
Supernatural Abilities Quotes

There are 194 quotes

"The Antichrist will perform acts others cannot do, offer solutions others cannot provide, and bring peace where others have failed."
"Orihime resolves to protect her and this is where the ability Shun-Shun Rika, which stems from Orihime's hairpins, is activated."
"Viney Bloom possesses the ability to control and manipulate vines and plant growth, making it skilled in both offense and support."
"Blaze Flare exudes an intense heat from its body and has the power to generate and control flames."
"Coralith has the ability to create protective barriers using its coral formations and is known for its adaptability and resilience."
"Marianne has certain unique abilities; she is a medium and possesses the ability to see things that other people wouldn't."
"Those touched briefly by the fairies...may develop uncanny fairy-like abilities."
"She can set things on fire by the power of her mind."
"Momo knew she couldn't hide it, so she had uncomfortably revealed the truth in a whispering voice: she told them that she had Yin and Yang eyes."
"If it's for the sake of their child, a parent can call forth amazing powers."
"Vampires... have life drain... They're an eternally rolling snowball that can fly across the map and even in later levels teleport."
"I'm definitely going with angels breath, the ability to cure any illness, no matter how terminal."
"Now he can control its weight however he pleases."
"P493 has proven able to control all the elements and more, and its ring changes hue depending on whatever ability it's using at a given moment."
"Levitation, knowing things outside of what you should be able to know, speaking ancient languages."
"God is literally among us, and well, he has powers."
"He directs the energy into Lynn's body, fusing it with him and it initializes the war god system."
"Thor has been said to be able to see across worlds, hear cries of help from the other side of the world, and he can smell really well too."
"I'm flattered that these commenters are clearly so impressed with my content that they're forced to conclude I have Supernatural Powers."
"Shambles allows him to swap not just physical things but also things like personality and spirit."
"Members of the goddess clan are known for a number of unique abilities, including the power to heal."
"I am ready to learn about my new powers, oh my god, she will become a deadly trumpet."
"Abel is classified as a Titan black humanoid, simply put, a demi-god due to his speed, durability, strength, an impressive fighting record being thousands of years old."
"As soon as she grabbed the pencil, however, an immense energy surged through her hand and word afterward was scrolled out onto the page in rapid succession."
"Awakened the Mangekyo Sharingan, mastering Tsukuyomi and Amaterasu."
"It enables you to hear the city itself to truly belong to the streets it is a supernatural ability old wrongs play out in present time scenes across the city happen in front of you."
"Witches can perform telekinesis, lifting objects with an unseen force, among other abilities."
"Another strange ability seems to be teleportation... basically have you ever seen a spider jump before?"
"Rey arrives and shouts for her to stand, triggering visions of her friends and unlocking the next level of her power."
"Marco, the Phoenix: flames of revival, healing, flight - a true marvel."
"It was discovered that Lori and Chad believed that they had extraordinary abilities..."
"People who are able to remember their previous lives are known as Saviours; they have the ability to harness Ancestral Arts, attending schools around the world to cultivate said powers."
"The main antagonist in the series was Aku, a mystical deity-like being with magical abilities."
"Telekinesis would just be a whole lot of fun."
"Doctor Strange can literally mess with time."
"Law's kind of reconfiguring the metal of his sword at an atomic level, that is what's causing it to stretch."
"These devil fruits match the nature of their owners—Luffy, Law, Kid, the strongest of this new generation."
"His control over his Zanpakuto is so great that he can actually use some of his Bankai abilities while it's still in its Shikai form."
"I believe he did have the ability to control demons."
"He's also immune to Espers, as in the webcomic the very best Tatsumaki could do was make his muscles twitch."
"Arguably the greatest power Qui-Gon Jinn possessed was the ability to transcend the material plane as a Force spirit."
"The burnished are more or less normal people with the ability to control fire but they're treated like criminals just for being born the way they are."
"People who have reawakened are rare enough but he is likely the first hunter that is able to continuously grow stronger."
"Dark Shadow gives Tokoyami command over a sentient shadow that lives within him."
"The poppy war: you get high and you get powers."
"Yuji itadori's strength and Agility were much higher than any ordinary human from the get-go."
"Your power exceeds that of the Sorcerer Supreme."
"Because with her just being able to pick up the force."
"He's able to open dimensional pockets to move great distances in the blink of an eye."
"Wanda has the ability to rewrite reality essentially, which could produce the same effect as the snap."
"Allows you to walk through walls pretty damn cool guy."
"There is no destiny that Izanagi isn't able to alter."
"Pro bending is a sport where benders compete with each other."
"Perona's astral projection ability raises questions about her travel capabilities."
"One of the upsides to being possessed by this demon is that they will grant you knowledge of every language in the world."
"Emotec's insight and masterful planning border on the supernatural."
"The night sister magic is a pathway to many abilities both Jedi and Sith consider to be unnatural."
"Psychic gifts, astral traveling, lucid dreaming, and Pathak abilities."
"Sex Magic is literally just utilizing your sexual energy for magic—accessing your Supernatural gifts, healing, amplifying your personal power, or creating a dream."
"One of the myths around Psychopaths is that they have an almost supernatural ability."
"He has like supernatural abilities, he can climb to the top of a tree in like 2 seconds."
"Layla has the ability to resurrect dead beings, restoring their bodies and their Consciousness but not their soul."
"The power to decay things, to make things a lot older than they usually are."
"Old Mixie can rewrite matter and reality to suit his needs."
"You know, your father's a god, right? He can heal himself on command."
"Loki can just hand over his powers to whoever he wants."
"Misto being the extradimensional demon that he is has a ton of powers and abilities."
"Nekron is the embodiment of death and darkness and has the ability to take and restore life as he wishes."
"You have the ability to read anyone's mind but everyone knows you have the ability to."
"Running over water: Monks can really run on water, which is a real superpower if there ever was one."
"Seeing dead people as a superpower instead of a crippling curse."
"Essence of the power of the devil fruit is actually in your blood."
"You can freeze time whenever and wherever you want but time will start moving again between 30 seconds to 5 minutes of the initial freeze."
"Even after obtaining a strong immortal body, Muzan resented the curse of not being able to go out under the sun."
"The force is usable by anyone and from the remote viewing stuff, it's pretty clear that you can develop these abilities."
"He finally blows the monster up instantly with his special ability."
"Harrow's secret power: knowing people's deepest, darkest secrets."
"Perhaps our host was a noted Seer. Interesting, it's a Seer. Let's see, I'm a Seer, I've seen lots of things."
"Luffy and Kaido clashed again, splitting the clouds in the sky with their conflicting Haoshoku."
"Kenobi's complete trust in the Living Force enabled him to achieve feats typically beyond those of his skill level."
"Anakin's natural ability with the Force allowed him to go from simply intermediate to masterful in the span of three years."
"Possessing someone for a mere five seconds, he eventually discovered the perfect use for his abilities."
"But if I touch a person, I can see what will happen to them on a time base of a day."
"Paul becomes really connected with his prescient abilities after he undergoes the spice agony."
"Doing so is difficult for normal humans," but thanks to the special bullets she created, anyone can store spiritual energy and activate it whenever they need it.
"Even psychers can't help you against the Death Guard."
"Lady Loki pairs her consciousness with C20. Wanda Maximoff's illusion curse is a similar look but different colors."
"We've now unlocked awaken skills: your hands can..."
"He got a new superpower after being near to death and he became Immortal."
"Out of all of the Admiral fruits, my favorite is Kizaru's glint glint fruit - you got lasers, you could travel with the speed of light."
"Soul me who witnessed that asked whether hypnosis magic was not included in the goyu family's innate abilities he had heard that learning something different like that was very difficult."
"The guru guru no me allows its user to see through everything—whether it be layers of physical matter or even deeper concepts like being able to selectively read minds."
"Oh well, that's convenient. Jack says that he can bring her back."
"This is actually freaking really cool. You can levitate and scare the people."
"Pisces knows that she can't bring the old woman's son back as wished, but she can use all her abilities to make her mother living happiness."
"Due to her luck stat she is able to nullify causality and even manipulate fate itself to her favor."
"Many believe that animals can see things that humans can't."
"A place where strange rituals occur, and people with unnatural abilities thrive."
"Godspeed: Kilua's lightning-fast abilities, manipulating aura to react autonomously, a genius amongst geniuses."
"This is probably why we can never catch Bigfoot, he can just transport through trees."
"The Spirit has given every believer a gift, a supernatural gift that goes beyond the natural."
"The ancient one just has hacks abilities that no one can really get past."
"The power to control time, immortality, destiny... well, let me tell you this job sucks."
"Surfing in a tsunami, this is beyond human, this is like alien stuff."
"The Equalists most valuable asset was their leader Amon who told his followers that the spirits had granted him the ability to remove people's bending abilities."
"Yubel is the certified free-run smoke demon, her skill for battle and adapting to surpass her opponents in the blink of an eye is commendable."
"His curse technique has been able to stop special grade curse spirits."
"Despite his inexperience with his powers, Ichigo is still able to kill Soul King empowered Yhwach twice."
"Someone used magic to summon William from the state and get him those powers."
"Imagine a remorseless killer who can actually manipulate the very fabric of reality at whim, an impulsive and amoral maniac with the power to become any creature of their choosing."
"Logia fruits turn you into the element of substance of that devil fruit. Any normal attack will literally just pass right through the user."
"Force Lightning: The Dark Side variant swells the dark side of the force, and the Light side variant known as Electric Judgment channels its wielder’s sense of Justice."
"Force Heal: We currently don’t know exactly how Force Healing works in canon, but we know that it can heal a person at the expense of the healer’s own life force."
"Tempus, as she used to be known, was able to control the passage of time in a specific pocket of space."
"Sage Mode is basically a special state in the world of Naruto that allows a user to absorb chakra from nature."
"Naruto being able to tap into the six path Sage Mode is not out of the question either."
"He's turned into a plasma being and now he can journey into the celestial Realms."
"You can use the force and hold the lightsaber after you're dead."
"Franklin Richards: controls age, creates universes, beyond Omega level."
"Megumi Fushiguro's chimera shadow garden floods the area with shadows and allows him to summon a slew of shikigami all at once."
"If you knew your powers could cause that, would you still use them?"
"Through his clairvoyance, Gil can also see into the future."
"Sasuke still possesses his Rinnegan which grants him the ability to use the six paths technique."
"Last night we saw Koichi, his stand was actually the newer version, it was pretty cool."
"The Rangers reached for the lights of Orion putting their hands up and being imbued with new armor and weapons."
"Goku, achieving even greater heights with Super Saiyan God and Blue forms."
"How the [__] did that work? I got powers. I don't know, I just... He's got magic, bro. We got powers."
"I couldn't help myself but to mess with the gauntlet for the next few days the power to teleport at the palm of my hands is just it's too much power."
"Tan Fang emanates a radiant Golden Aura as he unleashes the full might of the great handprint of light."
"By completing his bankai hitsugi is able to attain a level of power far greater than where he is currently at."
"Yandere-chan, I implore you, I need your help. I can revive corpses, produce weapons, and give you insane powers, but I cannot leave this freaking tank."
"Yo, reading minds is just a dangerous ability, man, it really is."
"There was nothing to fear because they had special skills that the humans of this world did not if push comes to shove they can overtake the world's armies together."
"He could travel across the universe in an instant."
"Raising supernatural kids is crucial; equip them now to walk in their calls."
"Their psychic power called hive nexus... that's a really spectacular defensive buff just from a single psychic power."
"Kakashi managed to teleport a missile moving at full speed towards Choji."
"Humanity's superpowers come alive in 2024 as we tap into undiscovered talents and intuitions."
"And after Harlan becomes connected to Vanya through the powers that she transfers to him, he seems to have some foresight or ability to sense the future."
"Nico fought bravely in the battle of the labyrinth stabbing a telekin and summoning many ghosts."
"Lang Mo's body had absorbed all the heat energy, to be precise, 99.99% of it now coursed through his meridians."
"A reluctant medium discovers the ties that bind can unleash a dangerous power."
"We don't need to breathe, we have a climb speed equal to our walking speed, which is super cool."
"How about the ability to open up a door into a pocket dimension where you can apparently use to teleport to other locations and completely escape any sort of harm or injury?"
"It's like the ultimate time out ability."
"My body is exploding with power, Damon. I can hear things from far away. I can see through the darkness. I can move like it's magic. And the guilt, the pain, Damon, I can turn it off like a switch."
"He approaches and the man tries to strike him but the boy easily escapes as if he could teleport."
"In this scenario, though, all of that finger power may as well be Yuji’s because he can use it all without having to give up control to Sukuna."
"Silence uses her psychic abilities to knock him out."
"It's essentially the ability to create seemingly infinitely deep pockets within one's body."
"Now, where Dragon's devil fruit really comes in handy, if its wind, is that while fighting, he could essentially have airbending techniques like Aang from The Last Airbender."
"There's a strong possibility that code's chakra is affecting them via the claw. He may not be an ōtsutsuki, but he's got a Karma."
"Alice discovers that she has Kristen's ability when she accidentally falls asleep in class and brings the nerdy girl Sheila in with her."
"Zoro can sense the location of other people, even if they're invisible or far away."
"When people finally open up this Center and we teach them how to do it... our students are supernatural."
"Apparently, any aristocrat vampire can seal away someone's memories. Everybody can steal memories, apparently. That's just a thing in this world."
"Violet finally produces her Signet ability and that is lightning wielding."
"Pretty sure other cultures besides Mexicans can't shoot fire out of their hands."
"Mob's powers mean that you have the power to change who you are."
"The telekinetic abilities of the little one are at the highest level and much stronger than those of famous talents."
"It is theorized that Bloodraven might have sent the direwolves to unlock the Stark children's warging abilities."
"That is the last sense that you have gained from me: the ability to sense emotions of all kinds, even intentions to a point."
"God wants to leave his throne and he tells 12 angels to go down to earth and find humans to give angelic abilities."
"What I feel for you helped me gain control of my powers."
"We don't realize we're actually like space beings and we have crazy powers probably."
"We have powers, but we can prove our powers, and we have eyewitnesses, and they're you."
"Highly trained, deadly, and 300 years old, Fern is a shifter wolf out to complete his reconnaissance mission."
"I have studied in the Kingdom of the devil for four years and they have given me so much power."
"He can travel across space and time at will, even to magical dimensions."
"Klaus's ability to materialize potentially anyone from the world that lies beyond will likely become an important trump card in future events."
"These shoes will allow you to leap years, but be careful how you use them."
"Her Fang engine gives her Chi manipulation which would just vaporize Mileena."
"I could feel the flames but not their heat; my sight was now sharper, my hearing even better."