed at the house when jim bob is there... jim bob has not allowed jill at his house but he will allow josh and he will have josh live on his property."
"The whole point of a racial slur is that you're trying to exclude and demean others."
"Other people aren't allowed to have rights, I don't get it."
"When you don't want to be a part of a [ __ ] club that pisses them off." - Ice Cube
"You're not invited to the wedding because of everything that's been done on the internet."
"Weaponization of the financial system... effective ways to lock an individual out of society."
"If they punish those people and kick them out of the system... this is gonna be super successful."
"And honestly like I always assumed that uh people like me were just ignored like they didn't know where we were."
"You're like the kid at kindergarten that nobody wants to play with."
"Nobody lets Rudolph play the reindeer games."
"Anybody that introduced this piece of legislation, anybody that supports it in its current form, should never ever ever be allowed in the halls of power again in the United States of America."
"The emo Guild is not gonna like this, they'll know that I have a weakness... I might be kicked out of the emo Guild no!"
"Allah forgives everyone except for those with enmity or who associate partners with Him."
"He says if you're going to be my disciple and follow me, there's one thing I want you to get in your heads: I don't pray for the world."
"Charles excuses him from the garden party due to Megan's behavior being unacceptable."
"You think I don't know, but I do. You all want me gone."
"Why are they so dead set on keeping it secret and keeping others at bay?"
"Characters who were ostracized and couldn't fit in."
"For all of especially the white people who feel some type of way about our organizations, they're not really for you."
"No more work for you, sir. You are not invited."
"So we can't get it, unless we have arm tattoos?"
"That's what he is telling you that is what that message is that's what that message tells you that black people are not welcome here you are not warranted here it is another form of segregation that's what it is."
"There's like a little bit of gatekeeping where people are like, 'I don't want other people to be like thinking they know about the thing that I'm super into.'"
"I don't want to just stay like the front because I'll be like an excommunicated loser."
"Both airport and camp constitute zones of exception."
"It's whatever. I'm enjoying hearing the stories, but I'm mad I can't be a part of it."
"Disdain is something around a social group. If I'm disdainful of you, it means you shouldn't be part of our society." - Mark Boden
"The Democrat party has ripped the welcome mat out from under Christianity."
"Just do something that makes your heart happy and just eliminate the others, don't think about them."
"American whiteness is based on exclusion and separation of others."
"If you don't fit within that [vocal majority], then you know, let it go."
"Trump put forward a new program for the Republican party... virtually all the globalists are gone."
"Labeling me and casting me aside to the undesirable is not going to further the conversation."
"You don't get voted off the island, you're written off it."
"It feels like they were already planning something against you, it's like they were already talking about you."
"This video has been analyzed over and over again, and it definitely feels like people having a conversation that they don't want you to be a part of."
"If you're on board, then you're one of us. If you object, you're no longer a citizen."
"God has granted access to the great sacrament, but pastors have locked the doors."
"Exclusion from recognition despite professional achievements."
"Our club has turned into the ugly person at the dance who no one wants to dance with."
"Jesus would not qualify to come in Trump's country. He would not qualify to get in Jesus's Kingdom."
"Nerd culture is supposed to be the culture of the neglected."
"When you're not in that circle, it's hard to get the social capital yourself."
"If you're a boring person, you don't get uninvited because you're boring. It's just that people forget."
"The wisdom of Solomon: A mysterious apocryphal book pushed out of the main Bible by the Catholic Church."
"The indictment sends a message: There will be no Trump or another one like him ever."
"Trump is the only one that doesn't belong here. Okay, one of these things is not like the others."
"You're trying to actually banish something or someone out of your life right now."
"If you stand with violent murdering terrorists, you don't belong in the political process."
"Freedom of speech includes the right to exclude."
"Gatekeeping: when someone takes it upon themselves to decide who does or does not have access or rights to a community or identity."
"A minimum entry fee to keep the ruffians out. Madness. Such a Victorian concept."
"It's so exclusionary the way that these conversations are being had."
"When you pass the vibe check, you're good to hang. Yeah, you can hang. Steven Crowder [__] his pants, he cannot hang."
"The British establishment finally shutting the door on Harry and Megan."
"When identity politics becomes the celebration of and the encouragement of group identities to the exclusion of everything else, it can start to go really really wrong."
"We've created a situation in which there is no place for you to helpfully integrate into society and so you're just pushed out further and further along the margins." - Unapologetic Live
"The article itself is probably not worthy of inclusion within the Star Wars wiki."
"They plan to create a left YouTube where we do not exist."
"Please don't come here. We don't want you here."
"The power to exclude from the sovereign's territory people who have no right to be there."
"Rewrite history and you will have written us out of the book completely."
"I'm banned from everywhere except for two casinos now."
"I believe there's a Galactic Federation. We're not allowed in it because we're [ __ ]. Because Earth is [ __ ]."
"You're either in the right narrative in that moment or you're excluded instantly."
"Virtually every single person from this point forward that continues to run against President Trump on the Republican side should never ever be taken seriously again."
"I don't care about your little group or your little Club if you guys just want to keep talking to each other and wearing all the same shirts or whatever you do you can do that but the rest of the world is moving on and and that gives me hope."
"They're afraid of being canceled and ostracized, it's very cultish."
"There's not gonna be somebody on my team that's sixth. You are cut from this team."
"They've consistently given reparations to everybody but black folk."
"I do worry... people who have suffered for so long in Latin and South America are excluded."
"It's either someone is keeping them out of the information nexus... or there's willful blindness."
"Yes! [Expletive] Darius, welcome! Get him out of here!"
"In a time of such hate and conspiracy, we need to rid our societies of these horrible ideologies."
"If you're being left out or forgotten, I'm sorry but they're not your friends."
"They didn't want this person to have this love."
"If people won't play with you because you're too good, it's not your fault."
"Normality is a stupid construct that is just an excuse to have outsiders."
"Learn to play nice with each other or be left behind."
"Why wasn't Donald Trump included in this case?"
"As George Carlin would say, it’s a big club, and WallStreetBets ain’t in it."
"I think anybody that uses a bots or third party software doesn't deserve to be in-game."
"In any case, the problem is there is nowhere for most people to stand because the reasonable position is not allowed."
"Why did it disappear, you know what I mean? What did it contain that felt the need to stricken it from the Bible?"
"We are needed. We are necessary. We synthesize. You are not. You cannot."
"No, you’re a different class of ne’er-do-well."
"There is this sense that Galadriel is not welcome back in Valinor, it's not just that she chose to stay, it's that she cannot return."
"I can't allow this and he was basically destroyed he's pretty much been kicked out of the labor party it's true of other organizers recently."
"It also happens to show me that they're shutting the door on U.S retail investors. You can't ignore it."
"The legacy of what Vox Machina is, the legend of Vox Machina, no longer includes Tiberius."
"In identifying someone, we are simultaneously exonerating everyone else."
"If your preference excludes an entire marginalized group including fat people it's not a preference it's bigotry."
"None of the men at this table would get chosen."
"It was clear that Trinity belonged and the others didn't."
"Certain demographics of people are not even allowed to have an opinion on certain topics and it's like that's anti-intellectual."
"Humanity is the architect of its own exclusion."
"It's gonna be like two people that Father Christmas doesn't want."
"In honor of Alexandria Kardashian, you will never be a real Kardashian. You will never be smart, you will never be kind, you would never be beautiful, you would never be accepted."
"The most powerful thing that can happen is an absolute ban from the server."
"A super league where only a few are allowed to participate will be a breach of the community in solidarity."
"Issues where there's broad agreement, places like healthcare, affordable housing, and family-sustaining wages, those are kept off the table."
"If God don't put you in, you're on the outside."
"Not teaching children about their bodies, about their sex, about their gender, about their expression, you're eliminating them."
"He never lost his faith in God no matter how much certain close-minded keepers of his faith told him that he was unwelcome to it."
"I hope you guys have a fantastic day... except you, Jimmy."
"Those who are not worthy, who don't meet the high bar of sorcery, just simply aren't worth it at all."
"Strong, he's no longer welcome back. That's how badass he is."
"If your child got money, that ain't who I'm working with."
"You probably should get left down, you probably will get left out."
"I'm not in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame nor expect to be because I broke the rules."
"Not everyone who says to him 'Lord, Lord' will be allowed to enter his kingdom in heaven."
"Any form of shunning or alienation based on a judgment that's made by people, I think, is harsh."
"They don't these Muslim voters don't need to be in the party."
"You're canceled if you're not in that Hollywood Elite woke left crowd mob some may call it."
"You feel like the kid left after everyone paired up."
"No haters, no [__], just a cool place to hang out."
"We're locked out in a way that no other minority group has ever been locked out."
"I'm glad they're getting rid of Lynn Cheney. I wish they would get rid of all of the Republicans... have just one left."
"It's crazy how in the last video, the girl wanted to be welcomed at the large table with the food, and the girls just kind of laughed at her."
"It's like they don't want to show the narratives of the conscious rapper."
"They're mad as [ __ ] because they know you're about to step into something that they can't touch."
"She consorted with the enemy, therefore she must be the enemy, and that is just such an absurd and toxic orientation."
"You will be unemployable, unlovable, unwanted. You will be exactly like those people that you currently torment."
"There's no neutrality in this, either you jump in the whip or you're outside of the whip."
"The only people who really aren't real fans of things are the ones who actively try to get in the way of other people enjoying those things on their own terms."
"If you don't understand that Yeshua is God, that's between you and the Most High."
"It is beyond embarrassing going shopping with your friends and not even being able to shop in the same section as them because your clothes are on the other side of the store hidden away in the back from everything else."
"Imagine being the person that boots up a Call of Duty instead of Elden Ring. Not in this house, ladies and gentlemen, not now, not ever."
"The whole idea was to keep everybody off of the island so the only way they knew what to do was to fly a helicopter to try to get some pictures."
"Black women are unwanted season after season."
"We should not allow Vladimir Putin back into the world order."
"Anyone who talks down Bitcoin... should not even be in the conversation."
"They had to be given their own separate kids table off to the side."
"A society that doesn't have a pathway towards Redemption is not a society you should be a part of."
"This is normies trying to kick out the baddies."
"Grab a cup of tea because if you're not, you're not allowed to watch this video."
"I have felt no negative repercussions outside of probably being invited to a party for New Year's that I didn't even know about."
"The irony of all this is that a Jewish movement built upon Jewish scriptures and faith in a Jewish messiah was hijacked by gentiles who proceeded to declare Jews to be outcasts."
"It's like being the only one in your family not invited to a party."
"We're here to report everything that the mainstream media is not reporting."
"We're not problem-based, we're solution-based. If you don't think we can do it, then you gotta go."
"When kids just sort of got the boot like yeah ass out of the way."
"The community's best men are being shunned and thrown to the side."